189233• 189233 COUNCIL FILE N0_________________________ By--- - - - - -- - - - -- e Council File No. 189233— FINAL ORDER t In the matter of improving Randolph � i� on ni= =Fi .alignment from.. W,, ^s+ •l }.mss^ . y to the west lia, if .r(1 — - -- --- --r - -- _ .,...s.;flY 'io nr'•..� #3lYry yK..xiOl+ O 0 T 203.9 xTV ' PX R=qTVW s.' Mp:JvGt >` us. Va+ tmap am ! }O T0yyo x95[�1X0AT- u`A-.. 1010'40 L)f'Z0r,,r 00 x; =cA VTTQ=rrp :Exx= Va uoqp T:FUG 01; $`J•,3 .}, . • �n,, *�+s/'.if V wT • �, ,` ` � ,N . .� � � RSIP. . _r�� M X' Ly•�F� ( '3fcC'_*!« �i f-� .°.. ti f "� _ t fY,ik r r J J�^ ,'a .arM.1r •- �w . i iYy �t ' Jt • r�M�i�FJ. �,�,,�i . '+,i"_�11� AAy.1Y+✓.`�. Y�4utLV 1,lc -H .+i:J7Mi f L3 f.i �; •}�a5t � ^5 � ✓U v-�F.tir Fi � g' o_l s V +qS"= �t, + py ir- E ;b .. � .. . f .c a :J vYU .,s.�. v„� •� ,f 4rtin M, . '�„ s !Le,.. c: {fi��Lw'�i{ �r f.. Y yy •° "L�2 '+��f.Y *[j�.,,,'_e ��.f+'o �"� .{'is�,"f, `r y�. +(wp e, p y1 �J /��, • t� y� tc 'C:���) � _� 'ice �t+�. +.+ �� I�'ay "a �4 �� .sCi � J.-Ft J'�'M �la4i -,� � V�....i �r:,li`r��+Y.�. iii�da+ 7 � •:,r -:rr �- i t.., a da1C• J e ;, �w •,.� 1:?. l..R..r .1 a�.la. v2 w' s .�Jr� Ivy:: j( '°Y•�.y;..1.3 ysyi...i•4 Txis ��i zb �Y.( i 1 . Cl._ _.,•^ ?K 1'r•iV �p Jr�!.i,:Ya• '�Y . «A -M,M�h v. wi �J'N J1r under Preliminary Order- - - - - -- 187-90-------------------- - - - - -- approved --- - - - - -- Tune --17r -1 958-------------------------- - - - - -- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - ,... —.�.. .r r�.- ...�...� t�r_ra �_�r.+.,_....,- ._,l'Y._____�, .e. 1, !Y_L ._._l LL .•1._,{- L.,......- .......:..... �..../........ ..._.1......J._,.•.,...a 7�:..�..7 l:._:._Y. -- — iGif.. GLJ ,L, i,) ;z t +_• .till Cat � e W�� vi ut. t aul aria:,. I,.,- 'a.._. r /. .nOwliom wY.cx ;sue noe �y . A rs .le 3 ;� x 1, �,►: '2 o : 6 or+,�1y, - ftggTr�a' crr ,ATxr �urT '! fJG ffC?f; T ' e co far Tzraxdro 101.0 0 W-MG; of UGA VTTt s:-V--V; Tv-= •w roe. ;lr TTUO e7. ugugtfbw gc6ga ka r>q- _ AOTq # ra �C�!' a * �`y . I o * T e - �;� !p o � s rs g f -g g a2apw-"� P,;r -3-G U=,-- :r�X €rte p ' 84 x1 t'7 T tGosp -L`�, i,'p'r.0Vtaf ;= I - .i r- tk T �z� c +x.��T ri >. ' i^ cczs ^-,r;; �T rt s cl h t-Mq .- � U7 a �x.A�.:c G tr,G (? sou � Pxa 9;; -St P r-: 77u X t•*i +•'iti�t`•'i^'T A) T` X t"mF�*l l�2 K(`fTttQ sY Mit r-r � rofa%`7 �*.`kh'Y 'Z rw .•E tYr e^.r °t^r +�i[• '!"f'Ci'�`i L`T'£Kt� iitt i�0`.��9.�x ;�{•J.�.'�11u. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------- SEP_ `j,?3_4958 ______ SEP 23 1958 Approved------------------------------------------------ File 14179 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MOR !rdSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman WINKEL Mayor DILLON 2.55 2M 2 --------- - --- -- - 4 - - - -- -V City Cler Mayor. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) li 188881 In the matter of Improving Randolph Avenue on new alignment from West Seventh Street to the west line`of Duke St., by grading, curbing and paving with 32" asphaltic concrete surfacing on 7" concrete base; by grading and paving driveway and street returns; by reconstructing existing facilities on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing storm ; water -rsewers and drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to property lines where necessary; by constructing retaining walls and railings, by constructing conduits and appurtenances for future traffic and lighting systems where necessary and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. Also, improving Toronto Street on new alignment from the north line of Randolph Avenue westerly of said street to 151 feet north, by