09-525Council File # ����j,a%` Green Sheet # 3070000 RESOLUTtON `U OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attacbed Joint Powers Agreement 2 which has an indemnification clause, with the Ciry of Breezy Point acting through its Police Department for participation in the 3 Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of 4 Financial Services. oE by the Office of Financial Services AppLOVed by City Attomey ; ` /� BY� ��r/i.�.H'�G^.�„ Y4 �t�e�.f�.�.4h -.--� �, ��..-.-... .-.-•- ,�.-, �, Appro by y for Sub 's� n ouncil r� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � By: _ Approved y . Date �Z`�i B L �� � Green Sheet Gree� Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gteen Sheet Green Sheet � (1 �?'��-� I DeParbnerrt/OFficelCouncil: iHl atateD n�ed�. ---- -� t � i Pp_POliceDepartment � ZgppR-09 ? Green Sheet NO 3�70V�0 Contad Person & Phone: Chief John Harrinp[on 266-5588 Must 8e on Counci{ Agentla by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DoeumeM Required: Y Document Contact: Evette Scarver Contact Phone: � Assign Number For Routing Ordsr Deoartrnent � SentToPersan InitiaVDate 0 PoGceDepar�eM__ __ `._ I I pntice Department . . . _ _ i I � Pulice DeParhnent - , _ _. . _ . . .. j Tota1 # of Signature Pages 1 (Clip Afl Locatfons for Sfgnature) --�—��`-�—�-� -- ��' � '--_ `__-______.__________—.___�— __________—._.___________.__ � Actton Requested: - - -� - �— -- ---�--- I Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department to enter into the attached 7oint � Powers Ageement with the City of Breezy Ponrt, actin$ throngh its Palice Department. I i � -�----------- �--------------------- -- , RecommendaGOOS: Approve (A) or Reject (R): � personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questio�: ; Planning Commission � 1 H th' !fi rked � t t f th' d rt t'+ I . as is person rm ever wo u er a con rac or is epa men . CIB Committee 1 Yes No Civii Service Commission ` 2. Has tfiis personlfirm ever been a city employee? � Yes No � 3. Does this personlFrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any i current city empioyee� Yes No Fxplain ali yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet. tnitiating Problem, tssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Breery Point Police Depaaimem will pasticipate in the Intemet Crimes Against Childxen (ICAC) Task Force of the Saint Paul Police Department. Authorization is needed to enter into the attached agreement. ---- ---------------------- ----- ------------- -- , Advantages If Approvetl; i Opportunity to use grant funds to parmership with the City of Breezy Point Police Deparknent to combat intemet crimes against � children. i- -- ----- -- ---- -- --- ------------------ --------------- ; Disadvantages If Approved: ! None. { � �------- --- ------ --- ----- � DlsadvantagesHNotApprovetl: ------ Lost opportuniry to use grant funds to parmership with the City of Breezy Point Police Departmem to combat intemet crimes against ; children. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: 436 financia{ Mformation: (Expia7n) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: 34056 _.. �. �: .. :. �, � i April 29, 2009 1:16 PM Page 1 �� �Y-�/ GS3�7��OQ / d'-� Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Multi-Agency Law Enforcement A,greement This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, (hereinafter "AgreemenP') is between the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Police Department (CTrantee) and City of Breezy Point, acting through its Police Department (hereinafter "Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency") both which are empowered to enter into jaint powers agreements pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter into tlus Agreement by Minn. Stat. § 626.76; and Whereas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the crimival exploitation of children that is committed and/or facilitated by ar tlarough the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such acdvity; and Whereas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicabie state and federal laws to prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and Whereas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as Eachibit A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in Washington, D.C. to assisC law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of children which occuts through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment, traitung, and expenses, including travel and overtime funding, which are incurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigations; and Whereas� the OJ7DP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") Grant Manager has been established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operation of the grant and sub-grantrecipients. Naw Therefare, the parties agree as follows: The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of implementing a three- pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Chiidren: preventiott, education and enforcement; and The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the OJ7DP ICAC Task Force Program Standards (attached to this Agreement as E�ibit B), in addition to state federal laws, when conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; and � � -�.�� 2. All officers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shall be licensed peace officers ar found by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have comparable qualificarions; and 3. When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency acts on the behalf of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's line of duTy and course of employment to the same extent as if the o�cer had acted on behalf of the officer's employing Agency; and 4. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indemnify, save and hoid harmless the Grantee, its representatives and employees from any and all claims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the Grantee, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's officerJs/; and 5. All members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue to be employed by the same Law Enfarcement Agency employer which they were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and all services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member will be within the course and duty af that employment, and therefore, are covered by the Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will he paid by that employer and entitled to that employer fringe benefits; and 6. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the Mimiesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the OJ7DP ICAC Task Farce Board of Directors; and 7. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written request for funds and receive approval for the funds from the Grantee to receive any funds from the Grantee; and 8. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and 2 l�� �s 9. T'he Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate records pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement activities, to be collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander or his designee for statistical reporting purposes; and 10. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in any audits required by the O7JDP; and 1 L The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency shali make a reasonable good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in order to share information and resources amongst the multiple entities; and 12. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the ICAC data system pursuant to the OJ3DP guidelines; and 13. The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner all investigative equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and the Saint Paul Police Department, or the Agency breaches the Agreement. 3 Terms of this agreement: a9 �� as Ttris agreement shall be effective upon sigQatures. Nothing in this agreement shall otherwise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an empioyee as a member of the Agency. John M. Harn;�gton, Chief of Saint Paul P61ice Denartrnent Assistant St. Paul City Director of Office of Ftlnancial3ervices By and Title Aeencv A¢ency certifies that the appro_,pria#eperson(s) have executed the Aereement on behalf of the A�ency and its iurisdictional povernment entitv City JoAnn c�� Sreve Rudek, Police Chief Breezy Point Police Department ,--� � Aate ��G�� � , GS3070000 � � �` Department ofJustice D � /� �� 7`E µ. <' ' `�,� >� Office oflasdce Progrnms Officeof[heAssis[ar.tACUmeyGeneral Woshm,�ron,OC?n531 September 26, 2001 Chief7ohnD4 Harnnpto�� C�ty of Sa�nt Paul l5 W est KelVo� Bouleva-d SL Paul, MF 5S 102 DearCh�ef I�damngwn� On 6ehalf of ihe Attomey Genusl, rt�s my pleaswe to +nfocm you that the Offiee of Sustroe Pmgrams has appcoved your appheallon for fundmg m�der the O)JDP FY 07 Bm)dmg ICAC Forensre Capanty m the amount of $?OQ000 S'or Gty of Samt Paul Enclosed you will fmd v�: vran[ Awa�d and Speciat Condrtrons documents. Th�s award �s sub�ea to a!4 admmisirative and financiai reqmrement�, u,. luding the timely subm�ssiou of all financ�al and pcogrammaHc reports, resolution of all interim audrt findin�s, and Oie n��. ��ntenance oFa mimmum ievel o( cash-oo-hand. Should you not adhere m these requirements, you will be in v�olauon of thc mmis of ihis agreement and the award will be sub�ect to termina4on Por cause or other adm�mstrative act�on os appropnatc !f you have quesnons reg.a dmg ihis awatd, please contacr. °rogram Quesuuna, JacqueLne 0'Reilly, Program Manager at (202) 314-5024, and Finanmal QucsUOns, the O�ce of the Comptroller, Customer Service Center (CSCJ at (E00) 453-07R6, or you may contact die CSC at ask.oc�usdq oov Congratulanone, and wc look forward to worlana wi[h you. Smcerely, ,.t ;`'3�t.._.v � `'�-l�:.r�r'..:�^.>/ 7 r f �. Regma B. Schofieid As5�stantAttomcyGcnc� i Enclosurei b����S - P��� -, Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs ' =.�i' . vµ , Office for Civii Rights wu.hmgm�, D C 2�531 September 26, 2007 Chief.lohn M. H¢rtin_ton City of Smnt Paul 15 W est Kello� Boulevard St Paul, MN 55102 Dear Cfie( Harnngton. Cungratulatwns on your , award In es4�bLsh+ng finanaal assiseance programs, Congress linked the receipt of Federal fundmg to co;�phance wrth Federnl civii nghts Saws The Of6ce for Civil Righrs (OCR), Office of Iushce Programs (O.IP),' 1,5. Department of Iust�ee �s responsible for ensunng that rec�p�en[s of finane�al aid from OJP, its component ofGa�, and bureaus, the Office on V iolenec Aga�nst Women (OV Wj. and the Office of Commumty O�ientc<t Potirnn� Scrvices (COPS) comp4y with applicable Federal crvil nghts smtutes and reguiaiions We at OCR arc avaiiablc to hclp vou and your orgaiiizaiion meet [he avii nghts reqmrements [ha[ come w�tl� Jushcc Dcprrtment fundmg. Ensuring Access to Fedcrally Assisted Programs As you know, Federal l�ws prohibit recrpiw[s o( financ�al asststance from discnmmahng on the basis of race, color, nahonai origin, rel�gion, sex, or disab�lity m funded programs or actrvihes, not only m cespect to employment practices bed also m the do7ivery of services oi benefits Federal law also prohibits fimded programs or ac�vmes from discrnuinanng on the basis oiage m Ihe delrvery otservices orbenefizs Pruviding Services to Limlted Engllsh Proficiency (LEP) Individuals in accordance with De�v� iment of Jus�ice Cmdance parta�ning to T�Be VI oFthe Civ�l R�ghCS Ac[ of 1 I64, A2 U S.C. � 2000d, ruipieui� of Federal financiel assisLance must take reasonable sceps m prov�do meaningful access to their programs and act�vities for persons with Iimited Enghsii profwiency (LEP) Foc more mfortnatron on the crail rights responsibihues thai recipienu have �n prov�dmg tanguage sernces ta LEP md�aduals, please see the websire at hrtpJ/www l�p guv Ensuring Equal Treahirent for Faith-Bascd Orgaoizations The Depamnent