189731Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE. 189731 9 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY &14�0 ORDINANC".O 11 3L7 —, ,. N i 1897? - x - : tilJiaf., An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi- bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions. in the Classified Service of the City, rr approved February 13, 1935, . as a "mended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES: ORDAIN: Section 1. That 'Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as. amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for: .. w WU O C CL ` CL i Asphalt Laborer Concrete and Curb Laborer District Foreman Foreman-- Public Works. Labor Crew Leader Public Works. Laborer Unskilled Laborer and, by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following specifications: Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -b7 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 189731 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.-11 �� -9- Section 2.' This ordinance shall takel'effe.ct and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel /M . President (Dillon) Attest: / /) /-? 'A NOV 14 1958 Nays Passed by the Council In Favor. Against N 0 14 1958 1M 12;67 :' a S �/!/ PUBLISHEED • •1• • . 18 731 Title of class: ASPHALT LABORER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform manual labor requiring little skill, training, or experience, and involving the shoveling of hot asphalt from truck or from piles to the asphalt raker and the cutting and loading of scrap asphalt; and to perform related work .as assigned. Examples of work performed: To shovel hot asphalt dumped from trucks, and to place it for the asphalt rakers. To shovel hot asphalt directly from truck. To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it into trucks. (This title abolished except as to present incumbents. As the number of Asphalt Laborers becomes insufficient, these duties will be assumed by Public Works Laborers.) Title of class: CONCRETE ANY CURB LABORER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform manual labor requiring little skill, training, or experience, and involving the handling, mixing, and distributing of materials, the digging of trenches, and the setting of forms for curb work; and to perform related work as assigned, Examples of work performed: To wheel rock and sand to a concrete mixer. To wheel wet concrete from a mixer and spread and tamp the concrete. To excavate trenches for curbs to line and grade. To help in the setting of forms for concrete curbs to lines and grades. (This title abolished except as to present incumbents. As the number of Concrete and Curb Laborers becomes insufficient, these duties will be assumed by Public Works Laborers.) 3 189731 Title of class: / - DISTRICT FOREMAN l Duties and responsibilities: Linder supervision, to supervise the cleaning of both paved and unpaved streets and alleys, and the maintenance and repair of unpaved streets and alleys; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: Tb supervise Crew Leaders and their crews engaged in: Street. sweeping and flushing. Spreading of sand, cinders and salt. Removal of snow, ice and refuse from streets and sidewalks. Making minor repairs to unpaved streets and alleys and to curbs -and sidewalks. To assist in supervising a crew engaged in scarifying, blading and oiling unpaved streets. To investigate complaints as to street conditions and to take corrective measures. To prepare daily time reports. (This title abolished except as to present incumbents. As the number of District Foremen becomes insufficient, these duties will be assumed by-.Foremen--Public Works.) 189731 Title of 'class- FOREMAN--PUBLIC WORKS (15 -" /J Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to supervise the maintenance, repair and cleaning work within the jurisdiction*of the maintenance division of the Public Works Department; and to perform related work as assigned. ]Examples of work performed: To supervise the construction and repair of streets and alleys. To supervise the construction and repair of curbs, sidewalks, sewers, catch - basins, shafts, manholes and culverts. To supervise street or alley grading - To supervise seal coating operations. To keep time records and to make cost distributions. To supervise Crew Leaders and their crews engaged in: Street sweeping and flushing. Spreading of sand, cinders and salt. Removal of snow, ice and refuse from streets and sidewalks. To'supervise a crew engaged in scarifying, blading and oiling streets. To investigate complaints as to street conditions and to take corrective measures. Minimum qualifications: Eighth -grade education and two years' experience as a Crew- Leader, District Foreman, or Truck Driver in 'the