187331Council File No ...................... X331 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING. TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARIN } ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES rRESO UTION COUNCIL V. APPROV- TIM AF HEAR ENT;• IIER FIXING �' -TIME OF ING THEREON AND FIXING TIME rOF, "�iEARING ON THE AWARDS OF 'DAMAGES; w ,In :the matter &C pwtially .epeningo videning• and extending Randolph - Avenue k .as -aa, . . approach to the proMeI Shepard Roe►d' iby condem3lag and taking the fo9.ipi,ng describ ' .tote and parcels of land t 'he south 3,8 ft. - of that part CC Bl ook 30 : ' Stinson 0 Brown and Hammy I a Addition to St. Paula lying between One da Stteet and.Webster Street. i Also the south 20 ft. of Lats. 7 to 11 incl uoive:• and except a triangular > a, lying northvesterly og a, line Parallel to. and 25 ft. distant southeasterly from the, center line i Of the Chicagoq Wlwaul ee St. Paul and Pacific FAIlroad Conomy F s track; the south, , 20. ft of Lot 12, A. Vance :Brown's :Subdivision of Black 30, Stinson* Brown and Ramsey`* - Addition to Ste Paul* Also an easement for highway ,purposes on t4ose parts of sots. 25 -, 26 and 27y Thos: Yaly's Subdivision, of %Ock, 31p, Stlnoon, Brown and Rainey tb Addition to St. Paul j, lying southeasterly of the following described lines; Ommactug at the southwesterly corner OP the said .Lot 25; thence easterly in a straight -line to a point on the east 'li.ne of ;Lot 1125 that o 4h;ft: north of the southeastAprl,.y carter of OaA Lot. 25 thence north easterly' io `a st 'si.ght ,li.ne tot ie np asterly Corner 2if 1►ot :27, 'i'l os, i .i y's St b- d3 ri ps qrx og 'Slack 31, Sti asap, BrOM and HeAftY'; p Ad di ti on to. 6t + Paul) The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards -of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ------------- -�th ------------ day Of ... ......... . ... .: --------------- .-------- - - - - -, 19 --- �8_., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. g 19�� Adopted by the Council .......... ........... . . . . .. MAY---- - - - - -- - -- ................ 19-- - - - - -- - - -- ------------------------- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- h9AY s 198 City Clerk. Approved--------------- - - = - -- - -•, 19 - - -. PiJBLI5I3ED -/o_, - - - - - -- File 13991 Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCv Councilman HOLLAND Acting - * Councilman.p4eft- "gy -�- Councilman p Councilman ROSEN Councilman WINKEL Mr. Vice Prcxsi ezlz ( per-crzOn)