189763ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - < CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER eeTF 4 j- - 1-81"G63 6 —FILE NO. NO. C eil File No. 189763 —By Robert F. ' „ ' "son — FORM S! •eas, Ms. W111i°m Aehch having 'or a irr ;i* brill' a se,,z n� tila WHEREAS, Mr. William Rench having applied for a permit to build a seven -car parking lot in conjunction with one seven -unit apartment building located on a site described as the east side of Pierce Street between St. Anthony and Shields Avenues, the zoning of which is "C" Residence, the legal descrip- tion of said property being the north one -half of Lot 21 and all of Lot 22, Block 3, Milham Park Addition, and said company having filed with its petition a map which is hereto attached and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 60.23, par. 4, subsection 1, of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the Traffic Engineer and the Planning Director have made a re por t to this Council, dated November 4, 1958, in which said report it appears that the Traffic Engineer has approved the petition of said 'William Rench; and WHEREAS, in said report, the Planning Director has refrained from presenting approval to the project on the ground of density standards; and WHEREAS, the said pet- itioner has taken an appeal to the Council from said report, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon all the facts and circumstances and the finding of this Council that the petition for the parking lots of said petitioner has answered the requirements of the Legislative Code, said petition for the establishment of the aforesaid parking lot is hereby approved, and the Building Department of the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to issue the permits for the apart- ment house construction and the parking lot to be established in conjunction therewith. NOV 4 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy NOV 4 1958 Approved 19_ Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor nRosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon pLTiiLISD 5M 5.58 c4apoD2 - - R D O F ZONING, N I N G, CITY OF S A I NT PAU L #k'fAN.Yioit7251- 232 -233 1013 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2,MINNDOTA ti........... ........ November 4, 1958 Honorable Mayor and City Council Building' c x'63 Dear Mayor and Council Members: This is with reference to_tbe petition of Mr.William Rench for a permit to build one seven -car private parking lot in conjunction with a seven unit apartment building. y; The site is located on the east side of P' ierce Street between St.Antbony -and Shields Avenues. "The legal description of the property is the north one -half of Lot 21.and all -..of Lot,22, Block 3, Milham Park Addition. Section 60.23,.paragraph (4), subsection (1) of the Legislative Code pro- _ vides tbat "Plans showing the layout and design of vehicular parking places with a capacity of less than ten (10) motor vehicles shall be approved by. the Traffic Engineer and the Planning Director prior to the issuance of any building or works ..permit necessary. . The parking layout has been approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The Board of Zoning and the Planning Director.have adopted certain density and building coverage standards for apartment projects. Based on these standards, the proposed project exceeds the building coverage.requirements by 12 per cent and the maximum density by-40 per cent. For this reason, I find it impossible to approve this project. Respectfully submitted,