Original to City Clerk
j r'ounciI File No. 189326— Ordinance N�
11326 —By Mrs. Donald M. Decourc, •.�
�~ Fioliand —; et everiu A. M o
Persarr� —+, •;i,'.O
.to inn n.�Gna7^
An ordinance authorizing and providing for
the issuance of ��/
par value of '� oe 90AtO e v
' oosn d p Uv4A ,1 A' 5
the bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,
upon the approval thereof by the electors of the�20.500'000.00)
City of Saint Paul, for the following purposes,
For the purpose of acquiring school sites
and grounds, and constructing and equipping
of new school buildings and additions to
existing school buildings, and for the
reconstruction, repair, betterment, remodel-
ing and equipping of existing school buildings.
This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and
Section 1. That it is expedient that the City of
Saint Paul issue and .sell the negotiable Vbonds of said Cit /y�, n ii 1 -104
in the sum of cc? r��i` Rr' rson—: ttse— i� *�r[,,,asi,..,,��na..r✓e �i i e 17U�i��eG
' �- par value, for the following purposes, .(, °if5h Nb
and that the total of said bond issue shall be expended for R S
said purposes and no other, viz: °'�� d
v 10a�° ol
For the purpose of acquiring school sites
and grounds, and constructing and equipping
of new school buildings, and additions to
existing school buildings, and for the
reconstruction, repair, betterment, remodel -
ing and equipping of existing school buildings.
Before any bonds shall be issued, the issuance thereof
shall be approved by a majority of the electors of the City of
Saint Paul at an election in said City on the 4th day of
November 1958. The ballot for such election shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:
November 4, 1958 Ve
Shall the City of Saint Paul issue bond fie ,�
t11 j../
+If 17 in the amount of .-Twen Re 9 �r10 �sA
for gu l
the following purposes, the total of said bond It .4 2S p00,0
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Dillon)
1M 12 -57 uu 8
City Clerk
Passed by the Council
$ Favor
issue to be expended for those
purposes and no other, viz:
For the purpose of acquiring
school sites and grounds and
constructing and equipping of
new school buildings and
additions to existing school
buildings, and for the recon-
struction, repair, betterment,
remodeling and equipping of
existing school buildings.
Section 2. Such bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds,
a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue.- The
first installment shall come due in not more than three (3) years
from the date of the bonds and the last installment shall come
due in not more than thirty (30) years from such date. No annual
installment of principal of any bonds payable in the third or
any- subsequent year after the date of such bonds shall exceed
five times the amount of the smallest prior installment thereof
payable in any year after the second year.
The Council shall fix, by subsequent resolution, the date
and denomination of such bonds and the dates of maturity thereof
and may in such resolution provide that such bonds shall be
rede:err@ble at par and accrued interest or at such premium and at
such time and upon such published notice as may be determined.
Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not in
excess of six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi - annually,
and both principal and interest shall be payable at the Fiscal
.Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City of Saint Paul,...
Minnesota, or, at the option of the respective holders of such
bonds, at the Fiscal .Agency of the City of Saint Paul in the
City of New York, New York. The faith and credit of the City
of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt
and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds.
The proceeds of said bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be
used solely for the purposes described in Section 1 of this
Section 3. The Council shall negotiate and sell said bonds
from time to time, in such amounts as it may see fit, upon such
notice and in such manner as may be prescribed by law, at not
less than par and accrued interest, to the highest responsible
bidder or bidders, and the proceeds thereof, including the
premiums realized thereon, shall be credited to and placed in a
separate fund for the purposes described in Section 1 of this
Original to City Clerk
Section 4. The proper City officers are hereby authorized,
ordered and required to set aside annually from the revenues of
the City of Saint Paul a sufficient amount to pay the interest
on said bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in
any such year. This provision is in addition to the pledge of
the general faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul for the
payment of said bonds, and is not in lieu thereof.
Section 5. This ordinance is herbby declared to be an
emergency ordinancb rendered necessary for the preservation of
the public peace, health and safety.
Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after.its passage', approval and publication, and
upon approval by the vote of the electors, as provided by law.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be published by the.
