187283bein w.»�.uc civri -cuiii�aFi COUNCI g a reasonable and reliable bidder ' and the COrPO ation Counsel be and �.hrreby is directed to draw up the ` { i - '3.� leper form of contract therefor, and t- By — proper City official hereby are athor behalfi�eq to execute said contract onI . bu •• ed fund Sewer 001 Fund 312 - I III FINAL ORDER Al—$26,918.0o. f, Engineer's Estimate: $22,444.00. Formal Bid No. 7061. Adopted by the Council May 6, 1958. E Ap roved Ma 6 1958. In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete si ewa�on— btu— a�u�,� ___nes ` Ave. from Hazelwood St. easterly to the right -of -way of the Chicago., St. Paul,- . Minneapolis and-Omaha Railroad, except where satisfactory sidewalk exists, under Preliminary Order--- - - - - -- 41665---------------- - - - - -1 pproved r------------ FaruarY -- P_6.. -- 1957 --------------- - Intermediary Order ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved ------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and, the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct a monolithic , concrete sidewalk on both <}a point _ feet westerly of the weft line of Kihlg o d Street, sides of Ames Ave. from zelwood St. eas er y to = right -of- way /ad --Wm of Sk.- Pay-- rpo�is - �ar�i�c�et; except where satisfactory sidewalk exists, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Councillor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to. pro--,', .R. ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. PUBLISHED_ . 5 ,� Adopted by the Council ------------ MAY ----- - - -- - - -- - - - - -- e do -�e d Y 6 9958 - City Clerk. �. Approved------------------------------------------ - - - - -- r e - -�PYo/ Pia S5 55 - - - - - - - -- o - -- - - -- - -- -- - - - -- �- - -- ------ - - - - -- Councilman /� Mayor. Councilman HOUANDY Councilman MARWELi) Councilman - , MORTINSO Councilman Councilman ROSEN Mayor tie 2.55 2M 2, M aj CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 87 ON PRELIMINARY ORDERL�J In the matter of the construction of a monolithic concrete sidewalk on both sides of Ames Ave. from Hazelwood St. easterly't to the right -of -way of the Chicago, St. Paul, )Minneapolis 'and Omaha.... Railroad, except where satisfactor,� sidewalk exists. , :r under Preliminary Order approved Feb. 26, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -- $ square The estimated cost pe400t for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation..of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: E=SSED ATION; .,BLDG DESCRIPTION LOT ELOCK ADDITION ASS .yQL'U LAI - Y ' r 1 Hazel Park Villas 300 • 2 600 3 52oa 700 <4 700 East 67 f t. of 5 425 Except East 67 ft. of 5 and except West 67 ft. of 6 425 West 67 Ft. of 1 400 7 175 Kingsford Place 1-650- 5 1 4? . . L575 _ E=SSED ATION; .,BLDG _. �N . 4 • ZPhe- Eomrnissioner -- -of Finance -= further- reports -- that -he- has - investigated -a11 of the - aforesaid matters, a4d 4r.&y- subm- i�t-s- the - for - egoing -as- leis- r.epor =t thereon -to- the =Cou -ncil, together with the repoft made to him in+'�f fefe sr- e- nce- to- sai- d- m- atter -by the - Commissioner of P -ublic Wor -ks. �� h D tted- f Comte ssioner of Finance rorm B. S. A. 8 -5 D 100 60 Y ' r f • J 52oa _. �N . 4 • ZPhe- Eomrnissioner -- -of Finance -= further- reports -- that -he- has - investigated -a11 of the - aforesaid matters, a4d 4r.&y- subm- i�t-s- the - for - egoing -as- leis- r.epor =t thereon -to- the =Cou -ncil, together with the repoft made to him in+'�f fefe sr- e- nce- to- sai- d- m- atter -by the - Commissioner of P -ublic Wor -ks. �� h D tted- f Comte ssioner of Finance rorm B. S. A. 8 -5 D CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) J- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 Franklin D. Roosevelt 5 Home Addition Except North 400 Ft.; the East 115 Ft. of part of East 1/2 of Na South of J ssamine Ave. & West of Kingsford St., incl.� par of Lot "B ". Kingsford Place (an addition in Sec. 27 Twp. 29 Range 22, Commencing at a point on West_ line of L t "BM Kingsford Place & 144 Ft. South fr South line of Jessamine Ave; thence Wes , r al ..6.12. parallel with South line of said Ave * 72.91 j Ft. for point of„ beginning; thence continue Ut.O West on said parallel line to a point 100 Ft. East from West line of East 11 of iVE; thence SW11y to a point on NE11y line of Ames Ave. & 68, Ft. SE11y thereon, from WTst line of said East 1/2; thence SEIIy on Filly line of Ames Ave. to intersect a line 115 Ft. West from & Parallel with West linE of ngs�- ford. St.; thence North on last des ribe par •:. allel line to a point 300 Ft. Sou from South line of Jessamine Ave. ;_ then• a NEily 103.07 Ft. to a point 7 2. 