184630Original to City Clerk ; ri_ 84 84 , 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . A COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER "� `�lA I/V u..K B' DATE September 19, 1957 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to ROAD MACHINERY & SLTPLIES COMPANY; for Repair Parts for ,Austin- Western Road Grader YA445 at a sost of $399.47, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge - Municipal Equipment - 100,301. " C'11 Go11"t lier Council File No. 184.630, =�Y_ Adrian P. Winkel— _ '1::` Resolved, Thatrthe Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby autfi&ized; with -the consent of the Comptroller, to ! ,' I ssue Purchase Order - to ROAI5_1_W1A= CHINERY & SUPPLIES CO ANY for Repair Parts for Austin', stern Road Grader No. 445 at a1 i ,st of X399.47, without advertisement NX, com- petitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could. be [gained thereby. f Charge — Municipal Equipment -1003- 131. Adopted by the Council September 20, 1957: Approved September 20, 1957. (September 28, 1957) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— emm A 195— Yeas Nays DeCourcy SEP 2 4 7957 Holland Approved 195— In Favor Mortinson _ -petm%mr - agtj ng Mayor Rosen Against Mr. Vice Presisicrcic (Peter60U 5M 2.57 ., 2 r