09-456council Fne # 0 9 — � 5� Green Sheet #3069614 RESOLUTION �� CITY OF SlA1NT P�UL, MfNNESOTA Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached Joint 2 Powers Agreement, which has an indemnification clause with the City Fairmont of acring through its 3 Police Department far participation in the Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Bosuom Carter by the Office of Financial Services Stark Thune Adapted by Council; Date Adoption Certified by Co icil Secret�fy BY ____s' ' U- a ? Approv y M y Dat By: C� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � '� DepartmeMlOfficelCouncit: ; Date Initiated: . � ! �� PD _PoliceOepartment �, 6 _ APR - 09 i Green Sheet NO: 3069fi14 � Confact Person 8. Phone: Chief John Harrinpton 266-5558 � Must Be on Couneil Agenda by (Date): �, Doa Type: �SOLUTIQN , E-Document Required: Y � : Assign � Number j For { Routing Order DocumentGOnWct: EvetteSCacver '� � Contact Phone: 266-554'I i � ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) I YoGce Denartment Police uepartmeut � 2 CitY A#omey Ciry AttomeV � ' 3 Mavor's Oflice Msvor 4 CAancil I Ca� uncil -- ' 5 Ciry Cierk � Citv Clerk �. 6 Police Denardment '' Police Deuartment ! Action Requested: Signatures on the attached council resoluuon aurhorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Faumont, acting through its Police Aepartment. i Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission ,� CIB Committee Civil Service Commission � i Personal Service Contratts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a cootract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Hes this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firtn possess a skill not normafly passessed by any current city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. ; Initiating Probiem, lssue5, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � The City of Fairmont Police Deparhnent will participate in the InYemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Foice of the Saint Paul ', Police Deparnnent. Authorization is needed to enter into the attached agxeement. � Ativantages If Approved: �i, Opportunity to use grant funds to partnership with teh Ciry of Faamont Police Deparhnent m combat internet crimes against children. I DisadvanWges If Approved: j None. I DiSadvanWgeslfNOtApproved: Lost opportunity to use grant funds to partnership with the City of Fairmont Police Depacfinent to combat internet crimes against I children. ToWI AmouM of Transaction: Fundf�g Source: 436 Financial Information: (ExPlain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: 34056 ��$� � � �QQ� � ' i': � � ��i Aprii 16, 2009 4:04 PM Page 1 Q9- �{�v 2. All officers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force sha11 be licensed peace o�cers or found by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have comparable quaiifications; and 3. When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency acts on the behalf of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of __this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's line of duty and course of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted on -- behalf of the officer's employing Agency; and 4. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the Grantee, its representatives and employees from any and all claims or causes of action, including ail reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the Grantee, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's off'icer/s!; and 5. All members of the Undersigned Law Bnforcement Agency shall continue to be empioyed by the same Law Enforcement Agency employer which they were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and all services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member wiil be within the course and duty of that employment, and therefore, are covered by the Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will be paid by that employer and entitled to that empioyer frittge benefats; and 6, The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency shall submit all requests for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the TvIinnesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the 03JDP ICAC Task Force Board of Directors; and 7. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written request far funds and receive approval for the funds from the Grantee to receive any funds from the Grantee; and 8. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and D� � yS�P 9. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate records pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement activities, to be collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander ar his designee for statistical reporting purposes; and 10. "The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in any audits required by the OJJDP; and �- " - Tfie - C7ndersigried LawEriforcemenf Agericy shall make a reasonable good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in order to share information and resources amongst the multiple entities; and 12. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the ICAC data system pursuant to the OJJDP guidelines; and 13. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner all investigative equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task Farce and the Saint Paul Police Departsnent, or the Agency breaches the Agreement. Terms of this agreement: ay - �i�zv This agreement shall be effective upon signatures. Nothing in this agreement shalt otherwise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an employee as a member of the Agency. John M. Harringt Chief of Saint Pau1 Polic� Department Assistant St. Paul City Director of Office Bv and Title A_gency Services Agencvi certifies that the appropriate oerson(s) haue executed the Agreement on behalf of the Agency and its jurisdictional government entitv as reguired by applicable articles, laws, GS 3069614 �f -'?� Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task �'orce Mulh-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and suppiements thereto, (hereinafter "AgreemenY') is between the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Palice Depamnent (Grantee) and the City of Fairmont, aeting through its Police Depatlment (hereinafter "Undersigned I,aw Enforcement Agency") both which aze empowered to enter into — �oin op wers agreemen�s pursuan�to Ivlinn�tat��'�i.59;�ub�Y t0 & arid is furthe� ---- -- empowered to enter into this Agreement by Minn. Stat. § 626.76; and Whei'eas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed and/or facilitated by or through the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and Whereas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federallaws to prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and Whereas, the Grantee is the zecipient of a federal grant (aLtached to this Agreement as Eathibit A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("0J1DP") in Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in invesCigating and combating the exploitation of children which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment, traizring, and expenses, including t�avel and overtime funding, which aze incurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigations; and Whereas, the OJ7DP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") Crrant Manager has been estabiished representing each of the e�sting ICAC Task Porces to oversee the operation of the grant and sub-grant recipients. Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of implementing a three- pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevention, education and enforcement; and 1. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the OJ3DP ICAC Task Force Program Standards (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B), in addition to state federal laws, when conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; and ��r �� � � t GS 3069614 �,(�/�� �, Department ofJustice g' �' `s„�� � Office oCJustme Progeams Office of the Assisraot A'.:omey Genecal ivo:6�nqro� Dc �o53t September 2G. 200 i ChieflohnVl }Iarnn�,o� Gty of Samt Paul IS WutKelLoa�� QouLc�ail St Paul, MK 55IO2 Dear Chief Harnn¢ton' On behalf of the Attomr� General, rt�s my pleas�re to mform you th2t the Office of Jushce Proorams has appro��ed your ap�l�cation for Cund�ng w�de� the OJ)DP FY 07 Bwldino iCAC Forensic Capacity in the amount oFS20Q000 for C�ty of Samt Paul. Enclosed you wdl Ond t, a Gcpnt Awnrd and Special Condihons documents This eward is sub�ect to atl admimstcaave and financial reqwremcnte, n.. {udmg Uie cimely submisswn of oll financ�al and progcammane cepotts, cesolutron of aA ineerim audi� findings, and thc m. -:itenance of a mimmum level of cash-on-hand. ShoWd you not adhere m these requirements, you w�ll be in violanon uf tlm tcrme of this aarecment anA the award will t,e sub�ect to tettninavon for cause or other administrative acuon as appropnas if you have queslions req,��ding th�s award, pleasc contact� Pmgram Qucsuons, Jacquelme0'Reilly, P�ogram Managerat(203) 514-50?4; and Finanaal Qucslions, tl�e Of�ice of the Comptrpller, Customer Service Cen[er (CSC) a[ (800) 458-07R6. nr you may contact the CSC at ask oc�,a7usdo� gov Congraadntlons, and wc look forward to wocking with you Smcerely, I- ; �: '<..>�- „ ,�';,',�..�,�.� -'�-� .< � Re*ma B. Scbo6eld Assis[an( Attomcy Ganc:' '� Enclosums ��/ "�� ° �� � - Department of Justice , ._ Office ofJusrice Pmgrams ", " Office for Civil Riehrs v �,,;,�,�., � c nss i Septembar Z6. ?007 Ch�efJohnM Harzmeton Ciry oFSa�nt Paui I S W en Kellogg BouVe� ard St Paul, M� 55102 Dear Chief fiarrin,tmi. C-ongratulet�ons on yom � ecent award. (n es42bhshmg financ�al asswrance programs, Congress linked the reee�pt oP Federal fund�n� io co � �oirh Futeral avd nghtc laws Tre O�ce for Civil R�ghts (OCR), Office of Jusnce Proorams (UIP), `% 5 Deparunen[oP7ustme is respons�ble for ensunn� that rec�p�ents of fioa�c�al aid from 01P, its component oPfie��� anU burcaus, tlie Office on V�oience Against Womeo (OVW). a�8 the Offlce of Community Onemed Poucing Srnices (COPS) comply wuh appl�eabie Federal civJ righ[s statutes and regulauons We ai OCR are avaiiable to help you and your orgamzaLO� meetthe nvil rigMs reqmrcmenTS that cume w�th 3ustmc Dcpan'+mnt fundme Ensuring Access to Fedcrally Assisted Pro�rams As you knew, Federal iavrs prohib�t reapients of finane�al ass�stane° from discnmmating on the bas�s of raee, coloc. nahona! ocigm ieligion, se�, or disa6�lity m funded programs ox act�vities, no[ only m respect to employment pcachcec b�,t alsci m Ihe deitvery of services oi benefits Fedccal law also prohi6its funded progrnms or aer�v¢�es fcom discninmanng on the 6as�s of age m fhe delivery of serv�ces or benefits, Providiug Services to Y_�mited F.nglish Proficie�cy(LEP) tndividuals In acoorclance with i)ep� unent �rflusl�ce Gmdance pertaimng to Title VI oFthe C�vil R��hts Ac[ of 1964.42 U.SC y 2000d, rcaoic�n, of Fuleral iinemc�al ass�stance must take rcasonable s�eps w provide meanmgful access [o the¢ p�ograins anJ act�vib� for perso�is w�th lim�red Hnghsh prmiciency (LEP) For nmre mformat�on on the avil �ghts responsibiln�es th�t rceipienis have in providmg languaae sernces to LEP mdividuals, please see the websrtc at hup //www,ts;,.