187496187496 J COUNCIL FILE N0_________________________ tp J FINAL ORDERS Council File No. 187498— FINAL ORDER n ;�Y r,.� Vi ?•a rQAL °1ttd J In the Matter of improving Maryland Avenue from Payne Avenue to Clarence Street by regrading the center 19 foot strip, paving the same with asphaltic concrete pavement and surfacing the existilg side strips of- concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete between Duluth Avenue and Clarence Street; by surfacing the existing track area paving from Greenbrier Avenue to Duluth Avenue with asphaltic concrete; by surfacing the existing brick pavement from Payne Avenue to Duluth Avenue with asphaltic concrete; by paving street, alley and driveway returns where necessary; by constructing new curbs and sidewalks where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Order ---------- 1$5.788 --------------- - - - - -- approved ------------ JanuarY _15__,__ 1958 ----------------------- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, 'be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. improve Maryland Avenue from Payne Avenue to Clarence Str e b regr th enter 19 foot strip, paving the same with asphaltic on �i o s ized ase J concrete pavement- d surr acing the existing side strips of concrete pavement with �.. _._ '- asphaltic concrete between'Duluth Avenue and'Clarence Street•; by- surfacing the existing track area paving from Greenbrier Avenue to Duluth Avenue width asphaltic concrete; by surfacing the existing brick pavement from Payne Avenue to Duluth Avenue with asphaltic concrete; by paving,street, alley and driveway returns where necessary; by- eenstrue`ti-ag ate,= colas_- c- se�alks wl�e�e- ieeessa�g; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and side- - walks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the mak}ng of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council____________________�(_� 0__1,8_____,_ 9 ------------------------------------------- s: MAY 2 �7 1 �$ City Clerk. ___ Approved - - -- - - - - -- � - - - - - -- PUBLIS�i3 °-� —�, -•-6'Y File 14016 Councilman DeCOURCY• Councilman HOLLAND_.„ Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman,,WINKEL Mayor. DILLON 2.55 2M 2 �U 2 0�195P ` -------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - -- Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ;REPORT *OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) �. r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Improving Maryland Ave. from Payne Avenue to Clarence Street under Preliminary Order approved January 15, 1958 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - _ _ $ 163,425-00 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - Residential 2.50 Commercial The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. fl I 1 I 1 I Cloverdale, St. Paul, Minn. 11$ 1000 $ 7350 III 2 I 1 do II 600 II 13 I 1 I do II 600 3250 II 14 I 1 I do II 625 3050 5 1 ( do II 650 2950 II 6 and 17 I 1 I do 1300 3100 8 I 1 I do II 675 1900 I� 19 I 1 I do II 675 5200 II 110 I 1 I do II 700 3350 II 111 I 1 I do 700 1700 II Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -58 8 f s ' • CITY OF ST. PAUL 2 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (R) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanCYALUATIOftld 9-it 12 1 Cloverdale, St. Paul, Minn. 700 _ $ 300 13 1 do 700 3550 14 1 do 3000 - - i5 1 do 650 12850 1 2 do 925 , 4450 2 2 do 700 3750 3 2 do 700 3150 4 2 do 7001 13450 5 2 do 700 3700 6 2 do 1 760 3350 7 2 do 700 { !2150 _ , . 