186586Original to City Clerk '' 1. .'6586 - CITY OF ST. PAUL CO couNCU Nn L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (Council File No. 186586 —By Adrian P. CO CIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Relsolved, 'That the proper city offi- 31 h and they are hereby author - ` zd inst t ..ted to execute on PRESENTED BY th 3 C of S *. Paul a pr. •. COMMISSIONS DAT 3� ���'�° RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul a proposed agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, covering apportionment be- tween the Department of Highways and the City of St. Paul for the cost of furnishing and installing new traffic control signals and revising existing traffic control signals at said locations hereinafter indicated,and providing for reim- bursement by the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota to the City of St. Paul for the proportionate share of ex- penses to be borne by the Department of Highways: 1, Installing traffic control signals: Highland Parkway and Snelling Avenue (T.H. #51). Otis Avenue and Marshall Avenue (T.H. #212). 2.. Revise existing traffic control signals: Fil]more Avenue and So. Robert Street (T.H. #52 & 56). Maryland Avenue and Arcade Street (T.H. #61). and be it further RESOLVED, That the proposed agreement and the project therein provided for are hereby approved and authorized and the proper city officials are authorized and directed to make .and execute said proposed agreement as the same has been ap- proved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland 1?TMifOK W in ke 1 Mortinson /In Favor Peterson Rosen ✓ A gainst Mr. President, Dillon SM 6 -56 "q�? ITIMA 15 1 $ Adopted by the CounciJ.,.fl.195— IVIA'( is Approved 195— PUBLISHED . 2 - a a ; 5$ Duplicate to Printer _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 1_86586 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE REEOI.WEO# That the proper city officials bei, and they are heroby.authorized and Instructed to execute on, behalf of the Clty of St. .Paul a proposed agreement with the Rtato of Mf nrosotay Department of Htghways, Covering .apporil6mmnt be- tween the Pepartment of Highways and th# city of St. Paul for the cost of furnishing and installing 0ow.traffic coftml signals and revising oxist ng traffic control signals at said locations hereinafter indicatedoand priIding for.rel bur"mant by the Department of Highways, State of .Minnesota to the City of Et. P0011for they proportionate share of exr penses to be borne by the Department of Highways: Iz- instal IIng, traffic control signals; HI- ghland Parkway and Smiling Avenue (T.H. #51). Otis Avenue and Marshall Avenue (T.H. #212). -2. Revise existing traffic control signals f'1.14more A"twee and $o. Robert Street (.T .*H. #52 & 56). Maryland Avenue and Arcade $trust (T.H. #64. and be it further REM R-0 ,1hat the proposed agreeament acid the project therein provided for are hereby approved and authorized and thelproper city o`+Fficials are authorized and directed to make and'execu'te said proposed ogrew*nt as the same has bean ap- proved as, to form by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland MWA WX Winkel Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon SM 6.66 ,2 n Favor 0 Against MAR 118 198 Adopted by the Council 1 195— MAR 18 1958 Approved- 195— Mayor