¢ov. Ensuring Equal Trcat�E�ent for Raith-Based Organizations The Depar[�,icnt of Justir� has pubhshed a regulabon spec�fically pertaunng to the fundmg oC farth-based or�anvaumis ingenerai theiegu]ahon,Paa�c�pation�n7ushceDepartmentProgramsbyReligious Orgam4wons. Pmvidmg for F,qual Trcatmentof ali Jusnce De�ar[meo[ Program Participants. a�d known as [he Equal Treai��ic��t Regula��on 2R C F.R part 3$, rcqmres Sin[e Adm�ms[ering Agencres to trea[ these orgamzations the same aa any oehcr npnc�ant or rec�pient The revuiat�on prohibits S[ate Admimster�ng Agenaes Prom malang awaid or gr�nt ad;nimonUnor� duisnnc on the bass of an orgamzanon's re}�o�ous character or affihation, rel�grous name, or Vhc re� nioua composmon of its board of directors. The re�idai�on also prol�, ous faith-bosai oceemzntions from usino financial aso�sfancz from che Deparcment of ]wtice to fund mhomn[I reho oas acavit�es Whde faith-based organrcanons can engage m non-funded inhcrentty religious ect�� �� icti, lhey musC 6e hetd scparafely fCOm the Department of ,fusace funded program, a�d etutomers orbeneGcian�, cannot be comp¢lled [o partictparc �n tl�Cm The Equal Tma[inentRegulanon also makes clear thacoigan�nf�ons parbnpat�ng �n programs Ponded by the Departmen[ofJiist�ce are not permitted to discrimina�c in the pm d�,�m; ol scrvices on tlie btisis of a beneficiary's reLgwn For more mformehon on the re3u]atioq please see OCR's websrce at http ojp usdo�.gov/ocdetfbo htm. v� � ��� S[ace Admrnistering Ag,.: aes and faith-based oreani�anom should also note that the Satie Streeu Act, as amended. tlie Vicums oi "nmc Act. as amended: and t4�e luvemle lustice and Delmquency Prevennon Act, as amended, contain pi�obi �e,ons agmast discnm+nation on che basis of r;:tiqion m employmeni These cmployment prov�sio�u ha�e bee�.sn_- 6ca11� mcomorated m[o ?S C F R. Part iR I(Q and 382(� Consaquendy_ in many circumstance,_ ii u oi.:d b; i�nocmnssibie for faitn-based or�anira[wns seekin� oc recerving fundma auUionzed by the.se statute� to ha� c pr,: ies oc pracnces that condmon hmne and other employmen[-rela[ed decisrons on the reh�ion of appLcan.s u� �mployees_ Pro�rams sub�ect ra these nondiscnmmonon prov�s�ons may 6e found on QCR's webvm at htto�r; �� � iv_olP usdo,� gov �ocr< Questions about die regula[ion or the stamtes that pwhfbit discnmmanon m emple� a�ent maybz d�reeted to th�s Office. Enforcing Civil Righti : aw•s !�ll rec�p�entv of Fcd:ra; ! nancial � ssisr�nce, re�ardless of the pamcular Pondinn source, [he amount of [he gran[ award, or [he numher oi �.nployec� �n Oic workCoree zre sub�ect to [he prohibit�ons agam�t unlawful d�scnmma[ion Acco y, OCR mvesngat�s rec�p�enis that are the sub�eet of discnmSnat�on complamts Rom bofh intiividu2ln and �;im s in adAition, ba,scd on re�uletory cn[zne_ OCR sclects a numberof reap�cnts each year for complia�,ce i evmw, «.drti� ihat reqmre recipients to snbmit data showmo that they ere providmg sernees eqintubly to aIl scgm��itz ,� �hcn servicc populat�on and that dierr employment pracnces mcet equal cmployment opportumty atflnda�..h Comptying �vith the 3a�c Streeks Act or Program Requirements In addihon lo �hene �cnc�oi proroo�tmns, an orgam�auon which is a reapienl offinaneial assistance sub�ect to the nondisenmmation �»a�nions of ine Omnibus Cnmc Control ai�d Safe Sheets Aet(Safe Stteets Ac[) of 1968, 42 U.SC § 3789d(c) oroq,er Fuicral gr&nt pro@ram reqwrements must meet hvo additional reqmremen[s (1) complyu�� µ�nli Fedciai icoW.WOns pertammg to the development of an Equal Employment Opportumry Plan (F,EOP), 28 C F R� a2 'OI- 308, and (2) suumitt�ne to pCR F�ndmgs of Discrimination (see 28 C F R. §§ -02 205(5) o: 31 ?02i�)) L) Mstiuf� xfic EFOP Reqairemenl in accordnnce witL F.;dc�,,, reguialwns, AssurenecNo fi m[he Standard Assurances. COPC Assuraoee No.8 B, or cenain Fedcidl aran� ur�, ain requncmems, your oraanization musi comply wrth the Coliowmg EEOP reporting reqwremente If your organizanon l;a. ,o<erved an award (oc SSOQ000 oc �nore mxt hes SO oc moce employces (wunnng both full- and par[-tmic c�nplo�ees but eacludmg pot�ucat appmntees). tlie¢ it has to prepace an EEOP and subm�t �t to OCR for revicw witnin FR dnys iFom the date of this letter For assisfance �n developma en FFqP. please conqult OL'R's wehs�!c at aup awww.o�p usdo}govlocdeeop.h[m. You may a15o cequest techmcal assistance &om an FF,OP speaalisr ai Ot -2 by dialmg (202) 616-3208 If your orgamzauon rec�� � ed an award between 525,000 and SSOQ000 and has 50 or more employees, your organimvon ,ull has to F,: opare nn EF,OP, but �t does not have to subm�t the �EOP to OCR for review. Instead, your organvanon has ro �eintain the EF;OP on file and make �[available for review on request In acldihoq your organirnhon lias tu u,o� �ic Seaion F3 of thc Cerlificatron Form and return i[ m OCR The Certiflcanon Form can bc lound a: h¢p�;lwww � � usdo� gov/ocueeop htm. If yuur ore�miatw�i ;_.,. �,, an : werd (orless [han S25,OOD, or dyour organizaLion has less Hian 50 employces, regardless oi thc �mo,.nf � f ihe zward, or if your orgamaabon ts a medieal mstitubon, eAucahonal msnNtion, nori�rofu organiiat�on o',id+.in inbe, tfinn your orgam�snon �s exempl from the FEOP ieqmremenl. Howevet, you: orga,�vovon nrv�.t�, ce.�npletc Seciion A of the Cert�ficaL�on Form and retum �t to OCR The Cortification Form ean be foun<� di nne -,. o�p usdo} gu�r« r�eeop hmi Z) Sabmit�:ng C�indings of Discrimination In the event a Fcdcral o; ��atc court or Federal or State admmistrative agency n�akes a� adverse Pnding of discnmination agair,sf yc oroa�iizaaon afler a due process heazm�. on the gmund of rnce, color, rehgion, nationai ori�m, o� scx, yuurorgn� �, annn mmt submrt a copy of the findmg [o OCR for review b �1 lj�� Ensurind [he Compliancc nf Subrecipients lfyour ore�3nization n'a(.,, whmvards to other agenc�es. you are responsible for usunng that subrempiznts also comply aith aIl of tI:^ a; � F:deral c���il nehts laws. includm� tne reqwrements penaimno to developing and submimne an FF.OP eponin� Findm�s of D:scnmmauon. and providine laneuage services ro LEP persons State ageneie> that r.iak: - �awards must have m place standard gram assurances and review procedures to demon5lrate ihzi thcy ar. ;�bchvcly momtonng Oie mvd riahls eompliance o(�ubreCrp�ents Ifwe can assist yoo r� a� �.