of ]us6ce has pubLshed a regulauon speci6calty pertafning to the fundmg of faith-based organi�alions In ¢eneral, 4he regulalion, Participatioo in Justice Depar4ment Programs by Religious Orgaiuullions, Prov�dint !or Equal Treatment of alI Jus[ice Department Program Participants, and known as Ihe F.quul Treaiment Regii{m�o�i 28 C F R. part 3$, rcqmres State Admimstenng Agene�es to trea[ these orgamzations the same ati any otlim� apnhcant or reC�p�ent. The regulahon prohibits Sta[e Adm�mstermg Agencies from making awnrd or grant administr„� �on demsons on the basis oCan orgamzat�ods wligious chacact�r oc affiliaaon, �ehg�ous name, or ii�c re^gious composilion of ifs Lward of dirutors TheregWat�on also prol��hiG f2�th-besed organizations f}om i�smg financial assistance kom the Departmeot of Justica to fwtd mhcrcnfi rel�gious:�cnvities While fai[h-based orgamzahons can eugage m non-funded �nherently ce)ia�ou�, ucc�. �� ies, they inw't be held sepazately from Cfia Dcpartment of Iustme tunded program, and cusmmers or bniefician � cannat be compel}ed to pamcipare in thcm The Equal Treatment Regu7atwn also makcs clear that orgamzihons part�apatmg �n programs funded by the Department of Jusnce am not perm�tted to discnmmate m[he provm�o,i oCserviccs on the bas�s of a benefiaary's rehgion. For more infQ�nianon o� tlie cegulanon, pleese see C3CR's webs�re ut http ffwww.o�p.usdoj govfocr(etltw.htm Q�-�as Siate AJmmisterin� Agc::aes and PaitN-based organizations should also note that fhe Saf Streets Act, as amended; tne b'ic[iml oi Crime Act, as amended; and the Iuvemle Jushce and Del�nouency Preveotion Act, as amended, Contain prolit�i:.ons a�ainst d�saimmation on the basis of religion m employment. These employment prov�sions have 6ees. ss�_,Gcally ineorpocaced inco 28 CFA. Part 3S 1(� and 382(�. Consequenily, m many arcumstances. ii u�m.;d bc impermiss�ble for fai[h-based orgdm�2tions seeking or receiving fundina authorized by these statutes m ha�-c oo'...ies or przetices tnat cond�tion niring and other empioyment-related decis�ons on the reliaion of applican[s or nnployees. Preerams subject to [hese nond�scnm�nanon provis�ons may be found on OCR's we6site at http:!/�� �vw.o�p usdo}.gov/ocd Quzstions about the regulation or the stacutes ihat prohibic discnmination m emn�o}n�.enc may be direeted to this Office. Entorcing Civil Righfs' aws A41 recipien[s of Fedeca; nnaiicia! aSSisWnce, regardless oPthe pamcular fundme souree, the amount of the grant award, or ihe numbcr of � a�pioyee.e m t}�c workforce. are sulr�ec[ to the pmhibitions against unlawfU7 d�senmmanon. Ac�ro;dlr ,iy, OCR �mesh�Cates rerip�ent9 tl�a[ are the sub�ect of discnmmatipn complainu &om both mJiwduals and ,roi, �s Ir add Won, based ou regolafory cn[erm, OCR sdec[s a number of reeipients each year for compliaree re��cw}..�o<hb that �cquire mapicncs ta submrt daia showmg that they ace providing suvices eqwtably to al{ segir�cnP. "i the�r scrvice populabon and tha[ thev empioyment prac4ces mcei cquaV empVayment opportunity SrandarJs Complying with Ih: Sa�e Strects Act or Pragram Requiremen[s In vddit�on to these peneiei proinbioans. an oroan�rauon which is a rccip�ent of finanaal ass�s[ance sub)ect Co the nontl�scrnnination pi wisions of fnc fJmnibus Cnme Control and SaFe StrceLS Act (Safe Strects Act) of 1968, 42 U.S C�' 3989d(c), or ofLcr Federal yrant program requirements, mus[ meet two addihonal reqmremenCS:(1) comply�ng with Fcuc�dl icguln4oas pertaming to the deve(opmentofan Equa( Employmenl Opportumry Plan (E60P), 2A CF.R § 42'0I-308. and {2) submitnng to OCR Findings of Discnmmatron (see 28 C F.R. §§ 42 205(5) or 31 202( �)j 1) MeePiny:he CEOP Requiremeul Vn accordanec wrth Fedo-a, regulflnons_ Ashurmue No ! m[he Standard Assurances, WPS Assurance No. &.$ or certain Federal gran: nroa�x�n reqmrements, your organ�2auon must comply w�th the following EEOP reporting reyuirements IFyour orgun��ation'oa� �ece�ved nn award fm SSOQ000 or more and has 50 0� more employees (comihng boih full- and pait-umc emp+,oyees but excludma polnical appom[ees), dien rt has to prepure an EEOP and submit i[ to OCR for revrew withii� (��1 Uays f'rom fhe daM of this le[ter. For assistance �n developing an EEOP. please consult OCR`s websrte a� nup /iwww o�p.usdoj.gov(oedeeop htm_ You may also requet techmcal assistance @om en FEOP speaa(ist nt Ot Y by iGaling (2o2) 6I6-3208. if your organizanon ru;�-�: ed an award between $25,000 and $SOO,D00 &nd has 50 or more employees, your or�aivzauon s[ill has lo p:apare ao EEOP, but tt does nof have to submit the EEOP to OCR for review. Instead, your organi�alion ha> i,o :ain[ain thu EF.OP on tilc and make �t availa6ie (oc ce�iew on xequest in additioq your organvat�on has io �ou, �te 9ecub�i B of the Cenrficanon Fonn and renvn it to OCR The Certification Form arn be fuund at http llwww n usdo) govlocdeeop.htm if your organ��lwi� i ca. �,�1 au swa�d br less than $25,U00: or if your orgunization has less tltan SO employees, regardles,c oC[hc umoun� ef lfu awucd; or iC your organ¢ahon is a meciical inanmt�on, educa4onal msnEUbon, nonpsofrt orgamea�ion o�ntlran fnbe, lhen your organvabon ic exempf from the EEOP reqmr�men[ However. your orgvnvabon nmsl n.niplctc Seci�on A oF the Ceml'¢ation Form and retum rt lo OCR 71�e Certifieanon Form can bc founc a� http %- w.� o�p a;do�.goviocr/eeop hmi Z) Sub�ui6vnr Findings ol DiscrimmaHon 3n the event a Pederal ar °iam court or Federal er Srete adm�mstrative agency makes an adverse flnding of disenminahcn ngaimt yo, � orgamzation efier a due process heazing on the ground of race, color, rel�g�oq natione] onKin, oi sex, your o«a� ��anon must suhmn a copy of U1e finding tn OCR for review b � -5�-�"' Ensuring the Compliance of Subrecipients !f your ocganization mzl:ca tubav,�ards to other agenc�es, yo�� are r�punsible for assunn� that subreap�enis also comply with all of Ihe ap•-i;cable Fedemi civil r��hts laws, includino O�e reqwrements pertaimno [o developmg and submitnn�an FFOP - eponin� Findinas of Q�scrimmauor�and providmo lan�uageserv�ces co LEP persons State agencses tnat raak: -� aa�uards must have in place ssandard arant assurances and revr°w procedures to demonstrare that they ara c�icetrvely momror7ng thc c7vi1 righrs compifance of subreeip�ents. Ifwe can assictyou m z�- way m f�lfilling your civil nehts responsibihues as a recip�rnt of Federal fundmg, please call OCR at iZU21 "i�-0690 a visit our website at http�Dwww ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/. Smcerely, 7�'^--� a. G��--- Michael L Nston Direceor cc GrantA4anagc� Finanaal Ana;ytii D �'�.