8 2 do 700 1250 9 2 do 700 1650 • 10 2 do 700 11 2 do 1000 f 6600 12 and 13 2 do l 2900 � t 7100 1, 2 and 3 1 Eastville Heights 3800 7400 1 do { 600 2100 5 1 do 650 ' � � 3650 6 I 1 do 6510 0.800 East 2 of Lot 8 and all of 7 1 do �i 975 j ?300 West z of Lot 8 and all of 9 1 do 975 j 650 10 1_ do 650 2 650 12 and 11 1 do 1200 950 Lots 131.14 and 15 1 do f 7000 { 10050 Except South 78 feet, Lots 1 and 2 2 do 675 # 3,450 3 2 do 1 500. 2150 FORM 15.19.1+ TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 3 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LUATIOISh 4 2 Eastville Heights t 6000 5 6 2 2 do do 1000 11200 _ 7 2 do 12001 8 2 do 1200 1 9, 10 a id-11 2 do 3600 30500. 12 2 do 11200 l3 ,11} an .. 15 2 do _ 4000 t ?8300 , , _ Et 7,y 2 of Lot 2 and all of 1 3 do 950 � i 6800 Wt_ly 2 of Lot 2 and all of 3 3, do _ 900 # 64400 4 3 -do j 600' 2500 5 3 do 66o! �3�0 ,. 6 3 do.- 6001 4to 7 3 do 600 4 9,00 _ 8 3 do 6001 ' 119100 9 3 _ do 6001 j 2850 10 3 do 600 ' 5200 11 3 do i 600 I 2400 12 3_ do 600 4 11750 North 81.15 ft. of 13 3 do 450 ; 1850 North 42 ft. of Lots 14 and 15 3 do 925' !l�850 North 1/3 of Lots 1 and 2 4 do 12501 13900 3 4 do _ 650 i 1150 4 do 700 } { 2800 5- . do 700 j ; '3350 __6 4 do . 700 + 850 7 4 1 do 700:1 ` 3100 FORM 9.0.31 TOTAL ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ands i LUATIO 8 4 Eastville Heights 3675 3750 9 4 do 675 ! 3200 " E. 20 ft. of Lot 11 and all of 10 4 do '1050` '3650 Lot 12 and W. 20 ft. of 11 4 do 975 + 2050 13 4 do 625 ! + 6000 - 14800 14 4 do 625 1 15 4 do 675 � 1 thru 10 1 Evans Addition _ _ r 7650 , � }. 16900 (in _ _Lots cludes other's' y) 1 1 _ do _ 650 ; 23tt 00 Except West 7.6 feet, _ 12 1 do 500 ( Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, in Holterh ff wid Me dts Add., and__ y ( except alley, North 25 feet of ! 1 (Lots 13, 14 and 15 l Evans Addition 4800 } 22000 East 4 feet of Lot 2 and all of_L t 1 1 Lane Hospes Add. 1 65' 6400 Except East 4 feet, Lot,, 2 1 do 500 1 3450 Except West 30 ft., Lot „4 & all o . 3- 1 do 825 } 3300 West 30 ft. of Lot 4 & all of 5 and 6 1 do 2250 Except Southerly 42 ft., 37 2 do 725 ' l { 7450 • 10 10 Oakville Park 800 3400 11 10 do 72.5 ! ;. 750 12 10 do 7� 350 13 10 do 725 Lot 14 and West 30 feet of 15 10 do i 1250 ; 2800 t East 10 ft. of Lot 15 & all of 16 10 do 900 IT 1650 17 10 do 725 1 # 2100 1 18 10 do 7715 �_ j i ,: 2250 11 11 do 775 1 2050' 12 11 do 700 2600- `II --' !,;� FCMM e.8.1t TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IRS DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO ld�. A 13 11 Oak Ville -Park 700 $2450 14, 11 do 700 2000 15 11 do 700 j 245o 16 11 do 700 i 4300 17 11 do 700 3550 18 11 do 701 { fir' 44 t0 19 11 do 700 3550 20 11 do 775 j i 3300 ' Lot 10 and West z of 11 12 do _ _ i 1125 , 1 � z 950 ._ East z of Lot 11 and all of 12 12 do _. 