189843ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1.89843 CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 File No,189843 =By Mrs, Donald COUNC RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM tereas, The Board of County Com -i Toners of Ramsey County by reso- "a:'1 dated November 3, 1958, hasi PRESENTED BY rfiera as nonconservatiori lands cer -; COMMISSIONER- DATE lying within the limitsi r ii? ig: if St. Paul; and , t hn4�ns1 - •ertifie!?; the ii.': OiICt' 10!'J ?9t :eisarfW 3: -iz ia6" " WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County by resolution dated November 3, 1958, has classified as nonconservation lands certain parcels lying within the limits of the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, A certified copy of the classification resolution, to- gether with a list of the lands classified has been submitted for approval of the classification and sale of :the land classified, in accordance with MSA Section 282.01, Sub. "l; NOW,'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the classification of the lands shown on said list.as nonconservation land and the sale thereof be and hereby is approved; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City Clerk be and hereby is directed to file.a certified copy of this resolution in the Office of the County Auditor. STATE /OF N M "J iWroa - I, JC cert ify tl pas ed by day of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Mortinson = Rosen Winkel [Mr: P_r6iW91r t;_Dillori�` sM. M.T. v "2 t CP cr�os:� ss h R. eski, C erk of the Ci the ve isat e and correc C i1 of the C ty of St._ f t. Paul, do copy of a resole on e / Approverl NOV 6 195819_ In Favor Mayor Against PUBLISHED i DUPLICATE TO PRINTER J-89843 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEMS.9 The Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County by resolution dated November 3, 1958,. has Classified as nonconservation lands certain parcels lying within the limits of the City of St. Paul; and TAH MA.S, A certified copy of the classification resolution, to- gether with a list of the lands classified has been submitted for approval of the classification and sale of the land classified, in accordance with WA Section 282.01, Sub. 1; Nall, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCiVE3 That the classification of the lands shown on said list as nonconservation land and the sale thereof be and hereby is approved, AM BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City Clerk be and hereby is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the Office of the County Auditor. STATE COMM OF RAC I, Joseph R certify that the passed by the Ca day of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson e Rosen Winkel Fkr. Pxesid6it, Dillon:_; Mr. Ytr 2aWent (Peterson) 5M 5.58 ss pkoneski, Clerk of ove is a true and ii of the City of -In Favor 0 Against City of St. Paul, do hereby ,ect copy of a res lution Paul on the Adopted by the Council NOV '6 195819_ NOV 6 1958 Approved 19— Mayor COUNTY OF RAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF LAND COMMISSIONER 286 COURT HOUSE MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY — COMMISSIONER LEONARD C. SEAMER ASST COMMISSIONER RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE CAPITAL 4 -*12 - EXT. 352.355 SAINT PAUL 2 MINNESOTA November 5, 1958 ELTOR A. DEHN ASST VALUATION ENGINEER FOREST W. CROWLEY VALUATION CLERK 189843 To The Mayor and Council of the,City of St. Paul Gentlemen and Madam: The Board of County Commissioners has classified as nonconservation land the thirty parcels of tax- forfeited land shown on the attached list. Approval of this classification and of the sale of the lands is required by statute before appraisal and sale thereof. Attached is a suggested form of resolution covering the matter, which I trust will meet with your ap- proval. Respee ully submitted, Asst. Land Commissioner a jt r The attention of County !aubitor'z Office St. Paul, Minn., County Auditor - Land Commissioner i COUNTY BOARD File No. 1754 Resolution 9 -4914 No. November 3, 195 8 is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on November 3, 1958 By Commissioner Goodrich WHEREAS, MSA Section 282 provides that forfeited lands be classified as conservation or nonconservation and that the classifi- cation be submitted to the governing body of the municipality in which the parcels lie for approval of the classification and sale thereof; and WHEREAS, The Land Commissioner has prepared a list dated Novem- ber 3, 1958, of lands lying within the limits of the City of Saint Paul which forfeited on July 23, 1958, and recommends that said parcels be classified as nonconservation lands; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the parcels of forfeited lands as shown on said list be and hereby are classified as non - conservation lands; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the classification be submitted to the Council of the City of Saint Paul for approval of the clas- sification and sale of the lands involved. STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) I. James D. Swan, Jr.,'Executive Secretary for the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, do hereby cer- tify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the County Board at its meeting held November 3, 1958" the original of which is on file in the County Auditor's office. EUGENE A. MONICS, County Auditor By . Deputy. Form Aud. 200 6M 4•55 M • � %h • NOTICE I TOWNSHIP RANGE NO. SUBDIVISION OR OR LOT ®LOCK 1 ` A' .. �4 M ftrae Witt" AV. st* :paM1ls nlbw* 20 $� 14 3 mmor slat Pak +WiyytsMifii \ 1M�MIF�UIwIpW+Aw/w+ A$$.. to 'mt'jililu. 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