09-433Council File #�,�� Green Sheet # 3069363 '— RESO�UTION OF SyQINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 8 Presented 1 Resolution approving the attached Memorandums ofAgreement between the City of Saint Paul and 2 the Saint Paul Fire Fighters, L,oca121 for uniform reimbursement and bumping rights. Requested y epartmgnt q H an Resources �� By. Angela ezny, Director Approved ! BY Approved By. for Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By. By. ` � Approved y�' or. Date ,., S L.� i -- By. � _ Adopted by Council: Date ��/� /j9 �� �r-y�� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � DepartmeM/Office/Cauncil: Date Initiated: HU—HumanResources o�.,�R-09 Green Sheet NO: 3069363 CoMad Person 8 Phone: Deparhng�rt Senf To Person Initial/Date Jason Schmidt o umav Resources �� 266-6503 1 umavReco¢rces D artmentDirector Assign Z poaopal Services ffice Financial Services Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 ' Attom � � For RoUting 4 avor's OEfice Ma or/ASSista� Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ Order 5 ouncil Ciri Council TRANSACTiON 6 i Cierk Ci Clerk E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contad: Sue Wegwerth CoMact Phone: 2656513 Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Action Requestetl: Resotution approving the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Fire Fighters, Loca121 for uniform reunbursement and bumping rights. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission l. Has this personlfinn ever worked under a contract forthis deQartmerrt? CIB Commitfee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Allows the City to end the uniform reimbursement plan which requa substantial time and paperwork and repiaces it with a direct paym.ent plan. Opportunity to clarify bumping rights prior to any potential layoff situations. Advantages If Approved: Annual uniform reimbursement. No longer requires the City to track reimbursement accounts for each union member. Provides cleaz language regazding bumping between fire classifications, F've Fighters Local Zl and Fire Supervisory Association Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: . City must continue to irack all uni£orm reunbursement expenditures. Bumping language would remain uncleaz and present issues at time of layoff. Total Amount of � Transaction: CostiRevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Num6er: Financial I�ormation: (Explain) April 9, 2009 8:16 AM Page 1 oy- v.�3 ATTACHMENT TO THE GREEN SHEET MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT Intemational Association of Firefighters, Loca121 Below is a siammary oftwo (2) changes in the collective bazgaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and IAFF L,oca121, reflected in two Memoranda ofAgreement (MOA). Uniform Allowance• The City and Union agree to end the current voucher system for uniform purchases and instead utilize a cash payment to all Firefighters to use for uniform purchases. The MOA will be in effect from 2009-ZO10, and will then be incorporated into the next collecting bargainuig agreement between the City and the Union. Bumpin¢ Riehts• The 2008-2010 wllective bargainnig agreement between the City and the Union does not contain any language relating to bumping rights in the event of layoffs. The City and Union agree to amend the collective bargaining ageement to allow bumping rights. The MOA will be in effect from 2009-2010, and will then be inwrporated into the next collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Union. a �/3� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAINT PAUL FIRE F`IGHTERS, LOCAL 21 The City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City") and Saint Paul Fire Fighters, L,ocal 21 (hereinafter "Union") agree to the terms of this Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter "MOA") which states as follows: WHEREAS, Article 24 of the wllective bargaining agreement between the City and the Union establishes the amount of a clothing allowance for Union members; and WHEREAS, Article 24 ofthe collective bazgaining agreement between the City and the Union currently requires a clothing allowance on a voucher system; and WHEREAS, the City and the Union, through mutual discussion and consideration, seek to eliminate the voucher system for clothing allowances and convert to a cash system; NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as fol3ows: The City and the Union agree to change the method and computation of clothing allowances in Article 24 of the collective bargaining agreement, by changing the clothing allowance from a voucher system to a direct cash payment to employees, effective in 2009 and thereafter, subject to the following conditions: For 2009, the City shall pay a clothing allowance of five hundred sixty-five dollazs ($565.00) as a cash payment to all employees within the bargaining unit. Such payment shall be placed on employees' paychecks, and be made within a reasonable time after signing this agreement. Thereafter such clothing allowances shall be paid on or before Mazch 1 of each year. 2. Effective February 25, 2009, all existing balances shall be frozen. The attached list of employees and clothing balances, as of February 25, 2009, shall serve as the basis for establishing existing balances. At the time the 2009 clothing allowance is paid to employees, the City shall cash out all existing balances, up to suc hundred forty dollazs ($640.00) per employee. Any existing balance in excess of six hundred forty dollars ($640.00) shali revert back to the City. The foilowing conditions shall apply when cashing out existing balances: a. Any cashed out balance will be adjusted by the cost of any items reimbursed after February 25, 2009. b. Any clothing purchases made this yeaz that have not been reunbwsed, or purchases made after February 25, 2009, shall not be reimbursed. 