187499COUNCIL FILE NO.- 874 IX-1-4 L I-AK? _Z / C1 �� FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS I Council. File No. 187499 -By Adrian P. In the mattei Winl nl- of 'condemning and ,.ti- x .. r �z+�er ruarnose Jndemn 8nd t `$e a condemning and, c o n d e m n and take 8n �easb ier went for the .'purpn e- of qh follow - for the purpose of constructing an`a maintaining a public sewer on, under ing a sewer in the vacated a 'l -y :. -y. and across the westerly 4 ft: of the + Weide's Sub of Block 45, Arlingto ; east ft, of Lot 88, B. Midhel's Hills Addition and in the 20 foot wide rrangement of Block 7 and the easement extending across the right- south one -half of Block 2 of Smith's of -way of the Northern Pacific Rail - Subdivision of Blocks 2, B, 7 and 8' of road from said vacated alley, said ' temporary easement being 20 feet in Stinson's Division of the Northwest ?4 of Sec. 36,• T -29, R -23, from Thomas width and being adjacent to the south - Ave. to the alley in the rear of said Lot. easterly property lines of Lots 1, 2, 3 Also condemn and take a tem- and 4 in C. Weide's Sub of Block 45, Fpoiary easement for constructig7Y VU-- Arlington Hills Addition, and Lots 'of uses on a strip f, land 8 ft. in width 11 39, 40 and 41 in C. Weide's Sub 'of on the east side of the above easement , approve I'' Block 37, Arlington Hills Addition and and a "strip of land' 8 ft. in width on Wadena Avenue and Greenbrier Street, the west side of the above easement in said easement extending from the east ' said Lot 88, B. Micliel's ReArrangement 22 line of Greenbrier Street to the north - of Block 7 andhthe south one -half of , approve erly line of the vacated alley in C. Blocks 2, 6, 7 a d 8 of Stinson's Divi- Hils - Weide's Sub of Block 45, Arlington Sion of the Northwest. ?$ . of Sec. 36, Hills _ Addition, T -29, R -23, from Thomas Ave. to the had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having alley n the rear of said lot, ­- and au- pG���r��; vu,�c tons and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to , be made by the said City is condemn and take for sewer purposes the following, described tract of land:' Y�11 that pa, of M f can Canning and in takg a tpn easement }}n�or the purpose ofyy constructing and maintaining a publici sewer od, under and across the west -' erly 4 ft. of the easterly 13 ft. of Lot 88, B. Michel's Rearrangement of Block 7 and the south one -half of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 and 8 of Stinson's Division of the Northwest % of Sec. 36,, T. 29, R. 23, from Thomas Ave. to the alley in the ' rear of said lot. and the Council hereby orders said improv Also condemn and take o t ur- ' porary easement for construction pur -' poses on a strip of land '8 ft. in width on the east side of the -above easement RESOLVED FURTHER, that the fol and a strip of land 8 ft. in width on therein be and the same are the west side of the above easement in hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated anc said Lot 88, B. Michel's Rearrange- &kin said im rovements viz.: ment of Block 7 and the south one- g p s half of Blocks.2; 6, 7 and 8 of Stinson's Division of the Northwest ; of Sec. 36, T. 29, R. 23, from Thomas Ave. to the 11 in the rear of said lot, - ius- dPd Ion ants in the zo roor- wide y