187474Oiiginal to City clerk W ORDINANCE 187474 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY G0 ORDINANCF -NO - - Q a. CL Council File No. 187474— Ordinance No. 11254 —By Adrian P. Winkel— An ordinance ¢ranting the State 01 f ,nr<._� An ordinance granting the State of Minnesota and its contractor, Fred 0. Watson Construction Company, permission to construct a tunnel under a portion of Central Avenue between Cedar and Jackson .Streets, said tunnel to connect the Centennial State Office Building with the Minnesota Historical Building, in accordance with plans and specifications pre- viously submitted by the State to the Department of Public Works and the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, construction of said tunnel requiring the temporary blocking of Central Avenue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. ,/ That permission and authority are hereby granted to the State of Minnesota to construct and maintain a tunnel under Central Avenue between Cedar and Jackson Streets, said tunnel to be constructed for the purpose of connecting the Centennial State Office Building with the Minnesota Historical Building, the construction work of said tunnel to be done by the Fred 0. Watson Construction Company pursuant to a contract between said company and the State,of Minnesota. Construction of said tunnel and the maintenance thereof shall be in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore submitted by the State to the . Department of Public Works and the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings of the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works of Parks, Playgrounds and Public'�Buildings to issue such permits as may be necessary t licensee hereunder, through its contractor, onstruction Company, for the construction the necessary blockading of Central Avenue the following conditions: and the Commissioner are hereby authorized o the State of Minnesota, the Fred 0. Watson of said tunnel and upon compliance with (1) Said tunnel shall be constructed to the satisfac- tion of the Commissioner-of Public Works and the Commis- sioner of Parks., Playgrounds and Public B 1. ldings, in accordance with "the plans heretofo mitted by the State :A,d. -_ the Department of Pu is Works and the Depart- ment of Parks, Playgrounds andlublic Buildings, and under their direction, and the contractor, for licensee, shall pay the cost of inspection, if any, together with any fees required for permits provided hereunder. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attes . 14 4 — 11 C4- City Clerk 2 -57 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor A gainst ,e y. Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. Page 2. 197474 (2) The said licensee agrees that its contractor shall be required to keep the work guarded by day and night so as to prevent damages or injuries to persons or property during the course of co.nstrtuc Lion. (3) The State of Minnesota at all times shall - indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint-Paul from all damages which it may in any way sustain in consequence of the construction and maintenance of such tunnel. (4) The licensee, through its contractor, shall so proceed with the construction of said tunnel as to properly protect any sewer, water, gas or other pipes or conduits now existing in- Central Avenue. (5) The licensee hereunder.,shall require of its contractor that said contractor file with the City of Saint Paul a certificate of insurance, uncancellable during the term of the work required in construction of the aforementioned tunnel, wherein the City will be designated as a co- insured, said insurance coverage to be in the following amounts: for personal injuries, two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) for each . person, three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for each occurrence; property damage to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars.($100,000.00) for a single accident, and not to exceed'three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) in the aggregate for a single year. (6) Said licensee, through its contractor, will restore the street to its original condition after the tunnel is installed,-or, if the tunnel is at any time removed, said licensee agrees that it or its agents, servants and employees shall restore the street substan-- tially to its .original condition of safety, or, ifs the City restores the street after -'such removal, the cost thereof shall be refunded by the licensee to the City. (7 ) Said licensee shall, within ten--lays;- after the "':'` passage of this-`Ordinance, f lie 'a written acceptance of 6- f the terms her -witli the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. JUN 4 195$ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson— Rosen ---- Against Winkel JUN 4 1958 Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest • i City Clerk Mayor i 12 8 PUBLISHED J r ^} i Saint Paul, Minnesota s June 9, 1958 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We., the, undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council Fide No. 187474,�'being Ordinance No. 11254, adopted by the Council on June 4, 1958•" STATE OF NNESOT B, r WATSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY .ate_ STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION SAINT PAUL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DIVISION June 17, 1958 • Office of City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: We are herewith returning the copy of the report recently forwarded to this office with the appropriate signatures as requested. Mu Watson stated that he forwarded a Certificate of Insurance directly to you today. We trust this meets with your approval. Very truly yours, cc: Watson Construction Co. ORIGINAL TO PAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RECEIPT N? 916 Jy ------------- ----------- ------------ ---------------- I ------ RECEIVED OF- -'(—tX'tl --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 $ f FOR ----- 10--d Pi - 36 0j--0 - - ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- 7 l(r/-7 5el ----------------- CITY COMPTROLLER Boo 6.51 my ------- -----------------------------