1050 1 f t 3150 13 12 do 700 } 2550 14 12 do 700 1 � � 1450 15 12 do 700 _ 1650 _ 16 12 do 700 j 2400 17 12 do 65o i 3400 18 12 do 3150 { 20300 Northerly 70.60 ft. of {_ 1 13 do 180 } I 5300 2 13 do 625 { f 2250 3 i3 do 700 i ?i50 _ 1 5 and 4 13 do 1461 t ' 2000 2550 .6 13 _ do _ 700 i 7 13 do _ 700 ` f 2850 8 13 _ do _ . �1f 70010 , { 2750 9 13 do 75.0 2900 1 14 do . 750 ".1260 2 and 3 1-4 do 11300 I 2850 4 14 do 700 ! { 1700 FORM 8.0.11 TOTAL • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IRi v DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED aTl try ALUATI - 1 � 5 14 Oak Ville Park ; 500j 1$6150 6 14 do 700, ! 3100 7 14 do 700, s50 - _ 8 14 do 700 2150 9 14 do j 700: 2600 to 14 do 750 3550 1 15 do 7751 ! 800 2 15 do _ _. 725 4400 3 15 do ?25 #. 2450 t t_ 4 i5 do 2 725! i 2500 5- 15 do 1 725 i t � l050 .. 6 15 do 7251 1700 7 15 do 725 1650 . il -- 8 15. do 700' s1 3200 9 15 do 1060; i 1400 East 30 ft. of Lot l5 & all of Los + i i 16, 17 18 8 Phalen Heights Park 33004 .30400 _ „and 19 8 do 650 E 20 8 do 700 1 3700 � t 21 8 do 700 1 2600 22 8 do 700 3000 _ i 23 8 do 700! ' 3350 i 24 8 do 700+ 3500 25 8 do 700, 3400 I 26 8 _ do 700, 2200 27 8 do o 1 ; 1650 _ __ _. � r �8 8 do 700 3700 `k FORM 8.8.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER U DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 29 8 Phalen .Heights Park West 23 feet of Lot 17 &.all of 16 9 do East 17 ft. of Lot 17 & all of 18 9 do ASSESSED VALUATIOI IN FORM 8.8.11 TOTAL 1 _ 19 9 do 700. j 4600 20 9 do ._ 700 } 4900 21 9 _ do _ _ 700. I 4350 22 9 do 700 3650 - _23 _ _ 9 . _ do 700 k } 3500 24 9 do - - 700 . 25_ 9 do _ 700 I + j t 1800 _ 26 -9 do _ 700 .. 2000 27_ 9 do 700 . f 1 3200 _. _. 28 9 do _ 700 } 3300 29 and .30 9 do 450, 2900 11 to _ do 600 r t °12 10 do 550: � � 15000 13 10 _ do 1525 3o5o 14 10 do ,525 �; 3200 15 10 do 52�t 1 4000 _ _ ^ 16 10 do 5 �5 3400 17 to do 5 �5 � I I { 1900 _ . _ - 18 10 do 525 i 5350 _ .. 19 to _ do 525 ,5700 20 and 21 10 do _ 9t t! j 16 7 J. A. and W. M. Stees Add. 900 + 1200 .. _ 17 7 do 1700 2200 18 7 do 700 5050 FORM 8.8.11 TOTAL 1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL ° DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER !Rl . v DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATIO T.,qnX -, 19 . 7 J. A. and W: M. Stees Add. 700 X2850 20 7 do 700 2950 k 21 7 do 7001 2550 _ 22 7 do 7001 4400 _ _ _ - - 23 7 do 7001 2750 24 do 700 1900 25 7 do 700 2150 26 7 do - - _ 700 3850 �7 _7 . _ _ _ - _ do _ -- I 700 2950 West ,10 . feet of-Lo-t-29-and all of 28 7- T do _ 875 W 2400 South, 80_ feet of East 30 feet of I... s Lot 29, and S.. 80 feet of 30 7 do _ 2000 6350 Lots 15 and 16, Block 8,,, and part of SE4 of SW4 of Sec. 21, T. 29, f R. 22, East of Forest St,'., West of and between extended N. S. line 16500 of said. Lots 15 and. ,. 16. 8 do. 2800 _ _ _ .. 17 8 do . — 600 { i 18 8 do T 650 3200 Except East 20 ft., Lot 20 & all 0 f 19 8 do 900{ '5200 East 20 feet of Lot 20.,_& all of 21 8 do 9q0 i 5150 22 8 650 _ ...._ - do i i �3. - 8 do _ _. _ _ 650.. 25 24 8 do 650 2400 13950 25_ 8 do 650 26 8 do 650 '3850 ` 27 8 do - 650i 28 8 do 1000 } 1950 1 C 22 1 11 IStone dnd Mortonts Addition 2400 6250 FORM ®.8.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT Oft COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 2 1 Kiefer Park $275 12050 + 3 1 do 275 d° - - - 275 do -2-(51 . 