�ay m Culfilhng youravil r�g6ts responsibJmes as a reapien[ of Federal Pondm� please call OC R nt (2�'�2� "�-0690 or visit our webste at httpJiwww o�p uedo� gov/ocr/ S�ncerely, �-� a. G�----- Michael L Alcton Director cc Cirant�ta.�2er; financial Anah.� .,.�s�.-.�, - Depart oi Justree , , Q�ce N Iustice Programs s � ' _ Office _:f Juvenile Justice _ and De?'snquepcy Preven6ou I REC1�l6ATKAML4VUqU{lKl` o�.� or s.�:,c r��i 16 W iv KcHoe= Savim ei d S� Paut, b(\ Si 102 IA GRAV�GF.IRSb� VDOR Vp 4160055?I 3 PHU]E<'I �ITLE Mmneco�a ( unipwn I mcnvc. Mn , vi� In.ueuvc v' 1"l� Cooperative Agreement i ARAP.O\U41BER ?W�-MC-IX-K048 PaGF. I OF 3 3 PROJECTPE210D FROM 011O�'2D0> TO 1L31n009 BUDGEt PERLOD FROM QI/01/2009 TO 12�3V2009 6AWAkC�DATE 09'26120�� ft JUPPLEMEM YUM6ER 03 9 PftN10l1SAW,IRDAMOUVT IU AMO�KTOFTHISAWAAD 1 .4CT;ON Supplcmcn[al II TOTALAWARD L2 SP6CIALCONUfIfOVS THE AAOV£ GRA41 PNOIi C i i, 1PPKUVLD SUBJk;C1 lU SUCH CONUII IONS 02 LIMIiATIONS AS ARE SEI FORTH Ov THh. AT7A( HLU PnGE(�) S 950,000 S 200.000 S LISOA00 i i _ _� 13 S�ATU�UP,Y AI,TI}OIZIIYtak.iRa,Nl '� Th�spiu�cuis.oppo�mJundci Pv'�� �, ho II&S.cmbWdudscn 101-104.Pub L �0 109-IOR.IUStst 3290,2230,42USC 7](03762aas�n � cffw on Sapt lU. ?DOb pl^I�J'V: i�ic Di.ucnov.u}�`7 � LS MLT I lOQ Op PAY�ti,.V1 PAPRS .� AGf.v� � J'°ROV�L � IGTYPY.DNAMF,A�ll"IRLfUf V'�'AO'JINGOFfi(IAL . Regim 8 S<hofidd Avtiivtent Anomcy Gc��oiel i 17 SIGN/�CUftEOFAPPROAhN6L i;U4� �`� � �.. r . ,. � - ° �' � � .i I � ��I I — GRA�T6EACCHPTANCE 18 iYPEUNAMEANDTITLEOfAUTHOR12f.DGRAN"iEE0PFICUL bhn M Hem�cmn � Chs(oCPoLce I� � 19 SIGNKIUItEOfAUCHORIZEDRECIPIENTOFFICIAL � 19A DATE I � 4GENC� USEONLY 29ACCO�VIIkE�:_ASSIPk("�itlh[ODE9 21 Dh0�V0001t � FISt:AL FUND S3UD IlN YEA32 CODE ACT OFC hCG SUB PUMS AMOUNT X B pG l0 00 00 ?00000 O]PFOAM4000R(REV' 9-R])P3EVI�h1CLD�TIONSAREOSSOIETE I _�� OJP FORM 100012 (REb 4-A8) De.�)erlmenl Oi Jusbce ; _ Oince ot ]ustme Programs " z.- i Offi_eafduvenile _ Justire and Deiinquency - _ ..� prec: ntion PftOJECTV'UNBLR ?o�z��'t-t a-KoOa AWARD CONTINtiATIOV SHEET Cooperative Agreement 9lVARD DATE OJ;?fi/?00] SPECIAL COND77'IONS �"�� PAGE 1 OF 3 I The reupicni a��cati to comply with [he financial and adm�niscra4va requirements set fonli in the curtent edmon of the Office of 1iw!.ce � ograius (OJP) Financ�al Guide. 2 The remprent aclmomledgc that failnre co submit an acceptable Equal Emp}oyment Opportuniry F1an (if racipiwt is reqmreii to v_i �r '.._ ynrsunnt to 28 C F R. Secnon A2302). thatis approved by tha Office for C�vil Righis. is a vrolallon of d. C: rtified 4leu�nces and mxy restdt m su�ens'�an ot termmation of 4undmg, �ntil such 5me as the reap�rnt is m �nniniianre 3 The i ecip�en� a,:^�s to cumply with the arganizanonal audit requiremenls of OMB Grcular A-133, Aud�ts of States, Lo�al Govemrne,.��_ and i�on-Profit Orgam�ations, as Purthe� descnbed m the cur.ent edition of the OJP F�nancial Guide, Chaptc 19 4 Reci��ent undc�-.�., nds and ngrexs tl3at i� ca�mot use any federzl fi�nds, esther directly or �ndiceetly, m support of the cnac[ment.: c�h.,.,i nzod�fieation or adopuon of any law, regulanon or pohcy, at any level of government, without the exprc>s pno� e��,. �u oppin�al oFO1P 5 Thc apphcnm bud�c: �s pendino review or appmval The recipicnt may not obligate, expend pr draw down any grant fuad, unvl thc E�G,ac ul tl:c Coinpttoller, Office of Justice Progra�ns has issued dearance of the applicanon budget, and u Grant �dp,"�:;_,,: Ao�ice has been issucd removing this Speaxl condillon 6 The Pro�ect �� - c, �i and key p�ogram personncl des�gnated m the apphcatlon shali be replaced only for compellmg ceusons end s. ��. concurrenccof OJP OJP will not unreasonably withhold concursence All succeasovs fo key peisonncl mus: b�.,ppcoved. und such approval �s contingent upon submisaion of appcopnete informatlon, mcluding, bu� noi limitcd �� n ioume Chan�cc m other program peesminel require only nonficafron to OSP and subm�ssion of ia,umc�_ u=�Ic �+: �3orv,�ise dos�griated +n the award Aoeume�t 7 The reapier,t ..g„:., to eubmrt quarteriy f nancial sGiWS repon, to the Office of Justice Programs using SCandard Form SF?69A on t!:o tutc:n�t a( https:Ogranfs ojp.usdoj gov These raport9 shall be submitted on-line no[ later tha� 45 days afler ihe end o; �.i�h caleisdar quartes Thc final report shall be submitred not later [han 90 days followmg the end of chc arant perm.l 8 "F:.c r�ipicni ,r.du �ah,n.t,cnuannunl progres,e rc�octs Progress reports shull be submrtted wrthin 30 days aftec lhe end of ihe mpon.�.�g .;a �.,5,. ���h�ch as lunc 30 und December 3l, tor tne Iife of the award These reports wrll be submitted tu [hc OfSc; .�( �.�� �i,,: Progcams on Imerth�ough tlic lnterncc at https llgrants ojp usdo� aov7 9 f��provel uf,�„�; ..,.ard does nonndicatc <�pproval ofany consultan� ra[e in excess of$450 per day A detaiied �usnf r,a,� �: s��bnuttcd ro and xppro�ed by the Office of,Iusucc Procrams (OIP) prograin office pnor W oba�daon o� .�VCadni�,aof such funds !0 The remp�e�i! agmes to comply wrth the ICAC Task Force Piogram Staodards as established by the iCAC Task Force IAdvisory Bot� � d:.� a app,oved by OJIIIP I 1 The reaD�cn! �n.�.> >o forward repons oP ICAC Task Force Program Monthly Perfortnance Measures m[he OJSDP- � �.°SianaiC� silc � �I -J OIPFORM4000,20icV a-Rh� � �� ��s � 0 ; °e n�ce De^a . �cnt nf JLLCtice CP"��, �' Ja,i�ce Progr�ms Otiice of auveniSe 3ust%c= �nd Delinquencp o �. L'� .liiOR AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Coopera6ve Agreement PAGE '> OP i CROJHCTVU•NBLR 3095�^` � KO(% 1A4ARDD4l� 0926/?00'] SPF.CI.;'L CO\'DITIOAS 12 7hc Otfice ol .