187563Council File No......'�?� , RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING- ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES RINGLUASSESSMENT ANDAFIX NG `. t 6 TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF- HEARING ON ' THE AWARD ., ,. ��..Lii4 - tJi1Rit����.i "• Wi ,]xii /KCiy1 � -r-a' a' –`. ✓.�v �,� '^ "` ,_ .L:, j, .•'. � •�' i�+.^�r s�:da..y ` f . ♦ ,, - '..: Road cor'idemni pe { ,y ng a t : Sn eeaseme�nt ''for _ urpo ts' . s Ni � 4 •fo11. living rlescriw, tracts = of le � 1% . nt cit cti 12 North,. Range 23 West j.:Fourth Principal. `bieridfan. and 10te 7 a $, Auditor' „qtr: f No. 45, ekternding from the east line of said Lot 4 to the northeasterly line o 'k.: f Stewart Avenue Additions lying Vithin a strip,of lend 100 ft in width, except: that part lying insidee, the existing fence.. northerly of the 400' curve to the right and except Drake'Street,. the . center line of said, 100 ft.. strip being am. scribed as follows: _Commencing, for,- the purpose of establisbing ;this: point of beginning, at; the northeast corner of the said .Government. Lot 4; thence south on the east lined of the aforesaid lot 3,stance of. 56$.50 ft. to the 'true Pent of beginning; thence i in a soutbvesterly :direction on .a'strai.ght line making an angle to the right of .3.y19231 a .distance oPp, 400y..�90 ft.; thence on the arc of a 4001 curve to the right.. 3At_iai?,!�?"��'7sek+a.:Qlr 4ii :is..39 °.50'50 , }a. �cie#,at�Ee::OP..9:s:],$ tt`:..the�e8...4n. a. ! tangent to, then last described. curve a distance of 95.86 ,ft.; thrence.. on the sxc. IAof a3340!!lcurve..to.. the Sat# ,.tbe. central aag]s o!'Z,wh3.ch 3e -16o4i +10 . f©r:.a, dis t9nce of 533.9$ 1't ;, th�;ae�e on a tangent to',the le$t described'curu to �.to inter- 1 iQn with the „nor he ateir3.y':l ae oP :Bt -1ft! `Wnt�e. # d#: EU� ;'rseid easement-to { be subject, to a - reservation; I3:n ,.f%V6r of the owners of adjoining, lands* and their, a i rmit the co"ituctioa,' and n� ntenance of under i sand over Sys Pe y grquad. pe - f e,i i• �+r c, iY ir.nf'F` �, ;.4V1!!P' EI frtlt t. ► ' l:t�•yjs, Y r ,.��. r hehd canv�y+ds across said easement io i';be purpose `of °ivioving ca®iocitie�s Breen r �'�1oa,ding� i't�.eil3t9.est�Cate3d'e1 ' t��Miss��► �lip3�Riv+ er”` andtiz�du�trfal�atid� li�em�+' ;�f E mere,]:, is,�tablf.aments�l4r -mid be loft d pni� t -norther ,yr$ide of highway easemxsnt Vin, said. Government ZAt 4, and ,in Lots 7 Arid *$, �Auditor0a Sub- " of i e on. i�o ;:`45 ep ovi�deii�. that the minim= horizontal ' cledrance shall` bee 15 .f"t. E ft- between- the curb line of the r©adt�ay any structure erected t;�.tiiin the bound - r i - '�'. ' 4. , ,....1J n r.� .; H .t n itn+n s.:6. + c 1. 3�n.Q.I Sr @B= �iZ: paid da n , a6c they m� ni�m °ve 1 cl;e idb$Ln be 17 ft.• be.. � ! tweesn the finished road grade and stay overhesad structure; e; provided also that } tYW;:4optb� of . ch oE� suchc�p pe .r%s ;l lGwr trig fiai:shedperadd of the roadway= Thai 1 i t;P "�byc'se Cb�,le.::... . :�$, :Rg 3.arde�a+ o: P�zb].c Works of the „ "Cft i �� � uu 1 Ll: • ?' a , .�iil 4 • 1 s. y I o! Saint Paul.; and provided 'further, that .+.each pipeline and overhead structure b, gl Z1 l:aub jE t to:� aPB -� of IundLaut i?ri. ,Eby ' Icotm,41 Q ..the City of lit. Paul with provision for a band as customarily roquired for facilitiees cros$irag of,publio Astreets, ._and .Abat. a.Uk. t ta1.'Lat of ,�;'13ricTiiding{ a effitQ °a�t3ori Qt" `road .Y end' 0s? �3?,8iut„nsasof.c7wne,o adgttdate.._ . -in r� F n8 ! pa.,`i . µ propo$e�yepard Road 3n Govarten cuts • conde�mni aAd taki•, an a nt lath necessary for ,s1 s and ;fills in the �• of they t: Lot 4 j Seetf.oA' l2; Town'ship�28 iorthtuRange° 3 We�t`,'� Fourth Princi.pa]. Meridian,,_, dad Loiwa 7 and 8;� Auii3.tar' g hub. r =Rv 45 ,bet :en `_easy ]d ne of idid Lot 4 arid; ' the nox�t aaterly i3 aer, . ;ofd, $ ` Ave# ue il`& ticSri 'tc : tx a �g ^ads asks i profile on file in the` Depz rtment of -Pubiic Works ; r •y i ty,C ;erg, ` Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman Councilman RbSEN Councilman WINKEL , May?DILl.Q1N Mr. Vice Presidamt (Pc¢mw /0 e— 14:fD --°T�. 'Mayor. } ®sting o