184649original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE Poo TY CLER COUNCIL RES L GENERA FORM J. E. Dillon - O <O �ti Arc 14 f � .4 9 COUNCIL NO. FILE RESOLVED, That the Comptroller's budget estimates for the year 1958 decreasing be and the same are hereby amended by increasing Fund Plumber 31 -K -B -1 the sum of $1, 112.00, making the total of said Line item the figure of $21,694.00; by increasing 31 -K -B -2 $62.00 to be $374.00; by increasing 31 -K -B -4 $550.00 to be,$2,279.00, increasing 31 -K -Cl $3,487.00 to be $41,520.00, by decreasing 31 -K -C -6 $75.00 to be $2,550.00 and by adding two new items as follows: 31- K -C -10 - Assessments $131.00 and 31- K -C -11 - Insurance $430.00 Ftk3THER RESOLVED, That the item Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes in the Financing Schedule under the heading 'Other Services" be increased $5,697.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland XWP9W Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 Q_3� . 2 In Favor Against Council File No. 184649 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor— Resolved, That the Comptroller's budget estimates for the year 1958 be and the same are hereby amended by increasing Fund Number 31 -K -B -1 the SUM of $1,112.00, making the total of said Line Item the figure of $21,694.00; by increasing 31 -K -13-2 $62.00 to be $374.00; by increasing 31 -K -B -4 $550.00 to be $2,279.00, increasing 31 -K -Cl $3,487.00 to be $41,520.00, by decreasing 31 -K -C -6 $75.00 to be $2,550.00 and by ' adding two new items as follows: 31- K -C -10— Assessments $131.00 and 31- K -C -11— Insurance $430.00. Further Resolved, That the item ;Real Estate and Personal Property i Taxes in the Financing Schedule under Ithe heading "Other Services" be in- creased $5,697.00. Adopted by the Council September 30, 1957. ApprovedSepte (October er130, 1957. SEP30W Adopted by the Council 195— SEP 3 0 1957 v lanplicate to Printer y 184649 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Dillon COMMISSIONER 4L �- n DATE FJ�SMVMO That the Ccmgtroller t s budget estimates For the year 1958 day be and the SaMe are hereby =ended by increasing Fund Nvm'ber 31-K -B-1 the sum of $11W.001 mekimg the total or said Line Item the figure or $ap 694 o03 by increasing 31 -K -B«2 ,x,62.00 to be $374 +003 by 3ncre Ding 31 -Xw8 -4 $550#00 to be $2)279.00,p increasing 31 -Y -t 1 $3 „487.00 to be $41p52040j, by decreasing 31`K -0-6 *75#00 to be $2 ..550.00 and by adding two new itme as fo] louts $ 31- K-CT10 - Assess is $131.00 and 31- K -C•3.1 . Insurance 4+30.00 HE1MVED.* That the item Real. Mete and Personal Property Ices in the Financing Schedule Colder the heading "Other Services” be increased $5„697.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas * Nays DeCourcy Holland Abmtokk Mortinson Peterson Wesel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 .2 SEP 3 01957 Adopted by the Council 195— SEP3Q� �. Approved 195 — In Favor Mayor y Against Duplicate to Printer L CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.18, 6 49 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE MMVW,, Zat the CcWtro ler' a budget estimtes for the year 1958 3/— be and the same are hereby amended by 3.ncre acing Amd doer �) l , the sum. of I _.�.....,, ?Acing the total of said Line Itom the figure of 31 S lWe i0 /_3 to Mee 9 le�d `a COUNCILMEN Yeas. - I Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson RIAM1 Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 2 SEP 3O07 Adopted . by the Council 195- SEP3®1957 Approved 195 — In Favor O Against Mayor