City Clerk at least once in the following newspapers published
within the City of Saint Paul: St. Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul
Dispatch, and the Saint Paul Legal Led er. Such publication
shall take lace not less than ten (10Y days nor.emore than
fifteen (15� days before the date of said election. It shall
also be posted by the City Clerk at least fifteen (15) days
before said election in three (3) public places in every election
district, one of such places in each of such election districts
to be the place of holding the election therein. Said ordinance
as so posted and published shall be preceded by a notice in sub-
stantially the following form:
November 4, 1958
Notice is hereby given that at the election
to be held in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,
on November 4, 1958, there will be submitted to
the electors of said City for approval, the
issuance of bonds of said City for the purposes
and in the amount set forth in the following
ordinance. The polls for said election shall
open at 7:00 A. M. and be kept open continuously
until 8:00 P. M., at which time they shall close.
OCT 17 1958
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Mortinson D Tn Favor
Rosen Against
Mr. resident Di on OCT 17 1958
Approved: at
Attest •
City Clerk _ Mayor
1M 12 -67 8 e
. ✓56
U, d ��
D®pHeate. to Printer
- ORDINANCE - 189326,
r providing for IWA
An ordinance autho icing and
the issuance of Jt;t 9
par value of
the uponbthes ofrovalCihereofSbintheeelectorseoftthe 0'(00\ oa J
City of $aint Paul, for theyfollowing purposes, ��`
For the purpose of acquiring school sites
and grounds, and constructing and equipping
of new school buildin s and additions to
existing school buildyn.gs, and for the
reconstruction, repair, betterment, remodel-
ing and equipping . of existing school buildings.
This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for
the presexvartion of the public peace, health and
Section 1. That it is expedient that the City of 4"419j'
Saint Paul issue and -sell the negotiable bonds of said C4 -
in the sum of 4,1rti
par value., for the following purposes,
and than the total of said bond issue shall be expended for
said purposes and no other, viz: 00
For the purpose of acquiring school sites
and grounds, and constructing and equipping
of new school buildings, and additions -to
existing school buildings, and for the
reconstruction, repaix, betterment, remodel-
ing and equipping of existing school buildings.
Before any bonds shall be issued- the issuance thereof
shall be approved by a majority of the electors of the City of
Saint Paul at an election in said City on the 4th day of
November 1958. The ballot for such election shall be in sub -
stantially the following form:
November 4, 1958
Shall the City of Saint Paul issue bonds 11A
he amount of -1.f -= �k
following purposes,
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Dillon)
City Clerk
1M 12 -57 ojjW 8
for I�
he total of said bond rdA_VQ
2 0000 ov
Passed by the Council to
Tn Favor
— —
issue to be' expended -for those.
_ purposes and -no other-,'
For,the purpose, of, acquiring
school sites and grounds end -•
coin tructng and equipping - of
new school buildings and
additions to ;dxisting - school
- buildinnd fors- the :re0n
gs, a .,
trucion, repair;^ betterment,;
remodeling and equipping of
existing school buildings<
Yes •.•::. •
Section 2. ; Such bonds - shall - be , in the fo.,rin of serial , bonds,- i
a portion• of wUhich shall be payable ' each year after issue The
first ;installment shall come due in .not more then three () years
from the-date-- And of the bonds the fast installment shall come
due in not more than ..thirty. 00) years -from sip h d te.. No annual
installment of pr Lkipa.l - of -'a.ny bonds psyebleA,ii the third or
any ,subs,eque-nt :..yeas after' the, date,, of, such ` bondc shell exceed
five times -the. - amount,.of the ,tallest prior inst.al,lmentr thereof
- payable in any year sifter "the :second .year.
The Council.. shall fix, by subsequent resolution, the date
and denomination of -such bonds. and the dates of meturit thereof
and -may in such. resolution provide 'that such bonds. shall be
redreemabl,e a.t! par 'and accrued,; interest of at such premium and .at'
such =tune and upon,such, published notice ,as- msy be-determined.
Such 'bonds shall °bear interest at.,a rate'ov rates not in
excess of six -per cent 16%} per annum, payable semi-annually,
and both pr�.ncigal ' d interest shall be }payable at the Fiscal.
