1846502 — 18Q650 -: COUNCIL FILE N0_________________________ By---------------- ` FINAL ORDERS FINAL ORDER Council File No. 184650 - �- the matter of constructing new In the Matter of constructing new ornamental lights on South Wabasha Street from Commercial Street (vacated) at the south end of the Mississippi River Bridge to East Winifred Street with new light standards. Also installing new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations, under Preliminary Order ------------ X83149 ------- - - - - -- - -- approved ---------- ------------------------- - - - - -- Intermediary'Order ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by. the said City is. construct new ornamental lights on South Wabasha Street from Commercial Street (vacated) at the south end of the Mississippi River Bridge to East Winifred Street with new light standards. Also install new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations., s y •; and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improveme l iu- accordance therewith.' OCT Adopted by the Council____ 1 0 CT 11957 Approved----------------------------------------------- RUBLIJIRY/ Councilman D.COUR& Councilman Hekgfq, Councilman,tF... Councilman mol�nt�OIV Councilman PETEf1� Councilman ROSEN,G� .. Mayor DILLON 2.55 2M 2 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , In the matter of constructing new ornamental lights on South Wabasha Street from Commercial Ftreet (vacated)at the south end of the Mississippi River Bridge to East Winifred Street with new light standards. Also installing new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations. .104650 under Preliminary Order approved June 26, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 7 6. 1 5 for 5.3h ft. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is R t. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: the-- Gam m• issioner- of�iee- fu•rth�r- reports- that- lie- ha• s- i• n- we- atiga•ted- a•11- af�h�afor- esaid- matter- s —a•nd- heretr3r--subrrrits -- the - foregoing - -as- his- r- eport- thereon -to- the -- Council; together- with -- the - report made -to him -ilt • ref• ererree -to- said- matter- by:- tl3 e- Gorrrrrrission�r- of- P- ublis- �r-k�. o - Earn -m swener- of--Pr-na- -neer Form B. S. A. 8 -5 D DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LND ASSESSED VALUATION ,BLDG Subject to Sewer Easement; 1 1 Auditor's Subdivision No. 36 ;50 "--- {,, 2 1 100 - -Lots 3 1 200 1 & 2 2 2000 40001 3 2 1050 6750 (except S. Wabasha St.) 4 2 1100 -- 5 .2 1200 5550° Part measuring 52 ft. on N. line & 75 ft. on S. line from W. line of Wabasha St., as widened, of 1 3 325, -- (Y"ept -S Wabasha St•. 8- excep- Sewer Easement;) 2 3 200 =- the-- Gam m• issioner- of�iee- fu•rth�r- reports- that- lie- ha• s- i• n- we- atiga•ted- a•11- af�h�afor- esaid- matter- s —a•nd- heretr3r--subrrrits -- the - foregoing - -as- his- r- eport- thereon -to- the -- Council; together- with -- the - report made -to him -ilt • ref• ererree -to- said- matter- by:- tl3 e- Gorrrrrrission�r- of- P- ublis- �r-k�. o - Earn -m swener- of--Pr-na- -neer Form B. S. A. 8 -5 D CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Page 2 r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C2� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATION B + (ExcepV-S. Wabasha St. & except Sewer Easement) (Except S. Wabasha St.) Lots 4 & 3 —5_ _3* 3. Subdivision No._36 - _ _ _ �- 225 -_ -500; 1$ _1$00 _ do -- _ ._._ _ ._ _ . _._ do 6 7_ _ 3 , 3_ ._ ..- _ -_ _ . _- ... _ ___ v 550_. ki5� f o -- T 1600' _ do _ __ -1 Prescott's Addition 4to St.Paull" 100. ? —do _._ __2 - - - -- -- loo_ _- - i do __ _ - 3 _._ _ _. 5 '50 do _ _ _ . _ _ _ _. _ .. _... _ ado__ ._._ ____ __ _. 5 _ 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ._. � ___ _� _M 150 _ � i �54t - t l• . _ _ - 7 do —�.. _. 