��� ��nde ]ustire and Delinquency Preveniion has eleeted Co cnter mto a Cooperanve Aareement rather inan a grnni s��u�� we i��ipicnt Th�s dems�on reFlcc[s the mutuai m[eresf of the reapient and OJJDP in Che operanon of the pra�ect m..u� nti ihe anucipated Icvel ofFederal mvolvemenc �o ihis pro�eeC OIJDP's partic�p�[ory role m[he pro�ect �s m t. ' I a Revic��� 2nc ar ne mulor work plans mcluding changes to such plans, and key decic�ons pertaming to pro�act operalionc b Re�icev and aporove ina�or pro�ec[ gencrated documents and matcrials ueed m t6e provision of pro�act serv�ees Proe ide gmd� ac; ; v�mficant pzu�ect plannma mecnngs, und pameiporc in pro�ect sponsored hammg events or confcronccs 1 arFOaMa000eierv aex� �l� /� , Department of Justice � Of6ce of Jusdce Pro�ams -�- -- OJjice of .Iuvenrle Jvsttce and Delinquener Prevention No.�hra�mn D( ?053f Memorandum To: C'P�;�_,al GrantFile From: 6aii�� Grasso, Nepa Coordutator SuFject: Car�-�orical Exclusion for City of Saint Panl The recipient agrees tr. e si,t O7JDP to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other rela[ed federal env�� �:nmcntal impact analyses requirements in tbe use of these grant funds eithet direcdy by the recipicri ���� by a subrecigient. Accordingly, pnor to Qbtigatmg grant funds, the grantee agrees to fir;! determi^c .� ai�y of the following activllies will be related Eo the use of the grant funds and, if so, to advise OJJDP a�,i request:urtller NEPA implementaUOn guidance. Recipient understands that Hiis spec�ai condition apphcs te iu aetivi�es whether or not they are being specifically funded w�ih these ganf funds. That �s, a�; long as the activity is bemg conducted by tlie reeipient, a subrecipient, or any tlnrd party and the activ�_v necds to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special conditron must first be met. Tite sctiwhes coveted by this special condition are: a. new construcrion; b. mmor renovation or remodclu�L oF a proper[y e�ther; (1) listed on m eiigiblc for hsting on the National Registex of Historic Places or; t2) iocated with�n a 100-year flood ptain; c. a renovation, lease, or any other proposed use of a builclinp or fac�lity that will either; �1) result in a change in its basic prior use or; (2) significantly change its �� and, d. ImpJe�ner,tatio� of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chem�cals tha� nrs, (1) purchased as an incidental componenf ofa funded activity and; (2)traditionally uecd, f��� �,xnmple, in ofnce, household, xecreational, ox education. 0 eY ,�_� A � G � � <. it `>cparunc�tof lusi�ce GRANT 1VIA.i�AGER'S i11EMOI2ANDUM� PT. I: O.`iice of Jusuce Pr�Jans ' PROJECT SUMMARY Uffi�c oP Juveni Ic Iusnce and i >chnquency �re�-em,on Cooperative Agreement C0.01CCTNUMBER 20G> u�FCX-KOOR PAGE 1 OF 1 Tltis Pro1�'�t x.eppmx.,, � • Puy l No 1{0_:. C�a>zddrd acct 16I-10.1 4ub L �o I09-IOS, i 19 Sta� 2?90.?23R 43 U S C i]50-3'161z as m � effec[ on SeOt 30.'O[�a ���; pU� ' By mte D�acmnanap•• � i I STA[ i( UA �,AC !" a� i o:lcnhmic m�mbcr) ��cqual.nt O'R_�Ily �20?) si4-�U31 e., nr�t ot i�u ra� ,." _" OJIUPt`10113ni{m���.; �o.arracCapamty 4 ClILEO7 CROl6Cl Minne�m: ( oinpu[ei I o. ��i���. N.�ongemcN Ininmrve SNA�NtS�DUIif.SSUi ¢�NfBr t iiy m S: ini Paul 1sU,i-akellu3geo:ic " Si 1'anl �AA j5101 '1 PR06RA�{ P:ItI.� , F7tOM OIJI'_i9� 9 A.ihOUN'i Ol �U'AND $ 20U,(�;�0 ll SBCpND'(� ig�q 13 Ll(RU 1'LAR'S 3� . � I PCRIOD 10 DATEOpAWARD 09R6/3007 TO ]2/312009 12 SCCONll YLAA'S BUll(iEi AMOIINT 14 TH1R17YEAR'SBUllGETAMOUNT 15 SU.M �MRY Dt,S( P.:P t tp� U� ^201ECi (See msn;maun on reaene) The ICAC p�o�ram o a,� �romal nctworA oCmulu-agency_ mulh-�unsAsLOncl usk forces en�aged m proaenve �ovesngatloos,forensic axanvnaiiorn andt:hs�� oiuicenlions Addtlmnefly,the�azkfo�ccsprovidzfoeens�c preveiRm0.a�dmves4ganortesnsqncemparen[s, educmors, Fvosu �rmr+ .< enfinecment, end otl�e�a euvcariied wuh e6dd v�cumizanon t+sues S��Pn�emen!almndrngn�.. *rrovi<kdt'orthenmposeotdevelomngaridu�iplemenLngsVategiesmbwlA�ieTVkFOrces'caoamtytuhandie i �� forenv. �mel��ganm�.>rc: w,S�ice forensm b�cklogs CAfNCF 3 PR!1]LCTDIRECfOR(h2me.addczs�&czltohottenumbec) �ed KeLson Commander 36"! Orove Svaef Sc Paul.M� SSt�I (6SI)791-10A5 I 36 POMS CODE (SEE 1NSTAUCTI6NS � ON RGVERSE) 6\Abll K� AllRESS OP SUBGRA.N'IEE R BUUGET P6ftIOD "CO 12R1/2009 FROM 0!/Ol/2005 � _ �� � I ___--- _____-I i I I � � I I � � I f J 01PSOR141000.2(lZf_� 1�Yi LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE �"�l �G(��✓�1� ✓ GS 3069614 b�l ,�I�'1,D Internet Crimes Against Childre� Program �� •. � . ��ND INVE�TIGATIVE .s . . � � � ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR d.AW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 1 of 15 LAW ENFOIZCEMENT SENSITIVE (�1' '� Defi�aitions As used herein, the following definitions shall apply: "OJJDP" is the Office of :iuveni;e 3ustice and Delinquency Prevention. "NCMEC" is the Nationai Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "CEOS" i; t'�e Child Exploitation and Obscenity Sectian of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. "ICAC° is the Internet Cnmes Against Chiidren program composed of Task Forces and Affiliate :. "TASK FORCE" is defined as an ICAC 1aw enforcemenf agency designated by OJJDP to act as a St�te and/or Regional Task Force. "AFPILIATE" is defined as a law enforcement agency that is working in partnership with a Task Fcrc:e a�7d has as�eed in writing to adhere to ICAC Operational and Investigative Standards. "PARTN EP. "' is defined as an agency assisting a Task Force ahsent a written agreement. "NATIONAL LNITIATIVE" is defined as any investigative proposal that relies on the cooperation ancl resources of all Task FQrces or mandates action by OJJDP. "CVIP" is fhe Chi1d Victim Identification Program operated by the Nafional Center for Missing & Exploited �`hildren. "CYBER'�]?LINE" is a reporting mechanism for cases of online child sexual exploitation and enticement operated by the National Center for Missing & Bxploited Children. For the pur}�oses uf this pro� cri�ne is defined as any offense that involves the exptoitafion of c'�ildren facilitated by technology. Investzgativc interest is estab?ished when there is reasonable suspicion that a screen name or other potenti�lly identifiable enCity has committed a crime or that entity is engaged in a sequence ��f activities that is likely to result in the commission of a crime. A proc�ctire i�zvesiigatio� is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offenders, which may ;r may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a significant degree of pre-operative planning. