D001874CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Origina� - Finance DepYs Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION ADMfNfSTR,4TIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority and based on the request of the Dire of the Office of to amend the 19 99 budget of the General Debi Finance and Management Services Department is authoriz DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVITY, OBJECT, PROJ � PIR • 960-89955-0557-00000 Operating Transfer to general Fund 960-89955-0857-00000 Data Processing Hardware No: pOl 7`� Date: 3'a7-(�zj to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter CURRENT BUDGET 0 5, 000 5000 following manner. APPROVE CHANGES _ zsos (2,508) To accommodate the transfer to the General Fund for this funds share of the 1999 PC Replacement Program, which was made on ID66515. ��� Prepared by: Activity Manager Requested : Department Director i1.� • Approved by: Budget Dii ct� 3 -2�� c� Date Date 1•�1•e� Date AMENDE BUDGET 2508 2,492 5000 . of Finarqial Serviees TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES +� I GREEN SHEET �,�..- = r.�i;� rJvol � 7y No 101149 aneau�c� FOR ❑ LIIYATf01bEY � CJIYp.FA( � / { Z PWKJ1LLipMLEi� 4 NWIfJ�1LtRll/ACCi6 _��� ❑ WYOIII�Y&RANn ❑ _1_ (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR StGNATURE) 1989 budget W accortwdate fhe transter to the Geneial Funtl from the Gene�al De6t Service FurW tw the 1999 PC Replacert�ent Program a PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION were irkwrtectly butlgeted in Oata Wocessing instead oI Operetirg Trar�sfer to Generel FurW. IF ptactices W the Firendal Directawill leve been falbxed. practices will nOt have been fulbx+ed cortectb. RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTiONS: Has ihis person/tirm ever xorked untler a cadract for this departmeM't YES NO Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry empbyee7 YES NO Do� this peraoMrtn possess a sldll frot notmallY P�� by arry curtprt city empbyee? YES NO Is this pe�sonfirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO NWNTOFTRANSACTI�lS asoe COSTfREVENUEBUOGETFA(CIRCLEGNE) YES SWlRCE _ GenBf01 D¢bt S¢IVICe Fuf1d ACTIVITY NUMBER 89955 INFaYMl.11qa (E�INN) No new money in budget - net effect to budget is zero. 0 ' '�•�€1f1=n ..n�.�_._�S ;�; ;- f ,�� v���;