� "`�°;� Depanmenro(lusnce Of:ice o; Jusiice Programs . -'��. �,' Office of Juvenile Justice ,'""�_-9 and AeIinquency Prevention Cooperative AgreemenY PAGE 1 OF 3 � I � '_ —� � i — I I_ RECIPIENT NAME q V 0 A DIJRI `�� (Inelumne Zip Cak) C�ty of $am� Paul IS Wcu Kdlagc Boulcemd Si Paut, MN 5� f@ lA ORAY'7EF,IRS�VCNllORNO 4160095?1 3 PROIF.CTTfTLE Mm�ewm Cumpwci Foremic. Maa,� acnt In:nn[rve 4 AWAP,DNUMBER ?005-MGCX-K008 i PRO)ECT PERIOD FRUM BUDGET PERIUD FROM 6. A W ARD DATE 09262007 8 SUPPL6MENTNUMBER 02 9 PRkV10USAwARUAMOVNT 10 AMOUNTOFTHISAWARD ID101!?005 TO i]/ii/?009 OIIOIR005 TO IJ21f2009 Il TOTALAWARD Z ACTION SupPlcmm�al S 950.D00 S 200,000 , S 1.150.000 � I2 SPECIALCONDITIO�S I THE AAOVE Gkt.N P PROJI t I I' 1 PPROVED SUBJECT 7 U SUCH CONU1910NS OR LIMITATIONS A$ ARE SET FOR7}i � ONTMFATIAC'HGDPAGEftiI r � 73 STATUTOR7 AUTI1pRl I Y POV � �R4NT ' Thisprolcct �a Sipponcd undci Pub I. No i 10.i, cmbcdtiod.�cn 101-104, Pub L No 109-108, I19 Stet 2290, 32}Q 4? U S.0 3760 -3]h2a as �n efteao� $tP� 30. 200( IFY2pCI "W nc➢ncimwnxry'•) 15 MCfHODOYPAYMENT PAPRS I� AGLNi..;PPR/1VAt � 16 TYCBDNAMEANll'ftilF tiM1 pl`^ROViNGOfFIC1AL � Ra�na 8 Schoficl� � Avsnwni AtmmcY Gc�ciai � GRANTEEACCEPTANCE � f 8 TVPED NAME AND TITLE OP AU7HORI2F.D GRP,N'lEE OFF1C1A1 Jnhn M Harrmgmn ClimfafPolmc ,, 1]SIGNA'CU2GOFAPPR.OA1N<�G"�tCl4� 19SIGNA'fUREOPAUTHOR124,DAECIP1flNTOFFICIAL I , 19ADATE � ,� (`�k a G�. ..:f;� .�! - � irf� ' � fj tl AGENC Y USE ONLV ��20.AC:GI:VILN<.rLASSIFi(4IIC:'_CQI)E4 ?f DGO'�70(7(RI i FISCAL FUND PUD nN YEN2 COD� ACT Oi( RLO SUB POMS AMOUNI X B DG "JU �0 00 200000 OIPFO&M40�42(REV 5-R'!)PREVI�1f�CEfJlTfON5ARE0HS�L6TE OJS FOAM qOppP (kEV 4NR) b�1 '��� r=`�� DcpanmentofJushce Office of Iuctice P:oamms ° r. - OfficeoS3uvenile ` �'�^`" �� Jus[ire and Delinquency �"' Preuentio❑ AWARD CONTIN[JATSON SHEET Cooperative Agreement r,�c=_ � oF s ii PROIECTNU�NBtR 2005-M<-ta-KOUR AR'AItDDATE 09/36200"] SPECIAL CONDITIONS � . 1 '[he reap�em a�s.eac «i comply wrth ehe financial and admm�strative requirements set foRh m ehe curtent edinon of the '� � Office of Jnumc i, ograms (0)P) Finanaal Gwde � i 3 The reeipient ackno�a�lcdees tha[ fadure to submit an acceptable Equal Empioyment ppportunity Pian (�f reapiene is � rcqwred to c�i'�r ' aic pursuant ro 28 CF.R. Section 42302). tfiat is approved by tfie Office for Civil Righ[s. �s a violanon o! m Crn�fecl �stura+iccs and may result �n suspension or terrr+ioanon of funding, unnl suel� nme as the ' recipicniism�omr,hance. ' 7. The rempiern aGi^cs� to con�ply with t}�e orgamzanonai audit reqwrements oi'OMB CircularA-133. Audns of States, Local Govemm��:Js. and Non-ProGt Organ¢ations, as further descnbed m tha curren[ edmon of Ihe 07P Fina�cial ' Gu�de, Chuptc' 19 4 2eeipienl widerti�u�ds and flgrees that n eannot use any fedecal ftmds, eiche[ direc6ly or mdirectly, in support of the cnactmenL icpcal noddicati0n oradoption of any 1aw, regulaqon or pohcy, atany 1eve1 ofgovernment, wVhou[ the express priui :v:'.,_an approval of07P. ; 5 Thc applicnn� budgei is pend�ne review or approval Tha rempient may i�ot obliga[e, expend or draw down aoy grant twid� until thc O(ficc ol thc Comp�oRer, Offtceof Jus4ce Programs bas issued cicaranee of the application budget, and , a Grant Ad�v i�:�.c:1 �oace lvae heen is.sucd removing this speeia} condrtion. 6. The Pro�ed D�ir� .�-i and key program personnel desig�iated m the applicauon shall be replaeed only for GompeiLng reFlSOns and �. �' ���i... concurrencc of 07P. OJF will noC unreasonably wit6hold conewrence All succeasors m key pcisonnc! mu�� b._ snpmved, nnd such approval �s wntmgent upal subm�ssion of approprrate rnformation. mcludmg, but nor 6miteil to, ;� rc:sume Chan�,cs in other progiam personnel reyuire only notiP�ca4on to OJP and submiss�on of ir,umen� wilo,,, oJicrwise designnted in the award document ' 7 The roc�preni .ig, :, io dubnn[ quarledy financinl stams reports to Ihe Office of Justice Programs using Standard Form � SF 2C9A an thc t:nc:neiat ht[ps.((gcants.o�p.usdo�.�+ov . These reports shall be subm�tted on-Ime notlater than 45 days � afier the end o' on�h caler�dar yuaner. The final report shell be submated not la[er thao 90 days foliow�ng the end of . [heomnipenud � R T;:c reci�nem .sh„n ,ebm,t senvamwai ryrogress reporfs. Progress reports shall be submitted withm 30 days aftet the end o( thc ccpon,ug ,-,cnaSs, �vhich se lunc 30 und December 31, �ur Ehc life of the awacd These reports wiil be submitted - to the Oificc o{ (mvw !'rogrxrc�s, on line-ihro�gh the intcmct at hrips flgrams o�p.usdo�.govi 9. Appruvsi uf [�„s ....ard does not mdicaro npproval of any consiil[an� rate in excess oC $450 per day A deCailed �eshficu(�o�� n.,i-i L_ auSm�ttcd [o and tioproved by the Officc of Iushce Programs (O1P) pwgram office prior to o6nga.ian ai �tipcndninc nt �uch funds I0. "Phe rec�p�enl agrect to comply wich the [CAC Task Force Piooeam Standards as estabhshed by the ICAC Task Force � �ldvrcmy Buzi�d �� o approved by O?IDP 1 V 7fie recipieN ngr._z; to torward reporis of ICAC Task Force Progam Monthly PerFortnance Measures to the OJJDP- desianaced v�e I � _ � OIPFORM4000,2(R�A' 4bh� p cao� 3f Af G �'c., D:;-a'�::n!otlusuce Of!ic.. <�' Iusnce Programs �Siiee of auvenSte Justice and fiefinquency °: e� �ation PAOJECTNUM6EA 200?A�'^ � ; KafiR AWARD CONTINUAT30N SHEET Cooperafive Agreement 4WARDDAIE 09;?6/?009 �9-5� �' -� PAGE 3 OF 3 I SPEGAL CONDITIONS I 12 Thc Ofllce ol �u� °nile Jushce and Delinquency Preventmn has elected to enter mto a Cooperative Agreement cather I than u ornnt ..