D001872CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF'I'HE MAYOR • ADI�IINISTRATIVE ORDER No: DootR7a DA�: 3 -a a-oa ADI��SINISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Seciion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the D'uector of the Division of Pazks and Recrealion to amend the 1999 budge[ of the General Fund (001), the D'uector of the Office of Financial Secvices is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 001 - General Fund 03100-Pazks & Rec AdadnistraUon 0545-City Contribution 0547-Payment to Subcontracior 03101-Town Square Park Admin 0299-Other-Misc. Services 03102-Pazks & Rec Bldg. Main[enance 0316-Glass 0317-Hardware 0334-Lamps-Fixhues • 03103-Pazks Commission 0219-Fees Other Pzofessional Serv 0235-Type II Regulaz 0241-Prin[ing 0255-Dues 0256-Registration Fees - Local 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0368-Office Supplies 0529-0ther -Refunds 03104-Pazks&Rec Vehicle & Equip Serv 0299-Other-Misa Services 03108-Pazks & Rec Support Serv 0161-Salary Needs 0368-Office Supplies 0815-Desks-Chairs-Tables 0857-Data Processing Hazdwaze 03120-Como Conservatory 0321-Homculmre/Plant Materials 03122-Como Zoo 0111-Full Time Permanent Od39-Fringe Benefit 0848-Other - Specialized & Equipment • CURRENT BUDGET 8,000 5,500 788 11,113 26,820 9,823 7,330 1,000 4,523 1,319 1,350 2,481 489 499 53,583 8,601 7,805 2,000 4,500 24.968 679,668 195,976 8,350 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET (8,000) (5,500) 0 0 (388) (7,235) (7,496) (3,082) (1,475) (1,000) (4,200) (178) (1,035) (1,200) (489) (499) (44,712) (992) (332) (2,000) (3,812) (118) (7,618) (2,989) (3,131) :S�P] 3,878 19,324 6,741 5,855 0 323 1,141 315 1,281 0 0 8,871 7,609 7,473 0 688 24,8�0 672,050 192,987 5,219 (continued on page 2) Page i Doo l 8 7 3� • 03124-Como Zoo & Conseiv Heating 0279-Other-Repair & Maintenance 0349-Other - Equipment 0353-Chemical/L.abor 0383-Small Tools 0386-Ciothing-Uniforms 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 03126-Free Concerts in City Pazks 0818-Other Furniture 03131-Pazks Security 0131-Certified - Temporary 0341-Motor Fuei 0389-Othec Misc. Supplies 0578-Safety Allocation 0851-Radio Equipment 03132-Pazks Ground Maintenance 0858-Telephone Equipment 03133-Parks Perntits Management 0111-Full Time Permanent 0131-Certified - Temporary 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0291-Refuse DisposaUCot2action 0439-Fringe Benefit 0851-Radio Equipment • 0857-Data Processing Hazdwaze 0858-Telephone Equipment 0;134-Design Center 0359-Other Specialized Materials 03135-SmalUSpecia(ized Equipment 0283-Rental -Vehicle 03140-Pazks & Recreation UtiliUes 0293-Sewer Chazges 0372-Oil 037;-Gas included Bottle 0376-Water included Botfle 03170-Rec Center Programming 0161-Salarv Needs 0285-Rental Duplicating 0289-Rental- Misc 0813-Duplicating Machine 03li -Desks-Chairs-Tables 03171-Ivfaintenance SuppoR 0279-Other-Repair & Maintenance 0283-Renta] - Vehicles 0291-Refuse Disposal/Collection 0322-A�o egares-Sand i CURRENT BUDGET 9,832 9,752 '7,281 1,121 3,081 2,599 1,000 86,996 2,500 4,330 30,000 1,000 5,000 24,354 30,856 4,080 20,000 10,399 1,500 1,500 20,472 1,500 32,620 233,658 27,271 431,941 160,227 100,361 19,407 156,647 23,603 10,000 46,576 226,716 48,312 56,000 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET (182) (2,385) (2,600) (515) (1,000) (2,300) 9,650 7,367 4,681 606 2,081 299 (1,000) (1,536) (2,153) (3,990) (3,193) (452) (3,760) (19,978) (1,941) (1,482) (20,000) (5,705) (1,500) (1,500) (1,228) (852) (10,693) (9,002) (16,908) (124,669) (27,679) (76,049) (11,851) (49,000) (3,389) (10,000) (46,526) (110,376) {8,792) (15,741) � 85,460 347 340 26,807 548 1,240 4,376 28,915 2,598 0 4,694 0 0 19,244 G4f:3 21,927 224,656 10,363 307,272 132,�48 24,312 7,556 107,647 20,214 0 50 116,340 39.520 40,259 (continued on page 3) Page 2 Doo��7a • • • 03172-Rec Ctr Custodial & Maintenance O 111-Full Time Permanent 0273-Grounds Maintenance Service 0283-Rental - Velucles 0439-Fringe Benefit 0858-Telephone Equipment 03174-Muni Athletics Programs 0121-Part Time Certified 0299-Other-Misc. Services 03175-Neighborhoods in Transition O 111-Full Time Pennanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 03176-Rec Check Program 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0161-Salary Needs 0357-Athletic/Recreation 0439-Fringe Benefit 03177-Special Recreation Prograa�s 0121-Part Time Certified 0219-Fees O[her Professional Se�v 0235-Type II Regulaz 0256-Registration Fees - Local 0283-Rental- Vehicle 0285-Rental Duplicating 0341-Mator Fuel 0362-PaperSupplies 0364-Letterheads 0368-Office Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefi[ 085�-Data Processing Hazdwaze 03180-Seasonal Swimming/Beaches/pools 0131-Certified - Temporary 0279-Other-Repair & Maintenance 0439-Fringe Benefit 03181-O�ord Indoor Swimming Pool 0299-Other-Misc Services 0�21-Refunds 03192-Midwav Stadinm 0283-Rental - Vehicles 03194-Environmental&Natural Resources 0235-Type II Regulaz 0283-Rental- Vehicles 0289-Rental - Misc 085 i-Data Processing Hardware 0319i-Tree Maintenance 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0273-Grounds Nlaintenance Service 0283-Rental- Vehicles 0291-Refuse DisposaUCollection CURRENT BUDGET 1,150,377 5,000 65,362 334,193 5,000 4,248 5,500 20,880 47,282 73,744 3,782 46,200 8,232 32,950 1,500 9,350 863 14,013 1,424 675 447 778 643 108,768 2,652 166,223 5,728 36,238 12,082 200 6,720 1,388 26,880 587 2,750 APPROVED CHANGES (54,761) (5,000) (789) (1,06'n (1,699) (568) (4,155) (16,659) (1,284) (7,100) (3,265) (5,324) (953) (23,699) (1,500) (1,462) (848) (2,161) (1,326) (229) (447) (778) (643) (1,825) (2,652) (28,327) (2,147) (4,642) (4,077) (110) (2,216) (905) (4,116) (576) (2,750) AMENDED BUDGET 1,095,616 0 64,573 333,126 3,301 3,680 1,345 4,221 45,998 66,644 517 7,279 9,251 0 7,888 15 11,852 98 446 0 0 0 106,943 0 137,896 3,581 31,596 $00� 90 4,504 483 22,764 I1 0 43,689 (35,386) 8,303 15,020 (15,020) 0 413,064 (28,974) 384,090 24,926 (24,626) 300 5,618,335 (1,001,473) 4,575,986 (concinued on page 4) Page 3 � 001- General Fund 03100-Pazks & Rec Adnunis[ration Ol l I-Full Time Permanent 0114-Full Time Appointed 0131-Certified - Temporary 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0245-Publications & Advertising 0251-Transpor[ation 0282-Rental Building & Office Space 0286-0ther Equipmen[ 0289-Rental - Misc 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0368-Office Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 0815-Desks-Chairs-Tables 03101-Town Square Pazk Admin Ol l l-Full Time Pennac�ent 0389-OtherMisc. Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03102-Pazks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance 0117-Trades W/O City Benefits 0299-0ther-Misc. Services • 0438-Fringe Benefit 0853-Cameras 03103-Pazks Commission Ol l l-Full Time Pen[iazient 0439-Fringe Benefit 03104-Pazks&Rec Vehicle & Equip Serv 0111-Full Time Permanent 0341-Motor Fuel 0344-Parts for Vehicles 0439-Fringe Benefit 03108-Pazks & Rec Support Serv 0241-Printing 0289-Rental - Misc 0439-Fringe Benefit 03120-Como Conservatory O 111-Full Time Permanent 0279-0ther-Repair & Maintenance 0439-Fdnge Benefit 0857-Data Processing Hardwaze 03122-Como Zoo OZ1�-Fees-Medical 0389-OtherMisc.Supplies 03124-Como Zoo & Conserv Heating 0141-0vertime • 0439-Fringe Benefit 03126-Free Concerts in Ciry Pazks 0241-Printing (continued on page �) CURRENT BUDGET 383,985 0 0 3,500 618 82 75,423 0 0 2,783 0 124,062 800 45,640 0 13,997 0 32,615 44,544 0 24,222 6,923 0 11,492 13,444 0 9,000 0 80,067 305,464 0 88,642 0 9,000 3,599 0 57,482 0 Page 4 APPROVED CHANGES 61,306 33,000 15,000 2,100 2,300 2,600 9,000 2,500 2,500 6,834 522 34,384 5,533 5,794 185 2,790 6,988 24,216 47,019 311 1,616 655 93 21,390 5,600 34 10,178 5,900 6,052 43,321 147 1�,890 826 10,735 9,855 17,686 3,804 I,000 AMENDED BUDGET 445,291 33,000 15,000 5,600 2,918 2,682 84,423 2,500 2,500 9,617 522 158,446 6,333 51,434 185 16,787 6,988 56,831 91,563 311 25,838 7,578 93 32,882 19,044 34 19,178 5,900 86,119 348,785 147 104,532 826 19,735 13,454 17,686 61,286 1,000 paol � 7a bbol87� • • C� 03131-Parks Security 0283-Renral - Velricles 0439-Fringe Benefit 03132-Puks Ground Maintenance 0131-Certified - Tempoiacy 0141-Overtime 0205-Natuial Disaster 0315-Supplies Janitor 0322-Aggregates-Sand �389-Other Misc.Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03133-Pazks Pernuts Maziagement 0337-Signing Matedals 0356-Safety Supplies 03134-Design Center 0299-Other-Misc. Services 03135-SmalUSpecialized Equipmen[ 0 L 11-Full Time Permanent 0344-Parts for Veiucles 0439-Fringe Benefit 0843-Playground & Rec Equipment 03140-Parks & Recreation Utilities 0858-Telephone Equipment 03170-Rec Center Progranuning 0356-Safety Supplies 03 57-AthleticlRecreation 0363-Paper-Forms 0439-Fringe Benefit 03171-Maintenance Support Ol l l-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 0821-Cars 03172-Rec Ctr Custodial & Maintenance 0315-SupQlies Ianitor 0389-Other Misa Supplies 03174-Muni Athletics Prograzns 0357-Athleuc/Recreation 0439-Fringe Benefit 0521-Refunds 03176-Rec Check Prograzn 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0521-Refunds 0857-Data Processing Hardware 03180-Seasonal Swimming/Beaches/pools 035 i-Athletic/Recreation 0521-Refunds 0848-0ther - Specialized & Equipment 0898-Building Improvements (continued on page 6) CURRENT APPROVED AIIIENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 24,614 18,715 3,345 18,71� 27,959 131,993 20,000 0 9,520 4,077 5,004 264,518 0 0 242,000 286,818 53,978 82,885 0 0 0 24,939 0 903,554 247,669 77,262 12,000 27,298 10,342 2,050 12,630 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 365 0 16,615 Page 5 20,667 59,000 214 7,279 16,800 28,140 23,165 1,002 1,600 852 15,890 31,534 8,950 12,523 1,278 3,130 8,166 4,560 37,462 42,801 17,747 6,140 56,168 13,173 5,961 639 1,590 676 684 69 1,592 2,270 305 2,313 5,000 1�2,660 79,000 214 16,799 20,877 33,144 287,683 1,002 1,600 242,852 302,708 85,312 91,835 12,523 1,278 3,130 33,105 4,560 941,016 290,470 95,009 18,140 83,466 23,515 8,011 13,269 1,�90 676 684 69 1,592 3,770 670 2,313 21,61� f)r� : _ . 