easement- extending across the right- of -way of the Northern Pacific Rail- - road from said vacated alley, said temporary easement being 20 feet in width and being adjacent to the south- ' easterly property lines of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in C. Weide's Sub of Block 45, ' Arlington Hills Addition, and Lots 38, f 39 40 and 41 in C. Weide's Sub of RESOLVED FURTHER, That the C( Block 37, Arlington Hills Addition and and is hereby. instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications; aid easement Avenue extend ng f om the east )roper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with theerly line rof they vacated t alley north- '; accordance therewith. Weide's Sub of Block 45, Arlington Hills Addition, r " Adopted by the Council MAY 2 0 199 _ 19 MAY 2 0 1958 City Clerk. Approved- , 19 �, GQOL4,� Mayor. Councilmen s DeCourey Holland Ali Peterson Y=dmen Rosen - Beterscll- . Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 500 7 -55 ®' CITY OF ST. PAUL e `DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D) 18, AN a9 9 In the matter of _.,,�..Y. - T t i .. r « 1 ► : :�i 4Qi't 4 #� � t#i� r f w:lowl, 40 Owilf t, + f lip � Aid,t ►` of t of. t 1yi►i `thin Of TO. Vow Afton " 1 arthiir Ito t, r i if tI" following i4*c�r�il net �Kj 40t * ,fi 010t on + t 1I 01 said . Of ttl k# $*Id $016t i feet of NL r of 0614 � of *61 � i g t� t +wt ri gh moot" s 44th d�ttanc+ i f fit; it i #with 4i�t� Of 38.73 foot c� S 3004 W �r #ttr *1 t `4i�ri to t! trt r y i +aw o f �' Aftc� N t &r > lying ut srl r unur ', t iy. To the Ccunc,� a :` gib' 2* of t mot, ett���► i�tr���:t ipa (9ttL 00 i� Iid t ��lCe* 9d $4 of 0014 W Jn. sold t , fist'. * Of the aar- ' 4f "1411 1 1 `!! 1+ sot 10040 f 000 �1t+rnr�+ S 31'x'` i f R It—e estimated ost pei foot for t e above improvement The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 22 _19__L8_ Commissioner Form B. S. A. 8 -5 D DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land B d Beginning at intersection of•north t , line of Upper Afton Road and east line of W. 2 of W!,, thence. N. on said E. line 500 ft., thence W. 200 ft., thence S,4 397.29 ft. to , said N. line, thence SEtly thereon 224.83 ft. to beginning, in Sec. 2, Tovm hip 28, Range 22 $300 P $5050 Part of E. 2 of W. 2 of Nw4, N. of , Upper Afton Road, except the full g: at intersection of 't. 13n of aid E. 2 and ,Beginning N. line of said road, thence N. on aid . line 500 ft., thence W. 200 ft., thence S. 397.29 ft. o- said N. line, s thence SElly thereon 221.83 ft. to eg' ing, in Sec. 2, T. 28, R. 22 3135 - -- Total 13435 $5050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 22 _19__L8_ Commissioner Form B. S. A. 8 -5 D ` CITY OF ST. PAUL "DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 18, 499 In the matter of Aft th�rt ► �Ehs « of of Section 2* � iY1 no row.I of Upper Afton � # IYI thi��t�r r�r�y, �f t� fot��i� ±�klxclribod 11not n t #� •pry of on * sot 4 tnm of .0014 k of -sold wto 14 0416t bolos fee swth of N + rnslr , f d f 1 t t '� a> g es tat" of 217.38 fih►t; ` W 4 this + f t; thencA 44i *Wth 0 .dit� of ISM 1400 thel S �� ' tit on 6 Strsight, 'iii t�+ t rt�rth riy 11n* t t rtr Afton mod; $ f+ .r � � IYI" a+tluwly OW 0aft t . 