187355Original to City Clerk 13 55 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C)qU,NCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE May 2. 195$ RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from NELSON OIL COHPANX,, 1NC,6, 5000 gallons, more or less, Standard Commercial Kerosene at a cost of approximately $684950, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply within two miles of City Oiling Plant and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge - Oiling Fund - Code 2001-C-136* Council­ tile No: � i6355 —By Adrian P. Winkel— – `d esolved, That the'Pilt0hasing Agent and he is - Hereby authorized , witif the .consent 'of ' the Compttoller, to puhase from NELSON' OIL COM PA Y INC:.5000 kallons, more gr less, .lo�O;:s .1. 1l�atChcll Stah$ard, Commercial., Kerosene at a cost kif approximately $684.50, without 61 Co':aptroller adve ti§,ement br competitive bids as .this is -the onl /i iY Y .source of supply; V // /j'/ within' two mile§ of City Oiling Plant tizd,.,n6 A' nt �" could be yr_ tea_.. gained dl @�*� ,iy COW _Irollei Charge— —Code 2001 -C- �36rn Adopted byAhe �L ouncil May 71 1958. Approved' May,'.7, 1958. .: (May', 10 1958) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland �llr��sl %elli Mortinson petersm -- .i Rosen 11 .�r'I:'x�es�iclyen' },; gill "on sM z -5Mi a. zPreside't (Peterson) In Favor Against -MAY 7 99Sg, Adopted by the Council 195— MAY 7 9958 Approved 195 — Asti.., Mayor