184633Original to City Clerk P LICENSE CO101ITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COU,NCIL,RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM 1,84633 PRESENTED BY COMM15510NEa DATE September 20, 197 RESOLVED: That Application &44661 for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License No. 1622, expiring January 31, 1958, issued to Raymond J. and Edward A. Bulinski at 562 Rice Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Ravmo #d J. and Edward A. Bulinski at 620 North Dale Street. TRANSFER (Location) NEW Informally approved by Council February 5, 1957 New Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson �tersvl� Rosen WIML J L � � r o'gW 5M 2.57 2 Tn Favor Against Council File No 184633 —By Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That Application E -4661 for the transfer of off Sale Liquor License No. 1622,-expiring January 31, 1958, issued to Raymond J. and Edward •A. Bulinski at 562 Rice: Street be and J and Edward A. Bulinski at 620 North ,Dale Street: i - ` Adopted by the Council September 20, 1957. Approved September 20, 1957. (September 28, 1957) Adopted by the Council__ SEP 2 19 195— SUP. 2 01957 Approved 195 — ®I �9 Mayor 50011 -b4 „J ® �. CITY PF � SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE y Application No. (This form mu be in addition to the applic f d o t ent req d b A quo Conte Commis ' er of the State of Minnesota.) Name of A c -- ge C: s en s ne No. Are you a citizen of the United-States? Have you ever been engaged in operating a sa oon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? 4. When and Where? If corporation, give date when incorporated r - Name and address of president and secretary of co ion, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold l 17- Name of surety company which will write bond, if know v'� `2f OS- Number Str et Side Between What Cross Streets Ward /�o How many feet from an academy, college or univer ity ( easured alb; stets) How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? How many feet from closest Name of closest sl How are premises On what floor located? If leased, give name of Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor How long have you operated present business at present site ?_,e Do you now have an "On Sale" non - intoxicating liquor license ? — (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated 19 License Inspector. Form 8--Revised7/1/55 5225 STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER �un a ;ftu 1 -J AP - PLI CAT TI ON F-011- OFT SALE INTOX16ATING'LIQUOR LICENSE Thls application and the bond shall be submitted M" duplicate Whoever shallt knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following clue9tioirinaire _shall; .be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. "APP , LICAN _s] as follows': a, Corporal In answerifig'the'foll6wing � questions APPLICANTS shall s tion one officer shall 'execute this application for all officers, directors and stockholders. For a partnership 0 e shall exec e thi °application ERY QUESTIO S RED. lor and in behalf of Intoxicating Liqu:or:iLicense to be ated Muin-icipality of `Cofinty State of Minnesota, in accordance with the pro I s of I rr 195--, and endi �n 2. Give applicants,' date of birth (D (Dayy (Day) 'Individual owner, e9krz—, Vr7MffMr�- hereby apply for an Off Sale Lot and Bloch Number)-) meta Statutes, Chapter '3 Xl J Iff *195S (Month) (Month nij (Month) I . ­Tf !f D, commencing MUM (Year) (Year) ollol 1 J t, (Year) fro he applicant a citizen of the United St If naturalized state date and place of naturalization If a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers or partners. 1-1 JJ %4� .f i f w r! C, D tv ot, -"q cd O .77 rA bA Cd 4) '20:�(�� P... to 40-: Cj rA Cd fl:L4 cd C� A ra ,t4 dr .4 .C� 3 4u,.2 C) pq cd (TW E'l O J o ®R ti O Ot 4.1 k >1 k O Oi -4 4.4 A. Cd cd rn cd rcd v v t3 4v 2:1 tai cd ;t4 cl Ko 0 is .Q O-A b c p m o cd Cd A 0 c 0 4, E0 0 Co cd 0 c:o Cd C's C� cd w U LT Co app Cam° he ba qk 0 N cd xi, col co C4 ri O. cn A3 t3 0) Cd ri c 0 k ct Cd C> 0 (-4- I o Irz ce �2 ! — , cl, 4� 0 4Wl I .;Z-: C's CV, 13 ---4 Co E-4 w 41 Cd n tH 0 CC o 4-1 1, 0 PI M j5 .•- cd (I 4. 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Cd 4-� 0 0 Cd Cd .—Y lc� 1 0 2 cd Cd 34 W TI .Tq W CD 4-� bow I 4� bo ;q T$ Cd 02 CL) Cd Cd Cd CL) m co u lk 0 0 0 CD 0 ICL,4p 0- '4 , �4 - r4 M ft.-( C4 "10 A, w- Cd tit '1 elc log .�; cf$ 01 w4gA k, C'j j) ;;4' 0� 0) $5, Li Cd bo 14, 41 w 41 Q' PU 0 o Ce- Ll 4�- Pill C', Ql cd . ti cd a) Al J- Ad DO OALI r.: w -4z cis ce fi 0 car PIC ce, rf t9 M 4-Il C- L Zb -0 0 cap� 0 4� Cd ce i cerl IV 0 APP! P., v IM 0 1 a I cl. �-, 'g'- I o ,IT. 0 r4 0 I t' r' o O w- tail t r4 ;�`, 1P, i cd m 47 �yy P; C) I 0 c, '0 C; 4� n bo LU 04 4" 'o u Cd 4� �g" . if 0 Q) W rcl 9 ce ce k Cd CdP4 (1) ;-4 D 4 q 0 -1� Cd t; 0 Sri E-q 4j P4 U) cd; Cd 4j cr ve CL) cil c) cd 0-7 Cd 0 EO I. S" cd Ff 0 ,e, c ma�y++ Oj -;t C's 4z to f 0 -e q, u p c cc J--qo tj 0 . 0 > E- IV i; Cd r Pi P41 0, ci -:z a) k? 41 4-1 C4,0 t� q4J 4-4 Cld 0 0 e) lo 2 Itcag I- co >1 00 0, 101) Cd Cd I Cd C Cd > bo W 0 cd am) Ei cd cr P4 cd 01 o t2 04-43 '15 ta-- C, ro ;L41 Cd A fl 0 o o IQ c C.) ca ce i cerl IV 0 APP! 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