Agency , of . the City of Saint #caul, in the City , of Saint Paul,
linnesota:�^or at.tha•option of the respective holders '-of'_such
bonds at�'the Fiscal Agency of the City' -of ` Saint Fain in the
City of New York, New. York: - , The- faith and- credit of- the City '
of Seint Paul .are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt
end faithful payment of both pri- nci.pal� and inte'rest , of slid bonds.
The proceeds of said bonds: are, •hereby, appropr3.ated .and shall 'be
used 'solely for the purposes .described_ -in .Sect3:on 1 of this
ordinance ,: `
Section 3, Ther Council shall ;negotiate and; sell said .bonds
from ;time to ;time;, in.,such, amounts as, it may see fit upon such
notice and. in .such mariner as may be .prescribed by law, . At,. not
less'.-than par and- accrued interest, .to :the highest responsi,bl
:bidder or bidders, and i;he proceed`, ^,thereof, including the
premiums realized - thereon; , shall- be •credited to -.and placed »in a - -
separate -fund for" the, purposes ''described in ; Section 1` of thin
ordinance." r
.. -
Duplicate to Printer
r ORDINANCE 189326
Section 4. The proper City officers ere hereby authorized,
ordered and required to set aside annually from the revenues of'
the City of 'Saint Paul a sufficient amount to pay the interest
on said bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in
any such year. This provision is in addition to the pledge of
the general faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul for the
payment of said bonds, and is not in lieu thereof.
Section 5. This ordinance is hex,0y
emergency ordinance rendered necessoxy for
the public peace, health and safety.
Section 66 This ordinance shall take
force from and after its .passage, approval
upon approval by the vote of the electors,
declared to be an
the preservation of
effect and be in
and,publication, and
as provided by lawn,
Section 7. This ordinance shall be published by the
City Clerk at least once in the following newspapers published
within the City of Saint Paul: St. Paul Pioneex Press, St. Paul
Dispatch, and the Saint Paul Legal Led er. Such publication
shall tame lace not less than ten (10? days nor -more than
fifteen (14 days before the date of said election. It shall
also be posted by the City Clerk at least fifteen (15) days
before said election in three (3) public places in every election
district, one of such places in each of such election districts
to be the place of holding the election therein. Said ordinance
as so posted and published shall be preceded by a notice in sub-
stontially the following form:
November 4, 1958
Notice is hereby given that at the election
to be held in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,
on November 4, 1958, there will be submitted to
the electors of said City fbr approval., the
issuance of bonds of said City fox the purposes
and in the amount set forth in the following`
oxdinance. The polls for said election shall
open at 7 :00 A, M, and be kept open continuously
until 8:00 P. M., at which time they..shsll close.
3 'LaYeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council--
I eCourcy
ortinson Favor
eterson O A
4osen /gaiinst Q
/ Winkel ) �� / /
r resident it
Approv Q
City Clerk % Mayor
1M 12 -57 �W8
Council File No. 189326
"An "ordinance authorizing and providing for
the issuance of Twenty—three Million Nine Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($23,900,000.00) par value of
the bonds'of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,
upon the approval thereof by the electors of the
City of Saint Paul, for the following purposes,
For the purpose of acquiring school sites
and grounds, and constrdcting and equipping
of new school buildings and'additions to
existing school buildings, and for the
reconstruction, repair, betterment, remodel -
ing and equipping of existing school buildings.
This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and
CommisEtic erf real the ollowing p
amendments and movep to amend ouncil File No. 18 326 as follows:
1. In the second and third lines of the title of the
ordinance, page one, strike therefrom the words and figures
"Twenty —three Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($23,900,000.00)"
and insert in lieu thereof the following words and figures, "Twenty
Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($20,500,000.00)11.
2. In the third and fourth lines of Section 1 of the
ordinance, page one, strike the words and figures "Twenty —three
Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($23,900,000.00)" and insert
in lieu thereof the words and figures, "Twenty Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($201,500,000.00)11.