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FO� LA�� ENF�DRCEMENT PORPOSES ONLY Page 2 of 15 I�A'W ENFORCEMENT SENSTTIVE �('� A reaetivc ir��estzgation involves Yhe investigation of a complaint of a crime. Reasonable suspicion is established when sufficient facts exist to lead a law enforcement officer to bc'.ieve that an individual or organization is involved in a definabie criminal acrivity. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards �'O&t LAW ENFORCEMENT PURFOSES O1�TLY Page 3 of 15 LAW ENFC�RCEMENT SEN5ITIVE n�-'�� 1. o�ersn��t 11 Each iCAC agency shali have supervisory systems and procedures, which shall provide for observation, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC activity. Such system should comply with the principies of quality case management and ensure tha± !CAC activities comply with both agency and ICAC Standards. 1.2 Task �orces staall submit all pr�posec national initiatives to OJ3DP prior to project iniriation. 1.3 OJJUP may suggest amendments to the original pzoposai following consultation with the presenting Task Force and other federai, state, and local entities. ICAC P�•ogram Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 4 of IS LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 2. 5elec4ion and Retention of ICAC Task Force Personnel ��� 2.1 Mana�ers and supervisors should evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work history that indi�ates priar investigative experience, court testimony skills, ability to handle sensitive information prudently, and a genuine interest in the protection of chiidren. 2? Given the graphic nah!re of e��idence routinely encountered in ICAC related cases, the rr eiltal health of investigators working such cases is a great concem. Task force s«pervisors at all levels are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to ensure tl�a� a,� a,signed ofiicers remain fit for duty in accordance with applicable departmentai policies and procedures. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards F03t LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 5 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ��, � i.�-J v- 3. Ti raina�eg 31 All Investigators will be supplied with appropriate training consistent with the ICAC Operationai and Investigative Standards. 3.2 ICAC Ta�k Force Commanders are responsibie for ensuring that the individuals nominated fo: 1CAC sponsored training are employed by agencies that have agreed in +h�rit3ng to adhere to the ICAC standards of investigation and that any prereauisite requirements for the training session have been met. 33 ICHC tasic forces may �ive regional training. The training shail comply with current ICAC standazds. Any subsequent support required as a result of the regional isa�ning snall be the responsibility of the task force providing the training. ICAC Pfroaram Operational and Znvestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 6 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE p� �� 4. Case r't�anagement 4.1 Case �'reaieation and Prioritization 4.1.1 Cases may be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet service pzoviders or other law enforcemeat agencies, and by information gathered throu�h sub�ecT interviews, documented public sources, duect observations af suspicious behavior, �ublic complaints, or by any other source acceptable under agency policies. 4.1.2 ,CAC sup�i are responsible for determining investigarive priorities and selectinb c�ses for investigation. Assuming the information is deemed credible, that detennination s3�ould begin with an assessment of victim risk and then consider otlicr factors such as jurisdiction and known offender behavioral characteristics. The following prioritization scale shall be considered: ay ��,i�ila is at isnmediate risk of victimiaation b1 a, rhild is wlnerable to victimization by a known offender c) A known suspect is aggressively soliciting a ehild(ren) d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear to be home pr �+n�n wlth domiciled ehildren e) ,ss�dre�sive, high-volume child pornography manufacturezs or distributors who cit';ea are commer-.ial distributors, repeat offenders, or speciaiize in sadistic �n::ibf'..5 f} ivianufacturers, distributors and solicitors involved in hip�-volume trafficking oi' �;s'<_>ng to an arganized chiid porno��raphy ring that operates as a criminal c�ns}�iracy g) Di��rihutors, solicitors and possessors of images of child pornography ?;) ��ti r°ti�er fonn of child victimizarion. �.�, �LeC�S"Li °��',E'�lA*_-1� 4.2.1 IC�s�� «�en:,ies shall be subject to existing agency incident reporting procedures and case s��,r,e*vision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be assigned to eacb ICAC case. 42.2 A3? afi�liatE:: agencies will report their activity to the respective Task Force Cm«*�ande; by the 1 oth of each month using the ICAC Monthly �'e*.ionnance Measures Keport. 4.2.�3 Tas�c a �:;;cs ,uiil compzle and submit their monthly perfozmanee measures re:�ort to the 0J3DP designated location before the end of the following 1 C<4C Program OperationaZ and Investigative Standards �f3I2I,AW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 7 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE �1'�I�l�' calendar rrnnch. This monthly report does not replace the semi-annual progress report rea��ired hv the Office of Justice Program's Financial Czuide. 