189136ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1.8' � 1V 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. iiilll LICENSE CONINIl'TTF� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION- ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �®� September 16, 1958 COMMISSIONER I&22 n •� DATE RESOLVED: That Application E -11255 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 5257, expiring January 31, 1959, issued to the 1415 University Avenue Cafe, Inc. at 1415 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to the Town House Inc. at the same address* TRANSFER ( Corp. to Corp. Informally Ipproved by Council July 22, 1958 , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson mspn_ Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Council File No. 189136 -By Bernard T. Holland —Severin A. .Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson — Resolved, That Application E -11255 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 5257, expiring January 31, 1959, issued to the 1415 University Avenue Cafe, Inc. at 1415 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to the Town House Inc. at the same address. Adopted by the Council September 16, 1958., Approved September 16, 1958. (September 20, 1958) SEP 15 1958 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved S E P 18 195819_ Tn Favor "'u Mayor Against STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY•.OF RAMSEY, ss• ....-- • .. ............._.. - - -- , .... _...._.... _.... _:..._ .:_ :.'being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the fore'g'oing application and knows the dontents"thereof, and that the same is true to the best of h4 knowledge,`information and belief: Subscribed and sworn to before me this:..... ...... ........... . ................ _ .... _ .... _ .... _.._ .__...._.... ___._ .�..._...._...._ ...... ____..... __ .... Notary Public, Ramsey: County, Minn. My commission expires ..... _ .... ..._......_..__ _.._...._..._...._....__._..:.. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSI�Y, G e R McLean ................. _ .._....._. . __.._...... ........... . ...... . ....... _...... _ ................. be_in. g �:._. first duly_sworn, deposesand says that....... he .. i5. .... ...... . .... _ ..... the ..... __.._ ... _ ..... ?xe ident__...._ ... _ .... ___..__.._ .......... _.__ .... ......... _ .... _ ... .. .... _ ........ ____ .......... _ ..... _ of ..........._...._ ........... .The Town - House, -Inc. _ ..................... _...... a corporation; that ............................ h-e ................................... _ ..... has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of .................. .... his .... __ .... _ ......... :_ ..... knowledge, information and belief; that the seal,-. affixed to the foregoing instrument is the co orate seal of said co oration` that said-a p,lication' was signed, g g rP rA pp ' fined, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. - z ; .... .......... _ .... _... ....... _ ...:....` ...... _�_ `_~ -.---- ......_..•- •-...... ....... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..., A.M. �- -day of... _...... .. .... _.... ..................... _ ary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. - My commission expires ........ JOSEPH A. MAUN Nola "ry'Pu61ic;'kamsey County, Minn. MY. Gommission Expires June 29, 1965. -' - ' ?- - c:Y ?. F'.,w� n�`t: -�•F �;`, ,,'R.�`r�aT.y��T,c•� x -.:�. is ..a ? .,ci r,°^ -F. _ �i:ii'�' :1_ .. i .. �.�': Y . ,. .. _ } a. ,- .. ..... .. ___ ... its v. � .. .. _ _. .. f_• .. .. _ ! .._. � .. �; _ .. __. �.. _.. � _ _Y _ _. __ .. ..•,.. ti -. .. _, ..'. alt. •— __ 1 -` _.._ ... ._-•_ ;Oto 0 %74/ 11 b