�tli cl�c rcc�pient This demsion reflects the mutual mterest of the rec�pient and OJJDP m the opention of � the pro�cet us .eu� as ihc antmipated icvel oPFederal mvolvement m this pro)ect 0J7DFs pan�cipatory role m the f orolect �s ae t� '; a Rev�cw and a�p.nve mnjor work piuns. mcludmg changes to such plans, and kay decisions perra�mng to project i operatioiu. b Revicw and np�rn��c ma7or pro7ect genera[r,d documents �nd matena35 used m the provis�on of pro�eat serv�ces Pmvide gwdence ,� aignifican[ pro�ect plamm�o meotings, and pafieipate m pro�ecC sponsored trammg events or I con(crcnces � � OIC FORM 4000P_ IRLV 48R� l?%'�� -��' �"' Department of Justice Office of Justice Progams : �b� � � "�-��' O�'�ce ajJuvenil� Jusffce und Delinquency Preaentian Wuvhrngion.DC 2�531 Memorand�m To: C;fliciail CirantFile �rom: kaY}i�� Grasso, Nepa Coordinator Subject C3t� �zorical Exclusion for City of Saint Pau] The recipie��t agrees tc �+�,vst 01JDP to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other rela[ed fcdcral cnv���nnmental tmpact analyses requirements in the use of these aran[ funds either duectly by the reciptert ��� a subrecipienC. Aecordmgly, prior to obligatln� grant funds, the grantee agees to first dctem�Fic . i any of the fol lowing act�vities wxll be related Yo the nse of the grant funds and, if so, ta advise 07JDP a!�d request furt6er NEPA implementa[ion guidance. Recipient undesstands tk�at this special condihon applies to its achvides wl�ether or not they are being specifiaally funded with fhese grant fui�ds Thaf is, a; I�ng as the activity is being conducted by the reeiplent, a subrecipient, os any th�rd parCy and the acrivtor nccds to be undertaken m order W use tbese gzant funds, this special eondition must first be met. The acnvrties covcred by this special cond�uon are: a. new construction; b. mmor zenovatron or remodc�im� nf a pioperty e�ther; (i) listed an or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Piaces or, (2) I�caCed within a 100-year flood plain; c. a renovation, lease, or any other pmpose�i use of a bui)ciina or fac�lity that will either; (1) result in a change m its basic prior use or; (2) sigmficantly change itti ,,,e anci; d{mplementation of a new program vivoiving tl�e use of chemicals other than chemieals Gha� �rr.; (1) purchased as an me�denta] component of a funded activity and; (2)traditionally used, t;>>- �y,�mple, in office, housetlold, recreational, or education. �xvroe� y 0 A � �� 200$ .MC-CX-K008 PAGE 1 OF 1 � TH�spro,•ecncwonorteaur�„Pub L�o.1Y0-S.em�eddedsec. )O]-7M.Pun L No )09-IOS,719S�2i 3?9q?�q43USC 3yfi0-3762aum erTea on Sepi 3G?OOO I F�"009 "Byme D�urelmnary'q 7 STAlhCOh7AC1��^mn $mlcohovcnumber) �acqucl.na O'Rally (2O2) 5 1450?! 'te "fCRt Ot IIItPf2<�i�;<,bi 011DP PY O7 Rnild�n^ I.;. . orem�cCnpamfy Y CITLEQ! PRO]EC'f M�nne,nia ('o�npu[e, I ni •n-¢. vinon�tmev[ Imnanve S NAiblh&ADU1tLSSfp' a4,NlLG t1ry ut S.enr i nul I5l4ceiKelluggNn�dc , �q Si �aul MN 55102 7 PRO(i2A�1 Pl�ltini, PROA9 6I CI'_'16S 't0 1?JSI@Ofi9 9 AMOUNTOP,1WAPn $ ^_00.GOG tl S[COI^+[)`!i 1R'1'ii�n.'l 11 7'lliRUYLAR'SNi r)�.i I PLRIOD I ? PR01tCi'DINECTQR(Name,add[ess&telephonenumber) �� Ned Nelsun � Commander � 3(9 Gmve Svaet � St lhul, MN 55101 (fi51)]93-1045 �[ I I 36 POMS CODE (SEE INSiRUCTIONS � � ON REVERSE) � � I i A. NAMt & ADRESS 0� SUBGRAN2EE � R SUDGETPERIOD PROM 0110i12005 10 DA7EOPAWARD (19l2Fl2007 TU ;2/31Y1009 12 �ECONllYPAR'SBUDGL�TAMOUNT J4 7HIRD YFAA'S BUDGH7AMOUNT LS SIJMMARYDCSC[+JPlIONO� Y20IEC7(,9eeussmm4onov¢vuse) �Che ICA( program is a n �tio�ml iwtw�k oCmuln-a¢eney, mulh-)nnsd�enonal �ackforea enga� m p5oacnve mvesh�ahons, futens�c exammatinm, and eSen, - 'otiecniwoe .qd8monalty, Ihe lask Forces provida Co�ens¢ preven�on, and mves0�anon ans�ataoce [o puen[9, educn�oq �ioeu:uioie, u. enforcemenC notl oihe�s co�cemed wiiH d�Jd vmfim¢atino issues. SurypLwnan�i lundim� n'�am� ,r,rn�nded for the puxpose of deve7nn�ng and mmlemennng suateoies ro bwid tlieiask Fartes' capymry to handi Core�ai_�mae,��aoon.nnaieducrCnroneicbacklo�x CAMCF O]PCORfNA��02(RLV ='�kl b �'�aS n�arcmem �f tusuce GRANT MANACER'S NIEMORANDUM PT. L' � O.`fice o51�st�ce Progmms � PROJECT Sli1VIMARY � Uffice of Iuveniic Susbce and � �d,n�uency Pre.�em;on Coaperative Agreement ° PRO)ECT NUMSER � � � I I 1 e � I LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ����� � GS3070000 D -�� �- Internet Crimes Against Children Program OPEI�.A�_TIONAL A�NI) INVESTIGATIVE tiF • . : �d . • � , f � ICAC Pragram Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORC'ENkENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 1 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 4 � �5� D�fiaitions As used her�in, the following definitions shall apply: "O7JDP" is the �fficE of :iuvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. "NCMEC" is the 1�3ational Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "CEOS" i; t;�e Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. "ICAC" is the Intemet Crimes Against Children program composed of Task Forces and Affiliates. "TASK FORCF" is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency designated by 0J3DP to act as a State andlor Regional Task Force. "AFFILIATE" is defined as a law enforcement agency that is working in partnership with a Task Ferr,° and has at7eed in writing to adhere to ICAC Operational and Investigative Stand�u�ds. "PARTNER" is defined as an agency assisting a Task Force absent a written agreement. "NATIONftL CNITIATIVE" is defined as any investigafive proposai that relies on the coope; ation znd resources of all Task Forces or mandates action by OJJDP. "CVIP" is the Child Victim Tdentification Pro� operated by the Nationa] Center for Missing & Exploited Children. "CYBER"'I?'LINE" is a reporting mechanism for cases of online child sexual