186690Original {e City Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 186690 COUNCIL NO. FII F Council File No.' 186690 -=By Milton Rosen— Whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has been :.' •,ised by reso- lution of tF '' 1rr ' Vater Com- mission, ,.i ,.9,� a copy of rrr, to, that a YI4 conditic I I Y -1L9t 191170 .u'�e �" .�I, s rv,_r '01 'Pry WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has been advised by resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners, dated March 19, 1958, a copy of which is attached hereto, that a dangerous and unforeseen condition exists in the Snelling Avenue reservoir, resulting in leakage therefrom and necessitating the removal of the reservoir from service for the purpose of making an inspection to determine the point of leakage and the estimate of necessary repairs; and WHEREAS, the Council has been further advised by the Board of Water Commissioners that in its judgment it is necessary and expedient to hire and employ outside engineering services to enable the Department immediately to study the situation, determine from hence the leakage is come,and to plan and make the necesswy repairs; and WHEREAS, the Board.of Water Commissioners has recommended the employment, for the same purposes, of:the engineering firm of Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates, Inc. and the Twin City Testing Laboratories; now, therefore, be it . . RESOLVED, by the Council of the approves the employment of the said the Board of Water Commissioners to firms for the purposes mentioned. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Mortinson — Fetffm Rosen 1N" fflC F­ L Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 2 In Favor 0 i Against City of Saint Paul that it firms and hereby authorizes hire and employ the said Adopted by the Council MAR 2v _k§5— MAR 25 1958 Approved 195 — -Y,40" Mayor p�LISIiEI% ' Duplieate4to Printer �3� i f ) CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. t) 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE MRZAS, the Council of the City of Saint. Paul has been advised by resolution of the Hoard of Water Commissioners-, dated March 19, 1958, a copy of which is attached hereto, that a dangerous and unforeseen condition exists in the Snelling Avenue reservoir, resulting In leakage therefrom and necessitating the removal of the reservoir from service for the purpose of making an inspection to determine the point of leakage and the estimate of necessary repaira and WHEREAS, the Council has been further advised by the Board of Water Commissioners that in its judgment it is necessary and expedient to hire and employ outside engineering services to enable the Department immediately to study the situation, determine from hence the leakage is come, and to plan and hake the neaesury repairs; and WHERHA3, the Board of Water Commissioners has recommended the employment, for the same purposes, of the engineering fist* of Tol.tz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates, Inc. and the Twin City Testing . laboratories; nowt, therefore,. be it R9SOL'V9A. by the Council of the approves the employment of the said the Board of Water Commissioners to firms for the purposes mentioned. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy �I In Favor Mortinson ' _P�, Rosen (.4) gainst Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2.57 2 City of Saint Paul that it firms and hereby authorizes hire and employ the said 111-01- __0 10- i LIAR 25 1958 Adopted by the Council 195— MAR 25 1958 Approved 195— Mayor 18(i(i90 Y , , CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.__________________________ OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE....._....... -.._ .: _ .. ........ COMMISSIONER ..._..._= Qm..- ;OI>< ;RCY...._ ................................................................... ......••------••-----------•--- il'MARC.,li...:��a....._%;��8' ........... WHERtASiL. TI3E: GENERAL HAVAace ,HAS 0V l aED THAT UNDER DATE OF JANUARY 16tU A SHALL. ',LEA&ACE WAS OBSEF Vs:o V..q THE -EAST ElIBA.%JC- 10ENT OF Tow; So:ELLtuc AvE . 'RvscRV.a Rl$" witl cat RCSUUr c lff TAX1440 T1411 gEsRglvo to OUT OF scov to:E FOR THE Pt n#.,Q 3E OF H KUNG Ail 1,9SPEC'T-1. .ON AND 'A#lY NE -CESSAPY RE- PAtRSs AIWA WHEREAS* 'SUCH Oi»P,1Ll #iS 'UERE i"'ADS :As WERE DSCHZO 4fGESSARY AFTE. C!I'l2E LIL 414SPECTION :ANO THE RESERVOIR RETUI RED TO SCOV CE WHEREAS' #,. ..ftsTI -NUED 'CRECK.8, AND resTo AGAIN. 100VC.A.TZD' ilt FADI.TV G.i1RD T -1011 'AND. THE GENERAL. 14ANA:G'ER HAS ADv #.sF-t1 THE 80-ARO THAT' TT AS H:1'8 QP :Ltt4t# THAT :A• tOtD—ITIOR E)CtSTS WHICU: COULD 1'hEVELOP' iLiTa A-, tmd+ilR Eftea'EIf01P USLESFt IM"Eja#AL HEASURES ARE TAXE14 AT ONCE' :A"N #fA:S RECOPI14ESOF -0 T€IAT Z9d4 N£EE;~fU SERVII CES. Be O'E#TA! >sco.• to -wo#K w Ttt Tt}E DEPAR,irstauT VOR T4IE PURP6se OF :NlAwl. -.,R.0 A 'CONPLETE 60.11L. AMD ST:RUOTU AL, ;STUDY AM), REPORT AS TO, STEPS TO BE T:AK:Etf T4 PRESERVE THE SAFETY OF T"E 'RESERVOIR :AND IStA:TER SUPPLY TO A -LA€ CE AREA OF 'TFf:E CITY, AND RAID PURTOCIR RECOONE OF -V ?RE EMPLOY NENT OF TOL-Ts "s .K #: -110y: DUVALL* AitpeAs.on . As400.418s,i 1 ac. AND Tws fi: TzsT rftr. LASORA- T-6 -ft ica Now.0 THEREFORE# BE lIT ;R£SOLVED',, T'IIAT 'Tit E. BOARD APPROVE` THE RECORNE IDAT ON OF THE Gfum'I'AL MA#l:A(;ER A06 TRAT RC 011 AUTHOR tZED TO ,E04ACE THESE CONGER; #$ OR SU:tH ENSINEER`t Nth SERV`I C.E3 AS ARE DESHED RECES aARYW Water Commissioners Yeas Nays DECouReY WI NKEL FRts# RosEa In favor___ ____ ______ Opposed ._- ___- __-..G Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners ------------- -N-Ai- - Oft --- #'9- Tat ------------------- 195 ... G ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- - - - - - -- ASST. SECY. �y �