187445r 1 Original to City Clerk i t PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CITY OF ST. PAUL O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,COU RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM F LENCIL No 87445 Council Fiie No. 187445` —By Milton Rosen— 4� ._ Whereas, The Boatel of, Water Com- missioners of the Clty =:of Saint 'Paul finds it necessary'to - retain 'the ,pro- fessional asery1ces' elf` an. engineering firm to adeiluately determine _soil -¢on- WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul finds it necessary to retain the professional services of an engineering firm to adequately determine soil conditions and to submit an engineering report recommending bearing values along the proposed 90 -inch conduit line between Lake Vadnais and McCarron Pumping Station; and WHEREAS, the General Manager of the Water Department recommends that an agreement be entered for the required professional services, between the Board of Water Commissioners and the Twin City Testing & Engineering Laboratory, Inc., on terms and conditions set forth in the letter from Twin City Testing & Engineering Laboratory, Inc., signed by John F. Gislason, dated May 5, 1958, addressed to the Board of Water Commis- sioners of the City of Saint Paul, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the office of Corporation Counsel is directed to prepare an agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners -and the Twin City Testing & Engineering Laboratory, Inc., whereby said Company will agree to the furnishing of all tools, equipment, labor, and engineer- ing supervision to take soil bearings aggregating a total of approximately 1500, but.not to exceed. 2000 lineal feet, as required, to adequately deter - mine.the soil conditions and to submit an engineering report recommending bearing values pertaining to the, proposed 90 -inch conduit line between Lhke Vadnais and McCarron Pumping Station; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that.the fee for such services by Twin City Testing & Engineering Laboratory,* Inc., shall be $110.00 per each 8 -hour day, the total price not to exceed $8,000, plus an additional amount of $500 for the requisite engineering report regarding bearing values; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Twin City Testing & Engineering Laboratory., Inc., will be required to furnish Liability insurance and Workmen's. Compen- sation insurance in amounts required by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy ".. zi#eR4_ 'ten Peterson Rosen�� Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 2 f K/_ In Favor Against MAY 14 1958 Adopted by the Council 195_ k MAy 14 1958 Mayor Min CITYCHSTMG OnD ROME 10 Ins. CHIEM&AL ! PHYSICAL TESTS • INSPECTIONS • RESEARCH OFFIC9me CHARLES, W. 4RITZIM P. E. P esh ..► 2440 f R A N K L I N AVENUE JOHN F. C SLA50 -N, P. E • lw.Mlw. YN.r►n eWo CLINTON R, DUE - SMOr.f.rTrT"*MW AS•OCIATKS NORMAN IL HE'N01,M4, P. L - MEMwaAM " ALIORT C. H0L.L811• F. A. 1. C. - Ciw A*y t _ HA O'L.0 L CANnSk P. E. - AppAW MEJR..niRl . . RO•®RT F. VATTMAN, P. E. - Fi.�.Ml.. SWk Board of W&tar f I (M ter of St. Paul. City Ball and a1 . ~ .4 . IF,. ,(l_ , ` • 3t • Paul 1. BiMDS00+a. � WA7% G neral Vii' . FW.= Proud Be- of iV'adnais Conduit Qentlsien: i On Friday . N7 gad. our engineer Jjr-.