8 - __ i 25 - 9-- _ _. - - = - _ 125- - do, 13 ( s i _. _`.. do do,--- Y __15_ 15 . _ _. _ - ��.___.._ _ — _____ _ _ 2 do ._ _ _doa _. 18 19 20 _ 50 .150 �-_ _._ _ _ do _ 21 1 — __25 _050` a des other 75p a 1 ? proper 53 5001 ) — IWIII 'IB" - Robertson's Addition to _ . . (inc West St. Paul FORM a.a.,, TOTAL (includes tiler! proper ) • i i 1 ' � J CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Page 3 t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER !R1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LAND VALUATION BLD -- 1 !ICI Robertson's Addition to Pt 00 -t- ---- f . ludes o proper ) 4 II DI D e _ _ West St Paul . 1500ther !_i- ! i 1[ _0 7 _ 5100 . J _Except SWI ly _50Tf t; _10 t 1,& th6. :. NW11y 7'11 t.• of lot 2 166 190Q 1400 Except. 5W1ly_,50 Jt; the SE ly_ -43.ft _ 2_ 166. — _3ti 166 _ _1500,.- — ..166 _._ ___ _--_ - -- _.- - 100 __ I _5 166 - _ _. _._-_ _ _ _ _ _. f 190 a. _ l 5600 ✓1 167 , ,.__ __ , _.___ -- 19001 2 167, -1500 _ _. N2 of Lot _ 3_ 167 L S1- of Lot 3 8c_all of Lot._._ _ —__ 4. 167 _ -- -._.- .. _ -_ 22.50 13,000 ,167 _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ 15001:- -+ 3900 1500_- - t I That part - of Lot-7., _NE' ly_ of_a line_ _ t drawn from a point on the Ntly line, 70 ft.-.from-the NE' ly corner_ to- a point on the S. line 85.31 ft. from - the SE 11y_ c orner_of . said Lo _ _ 7 _ 167 _ 1. 0 __ l0 __ 000 Ip� 3_& 2 4 168 168 _ _. _ _ _ ...___i �—__ _2150(- ( _ -98 4100- - ,. _ • sw 100 ft. of Lots 5,_6 &_- - 7 . _ 169 _._ _ _ _ — _ . _ _ __- (inclu - _550 _ es other 4450 proper - 8300._._ _ Lots 8 & ... _ _ 9 _ 169 _39100 3450 1 _. _ _ Lots 5 6,_and 7 176 _ - -� - -� L�s600 _ 170,000 (inclu es other 2550 pro erty�) 100 North 46.77 ft. of 6 177 +2000 1 10,7Q0 S._3.23 ft. of Lot 6 & N.7-7_ft• _._. _ �_. —7 _ 177 - S.' 3.23 ft. of Lot 7 &_ all of Lot 8 11771 230d j 3 I I Boa FORM B.B.II TOTAL i , CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE { ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (g)l 5 180 ____ _,2250 _ 930. Except N l ly 14 ft. of Wily 40.5 ft; E . Lot 21 & except W1ly 1.0.5_It;_. _3750 _ 8,70 3. 181 1 690 _.. I. T. _(Except South 12.22 feet)_,_ 4 181 _ 1200 ' -- f 181 9 0 250 _ .$._12,.22 ft. ofhot_4 &_N. 12.78 _5_ - __`_ __ 5 _ �. __r_ _. South- 3-7-.-Z2.-,f of , 5 181 a _ _ 1500 1 _182 _ _ _2100 190`ny Lots 2 & —3-_142 5850 _ West St. Paul 33_00 _ j& commencing at the intersection ) Y - - _of North line of Lot 9,,,and N'ly ) _._ _ 4 � line of Wabasha St.; thence East f) along _North line of Lot_ 9,,- 30_, 30 f thence South to Nily line of i l Wabasha St .• thence to beginning, part of o FORM ®.8.11 TOTAL f _DESCRIPTION L LOT B BLOCK A ADDITION A ASSESSED VALUATION L�G� T. - - _9 Addition to 2 2 4 7000 Lot 5 &.N. 1.4 ft. *of W._81.60_ft.of___6 1 178 W West St. Paul — _._ � 2 4 7 6350 _ _ Except-the N,_ 1.4 ft. _of W._81.60 f_ ; ; 6. 1 178 _ _ 2 2100 _ 14 .9350 _ _ -- - - 178 - - - _ _ __. _ ___ 2 2500 1 153600 9_ 1 178 _ _- - _ _2500 2 273050 _(Except (Except East. 40_f e -e t) ;«__ . ._ 5_ _ _179_ 4 1 -179 - - --- - - -- - - -- - --__ _ _ _ 175 0 7_ 1 179 _ __ _ __. _.._ _ - -_ - - - - - - _.. _ -.- , ? ?-Zr So _ _ i i5 .,0 _6- 8 1 179 _ __.— 9. 1 179___ _ _._ ___ -- _ _., _._ _ _ i 1 1 ! 1 1 180 - - _ — — - -- —._ _ _ _ 2250 _ _ 6 6900 Nor th - z of Lot _. ,_ ._ _ _ _ _ _.� ��. _ _ - 2 2 1 180 . .. _ _ _ __ _ -_. _. _ -- -_ 5 56 - - 3 3750 - -- 4--180,--- _ t i i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE page 5 s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER !R1 i j II .. Blk. 34, _and of Sibley_ St... vac _adj ._. 4- . West of S. Wabasha St. and between _ 1 I _ extended _N. & _ ._S -line_ ofsaid_part of 4_ _33 31501 _ _.. South.