187498COUNCIL FILE' Im .187498 Council File No. 187498 —By Adrian P., Winkel In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in a 14no,wppvsl In the matter of cQndemni ng and taking an easement in the land necessary for s lopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Elfelt Bernheimer is Arnold's Addition, from Farrington St. to Virginia St. to the proposed change of grade under Preliminary Order 186390 approved March 4, 1958 Intermediary Order 187121 approvers April 22, 1958 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objet_ tions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that - p ent to be made by the said is condemn and take an sement in the land cessary for slopes cuts and fills in g ading and surfacing wi bituminous material alley in Bloc , Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's Additio , from Farrington St. to rginia St. to t proposed chang of grade All orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled &W masinded and ail proceedings In said matter be discontinued. and tt Council hereby orders said improve\j�ients to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the followi�g land, lands or easements therein �X and the same are t hereby ordered e taken, appropriated and con$emned for the purpose of making sai provements, viz.: 'r slopes, cuts and fil in grading and surfacing*wi bituminous material the all in Block 2, Elfelt, B rnheimer £� Arnold's Addition, from Farrington St. to irginia St. to the pro sed change of grade, to the xtent shown on the plan n file in the office of the Commissioner of Public W ks. RESOLVED FURTH directed to prepare plans ; authorized and directed to Adopted by the That the Commissioner of \I specifications for said impro teed with the making of said MAY 2 0 1958 Approved__ MAY 2 0 1958 , 1 Pi.Tt�LISHE,� Councilmen: fikbbvix DeCou rcy k6c Rosen Holland l IOL%k dtx W in ke 1 Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, Dillon 500 7 -55 0 Works be and is hereby ins ucted and and the proper city officials re hereby ivement in accordance therewit . 19 &eo7e,-� �- >�M� City Clerk. A Mayor. `. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9-r i f fr In the matter of - condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and . ,t ,fills in 'grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Elfelt., Bernheimer & Arnold's Addition, from Farrington St. to Virginia St. to the proposed change of grade, v under Preliminary Order approved March 4, 1958 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement 25.00 The total estimated au�o�� tin t -4 e- aseessx�ee #or- tire -alo a -i pro�*e ea is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 22 19 58 %!u_, &I nd a 172, /L Commissioner of n Form B. S. A. 8 -5 D DESCRIPTION LOT 3LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LaI3 dTr 0 Bldg- Ex. Ave.; 1- 2 Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's. $5000 1 4103!0 Addition to St. Paul Ex. Ave., Lots 2.thru ,_ 6 2 do 20000 .; lo4 0 Ex.,W. 10 ft,; & ex. Ave._ 7 2 do. _ 775 , 3800 W. 10 ft. of Lot 7 & the E. 30 ft. of 8 2 do 700 , 4 Ex. E. 30 ft.; Lot 8 & the E. 20 t r;405 ft. of g 2 do 700 W. 30 ft. of Lot 9 & the E. 10 ft. of ... - ;. _ 10 2 do 700 385 W. 40 ft. of _ 10 2 do 700 365 11 2 .. do $75 2700 - f I do 9- 75—T —, 7 r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 22 19 58 %!u_, &I nd a 172, /L Commissioner of n Form B. S. A. 8 -5 D OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /`/o / 9 March 11th 19 58 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 186390 approved March 4th 19 58 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 2, Elfelt, Bernheimer Arnold's Addition from Farrington St. to Virginia St. to the proposed change of grade and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ x x x x x , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: a 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached ' and made a part hereof. �,, 4. P":.`. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of p eoperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. (,' Commissioner of Public Works IW EIVE8 OP INCE •• rz ....lam °�wwv,� e�4; 4a14 [ned 'lS ;0 �1F0 gill uF '�uFPIFng 11eR 410 Pue asnoR Imo0 aql ;o aaqumigD punoO gill ul '•IgI•y x0013.0 01 ;o .moil TAI le '8961 'aunp ;o .Sep g181 gill m luautssasse Pies uo pug aq 2ul-eq Flgnd a Will 'aaglang Panlosag ST ,cures lade sl3adsaa [E uF Agaaa tF F ill Pue ail uauissasse plus MIT legy 'Panlosag Q0l3e;sles luatussasse 1plus a ao; uno lug aurus paaaplsuo3 2ulneggtl unoo 'l Pue 'IF3unoO agl of Palllurgns caaq Bulnug luatuanoaduTt anoge aql [lFm u0140auu03 UT pue aO; sasuadxa Me S4903 'slgauaq ;o lugurssasse agy ZZ aunt panoadde `LSSELI aapa0 Teura uuF3 996I LT Aujq panoadde 181ELT aaPaO a" P auraaluI '996I 'E 1131eytl panoadde ILTZLT 39PJO AaeulurTlaad aapun 'alaed ,llaadsoaa s,uaSITy ;o gull 4sea aql of ,nuany Aliaadsoad utoaj anuany saucy 31aed Aliaadsoad s,u9sliy ;o gull lsea ill 01 anuany eilou2e:k tuna; anuany .tuegoaytl :anuany 3iuegoalgl oVanuany .11aadsoad tuoa; anuany ellou .9eyil :anu any 3luugoolq of anuany saucy utoa; aaalS eulg .anuany e1101128W of anu any saucy uTOa; anuany Altaadsoad tut peat ao; sasuadxa pue s4so3 'slt;auaq o luauissasse gill ;o aalleur agl III — 9ESL81 -OX aua 113noo, AIOHMIM JATI'llydR 30 HIM )NI7IIA (IRV LINH ISSSSSV xJHI AM MV 'IIOAIa00 30 mma'IOSa2T (8861 '6Z AL1q) '8961' '19 AuN Panoaddy 3861 '19 Aeyll IFounoO gill Aq pa ;dopy 'sluatullelsul enba S ui algeAed aq 03' Pauluraalap q, a legLL Panlosagq aagla asasu ages Cy Aasure ill j uraa o3 g ;o AlunoO gill o lan oO apisTa gill of Pallltugns aq of paaapao .gaaail sl aures Bill Pug 'Paine, sloads as Ile ul Agaaaq sr atues gill Pue aq uaurssasse PIES gill letly 'Panlosag ego ;aaagl lF ail Aaol3e;slles Alleug )aaapisuo3 uaaq 2WAeg Pue 'Ilounoo ql Aq paaaplsuo3 aaglan; uaaq 8uineg uaUMSasse plus pue luauranoadurt noge agl ao; luatussasse gill uodn 1eq uaaq Sutneq 2utaeag 3Flgnd y 8uiaae o 4S col 3 l '45 aatlle0 uroa; 'apls glnos anuany Alisaantua — ZLT681 'O 'a : algessassy -uohl )ao ;xO of 'IS TllaomslegO uroa; 'apes [laou 'anuany PuO;e1I— EIZZ8T 'O '3 3ead aaagm 9utgana Butlsixa ;o guillas as aql Pue Aaessaaau aaagm 2ulgqan3 &au ;o uotlonalsuo3 pug •4S uol8uia ae3 01 1S aaF4IuJ 11101; 'apts glnos a n u a n y AltsaaAiva= ZLIb8T 'O '3 •any auangaagS . )l 'any AltsaaAlua tuoa; 'IS laaglV o apes lsam gill uo suanlaa laaals i ME Aemaniap 8tnlsixa attl gano pm ; PuulS Lind 2utl3auuOo- 0SZE8I 'O '3 :algessassy . T 'orI Ana I 'I 'ON 431JIST '8ST -ILF LS 43ealuoO :olaaagl IeluaPi3ut aiaom me sKlemapts 8uiaolsaa pue 8utlonals 1100. ao; sasuadxa pue slso3 'sigauaq o luatussasse gill ;o aalleur gill III —ML8T -ODI altg munoO (8561 ',Z Ae1q) NEST aFF3 •8561 'TZ Au1q Panoaddy R96I 'TZ Auld 113unoo 9gl Aq paldOpy a •sluaurlleisul enb nb a g 8 suI a14eAed aq of pauituaa4ap l 11 Pue aq luaurssasse pies 'ql lugy 'Panlosag aaglan3 4I ag o; Aasure uollumauuo3 g ;O AlunoZ), aql ;o 4anoO 31alsTa 9114 01 palllurgns aq o4 paaapao *aaq sl acres aql Pue 'pagtlea s73ads as HE ui Agaaaq sl aures ago Pue aq uaurssasse pies aql leg,L 'Panlosag aao;aaagl 41 ail ISjoloujsIles Alleug )aaaplsuO3 uaaq 2uinuq Pue 'IlounoO 'ill Aq paaaplsuo3 aa11lan; uaaq 211tneq uaurssasse plus pue. Watuanoadutl Pnoge aq; ao; luaurssasse aq1 uodn )et( uaaq. 8ulneq guiaeaq a qnd tl.�., `C1it escribedracYMU� and follow - All that part of` the SW','a of lying NWlra of Sec. 2, T. 28, R. 22, northerly of Upper Afton Road the lying - southerly and easterly following described line: Com t a Point oint on the ea d ast line of said SWtA of said th of NE point being 290,f of said "aN hence ner of saidight angles a distancaedis west at thence S. 31 05 W 217.38 feet; thence due South then a tance of 150 feet; thence S. 31 °05' distance of 38.73 feet; except for. �T• 6n a straight line to the northerly line of UPPer Afton erly and easterly that part lying southerly Coin_ 0f the Following described said e4 Tnencmg at a ofsaid NWiae in sa d of said SWl'a R 22, said point being Sec. 2, T. 28, 390 feet south of the N thence -west cwt SW I,/4 of said distance of 160:9 feet; right angles a on a straight line ' thence S. -31° 05 W. to the north line of Upper Aft ^^ Road. fxi stony S/. 168 62 ` r-ees �- 1 o.�f '�•6 .Tk) fat to, A I __ ] o.o ro., /yj•e fence ` Q '1-;6,P. 39 0.0 --5* �U 4t a r, �0 w c fail:.; a r O 0.2 0.9 f) Cwj- A w a Door Entiaxlj 1 ` O In a., � r o., o c.z o.z tb p O � O p ct1 t ..g pCN p J y � e o� Ot00 ♦--------------- FARF� /NGTON ST. _c D A O O j EL ti j. p , b �^• I m a ° D ` `0 ti\ n b Q (� m �y 'b fxi stony S/. 168 62 ` r-ees �- 1 o.�f '�•6 .Tk) fat to, A I __ ] o.o ro., /yj•e fence ` Q '1-;6,P. 39 0.0 --5* �U 4t a r, �0 w c fail:.; a r O 0.2 0.9 f) Cwj- A w a Door Entiaxlj 1 ` O In a., � r o., o c.z o.z tb p O � O p ct1 t ..g pCN p J y � e o� Ot00 ♦--------------- FARF� /NGTON ST. _c D A O j EL ti j. p , b �^• I m a ° D ` `0 ti\ n b Q (� m �y 'b D t� o ti �y C a � Zia o NO19-Tf1 o�- A 0