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PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 18`727 Council-File _No ---------- __� ( Council File No. 189727 -- f (I Whereas A to ur-4 THUD: F _ _ The und�er�siwdhereby pr2poses�the_ making of the following public �improvement by the City of'Saint Paul, viz.: . .......... , ... , ..... ,1 iio'dem-�ing and tali ng permanent' easements' for the, 1???ose of Consta�ucting and maintaining' 'a retaini'ig wall ' be ' � ng part of the. impro�teuient of the :.. Northern..Route...as...opened. through• Lot'. 2j .Block.•3., and.Lot• iy..Bilock. W College place East Divisiom under.Preliminary Order C F.1$5'14 approved November 27, 19 7, and=%'3.na1 Qrder .d`i7FA80!5.6pprio' ed Agri] `1 5$s;" 'l a 'pdr ns i�" abement' Lin Me"I2yr, Boek 3 j�,%to fbe bounded bytJ1e; ;following at ntersection of the east 1_ne of Pascal street he hweaterly line Of the Northern Router thence in a southeaaterliy• direct o .4 -4e diid south- iresterly Brie to i ts' Uterbection with the wept line of the` north nd'l sd th" alley, in Brown's' Sub of Tote 1 and 4, Block College Place East Division; ._ "tizenca ; south ..or the . est ne c�f ee3d • a11ey to -a point wh6re4aid< west line 1- s intersectb a line; paraL..el to ,and 4 xti diiatent eouthwesterly from the south westerly line of the ISortherx , ou c � ;tie c�I a orthwesterlp direction on the said "line which ;is ` r � 11 para11e1 Ito and � �'t. distant „from �the, � southtiyesterl line do t'o�?i or hero 'Ro'iite'�G£ol�the,'po.i'nt'� is nt. ®r'eec i'on t�Z'fia east, ]3ne of Pascal. Street; 'thence a ofth Q „o� the east line of Pascal 6tr'eet 'ta the: p'Qint of beginn*94.: mhe permanen , .� 14 a l sand 14s Block ,4, College rP��ice east ivis on 4 L 4.a tti: r X Vi c n4 iA4 V11;L ;• tube, bo unded�ythsfalagt�rngdescriti 8d�lne Cq�nmencn�atAthanterQecstion of the, xe`stlp wo % *U' %',P cal ,, tree, c �w,ty�he sQuihxe�terlytl net ©f the ,��lgrth rn Route;; thence -south on_ the: weet�line,•ogrPasc``Street ,toss intlwrere :, :saic. west,. line ` enc r.so u y2. a•r iS Ltl Y -, . 'a tiJ41! �% � • µ « .. a. teraec s e n�r;pare"1. All o d,C4 f..rxdist n $ou s s ��'::`% -,r• M' w,,i;i ��.+ .r+- ,tiv:T- o,r..� •1�.,,. ,.e � l t '�.,� � �iPi'1y��2`olil lti+ly@ $OLit�% y , y� ? �c .. ,,. .. � p � iorthwe terly'dire do on the iesterl , 3i of the orthera .. ute °t ence ln{ Q 7{a .,. J- h,.1441iW.i i+.5{,.JwA •►e•'iv.'Vy Y:.. S�iVR -L'.. M.'C �r j . aline ,xh�;�a�aeio;dhv Sro,An they soutl�estlylneof1e , ®,14th�xRqutFatosth��ypo3n#}o its "inter�at�onththearth,]�Yne Qt , Lot;1lt; wB1oc1!i Co11ge�,Zlac ®� �1?,st 113v� lion; . �fience, eaeterlyo ;the said north i' neo$* _,;_ r- %a-,,� no h ast cornar;�thence n a�;$Qutheastarly, d r ®anon on the eq�utin a terly .n� of`t eiNc r�,,thorr�;I s7ute to the_-'po nV�o 194i ,Zot iiriq . xarallol to a;-. 4 'ft. distact : � sthacstsr1- 7�n 4— rcu :h< 1riSM Q.F �,�tie�4M A d A A - 66'cgonde ngian�d, taking te�?Qrsry easeraente -; farL¢onstruct on;purpfoses. :3�n the Lgt5,� -A �,and_21. � Block, l�,,sCo]i3ege. lacei Bee „t t �iivisiont� on+ $ 1 ,f t� i►4 d� � tr9p{adjacen�t eirae� t}nirQpterly�of�theeperm n ®nt2 as mer�t;d asarib�d° above I rsnd through Lot;F21a Block 3,a GQ7.lege t4mo -, 2( t. ew ide�'istrip - Bd.iiinnnh.'�!ni!'D f9A. .,AMY4- t�t'w °.s�es•..i:s/_w.P_ . 1.1.- ...- Y..,......,......�.i. .... ,.._�......i. ..d ___.a. t_'�v =t. _...._ .s. _- __ �{ _ .. _a: 7 Araight cline, t4�eit�g l nterae t o �wi�tl t$o nnorth cline af� the;;�said 4 of ��4; . inters ;its a,', line parallel to and 4 ft, distant so:ith.vester y frofli the rohth- Aleo Kccznd t ng ands taking; en e$ ot�erttl,in.cthe �. nd ceasrary onkths,L euthwesterly `side forlialoP.ess0-031tslAnd i:� . � n�the« pro owed; a#n d� vi f t r Yterrt _.� � t` � 1 .. �� -. - 4�7 vrr. _..... �.� y.T, R• +_.c a` �.•%,ta• ;a. '�'L. 17 1 Y to :l;ti;gx!dde1eefxh4?fhtiz� tpr? field_ nifef ;�n►htb,UepglxentcofPablis:; :lore : :� li a of Lit tc� it northeast 'eorncrj thence In a, southeastCr:.y direction on the $opt :west^ ly' Tina of the Vloxthern Route to the point of beginning. . 03 .. ...�,. -.i ..S r•e. +nr.%i !i. n1.i..�.r n,- r�.�,x+►+v. n�r,twnyi.ri 4r�►. P'n++4'}',7`71 Y1�i+E1x 2�rYYC*At'`a ”! 'L» _ _ 3 _ — — • ffiOV VVl 4paalsu. 16 Gll V atil'1S a. OVa �V�vi, Va..v Vaaav���� �.. ����������� �� . Lot 2, Blo,.ck,,,3i ,Lotsi,lnand 14, ,•Block 4, College Place East Division, on a 15 ft, wide strip adjacent to and southwesterly of the permanent easement described "above in and through Lot 2, Block 3, Coilege'Place East.Division ;,and #on a 20 ft. wide strip adjacent to and southwesterly of the permanent; easendnt�`'d'e_scrilied above in and through Lots 1 and 14, Block 4, College Place }East Division, and on the prolongation of the said 20 fto_ trip_. produced -so._that -the southwesterly line.- of•.it --is_ extended -- •- -- , Ina iGa_ightTine to - its,'intdrsection :with the north line of the said-Lot 146 = Also condemning and tak T y ` ' •. g ing,.an easement in�thell�nd necessary on the southwesterly side _ for-slop e cuts and fills in the proposed grading and. paving of the Northern Route'through Lot 2., -own" Sub of Lots 1 and 4j College Place East Division, to the grade was shown in the profile. on file' in the . Department of Public Works.