exploitation and enticement operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. For the pur��oses uf this pro�nam, cr is defined as any offense that involves the exploitation of c�ildren facilitated by technology. Investigativc interest is established when there is reasonable suspicion that a screen name or other potentially identifiable entity has committed a crime or that entity is engaged in a sequence ��f activities that is likely to result in Yhe commission of a crime. A p; oactive investigation is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offenders, which ma}� �r may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a significant de�ee ofpre-operative planning. ICAC Progra»z Operational and Investigative Standards F�i2 LAV4� ENFORC EMENfi PURPOSES ONLY Eage 2 of 15 LAZV ENFORCEM�NT SENSTTIVE p � -5 �� A reactivc ir��estigation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime. Reasonable suspicion is established when sufficient facts exist to lead a law enforcement officer to b�fieve that an individual or organization is involved in a definable criminal activity. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOIt LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 3 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE �,��� 1. Oversight 1.1 Each ICAC agency shall have supervisory systems and procedures, which shall provide for observation, documentafion, and periodic review of ICAC acrivity. Such system should comply with the principles of quality case management and ensure that ICAC activities comply with both agency and ICAC Standards. 12 Task �orces shall submit all pr�pcsec nati�nal initiatives to OJJDP prior to project initiation. 13 OJ3DY may suggest amendments to the original proposal following consultarion with the presenting Task Force and other federal, state, and loca] en6ties. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFOY2CEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 4 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE b � 5 � 2. Selection and Retention of ICAC Task Force Personnel 2.1 Managers and supervisors should evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work history that indi�ates prior incestigative experience, court testimony skills, ability to handle sensitive information prudently, and a genuine interest in the protection of children. 2.2 Given the graphic nature of evidence routinely encountered in ICAC related cases, the mental health of investigators working such cases is a great concem. Task force supervisars at ail levels are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to ensure tI��� a,� assigned ofiicers remain fit for duty in accordance with applicable departmentai policies and procedures. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative 5tandards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 5 of 15 JLAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE � � _ 5as 3. "I'rain;reg 31 Al] Investigators will be supplied with appropriate training consistent with the ICAC Operational and Investigative Standards. 32 ICAC Ta�k Force Commanders are responsible for ensuring that the individuals nominated for ICAC sponsored training are emplayed by agencies that have agreed in writing to adhere to the ICAC standards of investigation and that any prerenuisite requirements for the training session have been met. 3.3 IC�iC ias[: forces may give regional training. The training shall comply with cunent ICAC standazds. Any subsequent support required as a result of tkae regional tcaining shall be the responsibility of the task force providing the training. ICAC Program Oper^ational and Investigative Standards BOR E.AW ENBORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 6 of I S LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE b � ��— 4. Case �anagement 4.1 Case °reaication and Prioritization 4.1.1 Cases may be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet service providers, or other law enforcement agencies, and by infonnation gathered through scb;ect interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of suspicious behavior, public complaints, or by zny other source acceptable under agency policies. 41.2 iCAC supeivisors are responsible for determining invesrigative priorities and selectinp ��ases for investigation. Assuming the infarmation is deemed credible, thaC detenni,iatio�� should begin with an�ssessment of victim risk and then consider ot};ei factors such as}urisdiction and known offender behavioral characteri�iics. 7`ha following prioritization scafe shall be considered: aj A �i�i1fl is at immediate risk of victiinization b) A child is wlnerable to victimization by a known offender c) A known suspeet is aggessively soliciting a chiid(ren) d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear to be home ph;>±o�rraphy with domiciled children e) },�>�re� sive, high-volume child pornography manufacturers or distributors who eit'.;e, sre commercial distributors, repeat offenders, or specialize in sad3sfic in�a�es f} p✓lanufacturers, dish and solicitors involved in hig�-volume trafficking or he�oag to an arganized child poiroography ring that operates as a criminal cons��iracy gj C�isr,inutors, solicitors and possessors of images of child pornography I�) � r•• �°':t�er fomi of child victimization. �.2 �2ecarr','�r:��ia�e A.2.1 IC ��� u;en�ies sha11 be subject to existing agency incident reporting procedures and case sa�orvision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be assi�ed to cach [CAC case. 4.2.2 All afitliat� agencies will report their activity to the respective Task Force Cnn�� ��anoc;, by the l Oth of each month using the ICAC Monthiy 'r'ez:onnance Measures Report. 4.Z.S : ay�c � �::;es �✓ill compile and submit their monthly performance measures r�r�ort to the OJJDP desi�ated location before the end of the following fC/�C P; �gram Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCSMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 7 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE �� �� calendar rnonth. This monthly report does not replace the semi-annual progress report rep��irPd by the Office of Justice Program's Financial Guide. 