3. In section 1, page one, in the second and third lines
from the bottom of the page, strike, where the same do appear under
caption "Official Ballot ", the words and figures, "Twenty —three
Million, Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($23,900,000.00)" and insert
in lieu thereof the words and figures, "Twenty Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($20000.,000-00)".
4 4W maw,'
issue to be* expended <Or 't` -"
p urposes and no other..' :vi't
For', the purposo,of ac.quir' .�
school site$ and grounds a
constructing and equipping -o
new school.,buildings and
TA additions; -to existing school
buildings, and fors- the :recori-
struc,tion,' repair; betterment,' -
remodel3ng .and equipping of
_ existing school. buildings:-
Yesi i r •• °. •
:Section 2. ;Such bonds shill be.. in the fa�'rin -of serial, bonds,
a .portion:of' which shall :be payable each year after issue. The
first .installment shall come due In'. not more ' than three (3) years'
.from the 'date--of the bonds,.-And the last installment sha7:l come
due in-not more than - thirty, (30) 'years from' sudh date.. �.r Nb annual
installment of .principa.l of ',any bonds payable :'in the -third or*
any, subsequent .year after• the, date: of; such bonds shall exceed
five times the..at�0unt of tt18 "'smallest prior 'instal.l•ment'• thereof
payable in. any year `after the .second - ,year.
-The' Council. shall fix, by subsequent resolution, the date
and denomination of-such bonds and the dates of maturity thereof
arid* may in such resolution provide .that such bonds shall be
redeemable at: par 'and,:addrued interest or at such premium and .at'
such = t3.me" and, upon such published notice -•a,s- msy be determined.
_ :Such 'bonds shall; °bear. interest at ,a .rate or rates not in
excess of six per cent •(6%).:pe'r annum, payable semi annually,-
and both principal and interest shall be payable at the Fiscal
Agerioy r of .the City of Saint Paul, : .n the City . of Saint -Paul,
-;Minnesota:; *or, at the option of the respective holders of_such
bonds., Xihe Fiscal ,Agency of the City' of Saint Paul„ in the
City of New York, New' York:- The- faith and; Credit• of- the City =
of Saint Paul are. hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt
And faithful payment of both principal, and interest.r.of said . bonds.
The proceeds of said bonds, are, . hereby .appropriated- and rshall 'be
used 'solely for the purposes described`_ in ,Section 1 of this
ordinance ,y° 1
- . section, The Council shall+; negotiate and-, sell- said .bonds
from time to .time in„ such amounts `as. it may see fit; upon such
not-ice and 16 such manner s.may be. prescribed by law,.at' not
less °
than par','and accrued interest, .to :the highest responsibl0
bidder or bidders, and the;" toceeds ,thereof, , including the
premiums .realized' the eon;' shall- be. credited to %and placed :in a
separate fund for the•purposes'described n,5ection i•-of this
ord na nce . ,
• r'x
00=011 'File No. 1893,26
*1)n o:�diwmce aut;horiaing �nd p vidj,,gg for
tho is$uanoe of Tro4ty+�t- e -Kinioh Nine Hundred.
Thousand Donars (423'900 000400) par Vilue of
tie_ b6ade of the -City of Saint Paul, Xnriesota,
upon the 6ppro•val thereof' by the electors of the
Oity, of 8�nt Paul, for the fo lwAna. pumas$e,
For the .purposes of aGauiring school; altos
and irounds, and conotraotiAg and egvipping
of, new a€ohoo1 'bi ldings arid, additions to
040ting sa ool, buildings.. and for the
reconstruction, repair,, botterzel t,, remodel-,
ia.g and equipping of existf>ng se tool. buildings.
This ie an emery anqy ordinance rendered ne`cessa x for
the preservatioo of t •pubUe peace, `heath and
Coma ssf ones reed. the fo�:�,o�iug
"amendments .+did moires to amend: 'Couunoil File ?,o. 1.8932-6 a
L in the seoand, and third lines of the ti.ge of the
orftazn e,. P.49e: 'OAG* atrike- therefrom the words and figures
4 *Tventy- tbree Nili .on Nine Hundired Thoustan4 - Do llarrs ( A9043 t}t�0.00
and inaert in Ai ,u thereof the following words and.figures,, IRTWenty
Trillion.,., 'Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ( 0t 5000000 t opf
2,. In the third and fourth 2- ines of Sect On 'i of the
ordixx co, page cane, strike the words and figures "Twenty -throe
,,Million Nine Hundred Thonaa:nd Dollars ( 23,9OOiOOO.Oo)"" and_iosert
in lieu. thereof the words and figures, "TwevW Xftnoa,, 'Five Hundred . .