- 30. ft._of -Lot _4, _Blk _ 33, —and of that part of Lot 6, Blk. 34, ly- - -ing, West of _ S. Wabasha_ St.::, -also all that part of Sibley St. lying b_es- aidl tween-ab ove_.described_ arts _ of lots - Part of Lot 4, Block - - - - - -= 33 _ and-part of Lot 6, Block _ -- - -_--- _ .. 34 _.._ �_. _..._ - - - . _.._ _ _ _ _.._ _ _ _ _ 90 _. 485C I _ _That. part - of Sibley .St. vacated 1y- ing between S. Wabasha St. and Wes line_ of_Lots 2 4_3, also_ those _� _ parts of Lots 2& 3 lying S t ly of Concord-5t. �_. v_ _ _ _ _ _ 3!i _ __. 2025 37.0 _ Except South 2 ft. of West 118 fi, the following: -That part" of Sibley 1 j St.' vacated lying between • S;Wabasha St. and West line of Lot 4, and . "• (except S. = Wabasha St.) that -part i South 'of Concord St. of Lot 4 3 fo W f of 1 � South 2 f t� of West 118 ft, ; lowing: _ That part of Sibley St. vacated lying between S. Wabasha & West line of Lot 4 & (except S.Wab I as a—S° hat par outh -Con- I 1 FORM e.e.11cord St. of Lot 4 34 TOTAL t DESCRIPTION' L LOT B BLOCK A ADDITION A ASSESSED �DVALUATIONBLDG Lots 7 & 8 6 6 W West' St. Paul 1 1 1500 $ $i7850 1 the intersection of North line of Lot-9 -and N!ly_ line -of Wabasha St-L.-'l A A _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _.__. ____ _ __ - - -- _ -- ' i i 3 � 8 s __- (except S. Wabasha St. )that part o; � _ 1 600 1 1 6 6200_ ' ' -- - 33 _ _ 5�j- - 2250�i � -3.3_ M -- 2 Except St.;-the S2 of Lot 2, all of- Lot 3, and the North 25 ft,,of * Lot:4 ' and_ all that part_of Sibley St. be- tween East line of above described tract. and -the- Wes t _line_ of ..Block, ._ _ _ 1900 1 1 5 5000 `i _ 33,. 1 Except _North _25 -ft._ &_except South � 3 .�_ .i _ _ � • CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Page 6 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (R1 DESORIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED NDVALUATIONBL_ Mr' West 11$ feet of that part East of So. Wabasha_ St. of Lot - - - - - -- Except Concord St.) the West 2 of 5 _ 34 West St. Paul 1100 � 2.800_ art East p _ .� st of_So._Wabasha St. Lot 6 _54- --_ — _ _ - __— _ 1650 16,500 _ East 32 feet of Goff Ave. vacated adjoining and (except So. Wabasha St.) North 45 feet of Lots l,_2 & 1500. ! _ 6750 East 32 feet of Goff Ave. vacated - adjoining _ and (except So. � Wabasha - I- k I i 4- _ St.) the_ South 80 feet of Lots _1 2'& 3-. _54 - 1500 -- ,: - _ (Except_S.Wabasha _St.,)_Lot-5-& o —d _ ,54 _. �__. _r -. _ _.__�_ _ 2.250 _- 250 _ Except East 30._ -t. of South_ 00 . fee ' and except South 50 feet of West 20 ., feet; Lot 13., and,, except .South -50_ feet and South Wabasha St.; Lots_ .14 .& _ _ 15 . 54 _ 2050; .._ fi 4l�00 . Exce p t_ So. - Wabasha_St., Lots _16_& Except West 60 feet and except 15o. 17­54- (includes, 0t1 other property) ! 0- _ Wabasha -St.; _, Lots _,6,-&--,-- . _ _ . Part West of So.:. Wabasha St. of Lots -1_ &_. Part East of So. Wabasha St. of _71-62, _ 2___63. (incl ____ �_ __..______ ... ___ ._ _._� - 24)0E , des other : __d00 10,700 property, _ ) .- 650 __.Lots 1._ & _2_ _63 _ _ _. _ - - -- __.. 1600 18.00 Part East of So. Wabasha St. of Lot 3­63- 3 --55b � 2500 _ M_ Except So. Wabasha St. - ; - -- Except Prospect Boulevard and 4_. -63_ __ ._ ... _ _ - -- _ — _� __ _ , �- - _ 600 ._ �m15o, k 3250 ,_ except East 10 feet for alley ;—_ _ l._ „_ 7 _ Robertson °s,Addition _._ ___. _ 5001 f _ 1100 _ } Except,-Prospect Boulevard ­r.._.y- South_5Q_feet of. West 20 feet of Lot 13, and (except So. Wabasha St.)! - -2_ 7__ to Pest- -St. =- Paul - (inc l _1900- des 'Qther proper 8600- -- _._ - _— West_St._Paul south 50 feet of _Lots 14_and 15_ -54- __ _ 2650 168 . Robertson's Adds ion5 4550 + 4100 _.._ _ (includes+ to West St. Paul other ;propert�) FORM ®.a.++ TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LANDVALUATION�LD_G ` ; i '• 1 8 62 _ West St. Paul 65Q! ' 9 62 — - 600, _1,950 f j 1 ! f t � 1 1 , _ 1 i � t � , i s i i j The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 13 19 57 Commissioner of Finan . Form B. B. 12 April 1 55 St. Paul; Minn. ------------- - - - - -- 19. -- - - - - -- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn.�� Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Installation of mercury vapor lighting system_ on . ------------------- - - - - - -- Southabasha - :St. from Water St. _ -------------------- - - - - -- to-- - - - - -- -East Winifred - - - -St. Axx sm 1141 2 K W', l A-- mo_ . .. ® \_ FRONOWMEA Pird Oe / .► fJLs ' Z-V IF sm 1141 2 e - r St. Paul, Minn. ?ril 19._ 5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. . Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: - Installation __of mercury vapor__lig)A#ng e�rs_tem - - - ° -n - South. W basha ------------------------ -------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - - -� - - - -- - - -_- -'- ---- - - - - -- from---- - - - - -? -------------------------------------- - - -St. AXE to- - - - - -- - uet__nafire--------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------- 0 ------------------------------ St. Azz NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'q �f i M-A AP 6M 11 -62 2 1 1 Y OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE July 22 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 183512 approved June 26, 19 57 relative to constructing new ornamental lights on South Wabasha Street from Commer �)a1 Street (vacated) at the south end of the Miss- issippi River Bridge to East Winifred Street with new light standards, cables, con- duits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the.removal of existing standards and foundations and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 72,420.00 , and the total cost thereof See letter attached is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: y 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more co e owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . PMNK DAARZITZ .�i • i • OFFICE GNOINEER HERBERT SL WEST BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY r • STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer ° 8 July 22, 1957 ' Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: ACCOUNTING DIVISION JOS. PAVLICEK Prin. Accountant BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT ARTHUR H. KOCH BUREAU OF CORRECTION JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for constructing new ornamental lights on South Wabasha Street from Commercial Street (vacated) at the south end of the Mississippi River Bridge to East Winifred Street with new light standards, cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appur- tenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of exist- ing standards and foundations, under Preliminary Order C. F. 183512 approved June 26, 1957• Estimated Cost $ 71,000.00 Engineering and Inspection 1,420.00 Total Estimated Cost $ 72,420.00 Estimated Property Assess. (5134 x $6.25) 32,087.50 ('492 x $2.00) 984.00 011 S City's Share of Cost (Bond Fund 600 -U -13 $ 39,348.50 1 $72,420 Estimated Cost per front foot - 5626 = $12.87 Property share of cost is based on making the following assessments F front foot of assessable frontage ($6.25 for 5134 lin. ft.) ($2.00 " 492 Yours very truly, rthur W. Tews P. Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance r z l i` Commissions LOMMG�C /AL ST (I/�}�ArciO> � W,a T 9 E E . s ,: �: a ��' s T. w. M? LEVEE �`�'? WA TEE K MO2e �. Fh.-7 fi D e fR y fin. FA)Q F►E E:1 >o a` 4 ✓E. }. � 1NOIgpy^ K *� Avg U Av M CHI A ✓E . @� I -;: N �O <'" a y PLATO m ,r Ate C PL -ro q ✓a. G 4 /' •'. y . 1v ]' r` o AV- -- "- . yea �. ;•,I, � �V q % c -o`o�q Po ' b Zi h G� GP' co O �J . A,•• h- .p