4.2.4 ICA�' t_;ase Tracker — Task Forces will compile and submit infom�ation on all cases referred :or eih�r state or federal prosecution. Information is required for all cases refened b; the �ant seceiving agency, as wel] as all a�liates that received more than $20,000 a year. This report is on-going and begins with the prosecutorial agency the case is referred t� and continues throu<= ti:e fina: disposition of the case. This on-going quarterly rei�oit wi11 be due within five (5) business days of the start of the quarter and does not :>>7; c�e either the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of 7ustice Pr�gram's `'.r�anctal Guide nor the quarterly statisticai performance measures report (see 42.? abc, ,:� `!'}�: report is submitted to ��accaserraeker4��usdoi.�=ov and copied to the ICAC Pm�*,rain Manager assigned to the task foree. 4.3 Uno�er�t.vcr �nve3ti�atiotis 4.3.; Car:.r��i; �r.anaged underc�ver operations conducted by we11-trained officers are amcng the .- c:;t e:fective tec:�niques available to law enforcement for addressing ICAC: o:;:. . e�. �Jndercover operations, when executed and documented praperly, roilcct viitually un�ssaila�ule evidence regarding a suspecYs predilection to exploiE �.:'t�i'tcrcn_ 4.3.2 ICA: su�aervisors are responsihle for ensuring that ICAC investigators receive a copy of thc 1CAC` Operationai and Investigative Standards. 4.3.3 ICA: �nvcstigations shali be conductecl in a manner consistent with the principles of law an� ,�.,�� pic>cess. fCAC investigatozs are encouraged to work in con�ancti��i� .� �Ii tY�eir local, state or federa] prosecutors. 4.3.� I'he .u�f�>w�r.giriinimwn st�ndards applyto ICAC investigations: a. e�>>1 v sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shall eonduct ICAC investigations in an wnier cov. r capaciYy. °rivate citizens shall not be asked to seek out investigative tai��ets, ��;�r shali tY�ey be authorized to act as golice agents in an online Un:�•��a>ver capacity. h. i�' ':C nersonnel shall not electronically upload, transmiC, or forward c�o�;�.,i;*� a��fie or sexually explicit images. a �cner inan images or videos of individuals, age 18 or over, who have }�ru. �.�. d their infoi� ed wrilven consent, and at the time consent was given ��,er� employed by a criminal justice agency, no actual human images or vici�: . st.;:il be utilized in an investigation. Employee is defined as a salar c-d o- co:npen ,ated �ndividual. 1L"AC'P,r�igrum Operational and Investigative Standards ��R L,�3� �NF�IdCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Paae 8 of 15 �.�,.i�/ EIVFOI�C�;DrIENT SENSITIVE O � �,� d. i.�t. :r,g online dialogue, undercover officers should aliow the investigafive ta? ;: ;; set the tone, pace, and subject mattez of the online conversation. Image tra!:�zcr :;;`�ali be inifiated by the target. e. '; r uz�_cover online activity shall be recorded and documented. Any departures frirn this policy due to unusual circumstances shall be documented in the relevant ca�c � ie �nd reviewed by an ICAC supervisor. 4.4 �vic?e�^^ �-aeedures 4.4.1 Tiie =._�g�, securiTy, and destruction of investi�afive information shall be consiste�:�. ��':. znency peiicy. Acc�ss to tilese files should be restricted to authorizcw ;,��:��,nr.el. 4.4.2 The: exs rx,ination of computers and digital media shall be consistent with agency policy an�a r�� 4.43 Cl�i� :�:- no�,�aphy i.; contraband and sheuld be maintained pursuant to each agar�c a':� .'_.��,;. ; eg�,dir�g such. It is recommended Yhat absent a court order specifica?'_ r�cring othenvise, evidence containing child pornography shall not be reiea���: ., ar, ry d�feildaat ar representatide t:,ereof. 4.4A The .= ar��t��r ot evidence containin� child pornography among law enforcement shall be �3rm�� ��- a secure manner. Methods of transfer may include hand-delivery, transmis-i;,G: of ii;;izaily prozected files, delivery via a service which tracks the shipment �.�,.;;er rrzethods consistent with �gency policy and practices. �.S °ah'oa A,� -d.e �.ar� �;��ip�aent 4.5. i 1Cf� "_ ���..n�;�uters and software shalt be reserved for the exclusive use of agency desi�i�atz:�' '-,� riersom�ei. �Vhei� possible, undercover computers, sofrwara, and online a.., rcuts sha11 be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipment shall be �,st ',n ;�,�1C invesTigations and all software shall be properly acquired and (icer�s �; 4.5.2 IC�i �;>�cs��nnei shaii n�t use ICAC computers, software or online accounts for personat ��,_ 4.5.3 Abscr:� a.ei�ent or ur,foreseen circumstances, all tCAC online investigaYions shall be c�x.du� _; ;; �� vemrnent worksaace as desi�nated by the agency. Bxceptions n;as_ t;e n, ;- ,`�tics _i3 anoa��ce by an iCAC supeivisor. : � ;4CPr Oper-ational andlnvestigative Standards �t3�- i.lg,Fh' FNF�RC�!�E1dTT PiIRP05ES ONLX Page �1 of 15 I.�`+� �N�'�RCEM�NT SENSITIVE ����� 5. Ia�fmrrrE�_�*�:>� Sharing 5. i Con� ..,, :::;:: 7oundar.es are virivally meaningless in the electronic world of the Internet 4, ''`t:e u�ual eonstraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance. These fa��. ;r��_�ase the possibility of ICAC agencies targeting one another, invest:gar ,�, _na ;�r1e sub;ect, or inadverten±?y disrupting an ongoing im�estiga�.. ..`�;�ster coordination, collzboration, and communication, each ICAC agerc,>>' :� :::::tribute ca.e i.�fcr_na:�on cn all active investigations (Iacat, in�c r-.,re_ reactive and proactive) to a common database as designated by nJJDP c�; :n,ly, refened to as the TCAC Data Exchange. 5.2 If any ,.:riuiicn target is idenrified, the initiating ICAC agency is responsible for contaoti���, ._ c,�n�� 1aw e;�forcement agency targeting Che suspect. �.3 niti�:' � z� � age:.:.i:;� sl also consider contacting other local, sTate, and fd(IBftt� l.