187549Original to City Clerk ` 1875491 CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO. _:. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN IL RES UTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED,.that the following official bond is hereby in all thing's approved: Charles P. McCarty, Jr., Justice of the Peace at Large, $1,O,OO, Anchor Casualty Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Council File, No. 187549 —By Bernard T. Holland Resolved, That the following official bond is hereby in all things approved: Charles P. McCarty, of the Peace at Large, $1,000, Anchor Casualty Company, Saint Paul, Min- nesota. . r Adopted by the Council May 21, 1958. Approved May 21, .1958. (May 24, 1958) MAY 2 1 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays MAY 2 1 1958 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 - Na In Favor Mortinson 0 C !qg Mayor Rosennii Against .P�esid�n%�oh SM V . ° 3 "ident Wet::Li30ii) 0 Duplicate to Printer _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. R A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the following official, bond is hereby in all things approvedt COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen��� Mr. President; Dillon`''_ Ivlr. Vice N;si tc;t (£titcrson) 5M 2 -57 2 Charles P. McCarty, Jrop Justice of the Peace at Large, $1�000,, :Anchor Casualty Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota. _Cz� In Favor - (0 Against Adopted by the CouneiMAY 2 11958 195_ MAY 21 1958 Approved 195— Mayor OFFICE O F CITY C L E R K JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OV RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota y May 20, 1958 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: Will you please prepare a resolution approving the attached bond of Charles P.,:McCarty, Jr., Justice of the Peace at Large? Very truly,yaurs, )11 Cit Clerk AS `3 MAY 2 U r� 'CORPORATION COIWSEL ........::: ... ht- ,. ...... ::.. „► - .u.. _ -- � ii' - ��,1 _0_ IAN S IAN M I N N E S O T A