0 911 11% 1 6"t One �f 0114 SO feet ►tit of the corm' it told Wk �¢a'd 1# `e -_rtt,�►. tat" 1Gt` trrc+ 5fgt 1 "he estimated cost per tot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 22 19 58 _ %h, A . Commissioner of /F Form B. S. A. 8 -5 D I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg -. Beginning at intersection of, north ! ` line of Upper Afton Road and east line of W. 2 of Nw4, thence N. on f said E. line 500 ft., thence W. 200 ft., thence S._ 397.29 ft. to said N. line, thence SE'ly thereon 221.83 ft. to beginning, in Sec. 23 Tmm hip 28, Range 22 309 P X5050 Part of E. 2 of W. 2 of NW-41., N. of Upper Afton Road, except the foll g: Beginning at intersection of E.. lino of 5aid . 2 and N. line of said road, thence N. on baid E,. line 500 ft., thence W.-200 ft., thence S. 397.291 ft. to said N. line, f . 13135 thence SEtly thereon 224,83 ft. to beginning, in Sec. 2, T. 28, R. 22 - -- Total 13435 #5050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 22 19 58 _ %h, A . Commissioner of /F Form B. S. A. 8 -5 D 1 f I OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / /Vo /�/ OU 9 2 1.91. aN f Ue KA 11 29 t q 11 a ! . �o TN6 UOL - r,u, h_6th— 19 58 • 1 psucs x162 1 1.1 us O1: Rbbs:. , TostheoCo��� �We:� 1 bnnG�cap�ts d - y ql g c6� o �o9q• -- '` ' + a �eue 1 Ua 99 b01 ps 1 ba 3ao {se'c 20n pO �1 @0 `a 1004: of :7ubliC °���sl qs�a��.� j �1ap i�oir������o������?��+cl:- C2�C��zM3�- s���2e hl dot rpc to11o��t1,Ua 9 s1. c� !q 2Mi of z9! �► i uo�.rpeL1A u �1 1qs? T '' 'Eq':' le 1$} 3t, a F;Nhi ua91 q 9ua s2 q e,'sucs o.� 3 q sxcsbro: 1- 5 q1 o �3; ,3a ssr p� b9Lg A t Uc� K!14� �.� y ,..�wdw 1 .1jeu p X03:1. 1 - t� �e�' ion $ass„ fpsucs o42;- rrU °• s z rrs r ap q CoWWeUCi Ua sr� biE coLue1- Ot 291 2 3100 , l� s q12 sucs } l 7 us rO rps E�01,1 _ p q21L;o� �e.l ' > ?fr o k��! tl3q ...tsC€ �1'G 1 q iiltr= rpsuce R�s2 9 ! a, t S 692 1 P Us O ! q %! 01 s►sq 11,1 Ua ao A 291 q �U4 201 bo1 u 9r gr. s1. ° r9uq egg sl_ 1�; -q fr and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ x x x x x , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, s o ment for said improvement. its, lop Commissioner of Public Works. 9 `� �� I OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / /Vo /�/ OU 9 2 1.91. aN f Ue KA 11 29 t q 11 a ! . �o TN6 UOL - r,u, h_6th— 19 58 • 1 psucs x162 1 1.1 us O1: Rbbs:. , TostheoCo��� �We:� 1 bnnG�cap�ts d - y ql g c6� o �o9q• -- '` ' + a �eue 1 Ua 99 b01 ps 1 ba 3ao {se'c 20n pO �1 @0 `a 1004: of :7ubliC °���sl qs�a��.� j �1ap i�oir������o������?��+cl:- C2�C��zM3�- s���2e hl dot rpc to11o��t1,Ua 9 s1. c� !q 2Mi of z9! �► i uo�.rpeL1A u �1 1qs? T '' 'Eq':' le 1$} 3t, a F;Nhi ua91 q 9ua s2 q e,'sucs o.� 3 q sxcsbro: 1- 5 q1 o �3; ,3a ssr p� b9Lg A t Uc� K!14� �.� y ,..�wdw 1 .1jeu p X03:1. 1 - t� �e�' ion $ass„ fpsucs o42;- rrU °• s z rrs r ap q CoWWeUCi Ua sr� biE coLue1- Ot 291 2 3100 , l� s q12 sucs } l 7 us rO rps E�01,1 _ p q21L;o� �e.l ' > ?fr o k��! tl3q ...tsC€ �1'G 1 q iiltr= rpsuce R�s2 9 ! a, t S 692 1 P Us O ! q %! 01 s►sq 11,1 Ua ao A 291 q �U4 201 bo1 u 9r gr. s1. ° r9uq egg sl_ 1�; -q fr and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ x x x x x , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, s o ment for said improvement. its, lop Commissioner of Public Works. 9 `� �� i N Ib N IISN v �w r J � F,p M N 0 2/7.38 �N �_ N N N tb J `v N ..9 CS .ob t N � N O