3. For those employees with negative clothing balances, their clothing cash amount shalt be reduced by the amount of the negative balance. �r-�.� 4. In 2010 and each year thereafter, the City sha11 increase the previous year's clothing allowance by the negotiated across-th�board percentage wage increase.' The 2010 clothing allowance shall be five hundred eighty-three dollars and thirty-six cents ($583.36). 5. For new employees who begin employment during the calendar year, their initial clothing allowance shall be paid with the first paycheck after starting employment, and shall not be pm- rated. Future clothing allowances will be paid at the same amount and at the same time as all other active employees. a In 2009, the initial clothing allowance amount for new employees shall be three hundred seventy-five dollars ($375.00). b. In 2010 and each year therea8a, the City shall increase the previous year's amount for new employees by the negotiated across-the-board percentage wage increase. The 2010 clothing allowance for new employees shall be three hundred eighty-seven dollazs and eighteen cents ($387.18). 6. Employees will be responsble for reporting to duty in a clean, Department authorized uniform. Employees who fail to do so will be relieved of duty without pay until such time as they report wearing an acceptable uniform, and may be subject to discipline. 7. The e�cisting Labor Management Committee shall continue to work to establish the defined uniform, according to the provisions of Article 24 of the collective bazgaining agreement. 8. The parties agree to incorporate the terms of this MOA into the successive collective bargaining agreement, and as such will not be costed against the Union as the successive collective bazgaining agreement is negotiated by the parties. FOR THE CITY: / !/1' , - .:,, ���, ..� . .�.�- Date: �/�o�� FOR THE iJNION: ���� M� ��'s�n President, Fire Fighters L.oca121 Date: '-��lo� Dy-�{33 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAINT PAUL FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 21 The City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City") and Saint Paul Fire Fighters, Local 21 (hereinafter "Union") agree to the terms ofthis Memorandum ofAgreement (hereinafter "MOA") which states as follows: WHEREAS, Article 10 of the collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Union states the seniority rules to follow on the occasion of a work force reduction; and WHEREAS, Article 10 ofthe collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Union does not cunrently allow employees who aze affected by a work force reduction to reduce to a previously held title within the bargaining unit; and WHEREAS, Article 10 of the collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Union does not currently allow employees in the Fire Supervisory Association, Loca13939, who are affected by a work force reduction to reduce to a previously held title wvered by the collective bazgaining agreement between the City and the Union; and WHEREAS, the City and the Union, through mutual discussion and consideration, seek to allow employees within the Union and the Fire Supervisory Association, Loca13939, who are affected by a work force reduction to reduce to a previously held title covered by the collective bazgaining agreement between the City and the Union; NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: Article 10.4 ofthe collective bazgaining agreement between the City and the Union shall be amended to reflect the canditions noted above: ARTICLE 10 - SENIORITY 10.4 Work Force Reduction In the event of a reduction in the department work force, such reduction shall occur on the basis of seniority in the department. Employees will be laid offbv class title within the denartment. When the number of emplovees in a hit�her title is to be reduced, emplovees who have held lower titles within this bargaining unit will be offered reductions to the hi¢hest ofthese titles to which department seniority would keep them from bein¢ laid off. 1 Q•4(11 In the event of a work force reduction in the department that affects members of the Fire Sunervisorv Association, Local 3939, and when such affected emplovees have held lower titles within this bazgauringunit, such emplovees shall be offered reductions to the highest ofthese titles to which department senioritv would keep them &om being laid off. FOR THE CITY: on Schxnidt Labor Relations Manager Date: /��� � FOR THE UNION: � Michael Smith President, Fire Fighters Loca121 Date: `�/(a