•Margin 0., *&1 inspected the subjeat proposed pro jopt with Mr. V&lliaiw petwson. ant Uginew for Blame and Ytatah. On the basis of" the i kpoo an of this proposed lint, we estimate that it would regwvire a dotal Of 1500 to 2000 lim", fort to aldequate1y dattrdw tbtt soil oownditi:ons so that an !a�inearing resort reeosewad mg baring ralr! et 00%ld be prepared. We propose to !'to< m"a apt on is consisting off' a soils nac�hint with oasing, eaL'11 wj� w "per, ooli. c�� chief ,t erawAuen and vision for a fei off' � 8 -howsr day ZJ. we will perf", 'the rti�lct}i�rings as required to provide nets" y i forms- titm on footage not to wompsd 2000 lineal feet at the daily rate given - above. but at a total print guaranteed not to eoc*eed $8.000. We win also analY'se the *SMPlas taken, perform what laboratory tests are required, and preps an inginwaxing report rectommoding bearing values inolWWV rgoom- memded piling piths was rogaired, . for a lump sum of $5w. If awarded this work, wee would be in a position to start operations on Mon- day M may 12th.. •ear tru-4 7ow-wr." .. C= TffiTM A °; LAHQATT. 1110. JPG: NJ r , w► 1M , . 4 Y AA A MUT'WAL 1110TW6T M lID' kMM7'.. T1MS W AM♦ •DI_M�_1„M•1, ALL r""" "M DMFDMMT�� AD-TN•M, MFINfTMM- PRM•I.FT M DLM WT., AND AuTN ^EMI. IZATMDN /ifll r'4!l41DkTMDN M .R6►�I•YrfINNTj,rN..M.y.i ..D. P"M •Mt DMAMW O OW MP•A'1hl W MM§NWV M MHOOMD d"M 1N1MTTNN APPROVAL f , All �MNMrMr 4AMn.• •a � w .,•,� �rA�r . csl'5 -6-4� <6 181 .5 4 Twin CITYeAST196 000 061WHE 10 Inc. CHKIY40MAL a PHYSICAL TESTS • INSPECTION`S • RESEARCH OFFICWIt6 CHARLK W. BRMIUS, P. E - JOHN F. GILLASON. P. L - ER.®MM VI+..aDft"W CLINTON L rig - S.aMMrp- T"&Wr" A080CIATE9 NORMAN E. HENN'INO. P. L - I ol - ALBERT C. HOLLER. F. A. I. C. - C& hhy HAROLD L CARTIER, P. E - AMA MRiII..Ij q ROBERT F. WMMAN. P. E - 11"WaN.. $@& - Board of Water Cvllsaiasioaeal�! City of St. Pawl, City Hall and tom' ,; . St. Paul 1, Minnesota. Attention: Mr, immard deneral manager Gentlemen: ow�. 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE i Awd f *, mkov a. )b vim... t 1958. J R 7�1" CITY OF tr WATER Dip", so: Co Proposed of Tadnais On Friday►, May W, *W I4�. l�as7ln O. **1 inoewW the vub je@t prop0eed projamt 14tu W., lr�tersor; kWsdent &4;1� fbs Blank and Vostok. On the basis of She thy,! plwopoerr`d 4. wo • estimate that it would require boriW 01"r*ptir4 a total of 3,$W to 2000 lint' feet to adequately determine the soil o0cati eras so that an ri ag report recomm ading bsarLft Tale6i oCtild be prrspar . We propose to fwwlsk ea ttraa wits voes3atiarrg of a soils asaahiarae with casing. sauv3in cr I . or" B i a super- vision for a !'M 'Ibr a4unr d* i�h'; We will plirtoat* #4 ' 4140 08 requited *0 pi'e"rl+�,i�r eeisa� Saafbraa- tion on foots" amt to lineal feet at th' daily rate gj•= above. but at a tiptal not to 'emoeed $$.000. Wis Trill also anal"e, the Samples to perform what laboratory► tests are regatired, and. prepare Dili bearirayg Pala ps inclaoxg reaon- asnded Piling is 4W %&gie rugairede fora lamp . ma of $500. If awarded this upft wi 004 be . in a positive to start, operations on um- day. May IM , . TOY troy you". � TM On' TE8 '1110 AM 3 LfMIL= -i : DIC. JFG: XJ #00n Fe U102tow f ♦. A MUTUAL PROTCerfma TO MOM", THK POW* AIM MUMILV=. ALL MPOWM AUK SIA MITT= AS TH! OGWNPONTIAL MRMRTr M CLMM. AND AUTHOR• 1X %T10N ►M, PUGLMAThON )Z 6TATION40MO, M M 931TIL40" !AM 00 MKOAMM" OUR 1104M.. to ftx8=r4= Pe"c"Ne etm VrRjrMM APPROVAL