6 do 275 7 -1 1 - - 275 -do - 4 4- E.. 6 ft. of ,Lot- 9_ and -all _ of _ . _ _ _ 8 _ 1 _ _ _ do _ _ . ` _ , .� e 3251 - - 2100 Except E. 6- ft., -Lot 1 do­ 250 .2150 _ ... _9 — _ — 10 .1 do _ 275, _ - 11 1 do 225 12 1 do 150 . 13 1 _ � do 125' { 14 1 do 1%001 W. 35 ft. of E. 65 ft. of N. 121 of S. 154 ft. of SA- of Sod of 4 i r --- _._ _ -.._ _. _ See. 21, T. 29, R. 22 1050 6000 W. 18.6 ft. of E. 83.6,ft. of N. 121 _ ,....� _ ft. of 1 S. 154 ft. of Sw4 of Sw4 of _ Sec. 21, T. 29, R. 22 525 2550 W. 70 ft. of E. 153.6 ft. of N. 121 ft. of 3. 154 ft. of Sw4 of Sw4 of W. 50 ft. of E. 203.6 ft. of N. 121 ft of Sec. 21, T. 29, R. 22 154 ft. Of Sw4. of SW-41 of 13:75, ! 1 17300 _ Sec. 21, T. 29, R. 22 1250 �455o W. 100_ ft. E. 303.6 ft. of N. 121 ft. of S. 154 ft. of SWl of Swl of 4of Sec. 21, T. 29, R. 22 2500 1395o W. 200 ft. of E. 503.6 ft. of N. 21 ft. of S. 154 ft. of SW-14 of SW-14 of } } Sec. 21, T. 29, R. 22 5000; ! _ 4 { i Except W. 26 ft. & E. 503.6 ft. part E. of Block 4, Wildert s Add. i _except _Sec. of N. 121 ft. of S. 154 ft. of SW-4i of 4 0 21, T. 29, R. 22 1700 FORM B.B.tf TOTAL C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BLDG. IlGovt. L'ot 5' and that part of the So�th d12 of �he SE4 lying 11$,500 122 $ 28,OOC II If easterly of Phalen Heights Park add tioz�, of I Section 21, T. 29, R.. 22 II 11 Those parts of Govt. Lot , Section strip 100 feet in width being 50 foet 21 side o eiher 4 of Section 2 included in a of the center line as II 8,050 Illocated i in Section 21, T. 29, R. 22 i and lSec } 28, T. 29, R. 22 Relow*) ncluds property be- IlExcept part for Jessamine Ave.; exci t Aaryl�nd Ave.; except the N. P. Ry. II iiCo.ils right -of way: The N. 990.20 ft. west line of the Water,Works right - f w I tot of part lying east oft e the NE-;1j of Sec. 28, T. 29, R.22 , 5,000 iiThat part of NWl lying Wily of a 14e I I it 1150 ft. Eilly from and parallel with i center line of said Railway over anq across �ec. 27, T. 29, R. 22 *see above !� I I I II J,A 100 -foot Railway right-of-way acAss 4ts �l and 14, Lake Residences and II Ilacross Willy part of Section 22, and acro s Elsterly---p-a-Ft of o vt. Lot b, in Sec. 21, T. 29, R. 22 23,450 11 I I I II I! I I I II II I I I II II I I I II Il. I I I II �I► I I I � I I I II II I I I 11 II I I I II it I I I II II I I I TOTAL 11$395,725 $819,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 22, 1958 %Yl_ A da&ea , Commissioner of Fin Ac' Form B.B. 12 IM 3.58 8 t. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE March 7th 19 5$ To a ka Ci. -;m 9520 ' Of °incricty of the Clity cf 37,irit `_ G� l . i 9u uc + qsv �s . o z9 r q t u;b c.onsWo u.F - �c 2z9. q 1 9 j = 1"N )ra�dLiCitap:l� c r ,. �E3 . �.v ks. v� `�: � �qro l; T�iE7/% '3 ^v_ t i °4�.gtp,� qq is . e,,sc. iva 2f1.66f2 t. %Ns L9 uoT !v cou os b9n1�ua° cns.p ua 9uq 2 gsa�91F2 ou !u- d� - LGCOU���fl�:�! ua, �;� 1 ; , r '�� _..�.. .,I.t t4s 2 9uq xi�4'AGN19% LGfnLu2 Mps�.s UGCG2a91.%. � cbu2�:�d€� bg �¢ud 2t�ss�' 911G 1 ozb 9 t� �couc�s�6• P e1�us ncun�.��Q�Jr1f�' dnsuns M1�N N= . },. asii. g ►u& 3N6 bxi2�a..pi,icK b9n t� vt:.. !-ate b 92bN9 i s couca.siw • P n n nsuno M4 ....._..�... i', 2n� °Cl,ua 06 GXi2C1v '. �-9C �9.LG`,.,ben qua ►oVAOun� qugs�^f9�:cuo7 e}L'w'W -P.." �-. F G G�lCL6e �GN,1u•Q��f[1f��j i.