'Thorsand Dollars (2O., 5C)()#t}f 0.40 ,
3. Tn section 1.9 Page. one., 3n the seco 4 and tbi.rd i9.nes
from 'the _ bottom of the me, strike#, vbora the s'a'me do appear ender
caption,. rOfficial Nallotny the vorda and figurev " s 'nty�tbrae
M llions. Nine Hundred Thousand .l.are (�3,9A(3,t2f�[i.OG�" alo in,Sert
In 11674 'hereof. the Words anti f3gurea, "Trenty illidn.. Five R.uodred
T ouosad Dollars (12005004000.00) �f .
October 7, 1958
To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council:
There is presently before you for consideration an ordinance and a resolution
which would have the effect of authorizing a special election on the
issuance of bonds for school construction in the amount of $23,900,000.
At the time that this program was prepared by the Board of Education- -early
in 1958 - -the Board had every reason to believe that before this matter
came to you for final action, there would be ample bonding limit to
accommodate a bond issue of this size and still leave some margin to take
care of emergencies.
Information which we have received within,the past two weeks indicates
that this is not now the case, and, that rather than having an increased
debt limitation, we are now faced with a slightly decreased limitation.
Under these circumstances, and recognizing its co- responsibility with the
City Council for orderly management of` the City's finances, the members of
the Board,of Education realize that there must be a downward revision of
its bond issue request to conform to the changed conditions.'
Accordingly, the Board has given very careful reconsideration to the items
included in its bond program and has agreed that under the circumstances
certain items will, of necessity, have to be withdrawn from the present
program and postponed for the time being. They have also determined,
however, that there are certain items in this program which cannot be
postponed because of�the stress of increasing enrolments.
The final result of the reconsideration is that the Board is reducing its
request at this time to the figure of $20,500,000, representing an amount
which, in its best judgment, is the absolute minimum program for this
phase of school plant expansion.•
The Board therefor requests that the City Council amend the ordinance and
the resolution which are now before you to authorize a special election
on the issuance of ponds in the amount of $20,500,000.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert H. Tucker
President, Board of Education
4eptembes 25. 1956
Hm. aul� and
Membass th City co nu:
AVS meetirm in my office yestssday attermDan,
attended by Doe. ' sweat C nnw and -09s mscrbers the domed
of EiucatioA. end 1*. Carl tistbwt it wras 4e4ided t0
segwst the Council tow AM infoas 4j coating to-day at aad�
o'clock, for a joint soneultstiOn between
the boasd o[ Uducation, relative to the school bond issue to
be placed-on the billet t6vembeis 49 195�,,.
As as
you s arise, the main topic otdiscusbLon
revolves asound the amount of the bond Lowe. -jo that the
mer-.bess of the Council right have before them the prosent
status of the banded irod4todnesc: of the Cit=troll" salt Paul
I have pro4ured Isom the office of the City
debt staterent of the City as of August 910
lelLwing that with this before you the die-
cussion on the sJ*ot could be v de raaso clopse ac, trans -
ulttirw herewith tent said debt statement.
I took the privUelp of telling the gentleo*n
in s y otfiee that I felt quite assured that the Council would
be in s pesitLon at eleven o'cloat to wet with BO MA Of
Uucation members to discuss this "Jett. I a pe that this
will be possible so that we wY psoc of
the eirAs so this bend iswae mettsa.
Yom• wsy truly.
wAkehall F. Kwley
Coeposstion Counsel
Isf. q 2nd I Q
Laid over to
3rd and app Adopted o
Yeas/ Nays Yeas Nays
,DeCourcy DeCourev
/ Holland Q
VW* kelp,,,
Mr. President Dillon