187484" Originai;'to City Cierk j 1 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATE e484 COUNCIL NO. FILE forty -three minutes (250 43") to the left one thousand six hundred eighty -two and six- v tenths (1,682.6) feet to the westerly end of said Grantor's Bridge L-292 and the end of said center line. "And for the consideration aforesaid, said Grantor also grants unto said Grantee (1) a non- exclusive.eisement for the use of the surface of said thirty (30)'foot strip of land for access to said sewer, which roadway shall be used in common with said Grantor and such other users as it may admit thereto, and (2) two temporary easements thirty (30)_feet in width, one on each side of and adjabent to said permanent easement, for construction pur- poses* L, "Reserving, however, unto said Grantor., its successors and assigns, the right to con- struct, maintain and operate over and across the hereinabove described premises such facili- ' ties as it may desire, provided, however., that the footings or other supports of any buildings constructed, span said thirty (30) foot strip." for the reasonable price of $2,000, to become and be payable thereunder by said City;-as Grantee, to said Company, as Grantor, and it being found hereby A that such proposed =acquisition of said easements by said City thereunder is advisable and in its best interests, and that the same should be hereby authorized, the proper City officers be and-hereby are authorized and di- rected in behalf of said City, to execute said proposed indenture for said purpose and to perform all acts and things necessary in the premises to the acquisition by said City of said easements at such paie�and for said reasonable price; be it COUNCILMEN `,Adopted by the Council 1951 _ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 - MawAtau Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President, Dillon .t 5M 2 -57 2 �`, • , . 14 Ori8inal'-to City Clerk , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUN RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C WinkeFile No. 187484 —By Adrian P. Resolved, That it appearing from the "PRESENTED BY report of the Land Committee' in the , COMMISSIONER DATE premises, that the following described perpetual and temporary easements, in, apon, over, and through the lands of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul .Fn., - ti, r, �r,.�atlrF�ci•>>�omP.?nY.,,flec- RESOLVED, that it appearing from the report of the Land Committee in w.,, „...,� the premises, that the following described perpetual and temporary easements, in, upon, over, and through the lands of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, necessary for the pending City of Saint Paul Battle Creek Sanitary Sewer Project, are proposed to be granted and conveyed, at private sale, under and by that certain proposed indenture dated the 7th day .of May, 195$, by and between said Company, therein designated, as GranterE, and said City, therein designated as Grantee; such easements being therein described as follows: "A perpetual easement, thirtY(30) feet wide, for the construction, maintenance and operation,of the Battle Creek Sanitary Sewer, consisting of .two thirty inch (30 ") and one twenty-four inch (2,4 ") outside diameter sanitary sewer pipes, beneath the surface of said Grantor's property in the North Half of the Northwest's Quarter (N2 NW4) of Section Ten (10) and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE4 SW4),of Section Three (3), both in Township Twenty -eight (28) North, - Range Twenty -two • (22)° West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the center line of said easement being described as follows: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 0 Begin at a point in the west line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N2,NW4) of said Section Ten (10) distant one thousand, one hundred and seventeen (1,117) feet south of the northwest corner thereof; thence deflecting ninety-seven degrees twenty minutes (970 201) to the left, five hundred twenty (520) feet; thence deflecting nine degrees forty-nine minutes twenty seconds (90 491 20 ") to the left three hundred forty -eight •ancd one -tenth (348.1) feet; thence deflecting eleven degrees forty minutes (110 ,401) to the left,`! four hundred twenty-seven and six - tenths (427.6) feet; thence deflecting twenty– fivel;detrees Adopted by the Council N 195— -. ^_Approved 195- ` t Mayor P, PUBLISIII,- %? Y ­15eCourcy ,,,Holland ' _ 'G 1TSe0i%l1�CSS1 P. i r Mortinson' , 'Peterson P Rosen i Mr. Presid Di on a1i 5M 2 -57 QW2. y 0 Begin at a point in the west line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N2,NW4) of said Section Ten (10) distant one thousand, one hundred and seventeen (1,117) feet south of the northwest corner thereof; thence deflecting ninety-seven degrees twenty minutes (970 201) to the left, five hundred twenty (520) feet; thence deflecting nine degrees forty-nine minutes twenty seconds (90 491 20 ") to the left three hundred forty -eight •ancd one -tenth (348.1) feet; thence deflecting eleven degrees forty minutes (110 ,401) to the left,`! four hundred twenty-seven and six - tenths (427.6) feet; thence deflecting twenty– fivel;detrees Adopted by the Council N 195— -. ^_Approved 195- ` t Mayor P, PUBLISIII,- %? Y Original.