�s�G �39nG'.5:ki1 EY,t F}3>3�n -m , riia 6S:I j Lr'a 2:1 6 2 .O:.,CQ�:� r u and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 163,425.00 , and the total cost thereof (See Attached Letter) is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5: Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 /"� - -/ -. Commissioner of Public Works. C J J J ASSISTANT Cmar ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE ENGR HERBERT S. WEST j RICHARD L. WHEELER • Capital of Minnesota PUBLIC WORKS DMlIGN ENGINEER - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS B °JOHN M COTTTER., Supt. AR�iTR:�. WELIN ; ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner • BRIDGE ENGINEER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT MAURICE W. HEWETT CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner ARTHUR H. KOCH • GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator • TRAFFIC ENGINEER ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT EUGENE V. AVERY JOS. PAVLICEK March 7, 1958 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Pau;,l Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for improving Maryland Avenue from Payne Avenue to Clarence Street by regrading the center 19 foot strip, paving the same with asphaltic concrete pavement and surfacing the existing side strips of concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete between Duluth Avenue and Clarence Street; by surfacing the existing track area paving from Greenbrier Avenue to Duluth Avenue with asphaltic concrete; by surfacing the existing brick pavement from Payne Avenue to Duluth Avenue with asphaltic concrete; by paving street, alley and driveway returns where necessary; by constructing new curbs and sidewalks where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work which is necessary and in- cidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 185788, approved January 15, 1958. Estimated Paving Cost $132,728.00 Engineering & Inspection 13,272.00 Estimated Cost $146,000.00 Add for Water Department Charges 925.00 Add for Traffic Signal Installations 16,500.00 Total Estimated Cost $163,425.00 Estimated property paving assessment 37,415.00 City's Share of Cost (County -State Aid) $126,010.00 Estimated property share of paving cost is based on making the follow- ing assessment rates per front foot: Residential - 11,176' (@$2.50 $27,940.00 Commercial - 2,178' 0$4.35 = $ 9,475.00 a Approved for transmission to the Commissioner f Finance L�dH w ^ A an P. Winkel Commissioner!of Public Works Yours very truly, Arthur W. Tews Chief Engineer j .. ti n f ®lMf— &� �v. MMIN 712 Q I, lg _ �bd3 IC W Q t '1S W SS32td.1� f i 1S3 d 0:1 ualoyd - - - -- t -7Dd7d 7�,NV -7 IF 15 H1n7no , 1S NN Vb'-4 i poi I cc °per -���J. �.�"'�• - �.�i�.d.- 1.S .j 9Q:9-ddO 1S32(0 -4 I .r �s5 1S V.LOON3W _ 'n 1S v ooN3W = iW 4 z I a w o w o Z Q) Q � � • r ., Z tcl Q . I} CY Q h III T-7-, '1S 153 VIOCNEW L-j' -'N Al rI 77-7 z Tit `_ `- • wt S, lb 114 �V EE'll. L L 4i y PkE:3,1 7 T. -'pril CYPIZE55 5T. 7n < <1 N i � �I . I a � � oil FRANK S T. --i L I (-; j I - i� - a � it I�I. Li �L DULUTH L A -PL A CE 10 x.15_/ 89102m� 5 77 JU Ll EARL ST. L-J CIZ tl-r.4-1 15 T I It4 3 rn B AR MIAK HAA7