189759QRIGMAL TO CITY CLERK , BY CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. 180759 FILE It- :until File No. 189759 —By Joseph E. 'lion, mayor —, .ereas, The . Council ..of th- C v + �ht P IMEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, after study of State Constitutional Amendment No. 1, which is on the ballot in the November 4, 1958, election for ratification by the voters of Minnesota, has arrived at the conclusion that said Amendment No.`1 is a commendable constitutional provision, incorporating many necessary constitutional changes which have been for a long period of time necessary and worth while, and which amendment further provides more "home rule" for the citizens of our local governmental subdivisions; and WHEREAS, said Constitutional Amendment No. 1 has received the support of both political parties and candidates thereof, and innumberable civic and citizens groups both in our own city and throughout the -.State; and WHEREAS, the expression for ratification of the amendment has'been approached by all these groups "in a true nonpartisan spi"rit,.having in mind only the -consideration of the salutary effects; in•the democratic operation of government, which will follow ifs said Constitutional Amendment is passed by the voters of this State•, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul expresses,i$ts approval of Constitutional Amendment No. 1 and urges an affirmative vote by our citizens on such proposition _ in the election to be held next Tuesday, November 4, 1958. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r DeCourcy Mortinson — Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 OM 2 OCT 3 1 1958 Adopted by the Council 19- OCT 3 7 1958 i Approved X19— I In Favor - dujmv-,. i Mayor I Against PUBLISMTLZ _ -= +ry IbUPLjCATE TO PRINTER PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM NO ( r 1M, EAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paula after study of State Constitutional. Amendment No, 1, which is on the ballot in the November l+, 1958, election for ratification by the voters of Minnesota, has arrived at the conclusion that said Amendment No.. 1 is a commendable constitutional provision, incorporating many necessary constitutional changes which have been for a Long period of time necessary and worth while, and which amendment further provides more "home rule" for the citizens of our local governmentot subdivisions; and iJliMAS, said Constitutional Amendment No. 1 has received the support of both political parties and candidates thereof,,, and innumberable civic and citizens groups both in our own city and throughout the State; and J. S, the expression for ratifica -L-Ion of the amendment has been approached by all these groups in a true nonpartisan spirit, having in mind only the consideration of the salutary effects, in the democratic, operation of government, which will follow if s71,d Constitutional Amendment is passed by the voters of this State:, now, thercfore,, be it IWOLVU, that the .Council of the City of Saint Paul expresses its approval of Constitutional Amendment No. 1 and urges an affirmative vote by our citizens on such proposition in the election to be held next Tuesday, November 4, 1958. 11 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Mortinson „/ Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 oQW2 OCT 3 1 1958 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved OCT 3 1 1958 19— Tn Favor Mayor Against a e� AUACRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 181975 FILE NO• aprAsj the council of the City or Saint Patti, aft -or ztudy of state rota Ci.tutd:onal Al endm vit Ila. 1, which is on fte ballot in tl 'November 4, 19%,* 010Ction for ratifica tiCin tY they voters of .Vince zot!�, bear nrriv;d , mt the conclualon thit a4td endzent fio.. 1 In a co endablo constitutional l provivion, Incorporating maw necessary ssary nonatituti *nAl ebeeingea vbicb his e been for a. long period of timo necea sary and too rtb vbi e p ond, ich amendment further provid" uore "home rule" for the oltiz ne of our local governmental subdivialono; cad MAg, naaai:d. Con#titutionsl Anendment Do. 1 ha v received the aup;tort of both pali+4c4a parties and vandidates there ofj. and i mborable civic and a i_tl2e nri. g=ups both in our ova city end th=uabout the Stater; and '6'I Hl<'faSO t exT rancion for ratiflcztloa of the € MendMent has boon xpproached by, all,theA6 groups in a 'true nonpartiabn spirit, having In, * nd only 06 a otisiderAtion *I,' tha' salutnnry- effects, ir. the dozooratio opeslraa tlon. rrf goveracent, vbi.a;x will follow if trod .aeon atitutiota9l Amendme at is paseed by the votere of tbin Stataj nov,, therr.i`ore, be it am&'ant th4t they Council of the City of Sa i att Paul axpressev its epprov of Consltitutional. Amendment Vo. I -ate' d ,urges an affim*tIve vote bv our eitizons on such- propooition . i':x the .e faction to %I* hod next Tuaa -day., OovombaWr 4, 10% COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Hailft"d Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 OCT 3 2 1958 Adopted by the Council 19_ OCT 31 1958, Approved 19— In Favor Mayor Against n fbir raU00sli-m *hr the votmro of i .1 tee for A 1049 of !tio# notovisory and vor h v�lle_R .cud ithk aman .mt f ar prov, 400 mwarg '"tote "100. for % IA1 sea$ 4f -tur Iced gavevnocatiA 'oj)4iv.1.stvw- a Qjp vup-to)�t of bath � pmr-� the - Orranuio `3 ►#fit°` oi awmft h�1y�) `-�soon tppro iellmdb, all theot�y 4pwz 1¢4 �f� : tt.rua *p np-r --ti sm ' _ ���.F.•1>W�# ��ll =Ti #� �1Y �j4�� '��rt � 'i�W'•F,!.'�F.'W.�I a1 .Rl'sFtrd� "�� �fk� ��iS�l�� - ` �a a ocratio Op erlitil- rt of owro # of AMA suu; nov., 0 r_A;fvr4* 'bo it ST ito opp -toyw of cft-61t Wi ymAlz tita rout 40. 1 mid . DCT 31. 1958 -OCT-,'j 1 1958 Way of stuto -coistitpuaml fikonftoa hIch ko wa Ue ' U.ot in zme ,.boor p I95$,s, o`��►+ tigt t n Uy. .tom tors of ttwic � , . ' *f v d tf, tbo c4noluslou thAt oa t 6,,. I In tome r*10 omMwtlexsal pvi sign 0046f.tt t 6r . oges v a c # i�h cloudmot rurttAr provido , iso *b4xe ird1 *0 for the eMso t or, our ]CO M. 'a "matal subAlviaitmof, r'a . MOW utt *to su + . . oaf = � s Itl �. �a ; # eo t d l ber�blo vI � d vouyo _both I our o��: eI: ��d mo bou 'tpprorched by 43:. theoo spa In -trtm oon .rtt4- =Ow, if sdd CoMtituttonvI A todziv t, -10 p z by, vo to -- mwtv�• tbkt 'fit .rtzdvI, of `' of ty -or s4tnt pr. " urea on o-MmOive gotd br., our tithe o $n oath ro st- Up e t t o t o hod, e. Toot d oys ovio -. r A.4: 10M4 OCT 3 195$` OCT 31 11,158