91 Ft. We., t from West line of said Lot & 56 Ft. South from point of beginning; thence North td beginning being in the East 1/2 of NEj of Se 27 Twp. 29.Range 22 Beginning at intersection of West 1 ne df East j of Northeast j & Northeasterly line of Ames Ave._; thence North on West line I to a point 144 Ft. South of South line of Jessamine Ave.; Thence East paralle with said South line 100 Ft.; thence So thwester: to a point on said. Nbrt4easterly li a o4 Ames Ave 68 Ft, from beginning; .the ce lYortl westerly-to beginning, being part o East of Northeast j of Section 27 Twp. 29 I Page 2 . r ASSESSED VALUATIONS 5550 '$226,700 8350 2122700 500 875 a" 4650 .i 1 4100 -= he- Goinmissicanop-o€ -1*in *ee-- ftr-rt reports- th *t- he- h*s- imvestigat"ed- all -af- the- afema= id- maxters, =and . .y-subm• its -the foregoing -as- his- r -eport thereon- tomthe- Council= together =with =the- repor= t=made- to him in- ."fer- ence -to- said- matter by the6Commissioner of P -ublic Wor -ks% Dated-- 19-- Form B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. -_» Dazed -- -19 Form B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. 3 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL .. = DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Page 3 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCE ADDITION ASSESSED ILANDVALUATION BLDG. Subject to Kennard St. & easements part of Southeast J of Northwest 4 of Nor 4 east lying Northerly of Ames Ave. and South V Easterly of .A line -beginning at in rse�tio of East line of said 4 I J with th center ` line of Jessamine Ave.; thence West & parallel with North line of said 14 1 105 T t.; thence Wouthwesterly 190.7 Ft. M.O.L. at angle to left of 770 231 to Northerly line of said " Ames-Ave. in Section 27 Tep. 29 R ge 22 . — 1 650 $ ••3250�a.' Subject to easement; Part of the East of SE4 of "NWj of NEJ described as fol ows: Commencing on the East line of sail 4 4 4 at intersection with C/L of Jessamine Ave.; thence West & parallel with North line of said 4 4 4 105 Ft. for beginning; t enctis Southwesterly 190.7 Ft. M.O.L. at angle to the lef t of 770 231 to Northerly, line of Ames Ave..; thence Westerly thereon to South- east corner of tract conveyed to A. Wilder in ' Bk. 450 of deeds 98; thence North o 'Ea t line of said tract 128 Ft.; thence West i54-55 Ft. to said West line; thence Nor on said West line to intersect Westerly extension of aforesaid 105 Ft.,_ line; thence East to legii n- ning in Section 27 Twp. 29 Range 2 650 Wo— With sewer easement to Jessamine L e• the West 263.23 Ft. of part of Southeast � of Northwest 4 of Northeast 4 Northerly of Ames' Ave., in Section 27 Twp. 29 Range 22 1500 1700 Subject to East Geranium Ave.; Eas t .65.$1 Ft of part of West J of SEJ of N* of Nq north! erly of Ames Ave., also beginning at the SE corner of said tract; thence North line thereof 142.;2 Ft.; thence East on East 54.!55 Ft.; thence Sbnt# 128 Ft. to Northerly line off Ames . ;--thenc`e W!1y on_said.-Nomtherl Y�_ _1irie 1 _ 56.19 Ft. to beginning in Section 2(7 1* 29 Range II 1700 =20 _650 Zha- Gammrissioner- of- F-- ina�me- fur - Cher- r- e-ports -that he -has- investigated- all-of the -a= foresa -id =matters; and- ; h=boy_suhmits- the - foregoing - v,his,- repor- t-ther eon -to- the- Gouncil-v- together -o ith,the- repor =t- made -to- =him =in= V.I. ref ce_ t- a. said-mat- tex- b,L-t-ho-Gommissioner- of- Publ -ic Works:- Dazed -- -19 Form B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. 3 r• , CITY OF ST. PAUL page 4 - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Beginning at the . NE .corner _ of S* < thence South on Section line 2'. thence West at R/A 283.7. Ft; theha i R/A 392.68 Ft. to C/L of Ames Ave.; on said C/L 325.24 Ft. to beginnini Section 27 Tup. 29 Range 22 WInning at a point on East line' 4 270.84 Ft. from NE corner them West at Zt,/A 283.7 Ft.; - thence •Nortl to C/L of Ames Ave.; thence Wester: CA to Orchard St. (Now Germain St, South to C. St. P. M. & 0. By R/w; Easterly on said It /W to East line 4 11 Section; thence North to begim Section 27 Tep. 29 Range 22 LOT A Ft.; North at thence in I Sw, - of f; thenc 392 68 F on said thence thence s 1d ng�in ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND -- - - -= BLDG: 800 2250 :M f, x Total 27,380 # 465,850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as• his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated June 25 —195-7— Commissioner of Finance. ` _ Form B. B. 12 r • � i " y J APMS � Hazelwood to R. R. Right-of-way :r r both sides OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS N REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE June 12th. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimih- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 18166 approved Feb. 26th. 19_2 , relative to the construction of a monolithic '' 4 oncrete sidewalk on both sides of Ames Ave. from Hazelwood St. easterly to the right -of -way of the Chicago. St. Paul. Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad, except- where, satisfactory sidewalk exists. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportfs: 1. Said'improvement is X necessary and (or) desirable. sq* ft. for mono, conc. walk 4l' thzck 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 0.47 per , and the total cost thereof Extra work(Excay., fill, root cutting, drive crossingp conc* rem'd. etc.)at extrat. :cbst,' is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: t 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. dated bythe Commissionerbythe Commissioner of Public Works, 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . � ftEc�.tvEa JUN 12 1957 Ci DEPT. OF a F NANCI TjY �e _ �,�< w m� z� �:,k�. � -� �" �, 1�3�� � '� ,� ((..�, � � �J '',,, • 4 e 1`'� -�.. _. �_ . �\ - '� ___, -.� �"� +^