INTERMEDIARY Council File No. 189890 —
vr; ;'.he matter of openA,t�g
Wheeler Street; �:in 1
from Thoma v s:a
In the Matter of opening and extending s a ranee . r "
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a ' .-. }
.7., -
3�.:, Wheeler Street to a width of 66 ft: from Thomas Avenue to "the southwesterly
line of Lot "E", Dickermants Rearrangement, by taking and condemning that
part of Dickerman Park and that part of Dickerman's Rearrangement from
Thomas Avenue to the southwesterly line of Lot-,"E" P Dickerman's Rearrangement
lying between the following described lines: The,west line being the west
line of Wheeler Street as platted in Dickerman's Rearrangement produced
.northerly to the southeast corner of Lot 30, Block 2, Dickerman Park, thence
on amine: to the northeast . corner of Lot 1., Block 2, Dickerman Park;; The
urclnt east line,i being- the east line of •Wheeler Streettas.' platted " in -Dickerman's
,Rearrangement ,(produced3northerlyilto lthe ,, southwest cor_,ner�eof ,Lot: X16.; ; °Block'
open D ckermanAPark,,Tthencelaol a, ne,todcthe northwest corneriof "Lot- 15, Block 11
Dickerman Park
i. T"ho th�r said report w1d the'�•am.e 4M bereby .apprond and cdopted, :iud t %,e rte ld improvement
is hereby ordered -to Ibe- proceeded wain.
2. That the, nature of -the improvement which the Council recommends is to ' open and extend
,.Wheeler Street to a width of'66�ft. from Thomas Avenue to the southwesterl y
line of Lot "E ") D16kerman,ls Rearrangement, by taking and condemning that `,±
part of Dickerman Park and that part of Dickerman's•Rearrangement from
Thomas Avenue to the southwesterly line -:of Lot "E ",-Dickermaiz's Rearrangement `
lying between the following described lines; 'T#ie west line being the west
line of Wheeler Street as platted in Dickerman's Rearrangement produced
northerly to the southeast corner of Lot 30, Block 2,,Dickerman Park, thence`
Withon a line, to the, northeast corner pf, Lot 1 � Block 2 'Dickerman Parke The
»n . itr•, .r =Y�t ° ;r x, ,l, 1' r- f , x11T,K f:i *°7i . auk tt.E� _ .w > .... 7
east line being the east line of 'Wheeler Street as platted in Dicke'rman's
Rearrangement produced northerly to the southwest corner of Lot 160 Block l,y
;Dickerman., Park; lthencebba waline'to• "the 66:Ahwest *`cornernof Blot 15; Block,`
Di ckerman ,Park
ill__LB , at l 1 :ar of 1�1 o'c `oc . A. Vii., i _ tl..' .°',o_ -,icil Ch; mbc.:• oft + i'�r. f,
C/It . rr ll r+ •t,• - -> ;� �l:v lv fv tR =X'- _g:�.� O Finance li7v, ilOt1C2 {}��
— r10USE d,ilU L14y "Sl &11 tiuiaui ;s– , �_ J.
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place or--'
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Council NOV 12 1958 , 19_L
Approved N f l V 11`� - U10118
File 14041
Councilman HOLLAND
Councilman MORTINSON
Councilman _
Councilman ROSEN
Councilman WINKEL
Mr. President
City Clerk