187559Original to City Clerk �9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL RE50LUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY WHEREAS, The Commissioner of parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from May 1 to 15, 1958, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of parks, — Playgrounds and public Buildings for more than council File No �1s75ssZq Bb's nr eight hours per day or forty hours per week in Resolyllan That, the proper city`offi- doing the following work; cers are hereby- aurhorized to certain employes, .'in thdF Department Supervision, operation, maintenance, care and protection of public parks and playgrounds and of their facilities. of Parks, Playgrounds and,: Public Buildings for extra, employment as described in' the ,resdlution. , 1 Adopted by the,Coupcil'*ay'21, 1958. Approved May 21; 1958. +, (May 24, 1958) ,ice And WHEREAS., This emergency arose by reason of the follow- ing facts and circumstances; Seasonal requirements for protection of public property and pursuit of depart- mental activities, such as; Heavy, week- end patronage of public parks and their facilities, such as the Zoo, Conservatory, golf courses, picnic grounds, ball fields, refectories, etc., required services of trained and experiencedemployees; storm damage to boulevard trees needed immediate ... attention; breaks in water lines and plumb -' ing in parks and playgrounds had to be repaired immediately. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who per - formed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor Vll Rosen Against l y� Win i ttDtilla�l Mr. $reswcat (Pctaroot>� 6M 6 -56 Adopted by the Council Y 21 1958 195— MAY 21 1958 Approved 195 — Acting Mayor Y . 5