-to City Clerk • 18"1"484 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FnMR RESOLVED, that said price to become and be payable under said proposed indenture by said City as-and for /the consideration for said grant of said easement, unto said Company, •shall be paid-from f the City's Sewer Bond Fund 210 – Project SE-16 – Batt��e Creek Outfall Sewer. A COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland e e�rson Mr. Presid ne t, Dillon 5M 2 -57 Oip. 2 n MAY 16 1958 Adopted by the Council 195- . � MAY 16 1958 Approved 195 — In Favor Mayor ` gainst } –3— Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that it appearing from the report of the Land Committee in the premises, that the following described perpetual and temporary easements, in, upon, over, and through the lands of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and pacific Railroad Company, necessary for the pending City of Saint Paul Battle Creek Sanitary Sewer Project, are proposed to be granted and conveyed, at private sale, under and by that certain proposed indenture dated the 7th day of May, 1958, by and between s id Company, therein designated, as Grantor, and srid City, therein designated as Grantee, such easements being therein described as followst "A perpetual easement, thirty (30) feet wide, for the construction) maintenance and operation of the Battle Creek Sanitary Sewer) consisting of two thirty inch 030',) and one twenty -four inch (2,4") outside diameter sanitsry sewer pipes, beneath the surface of said Grantor's property in the North Half of the Northwest Quarter M. N4 ) of Section Ten (10) and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEJ SWJ) of Section Three (3), both in Ta m.ship Twenty-eight (29) North, Range Twenty-two (22) We. t, Ramsey County, Minnesota) the center line of said easement being described as follows; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland mars0eHi Mortinson Peterson Ros nkel Mr. President, Dillon SM 2.57 jqW2 Begin at a point in the west line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N:la, NY) of said Section Ten (10) distant one thousand, one hundred and seventeen (1,117) feet south of the northwest corner thereof; thence deflecting ninety -seven degrees twenty minutes (970 201) to the left, five hundred twenty (520) feet; thence deflecting nine degrees forty: -nine minutes twenty seconds (90 49' 20") to the left three hundred forty - .eight and one -tenth (343.1) feet; thence deflecting eleven degrees forty minutes (110 401) to the left) four hundred twenty -seven and six - tenths (427.6) feet, thence deflecting twenty -five degrees -----In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 195_ Approved 195— Mayor Duplicate to Printer a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL FILE NO. forty –three minutes ( 250 439 to the left one thousand six hundred eighty –two and sic teethe (1,68246),feet to the westerly end of said Grantor's Bridge L-292 and the end of said center liner, '"Anal for the con.ideration afores&id, acid Grantor also grants unto said Grantee (1) a non- exclusive easement for the use of the surf^ce of said thirty (30) foot. strip of land for access to said sewer, which roadway shall be used in cortnon with said Grantor and such other users as it may admit thereto, and (2) tiro temporary easements thirty (.30) feet in width, one on each side of and adjacent to said permanent easement, for construction pur- poses. "Reserving, however, unto said Grantor, its successors and assignst the right to con- struct.. maintain and operate over and across the hereinabove described premises such facili- ties as it may desire, provided, however, that the footings or other supports of any buildings constructed, span said thirty (30) foot strip." for the reasonable price of 12,000, to become and be payable thereunder by said City, as Grantee, to s,id Company, as Grantor, and it being found hereby that such proposed acquisition of srid easements by said City thereunder is advisable ana in its be int sts d thh t the same,sh uld be her b aut ordi e% the proper ty o f ceR a andahereby are auW6i;ized, an� i-- rec n ehalf of said City, to execute said proposed indenture for said purpose and to perform all acts and things necessary in the premises to the acquisition by said Cit?r of said easements at such pale-and for said reasonable price, be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Marzi e i —fin Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2.57 2 -2– Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— Mayor Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE CU ILENCIL NO. qf4L FURTHER RESOLVED.. that said price to become and be payable under said proposed indenture by said City as and for the consideration for said grant of said easement, unto said Company, shall be ps-tid from the City's Sewer Bond Fund 210 - Project SE-16 - Battle Creek Outfall Sower. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland -ilfarzii,�eHr- In Favor Against Rases el Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 2 —3— Adopted by the Council 195 — Approve r195— IT/ Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL TERRANCE S: OJTOOLE LEGAL DEPARTMENT THOMAS J. RYAN ROBERT E. O'CONNELL DONALD L. LAIS MARSHALL F. HURLEY JOHN J. MCNEIL CORPORATION COUNSEL ASSISTANTS', THEODORE J. COLLINS 2 / INVESTIGATOR May 16, 1958 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul: LOUIS P. SHEAHAN SPECIAL ASSISTANT M), The undersigned, constituting the Land Committee in the premises, hereby report that the following described easements in, upon, over and through the lands of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, necessary for the City's pending Battle Creek Sanitary Sewer Project, may be acquired, at private sale, under that certain proposed indenture by and between said Company, as Grantor, and said City, as Grantee, for the purchase price payable by said Grantee to said Grantor therefor in the reasonable amount of $2,000, such easements being therein described as follows: "A perpetual easement, thirty (30) feet wide, for the construc- tion, maintenance and operation of the Battle Creek Sanitary Sewer, consisting of two thiriy inch (300) and one twenty -four inch (24 ") outside diameter sanitary sewer pipes, beneath the surface of said Grantor's property in the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (NJ NW -) of Section Ten (10) and the South- . east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE4 SW4) of Section Three (3), both in Township Twenty -eight (28) North, Range Twenty -two (22) West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the center line of said easement being described as follows: Begin at a point in the west line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N2 NWJ) of said Section Ten (10) distant one thousand, one hundred and seventeen (1,117) feet south of the northwest corner thereof; thence deflecting ninety -seven degrees twenty minutes (970 201) to the left, five hundred twenty (520) feet; thence deflect- ing nine degrees forty -nine minutes twenty seconds (90 49' 20 ") to the left three hundred forty -eight and one -tenth (348.1) feet; thence deflecting eleven degrees forty minutes (110 401) to the left, four hundred twenty - seven and six - tenths (427.6) feet; thence deflecting twenty -five degrees forty - three minutes (250 43') to the left one thousand six hundred eighty -two and six - tenths (1,682.6)feet to the westerly end of said Grantor's Bridge L -292 and the end of said center line. To the 'Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul -2- May 16, 1958 "And for the consideration aforesaid, said Grantor also grants unto said Grantee (1) a non - exclusive easement for the use of the surface of said thirty(30) foot strip of land for access to said sewer, which roadway shall be used in common with said Grantor and such other users as it may admit thereto, and (2) two temporary easements thirty (30) feet in width, one on each side of and adjacent to said permanent easement, for construction purposes. "Reserving, however, unto said Grantor, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate over and across the hereinabove described premises such. facilities as it may desire, provided, however, that the footings or other supports of any buildings constructed, span said thirty (30) foot strip. "; that the undersigned, as such Committee on Lands, recommends the purchase of said easements by said City from said Company for said reasonable price at private sale and under said proposed indenture. Yours very truly, COMMITTEE ON LANDS By Mayor City Comptroller Commissioner.of Public Works J x ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER HERBERT S. WEST, PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEW= TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY • CITY OF SAINT PAUL PUBLIC RI WORKS MAINTENANCE ENGR RICHARD L. WHEELER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. ADRIAN P. WI'NKEL, Commissioner • BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner ARTHUR H. KOCH GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Sfreef & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer • May 15, 1958 Mr".- Louis B.'Sheahan Special Assistant Corporation Counsel City of St. Paul PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT JOS. PAVLICEK R AVE, CIVD MAY 15 195 a Dear Mr. Sheahan: CORPORATION COUNSEL Mr. Eltor Dehn advises me that he and Mr. Hunt of the Milwaukee Railroad Company met with you this morning informally in connection with the sewer easement which the Railroad is grant- ing to the City of"St. Paul for the construction and maintenance of the'Battle "Creek Sanitary Sewer. This 9 ro ec o the 'bond „�iuAg_ ux9..r�e.,c�ts and for a considerab a part of the total dis- ta ce crosses ;he rt oa„y_ ow ukeeairoa as�;f,. 3escrbe3 i,geemet. The consideration oS;O was agreed upon between the Railroad Company and the City, Messrs. Seeiner and Dehn representing the Finance - Department, -and Mr. Tews and the undersigned, the Department of Public Works. Will you kindly p r a resolution authoxizt ��Fe - attle Creek 0utfall Sewer.-` _- Thanking you, I remain Attachment GMS:gt cc: Commissioner Winkel Leonard Seamer Thomas A.' Hunt Arthur Tews Yours very truly, EORG M. SWARD ./Street and Highway Engineering Coordinator ,