D001885• City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current Budaet • 325,000 33,000 138,000 18,000 120,000 298,000 383,000 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 0£ the City Charter and based on the request of the Director o£ the Department o£ Libiaiies to amend the 1996 and 1998 budget of the Capital Imorovement Budaets £und, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Capital Improvement Budget 3T510-7316 Trans£er From CIB 1996 3T510-0892 Architectural Fee 3T500-7316 Transfer From CIB 1996 3T500-0692 Architectural Fee 3T500-0898 Building Improvements 3L016-7316 Transfer from CIB 1996 3L016-0898 Building Improvements Prepared by: Activity Manager ���a�: �'rl/`ZY �����:t�� Requested by: Department Director 1,281,000 SE No: 0 I g 5 Date: � —/ � — (J (l Amended Budqet 316,929.50 29,929.50 129,351.22 11,937.99 112,913.28 269,729.2B 909,729.28 1,281,000 M Gt�.� Approved by: Mayor �8� Date Chanqe (8,075.50) (8,075.50) (13,648.78) (6,062.06) (7,586.72) 21,729.28 21,729.28 �t�o l 8 �s DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCQ,: DATE INTfIATED Gg�EN SHEET NO.: 64169 �r211CS �.3' g, 2�� CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: p rz�uiwmwl's �nTTnlmnl'E Fran Galt 266-7072 p�Gx 1 DEPARiMENi DIIt � S� cm covxcn. NUMBER c17rnTmxl�Y � s /g /� J 3 cR7ct.EaR MIJST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY ROUTING (DATE� ORDER 2 Flninxcfni, sER.V D12�� a i•7Naxc7ai. s&2v[cES�ACCi' MAYORCORASSfJ CNII.SERVICECA7.4.IISSIDN TOTAL # OF SRGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S[GNATLJRE) ncnox xeQuesTEn: Approval of Administrative Order revising the 1996/98 Capital Improvement Budgets to move funding from the Central Library Tuckpointing and Central Sewer Separation to the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library to cover a shortfall.. RECOMMENDAI'IONS: Approve (A) a� Reject (R) IP7@I�QDRIAII, H1E1��`II[Q7& 2�IDR17C43AQ'Il'� FAIIJB'Il' AIy86YlE1@ 7fffiIE II�UDII.II.QD@`JIR3` Qa �VJ@.�7fII�F73e _pLANNING COMbIISSION _CNII. SfiRVICfi COMI„llSSION i. xas Pois pms�snm eveawoe�ed �« a sontrs6t �ae �is depav�entt CJg CAbA4CITBE _ gsT. — 2. Hns 8tis p�sod5ma evrs berm a city �p➢oyee? _DISIRICT CAURi SUPPORTS WHICHCAUNCII.OBSECTNE? 3. Dces ffiis pasadS� possess a s&iY1 noY m�aalh7 ��� b3' �3' � �S' eraployx? ]Ea�6m s� qxs �vr¢vs ��¢�¢mP¢ slA.e¢� s�m7 �40�� f� �a¢� e➢ae¢¢ ITIATING PROBLEIVI� ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why): udget adjustments are needed to cover the costs associated with the Saint Anthony Library Branch accessibility�mprovement project. There are monies available in the budget for the Centra] Library Tuckpointing and the Cental Library Sewer Separation projects. Costs associated with the Saint Anthony Library have escalated due to the complexities of terminating the contract with the main contractor. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: a �- There will be sufficient funds to complete the Saint Anthony Library project. ����� � �:, �����V DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��� y � ��QO � � V None � ,� ��, °°� �.�. � ,�: k<s`,k ,5.�, DISADVANTAGE5IF NOT APPROVED: The Library will be unable to complete the Saint Anthony Project within the existing budget. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $-0- COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes Fi7NDING SOURCE: 1996 Capitsl Improvement Budget ACTIVITY NUMBER: 3T500, 3T530, 3L016 `NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) R�CEiVED �Y a s 2000 D.�n c\wpdocs�CIB.�RN.wpd