03181-0xford Indoor Swimming Pool 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0349-Other - Equipment 0439-Fringe Benefit 0848-Other - Specialized & Equipment 03192-Midway Stadium 0566-Transfer to Enterprise Fund 03194-Environmental&Natucal Resources 0121-Pazt Time Certified 0369-Other Offce Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03195-Tree Mainteaance 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0356-Safety Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 0851-Radio Equipment 0882-Improvements of Land • CIIRRENT APPROVED AMENDED BIIDGET CHANGES BIIDGET 11,712 2,200 26,693 0 46,853 2,037 1,443 1,157 58,565 4,237 28,136 1,157 93,261 0 0 41,669 6,720 17,368 1,889 1,388 99,981 17,368 1,889 43,057 0 3,828 3,828 3,737 10,567 14,304 353,816 21,163 374,979 0 3,530 3,530 0 2,466 2,466 4,331,903 1,001,473 5,333,376 �.-- (� GU����l/ I �/Lff� 2�d ��5�' °"-�---{� � - �0' Z�'a Requesud by: Departmrnt D'uecmr Da[e Appro b. D�ctor of Financial Se[vices Date ` � J Page 6 � �nnr��� DEPARTMETlT/OFqCE/COUNQL DATE INITATm / � v v' U` GREEN SHEET �p S NO. 101242 Parks and Recreation 3/13/00 CONTACT PFSYSON AND PHONE INRIAt/DATE INITIAL/DATE Vic WittgenStein 266-6409 � 2 OEPARTMQITDIRECTOft _CIiYCOUNC�L AS9GN NUMBFR _CIN ATfOfiNEY 4 CITY CLQiK f10111NiG MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE} oppEp 3 flNANqAI SQiVICES DIH. � Deoartrne�rt Accourrcafrc MAVOR IOR ASSISfANTJ �J OFS - AcCO11Ml�O TOTAL? OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP /LLL LOCATIONS FOR SION0.TURq ACTON REQUESTm: Approval of the attached Administrative Order which wilt transfer budget money to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary control level of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 1999 Generat Fund Budget (OOl1. RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Approve(AlwRqettlR7 PBtSONAL56MCECONTItACTSMUST/WSWH2THEiOLLAWINGQUE5110N5: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Ha thia penaNfirm evw worked under a wMrect for 4va tlepertmenti CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2. Ha tlris pereoNfirm ever been a city an0loyx? YES NO DISTRICT COUNQL — — 3. Does thia pen�rm 0�%� e sW�� ^o� ^^�mally poasessed bY anV i�«an[ dry employee7 SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE> VES NO Bcpldn e11 Yes w'nero on uperote aheet eM atteeh b 9�n aheet. INITIATING Pfi08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV NMO, WM1et, WM1en, Wliera, Whyl: To provide adequate funding at the budgetary control level of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 1999 General Fund Budget(001). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Parks and Recreation's 1999 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funding at the budgetary control levels. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Division of Parks and Recreation's 7 999 General Fund Budget (001) will be overspent at the budgetary control levels. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COSTRiEVOlUEBUDGEf�(CIRCIEONq Y65 NO FUNDINGSOURCE 6eneral Fund - 001 ACi1NTYNUM89t lVariousl ANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPLAINI nnvvp�aa�nuHU roiaenyyyeao�vi.wpa