D001876CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF TNE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: Do 7� • City Clerk BUDGET REVISION 2 Financial Services Date:3'aj-QD 3 Dept. WHEREAS, the 2000 budget for the Housing Resource Center Fund (formerly Housing Information Office Fund) was prepared using the former HIO activity structure in the accounting system; and WHEREAS, certain changes need to be made to the Housing Resource Center Fund 2000 budget to conform to the new activity structure in the accounting system; and WHEREAS, these changes will require no increase to the totai Housing Resource Center Fund 2000 budget. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pianning & Economic Development, to amend the 2000 budget of the Housing Resource Genter Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Budget FINANCING PLAN • 133 Housing Resource Center Fund 36420-7299 Transfer from General Fund 36420-7199 Transferfrom CDBG Fund 36420-7399 Transfer from Emerg Shelter Grant 36420-7305 Transfer from HRA General Fund 36420-9831 Contribution to Fund Balance 36421-7299 Transferfrom General Fund 36421-7199 Transferfrom CDBG Fund 36421-7305 Transfer from HRA General Fund 36422-7299 Transferfrom General Fund 36422-7399 Transfer from Emerg Shelter Grant 36423-3015 HUD Housing Counseling Grant 36423-6905 Family Housing Fund 36423-7306 Transfer from HRA Loan Fund 36423-9830 Use of Fund Balance Total Fina��inq Plan �� 146,700 215,036 19,600 58,565 (1,966) 10,000 20,000 0 20,000 Q 25,000 31,500 125,000 15,771 Change 30,000 20,000 (19,600) (58,565) 0 (10,000) (20,000) 58,565 (20,000) 19,600 0 0 0 0 Amended Budget 176,700 235,036 0 0 (1,966) 0 0 58,565 0 19,600 25,000 31,500 125,000 15,771 685,206 0 685,206 � l�I� ��i �•�p'�a / Manager Approved by: Mayor Director Date CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � City Clerk BUDGET REVIStON Financial Services 3 De� Current Budget SPENDING PLAN 133 Housing Resource Center Fund 36420-0111 Salaries 36420-0161 Salary Needs 36421-0111 Salasies 36421-0161 Salary Needs 36422-0111 Salaries 36422-0161 Salary Needs 36423-0111 Salaries 36423-0161 Salary Needs 36420-0439 Employer Fringe Benefits 36421-0439 Employer Fringe Benefits 36422-0439 Empioyer Fringe Benefits 36423-0439 Employer Fringe Benefits • 36420-0219 Professional Services 36423-0219 Professional Seroices 36420-0221 Postage 36423-0221 Postage 36420-0222 Telephone 36420-0223 Telephone - Long Distance 36420-0226 Telephone - Monthly Equipment 36420-0228 Telephone - Cellular 36420-0237 Parking Expense 36423-0237 Parking Expense 36420-0241 Printing 36423-0241 Printing 36420-0251 Transportation 36423-0255 Memberships 36420-0256 Local Training 36423-0256 Local Training 36420-0260 HRPRBAAIiocated Costs 36423-0260 HRPRBA Allocated Costs 36420-0275 Equipment Maintenance Contracts 36420-0277 Equipment Repairs 36420-0282 Office Rental • Prepared by: Activity Manager 271,598 15,182 0 0 0 0 81,716 4,568 82,261 0 0 24,750 3,300 4,128 2,000 748 4,900 200 200 500 2,100 50 1,000 500 2,000 75 500 500 352 86 1,615 750 27,168 Change (57,527) (3,215) 43,102 2,409 14,425 806 0 0 (17,423) 13,054 4,369 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 No: DDoI 7 Date: 3z29 Da Amended Budget 214,071 11,967 43,102 2,409 14,425 806 81,716 4,568 64,838 13,054 4,369 24,750 3,300 4,128 2,000 748 4,900 200 200 500 2,100 50 1,000 500 2,000 75 500 500 352 86 1,615 750 27,168 Approved by: Mayor Requested by: Department Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER , City C�erk BUDGET REVISION 2 Financial Services 3 Dept. Current Budget Change SPENDING PLAN (Confinued) • 36420-0283 36420-0288 36420-0290 36420-0368 36420-0381 36420-0382 36420-0389 36423-0389 36420-0815 36420-0856 36420-0857 36422-0545 36420-0545 36420-0547 36423-0564 Total Spending Plan City Car Rental 4,790 City Car Parking 2,000 Central Serivice Cost 6,563 Office Supplies 2,500 Books, Subscriptions 330 Newspapers 360 Misceilaneous Supplies 180 Miscellaneous Supplies 150 Office Furniture 500 Computer Software 2,586 Computer Hardware 2,500 SPARL Contract Payments 20,000 SPARL Contract Payments 0 SMURL Contract Payments 30,000 Replacement Housing Payments 80,000 • Prepared by: Activity Manager 685,206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2Q,000) 20,000 0 0 No: �ODI 7jo oate: 3-c79-b� Amended Budget 4,790 2,000 6,563 2,500 330 360 180 150 500 2,586 2,500 0 20,000 30,000 80,000 0 685,206 Approved by: Mayor Requested by: Department Director ,Doatg7�, GREEN :,:.,.. TOTAL # OF SlGNATURE PAGES 1 ��� No 61344 m,.�«.�. ❑ �.,.�, ❑ �� Q �.�.�.,��. Q ..�.�.,�,.�� ❑ r•.w�wR.assrrm 1❑ Dave Thune {CllP ALL LOGATWNS FORS{GNATURE) Approval of Administrative Order - Budget Revision. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hes ihis persaNfrm e�er workeA under a contract far this departmenn YES NO Has Mie D�Rrtn ever heen a ciry emGbY� YE3 NO Dces this persoMrm possess a sloll no[ rwm�allypossesseU by any current cily employee? YES � Is th� peison/fim� a tarpetetl vendoYt VES NO The activity structure in the accounting system for the Housing Resource Center (HRC) Fund has been slightly modified from the prior structure in the Housing Information Office. The 2000 budget for th� HRC Pund needs to be revised to conform to this new st=ucture. There is no net increase to the HRC Fund 2000 budget and there is no !isaa��, NOT � souace oaoz s z �� v � ;,t� .:�?.i��:�Ct COST/REVENUE BUDf3ETED (CIRCLE ONq VES NO �cTrvin awesee !CNL INFORNAT�N (IXPWN) No net increase to the total budget.