Department of Public Works, or as a labor foreman on street maintenance and construction work, or as a Senior Engineering Aide with at least. one year's experience in the inspection of construction projects. ,S 180'731 Title of class: LABOR CREW LEADER Duties and responsibilities: t Under supervision, to do actual work and to act as leader of a small crew of men engaged in unskilled or semi - skilled work; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To engage in and to supervise a crew of men engaged in: Wheeling rock and sand to a concrete mixer.. Wheeling wet.concrete from a mixer and spreading and tamping the . , concrete. Excavating trenches for curbs to line and grade. Helping in the setting of forms for concrete curbs and sidewalks to lines and grades. Shoveling hot asphalt from trucks, and placing it for asphalt rakers. Cutting out old asphalt on repair work and loading it into trucks. Setting and removing forms'for sewers. Driving sheathing. Laying sewer or drainage pipes. Preparing asphalt surfaces for repair work and applying tack coating material. Doing labor work in connection with grading work on streets and alleys and setting grade stakes. Operating, water jetting lines on sewer and paving jobs. _Dining labor work in .connection with earth boring and testing. Doing street sweeping. Shoveling snow, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel and refuse. Spreading sand, cinders and salt. Removing snow and ace from streets and sidewalks. Stacking or loading pipe, lumber and other supplies. Using picks, wheelbarrows and other tools as necessary. Minimum qualifications: Eighth -grade education and two years' experience as an Unskilled Laborer. I I Title of class; 18 731 PUBLIC WORKS LABORER I l 51 0 Duties and responsibilities; Under supervision, to perform unskilled manual labor in connection with the construction and repair of streets, alleys, curbs, side- walks, sewers, catch - basins, manholes and culverts; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To wheel rock and sand to a concrete mincer. To wheel wet concrete from a mixer and spread and tamp the concrete.. To excavate trenches for curbs to line and grade. To help in the setting of forms for concrete curbs to lines and grades. To shovel hot asphalt dumped from trucks, and to place it for asphalt rakers. To shovel hot asphalt directly from truck. To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it into trucks. To set and remove forms for sewers. To drive sheathing. To lay sewer or drainage pipes. To prepare asphalt surfaces for repair work and to apply tack coating material. , To do labor work in connection with grading work on streets -and alleys and to set grade stakes. To operate water jetting lines on sewer and paving jobs. To do labor work in connection with earth boring and testing. ,(This title abolished except as to present incumbents. As the number of Public Works Laborers becomes insufficient, these duties will be. assumed by Unskilled Laborers.) 7 Title of class: 189 731 UNSKILLED LABORER � 1 5�0 Duties and respgnsibilities: Under supervision, to perform unskilled manual labor in connection with the construction and repaip of streets, alleys, curbs, sidewalks, sewers, catch - basins, manholes and culverts; and to perform re- lated work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To wheel rock and sand to 'a concrete mixer. ' To wheel wet concrete from a mixer and spread and tamp the concrete. To excavate trenches for curbs to line and grade. To help in the setting of forms for concrete curbs and sidewalks to lines and grades. To shovel hot asphalt from trucks, and to place it for asphalt rakers. To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it into trucks. To set and remove forms for; sewers. To drive sheathing. To lay sewer or drainage pipes. To prepare asphalt surfaces for repair work and to apply tack coating material. To do labor work in connection with grading work on streets and alleys and to set grade stakes. . r, To'operate water jetting lines on sewer and paving jobs. �o. _To..do. -labor .work -in connection with earth boring and testing. To do street sweeping. To shovel snow, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel and refuse. To spread sand, cinders and salt. To remove snow and ice from streets and sidewalk¢. To stack or load pipe, lumber and other supplies. To use picks, wheelbarrows and other tools as necessary. Minimum Qualifications: Mubt be in good physical condition and be at least 21 years of age. J Is logU n 4 /6 Laid over to tt/ 17 ' I 3rd and app Adopt Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy ' DeCourcy Holland Holland NLmmm Mortinson ftxxibwX Mortinson - L'•et"S". Peterson 1 Winkel Wz'rVel n Mr rasidenilTo Mr. President Dillon Mr. T89731