grading, curbing and surfacing with bituminous material, under Preliminary Order approved June. 17, 1958 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 152,487.00 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - _ s See P.W. letter The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG., i!Part southeasterly of W. 7th St. asI I I Thomas Dal 's Subdivision of 11widened of Lots 17 and 1 181 311 Blocks No. 18 and 31 in Stinson 1 ilExcept 7th St. as widened 1 191 31 1 and Ramsey's Add. to hIL220 44 350 11Except 7th St. and except east 16 1 1 ISt. Paul 11feet of north 24 feet; 1 201 31 1 do 1,300 6,000 II 1 211 311 do 525 11?00 !i 1 221 311 do 11 525 250 �1 1 231 31 1 do 11 525 2,000 Ii 1 241 31 1 do � 525 1,900 11Subject to Ave. widening; 1 251 31 1-- do 500 11 i Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -68 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. IiSubjec-tatlo Ave. widening; Lots 26 &1 271 311 Thomas Daly's Subdivision of 11 $lXQQO._ 11 1 281 311 Blocks No. 18 and 31 in Stinson h5o - II 1 I 1 Brown and Ramsey's Add. to 1 Il 1 1 1 Saint Paul 11 IiSubject to Webster St.,; a 332 ft. I II 11Ford Branch right of way and a 17 1 I 1 II lright of way in I 1 301 A. Vance Brown's Subdivision of it 1000 11Subject to Randolph - Shepard Road I 1 I the West Half of Block No. 30 0) !lConnection and Subject to Webster I 1 I Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's II i!St. and except a 332 ft., Ford Branch I lAddition to Saint Paul 11 I (bight of way and except a 17 ft. I I I i1spur right of way 1 1 30 I do II 5.,950.-,a 13, 500 I!Except a triangle in the southeast I I (Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's 11 11corner measuring 21.5 ft. on the I I lAddition to St. Paul 11 (least line and 40 ft. on south line, I I I II lithe south 38 feet of west 90 feet ofl I I II I6art east of Webster Street of i 130 I II 300 550 , J�ubject to Randolph Connection; I 1 Peginning at point on north line of l I 1l i�andolph Ave. 50 ft. east from east 1 1 ( 11 i4ne of Webster St.; thence east 1 ( 1 11 il �o ft.; thence north 24.5 ft.; thenc� 1 1 11 Ilsouthwesterly I to beginning and except krtherlY 70 ft. for railroad right Lf way part of east 160 ft. of Blockl 1 1 I1 k, southerly of northerly quadrangular 1 1 11 II l ( TOTAL II icmM Y.m.11 woo 3•52 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION Ilpart ' Y thereof, measuring 58 ft* on l l l Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's ll !least line and 95 feet on west line i I I Addition St. Paul ll II of I 1 30 I !! h s75- $ 4 11Subject to widened Randolph St.; !land except northerly quadrangular I I I II Imeasuring 130 feet on west lire I l iiand 80 feet on east line and subject! I I II lito Randolph Ave.; part south of Jams I I II !lAve. and west of Erie St., of I I I II iisouthwest 4 of l l 27 I do I! 1,875 550 11Subject to Randolph connection; I I I I iloriginal 100 ft. St. Paul and Sioux I I ll liCity railroad right of way and I I I II 11triangle, measuring 60 ft. on I I I II i1northwest right of way line and 25 I I II lift. on Erie St. I I 27 l do II 3,100 11Subject to Randolph connection; I I II Ilpart southeasterly of original St. !,Paul and Sioux City railway right I I I II iiof way of I 127 I do ll 450 200 ilLots 1 to I 51 1 I and Breckenridge II 2, 275 II I 61 1 I to St. Paul 150 II ! 71 1I do 500 Il I 81 1 I cb II 500 1.000 it ! 91 1 I do II 525 1,150 II I 101 1 I do II 525 900 Il I I TOTAL II ►oew c.s.tt ttoo a•n 8 (B) r. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATIONBLDG. lExceDt Y Street 1 111 1 1 Beck and Breckenridge II $650 $22650 II 1 121 1 lAddition to St. Paul 11 1,400 8,600 11SubJect to Sts. and Sheppard Road 1 I I "Unplatted" 1l 11and_ except part in Auditor's Sub- 1 I 1 11 11division No. 45, St. Paul, Minn. 1 1 1 11 'land except leases 9435 and 010613, 1 i 1 II ''Govt. Lot 4, Section 12, Township I I I 11 1128, Range 23. ' 1 1 10.46,700 226,200 11Subject to Sheppard Road; beginning 1 I 1 1I lion south line of Randolph Ave. 20 1 1 11 !!feet west from east line of Govt, l 1 ilLot 4, Sec. 12, T -283 R -23; thence l I 1 11 lisouth parallel with said east line 1 1 1 11 11468 ft.; thence Sally 128 feet more 1 1 11 11or less to a point 80 ft. west on a 1 I 11 llline run at right angles with said c =i Last line at point t ereon 578 ft. 1 I I 1l 1lsouth of Randolph Ave.; thence Sally 1 1 1 li ,W ft. at angle of 580 5' left froml I I 11 i6tension of said right angle line; 1lhence 53° 30' left 267 ft.; thence 1 1 ( 11 ltsouthwesterly at right angle 8 ft.; ( I I 11 klence' NW1y at right angle 260 ft.; 1 I 1 J�hence 14ss 27° 40' left 400"ft. more of to point 20 ft. SEly at right l 1 1 11 16gle from center line of most SEly 1 1 1 11 ii I TOTAL 11 FORM 0.9.11 900 0 -59 8 is • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. 11(B & B storages track; thence NEly I I I t'Unplatted" II at right angle 237 feet; thence SEly) I I 11 11at right angle 30 feet; thence NEly I I I II 11right angle 173 feet; thence SEly A I I 11 11right angle 113 feet; thence NEly atl I I II iiright angle 472 ft. more or less to Loint, on south line of said Ave. I I I ii liand 67 ft. west of beginning thence ileast to beginning; being 227,615 I I 11 iisquare ft. in Govt. Lot 4, Section I I I II 1�2, Township 28, Range 23. I I I 424.,750 $108.,500 11 , I I I II II � I I I II II I I II II I I I II II I I I II I I I II I,I I 1 I 11 II I I I Il !I I I I II it I I I TOTAL 11$1993600 $380,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date aG S� Commissioner of Financ mil° Form B.B. 12 iM 3-68 8' ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER HERBERT S. WEST PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN • BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer August 8, 1958 Hon. Adrian,P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE ENGR. RICHARD L. WHEELER • BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EOUIPNENT ARTHUR H. KOCH • PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT JOS. PAVLICEK • 1 transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for improving Randolph Avenue on now alignment from West Seventh Street to the west line of Duke Street by grading, curbing and paving with 3 1/2" asphaltic concrete surfacing on 7" concrete base; by grading and paving driveway and street returns; by reconstruct- ing existing facilities on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing storm water sewer and drainage facilities; by con- structing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to property lines where necessary; by constructing retaining walls and railings; by construct- ing conduits "and appurtenances for future traffic and lighting systems where necessary and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 187901, approved June 17, 1958. Estimated Paving Cost $136,238.30 Engineering & Inspection 13,623.70 Water Department'Charges 2,625.00 Total Estimated Cost $152,487.00 Estimated Property Assessment . 