�':, .,;: wii�Cl] t:lu'y''�E 1714GiVCC1 Ll �I117113Y7Y1VBStiPdtlOriS. tuACProgram'J�eratio�aal and Irrvestigative Standards n+��i i,��'a' �NF�RCEl!'IENT PURPOSES ONLY �age 10 of 15 I,AW ENFORCGIvIENT SENSITIVE � ��� 6. �'ic�:�_ ��;�a�ificat�an 6.: =den. ._:�.1d ��ictims is a critical element of the ICAC Program. DOJ and 03JJ° re �-. _i� Task Forces Co submit child victim images to the CVIP as a means tc !- n� � e child victim identification. Absent exigent circumstances, child vict_m i�u..� � v�.t. ?�e sent to the CVIP consistent with NCMEC guidelines. In addition, .; � � zg�iicies are ancocraged to collaborate with NCMEC to identify children t�'�' � red in caild p�raa�ap?��. 6.2 A foc�.:� �� t':�F� �CAC Program is to protect children. In circumstances where repomng r.; �nud abuse is not required under existing laws, ICAC agencies ate stron�ly �n:; -urw:*ed to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse or explo:,.:; 63 Ai�se, � +� .�t circumstances, victim identifying informafion should he protected from put;r� ,�s<;i IiAC PvogYam Operational and Investigative Standards �'OR I.AW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY k'age ll o£ 15 �.AW ENFORCEIYIENT SENSITIVE � l 7. v��ein; :�� . [1ve°N sec ic :-•� drafted in 2009 about 3USTICE FOR ALL Act Provisions that govem vicrim no;:5.; �tio� .] iCAC P•rogram Operational and Investigative Standards ��DR b.AW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 12 of 15 LA�J EN�'ORCEMENT SENSITIVE b ��� S. Best :' :<: `se:,; �ar Interacting with Potenfial Chiid Victims and their Non- Offendia;; _'� � �nl�y Members [To be de�.c'ope3 in 2009.} ICAC P Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT Pi3RPOSES ONLY Page 13 of I S LA�V El!'FORC�dIE1VT SENSITIVE �'�� 9. Com�!���dt�� EducaYion and Crime Prevention 9.1 Prevent:an education activities are a critical component of the 03JDP ICAC Program. :C='-.� a=,encies should foster awareness and provide practical, relevant widance :�� �7iiciren, parents, educators, librarians, and other individuals concemed src;u� cnild safety issues. 9.2 Presen.:-,,: ,r.s to schooi staff; parencs, and community groups are excellent ways to promot;: ��°a�oness. These presentations shall not depict identifiable victims, not otherw;�.e in the public domain; nor shall thay use pomographic or sexually explicit irna_es. Yresenters shall not discuss confidential investigative techniques. 9.3 No maub:,�r r,; an ICAC Task Farce may endorse any product or service without the exp,�e�,, ;�,,1>L.1i of an OJJDP Prob am Manager. While appearing at public presentati, n,s, �i' �C members may indicate a preference for a product or service, but to avou. a�> >n endoisement, such 1CAC members shouid indicate adequate ai:oi;�ntives. fCAC Program Operatio�zal and Investigative Standards �'OR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 14 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 1Q. Ioile�;a �e'sations and Releases �'K "J � 10.1 _Vled ._�e�ases relating to prosecutions, crime alerts or other matters conceming ICAC ope :.�i��r; shall not include information regarding confidential investigati =�e tecnniques and should be coordinated (when applicable) with other Task Foro� ,;;rt;cipants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local ager.cies i;�- olved in the investigation consistent �viCh sound informarion manageme�' ar:d media �elati�ns practices. l 0.2 3CA� .^°mnanders (or their designees) may speak to members of the media about their owr_ ��_,�ar•rnents' 1CAGrelated activities according to their own agency's guidelines. ;��.c, individual affiliated with the ICAC progam may speak on behalf of the ICAC Ft.n_� .r< <.�� a whote. 10.3 lCA(_ b,�.ruunders snauld inforin tneir OJ7DP Program Managers if approached by nat;onal i���-�.0 aattets about the 1CAC Program (as opposed to media seeking intonTiaii�,�, c�i�out ioeai activities) so that a coordinaYed national response ean be prepared by vJp. z 0.4 utft•� �,�r tn by 1�ACs to the media shall be consistent with the guidanee belcw: �°urprase c� � sa� �i;AC �a�ogram The miss:or, of �he Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Porce program is to assist stat� �,nc� rccal (aw entiorcement agencies in developing an effective response to cyber aiti�;�.i;�;i�t and chiid p�rnography cases. This su�port encompasses forensic and invest�gatiJe coi�iponents, training and tecnnical assistance, vietim services, prevenYion ana wn�m:.ni±y education. 13�ackgrc,=�,.F r,,. .'ae ��A�; P'rogram 1'l�e lnterne� �riroes Against Children (ICAC) program is a national network of fifty-nine coordma7.::� ��,c:,l ±ask Yarces and their 1,800 locai and regional affiliated agencies engz�ed h° tto� �,roactiv� �.nd reactive investigarions, forensic examinations, effecfive prosecati� r�n� community educatian.i The ICAC Progam was developed in response to the iner,:. ;i*�zt uamber of children aud t�enagers using the Internet, the proliferation of ehiid }.on���_=�xr�=�.'r'> and ttie hei�;htened online activitybypredators searching for unsu�er���,��ri coutact uith nndecage victiins. By helping state and locallaw enforcement ag�ncies ��,,eRap efiectiva and sustainable responses to online child victimization and child no; r?n�,raphy, the ICAC program delivers national resources at the local level. "ii�c i-�A!, ..5 -_ �u activ�ly protects children who use the Intemet by proactively im�esiigat�: �_- th� or,-line sexuai exploitation of children by predators. Because ICAC prac :��or-. -:,,�'e.-stand that airests alone can not resolve the problem of on-l��e v.. t �°t.un, tne ICAC program is dedicated to training law enforcement and educat�rs4- ;. •�; m� an� yoath about tYie potential dangers online and offering safety tools. f;�'AC Pt Operationttl and Investigatfve Standards �'C9R LAW EN�'�RCEMEN'P PURPOSES ONLY Page I S of I S