D001879CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: 1�(� D I�7 9" Date: " 7 " V � v ADMIlVISTI2ATIVE ORDER, That the proper Ciry o�cials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Bucldngham Bee Tea Room, 2179 Fourth S�eet, White Bear Lake, MN, 55113 to pay expenses arising from Special Revenue-Generating Events at Como Pazk Conservatory dunng 2000 serving approximately 1000 visitors for up to six special events such as Garden Parties and Afternoon Teas, not to exceed $12,000. • APPROVED AS TO FORM � �. {��„ AssisUn[ City Attomey U.+�- W,,r.�L�.-�. '� o�C� a Depar[ment Head Date �.�z� r �--�-�� dministra[ive Assistan[ ro Mayor � GREEN SHEET �� f NO. 04� 7� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCi� DATE INITIATED Parks and Recreation 3/24/00 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAVDATE �--� � � DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR CITY COUNQL 'z Anderson 266-6410 SIGN '� — — NUM6ER FOR . 2 CIN ATTOflNEY �F CITV CLERK $T BE ON COUNCfL AGENOA BV IDATE) ROUiING j� OROEP � 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG _ 2�2��� MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'� 5 Parks TOTAL X OF SIGNAiURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FORSIGNAiURE1 ACTION pEpUESTED: Catering needs/services provided to Como Park Conservatory; for special events and fund raising events. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (AI or Re�ect (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST qNSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �_ Has ihis person(frcm ever worked untler a wntraci for this tlep9rtment? QB COMMITTEE _ VES NO STAFF 2. Has this Oerson/firm ever been a ciry smployee� DISTRICT COUNQL -- �� N � — — 3. Does this persoNGrm possess a skdl m[ normally possessetl by any corrent city employee> $UPPORTS WHICH GOUNpL OBJECTIVE> YES NO Expiain all yes arowe�s on sepa�aie sheet antl attach to g�een sheet. INITIATING PROB�EM, ISSUE, OPPORiUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: . Como Conservatory fund raisi�g/revenue generati�g events require the use of a caterer. Attendees pay for costs to Como Conservatory for dinner/tea, etc. and a tax deductible donation. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Additional revenue for Como Conservatory ����� �� Q� � OOY DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: Cy�/������ NONE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No additional revenue TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIDN S � Z,OOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qqCLF ONEI �-YES NO FLLNDING SOURCE 23103-5417 qCTNfTY NUMBER 23103 FINANCIAL WFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� � _ .,, ',��1 ' "' _ _ � _ _ .. ._,. � _ �'`�' r - -: �: `. . , � . � , °� ''`:,-� � ,__-'��_..u=�J