186599Original to City Clerk' , _ A � 5 Q Q CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO A X56 " ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r, COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER —DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, an . ;84' building line is hereby established on Shields Street, on the north side thereof, between Fairview and Beacon Avenues, and that said Northwestern Bell Telephone Company ,be granted a permit to construct on Lots 62 and 63, Howard Park Addition, and a portion of the north -south vacated alley between Lots 60, 61, 62 and 63, Howard Park Addition, an addition to its existing telephone equipment building located adjacent to the north side of Shields Street between Fairview Avenue and Beacon Avenue, in accordance with applicant's letter and plan da +Arl _Tan„aT., 7R 1 10 FiR 9 COUNCIL EN Yeas Nays D urcy Holland 1W1 1F, Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 QW.2 Council Flle `No. 186599 —By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That upon appeal of North- western Bell Telephone Company from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings, an 84' building line is hereby established on Shields Street, on the north side thereof, between Fairview and Beacon Avenues, and that said Northwestern Bell Telephone. Company be granted a permit to construct on Lots 62 and 63, Howard Park Addition, and a portion of the nprth -south va- cated alley. between Lots 60, 61, 62 and 63, Howard Park Addition,'an addition to its existing telephone equipment building located adjacent to the north side of Shields Street between Fair- view ASenue and Beacon Avenue, in accordance with applicant's letter and plan dated Jandary 28, 1958. Adopted by the Council March 18, 1958. Approved March 18, 1958. (March 22; 1958) In Favor 0 Against MAR 18 Inra Adopted by the Council 195 — MAR 1-5 1958 Approved— 195 — Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota March 13, 1958 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder N Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. for permit to relax the side yard line on Shields St. and to construct an addition to a telephone equipment building on the north side of Shields St. between'Fairview Ave. and Beacon Ave.., on Lots 59 to 63,,inclusive, except the N. 16 ft. of Lot 63 which has been aed cated for alley purposes, and the portion of.the ,vacated north -south alley in the block between Lots 60, 61, 62 and 63, Howard Park Addition, in accordance with applicant's letter and plan dated January 28, 1958• Very truly urs, 6 �f1 VCity Clerk MINNESOTA Ste' :? :• ii :•i:•ii:Siii•:i•:ii:�iii....ii • :< RD OF. ZONING, -CITY OF SAINT PAUL ••••• ;};! j(i:•�jj "fipjj:251- 232.233 1013 6T FALL AND COY2T HOUfS "SAINT SAYI 2.MIHNifOTA March 12, 1958 Mr. Josgph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: + This is in'the matter of the appeal of the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for a permit to relax the side yard on Shields Street and to construct an addition to a telephone equipment building located adjacent .to the North side of Shields Street between Fairview Avenue and Beacon Avenue. The applicant's property is described as lots 59 - 63 inclusive, except the North 16' of Lot 63 which has been dedicated for alley pur- poses'; "And'the °:- portion of the vacated north -soutb alley in the block between Lots 60, 61, 62.and 63 Howard Park Addition. The zoning is "C " residence. This appeal is made pursuant to Chapter 64.03, Paragraph (i) of the legislative code which provides that the council may permit the location in any use district a" community utility building; where such building is, in the judgement of the Council, necessary to the public or community convenience. The property under consideration.bas'a frontage of 138.1' on Fairview Avenue, 268.62''on Shields Street and 80.86' on Beacon Avenue. At present, the applicant operates an equipment building,on the west 137.03' .: of this property. In May, 1954, the Council granted the applicant a per- mit to extend northerly the original building which faces Fairview'. The applicant is proposing to.construct a 2 story addition to the east side of their building'. This addition is 72'' along Shields Street, and extends northerly 76.7'. The Council onFebruary 8, 1958, granted to the applicant an alley vacation for the purpose of carrying out the proposed development. There are two single family homes which face . Shields Street that will be moved by the applicant before this plan may be carried out. The adjacent land uses are a mixture of residential; in addition there are Commercial uses at the North end of the block that face University Avenue. In order to construct this building, the applicants desire to maintain the building line of their existing building on Shields Street which is .841. They own the entire frontage in the block on the north side of Shields between Fairview and Beacon. The Field Investigation discloses no objection to the proposed develop ment.'.The applicant states that because of the equipment arrangement inside the building, they are limited to the easterly expansion of the building. PUBLISHED O t 5 IF Northwestern Bell Telephone - 2 In view of the importance of this proposed enlargement to the public welfare; and that the proposed development will not materially affect adjacent property; further that the front set -back on Beacon Street will not be changed; and that off-street parking space for 12 cars will be provided, which is adequate to serve the proposed facility, the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal to establish a .84' building line on Shields Street and to construct an addition to the existing telephone equipment building, all in acoordance with the applicant's letter of January 28, 1958, and plan attached thereto, be granted. Sincerely, C Herbert C AVieland Planning Director HCW:FGI Encl. NORTHWESTERN BELL .TELEPHONE COMPANY Iowa — Nlinnesota — Nebraska — Nortb Dakota — South Dakota %0 NEST 4TII STREET CAPITAL 2 -4211 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA January 28, 1958 The Honorable Mayor and City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Northwestern Bell Telephone Company respectfully requests the issuance of a special -use permit allowing it to erect on Lots 62 and 63, Howard Park Addition, and a portion of the north -south vacated alley between Lots 60, 61, 62 and 63, a two -story addition to its Midway central office building now located on part of Lots 59, 60 and 61, Howard Park Addition; and further to relax the side yard line from three feet to .84 feet on Shields Street for the addition as shown on the attached map. °° This area presently is zoned Class C. Residential. Part of the Midway central office building has existed in the present location since 1910. Necessary expansion of telephone facilities to meet the growth of the area served by the Midway central office must be accomplished in the near future. Because of the nature of telephone facilities, it is not feasible to establish a central office in some location other than the present one. We therefore request your approval of the necessary permit pursuant to Section 20, paragraph g, of the Building Zone Ordinance. Yours truly, f J. Heldridge Northern Division M an a CITY CLERK FILE 37 l & :APPLICANT ••r•.....--- Z, F. N PROP05ED ADD I'TION TO ST. PAUL- MIDWAY TELEPHONE BUILDING- 5T, PAUL, MIHNE507A WI Z3 N SHIELDS ST. SUILDTAI& rO PAOPOSAL AD01'r10,V CITY CLERK FILE - ------------------ - FLI AN pZ.F N FEB CITY Saint Paul, Minnesota •