16,125.00 -3 City's Share of Cost (Mun. State Aid) $136,362.00 Estimated property share of paving cost is based on making the following assessment rates per front foot: Industrial & Commercial 1300 ft. 0$8.00 = $10,400.00 Residential 300 ft. @$4.50 — $ 1,350.00 Estimated property share of curbing cost is based on making the following assessment rates per front foot: Industrial & Commercial 1925 ft. 0$2.00 — $3,850.00 Residential 350 ft. @$1.50 = $ 525.00 Driveways, where necessary, at $6.00 per square yard y .Hon. Adrian P. Winkel - Page 2 - 8/8/58 V It Water service connections, where necessary, in accordance with the following schedule: South Side North Side 3/4 "'Service Connection each $120.00 $110.00 In It It 11 .130.00 .120.00 1 1/21i It It " 170.00 160.00 For larger services, estimates will be made by the Water Department. Sewer service connections not required as existing sanitary sewer is in sandrock tunnel. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance 4d P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works Yours very truly, �Ath�urW. Tews Chief Engineer N i Ohlhl- M� R r ► T (`, � y ``w. .. i , , (. rj irk ! � �) ��t �` � ` ' ' � � -� { � I I � t � � Ll +t" L. ► I t l - i =1 e • t I . � i 1 U 1� � 1 , ; �ll September 9, 1958 L .Commissioner of Finance City of St; Paul 113 Count House , St. Paul 2,. Minnesota Fs t File 14179 Dear Madams This will acknowledge your form letter of September 5', 19589 with reference to Prelirdnary Order 0187901 regarding the proposed giading, curbing and paving of Randolph Avenue from West Seventh Street to the west line of Duke Street. We object to same because me do not consider it essential to our property and co&ider the cost of same prohibitive. However, should this matter be'approved, we Mish•to make tho necessary plans for installatict7 of driveways to our property arx would appreciate your department' advising us accord:.noye Sincerely yours, " • WATEIWAYS PETFDLEUM INDUSUM George J: Ruth' General Manager ' ` GJRid a+ ,. *M.AALVA. ON Avlw w 0, 14 A ♦ ww A + P .+ .,w w + • . w .+ .. w 'r • . e 14 z - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE August 8th , 19 _18 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: suq 2n L. SCIUa; Milk P! tnw uon2 w - - _ - -- - lSsugolbN t/neu' F6't'•M62 6 ��ne2s ?- rW9'0c Works, having had under cons"de}ation > l gq 2FLGGg fo !2! .�ssg uoL.� theopre i tub LOA !ua l iiml nary o� er�oof2ts . 6 u u9M RuagwegtCQLain l iA au q �a�- u8`�- o�1.. -- ..' io ;�c. l� !uclgsu�s1 ro cowblege zs4g �. Lonswsu euq 1! aVp! cz0e '\?waa ..r�►}e�'s`�r3s 2sc su 1� relative to Ms! ! 2 9Uq Lg.! l I u62' pit c0 2 C- q Wq0! ua 911 orpcL MOLK UGdc229LX sU ILOw 2 z s ��r ius u o� %o'bisL �W; V-lj� ,,COU p 2', �q fabitnl`. �u5u 'rz= ^E rt%r o,s '€ei, o ! tJG2 hi 6C C62 91%`: ' • " '' Z � �s ,t r tg1 ? U9s3s sir i� ! n. ctK ksv I.Q. ;.q pAgcou2 LPtc i ua . r. cou2 �Lnc i. * < ;fir _��,-s� u,! 'a4et Vp _ `u COD-16 ± [5 i> � .�-4 7 ' rn.a�c f :�� •��s�sM�r �Fa��skgs�xi3a�2 2�in �cc couucc ou •r M!"� zg(q iwbLOnsweu Y- _ ,:IJLOA sUj!1P'A' OU2 L 1 1fJ(�I�iOLEl1 e11a � :z and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 152.487.00 , and the total cost (See Letter Attached) thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: r 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attach and made a part hereof. 4. 1�" 2 Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three �J' re ners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 +�� Commissioner of Public Works ! V 7 Q � :tr avov�ro•i� i.s 3 kna `. Ld l bg1 3Np . :;t .i.,�A � .. �+�:i- -+: sw.'� 8 ... V.axt. e.r.... .,... ,..�`1d�5. ',r- M1.K. -,x... - w..'we...+¢+,- '�..•..c d 7c. , Co -31A Y ..y G . • i V ,I f1: 4 '1 e . 1 i i, i� 1 1 O F v� u1 Z N� to 0 n W 1 :L S ' LS Q W J I . I N o 170 , 1 i 0 Z f � . NOl -%7,7. a j Q � Q . :L S ' LS Q W J I . I N o 170 , 1 i 0 Z f � . NOl -%7,7.