189205Original to City Clerk _. CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C ffa7 SO LUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY k l September 18, 1958 COMMISSIONS DATE . In -the matter of constructing storm sewers in the alley in Block 12, Sylvan Park Addition from a point 90 feet south of Jefferson Avenue to the existing sewer in Jefferson Avenue and from 50 feet north of Palace Avenue to the existing sewer in Palace Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. 186700, approved March 25, 1958, and Final Order C. F. 188265, approved July 8, 1958. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named im- provement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland UgM"jX Winkel —In Favor Mortinson Peterson / Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 QW2 �*rl I Council File No. 189205 —By Adrian P., Winkel— In the matter of constructing storm! sewers in the alley in Block 12, Sylvan, Park Addition from a point 90 feet south of Jefferson Avenue to the exist- I% gm in Jefferson Avenue and from 50 feet north of Palace Avenue to the existing sewer in Palace Avenue,, under Preliminary Order C. F. 186700,' approved March 25, 1958; and Final Order C: F. 188265, approved July 8, 1958. Resolved, That the plans and spec-: ifications for the above. named im- provement as submitted .,by the Com -1 missioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he.is hereby directed to adver- tise for bids on this improvement. Adopted by the Council September; 18, 1958. Approved September 18, 1958. (September 20, 1958) SEP 18 1958 Adopted by the Council 195— SEP 1S 1958 Approved . 195— Mayor Duplicate to Printer 189205 CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK evy COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PREMM SSIO Y Winkel DATE Septer or 180, 1958 In the matter of ConstruCtf ng storm sewers In the alley In Block 120 $ylva.n Park ,,Addition from a point 90 feet south of Jefferson Avenue to the existing sorer in Jefferson Avenue and from 50 feet north of Palace Avenue to the .existing stirrer in Palace Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. 186700, approved March 25, 1958, and Final Order C. F. 188265, approved July 8, 1958. RESOE.V That 'the plans and specifications for the ebove named 1aM provement as submitted by tho Comaissioner of Public Works,; be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RE$OM0, That the; Purchasing Agent be and he is. hereby directed to advertise for bids, on' this improveIment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland J4lllLVX= Winkel Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 2 yo %9" 'o SEP 18 1958 Adopted by the Council 195— SEP 18 1958 Approved 195 — In Favor Mayor 0--Against