4.2.4 ICA �"� Case Tracker — Task Forces will compile and submit inforxnation on all cases referred ic�r e�the; state or fedetal prosecutian. Information is required for all cases referred by the �ant receiving agency, as well as all affiliates that received morathan $20,000 a year. This report is on-going and begins with the prosecutorial agency the case is referred t� and continues through the final disposition of the case. T'his on-going quarterly reitiort wiil be due within five (5) business days of the start of the quarter and does not r:�71 u;;e �ither the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of 7ustice Prob, am's `'-r:uncial Guide nor the quarterly statistical performance measures report (see 4?.3 abo r: , �'h� report is submitted to icaccasetiacker�a�usdoi.:o� and copied to the ICAC Pro��tam Manager assi��ed to the task force. 4.3 Jncfe.��.�vea� Anve�ti�a¢ions 43.1 Car._ "rul's,,� �:anaged undercover operations conducted by well-trained officezs aze among thc..,.csi e;fective techniyues available to law enforcement for addressing ICAC. o: �: ,: z�,. 'Jndercovar operations, when executed and documenCed property, cc::leot virtually unassaitable evidenee regarding a suspeeYs predilecfion to exploiE�J',iidren. 43.2 ICA� 5upervisors are responsible for ensuring that 1CAC investigators receive a copy of the iLAC Operational and Investigative Standards. 4.3.3 ICA: i��ves�igations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of law anu u�.c, p�ooess. ICAC investigators are encouraged to work in con}uactior� w�di their loc�l, state or federal prosecutors. 4.3.�F "I'lie :,r;;,,wir,g ininimum standards apply to ICAC investigations: a. Cln1y sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shall conduet ICAC investigations in an w��te�cover capacity. Pzivate eitizens shall not be asked to seek out invesfiga6ve tar�Ets, nor shall they be authorized to act as police agents in an online Und�;rcover capacity. t;. ir' '.0 nersonnel shall not electronically upload, ttansmit, or forwazd � ;:.�s*.�:�nhic or sexually explicit images. c. �cner than images or videos of individuals, age 18 or over, who have pr�� . Led their infoi;..ed wriiien eonsent, and at the time consent was given ��ere cmployed by a criminal justice agency, no actual human images or vid�;;� st�all be utilized in an investigation. Employee is defined as a 5alar�•�l or corlpensated individu�l. 1t;ACProgram Operational and Invesfigative Standards �'OR L�Vb' �'NFC3RCEMEIVT PI712POSES ONLY Pane 8 of 15 L�1h1 ENF012CEMENT SENSITIVE bq-� d. uuring online dialogue, undercover officers should a11ow the investigative °,ar,=. tt; set the tone, pace, and subject matter of the online conversation. Image ha:i�icL s�ta11 be iniriated by the target. e. ". ic ue_cover online activity shall be recorded and documented. Any deparitues frorn this policy due to unusual circumstances shall be documented in the relevant cas�_ ��ie : ndreviewed by an ICAC supervisor. 4.4 �vic�e�^� ��osedures 4.4. ( Tl�e ._.���.: :g�, security, and desfruction of investigative information shall be consister.. •. t: zgency peiic}�. Access to these files should be restricted to authorizc� ;,_:�c:nr.el. A.4.2 Thr extl�r,inaYion of computers and di�ata3 media shall be consistent with agency poliey and i�:� ce<+ure. 4.4.3 Chi� i�i r: d aphy i� cen�raband and should be maintained pursuant to each ag�r�cy':: ,._ ': .i�,;, ��ga:ding such. It is recommended that absent a court order specifieai`. _- ~dcri�g utherwise, evidence containing child pornography shall not be re]ea5a�; � an � defendant or rapresen�ative t,'�ereof. 4.4A `I'hc; �., x,�;tez of evidence containing child pornography aznong law enforcement shall be <3on�� ��- a secure manner. Methods of transfer may include hand-delivery, ttansinis :i„r. uf �ibizaliy protected files, delivery via a service which tracks the shipment.. ,��;;�f•r mcthods consistent with agency policy and practices. �. ° V�'�OT''c.;� ,"�,E �sn3P.� �.C[id.4�}'rYi2IIt 4.5. t 1C!�'_ ��:;Gaoutcrs and saftware shall be reserved for the exclusive use of agency desi '/;`' �aersom�eL VVhen possible, undercover computers, software, and oniine a_: c>ui�ts shal] be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipment shall be usr' ,n lCAC inveshgations and a11 software shall t�e properly acquired and ticer�::;;r, 4.5.2 IG�;�_ ;;�rs:;� shafi i,ot use ICAC camputers, software or online accounts for personal u;e 4.5.3 AUcent c�xqrent or unforeseen circumstances, all ICAC online invesYigations shall be cor�duc�<:tl ; �c�ernment worksoace as designated by the agency. Exceptions mus_ be �; -, ��� ���e�( i�; advance by an iCtiC supervisor. :��"fl L Prog>rczm Dperatiorzal and Investigative Slandards �+�at. i,�,� F.P11�'D�RC�;P�IEI PURPOSES �l�'LY Page 4 of IS �.�� �N�o�c�M�NT s�NSITivE 6�_�-�.S 5. Ia►for�;���tx�;� 5haring �. t Con� :..., :::ai 7oundaries are virlually meaningless in the electronic world of the Internet a?.c' ti:e usual canstraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance. These fac� -;a�. ease the nossibility of 1CAC agencies targeting one another, investiga� ;i�; �.hc s:3ne subject, or inadvertenYly disrupting an ongoing im�estiQa<... ... "�: r foster ceordination, collzboration, and communication, eaeh ICAC agency �" �t ��:;rtribute caae i:Zfcr_na�?on c n a?] aetive investigataons (1oca1, inicr-�ce. reactive and proactive) to a common database as designated by n7JDP cw: _^tiy, referred to as the ICAC Data Exchange. S� If any c:;mmon tazget is identified, the iniriating ICAC agency is responsible for contactira� �� � c,t.�c� law �ciforeement agency targeting the suspect. S.S ;niti,Lt. +_ r��, agenci�s should also cailsider contacting other local, state, and fe�leral c,:�_:, �:.a� ��L,cii rnay be involved i�� similar investigations. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards e��21z LAW ENFORCER7ENT PURPOSES OJVLY Page 10 of 15 �,AW ENFORCEI�IENT SENSITIVE DGj-� �- �' 6. �icti:�a :;����fication 6.1 _denc_ :._ �:::ld aictims is a critical element of tbe ICAC Progam. DOJ and OJJDP re-;: -; ��� Task Forces to submit child vicrim images to the CVIP as a means tc -�roce child victim identification. Absent exigent circumstances, child victim ini..� ., w ui be sent to the CVIP consistent with NCMEC guidelines. In addition i: t�' rg�ncies are encouraged to collaborate with NCMEC to identify children d�- �:rP� in cni1�1 p�rao�aphy. 6_2 A foc :�< �, f t'�e iCAC Program is to protect children. In circumstances where reponmg oi cnild abuse is not required under existing ]aws, ICAC agencies are strongiy c�:; �ara<.*ed to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse or e;:plo��.:; , .. 6.3 Anse� i_�at cireumstances, victim identifying infarmation should be protected from put,��< <;scl,�sure. .'L"AC Ptrogram Opc-rutional and Investigatdve Standards �'OR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPO5ES ONLY Page 11 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE b � �5� 7. Victirr �=v;if:.ation [New sec_ -. Tc i: drafted in 2009 about 3USTICE FOR ALL Act Provisions that govem victim no�i=�:,ar�on.] ICAC P; ogram Operutiorial and Investigative Standards �fDR F�AW ENF�RCEMENT PURPOSES ONLX Page 12 of 15 LA�Td ENF�RCEMENT SENSITIVE �� -���- 8. Best :'� .s. i;ee:; �or Interacting with Poteutial Child Victims and their Non- Offendir=„; �� �mi€3� Members [To be de:c'oped in 2004.] ICAC Program Operational and Znvestigative Starulards FOR LAW ENFOI2CEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 13 of IS LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 9. Comsr!A��flt� Edncahon and Crime Prevention ����� 9. ] Preven±�on education activiries are a critical component of the OJIDP ICAC Program. ±CAC agencies should foster awareness and provide practical, relevant guidance :o cniluren, pazents, educators, librarians, and other individuals concemed u�;ou� child safety issues. 9.2 Pres�,.t<.;;�ns to schooi staff, paren�s, und community groups are exceilent ways ta promot: av<areness. These presentations shall not depict identifiable victims, not otherwise ir, the public domain; nor shall they use pornographic or sexually explicit ttnay�s. Presenters shall not discuss confidential investigafive techniques. 93 iVo mcr:!tiei c; an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without the exp; es.; �� �nscnt of an 0J3DP Program Manager. While appearing at gubiic presentati� �t �;, iC.aC members may indicate a preference for a product or service, but to avaic, �t7 in�r�ticit endorsement, such ICAC meznbers should indicate adequate ai:Lrnatives. ICAG Program Operatiana7 and Investigative Standards F012 LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES OlVLY Page 14 of I S LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 10. Mec�;a 3�eiations and Releases D�-5�5` 30.1 Medi:� _ie•ases relating to prosecutions, crime a7erts or other matters concerning ICAC ope-a.i ior,s shall not inciude information regazding confidential investigativ rechniques and should be coordinated (when applicable) with other Task Fo:c� ;;srticipants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and looal agencies im� oived in the investigation consistent with sound information managemer' and media;elati�ns practices. 10.2 ICAC :'-�m*nanders (or their designees) may speak to members of the media about their owr, � t.�arments' 1CAC-zelated activities according to their own agency's guidelines. "� <, i;idividual affiliated with the ICAC program may speak on behalf of the 1CAC Pr,__. �„� ;.�� a whoie. 10.3 ICAE :'omrnanders should inform their OJIDP Pcogram Managers if approached by nat;onal i���� �:� cutiets about tha 1CAC Program (as opposed to media seeking infarmatio�i about local activities) so that a coordinated national response can be prepared by �JP. 10_4 infe� :r�. �, �i � t�rovided by ICACs to tbe media shall be consistent with the guidance heiow: �°urpose c; �,ie ��:AC I'ragram 'I'he missic>s; of £he Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force program is to assist stato ��nc; sacal law enr"orcement agencies in developing an effective response to cyber c�it�.:;,;ncnt and child pomography cases. This support encompasses forensic and invest�gat�vc cot*ipc�nents, training and technical assistance, victim services, prevention ana ci,mmcrxiry education. l�ackgr�tir�;,� ��;. �'ae I�A� �rogram 7'he Interne= <.rimes Against Children (ICAC) program is a nationai network of fifty-nine coordinatG;;i ��c�l task forces and their 1,800 local and regional affiliated agencies eng�ge� i� °�>in ,,roactivz Gad reactive investigations, forensic examinations, effective prosecati; �� ran� commumty edueation. i The ICAC Program was developed in response to the inc��:: ;i �_� number of children and teenagers using the Internet, the proliferation of chii�i pon��;�� :4,;,-�, and ttie heightened orcline activity by predators searching for nnsu�erv„�d =ontact a✓ith underaoe victims. By helping state and local law enforcemettt ag�nc�es u�:,:;iup efiective and sustainable responses to oniine ehild vietimizarion and child p�rna•,r<�.phy, the ICAC program delivers nationai resources at the local level. 'Ii�e i�A �,, ,.�s actively protect� children who use the Internet by proactively invesr;gat:�<<=. th�, on-line sexual exploitation of children by predators_ Because ICAC pracdr,cz:�. -�.r��`,drstand that arrests alone can not resolve the probiem of ozi-.me o.;� �+%?t.on, tha 1CAC program is dedicated to training law enforcement and educaC,r�z ,. x;:ats an� youtfi about the potential dangers online and offeting safety toois. !ti AC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FC912 LAW ENFURCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY P'age I5 of 15