187282R I j Original to City Clerk 8 j 282 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK G' O I Wink RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM C File No. 1872e2—sy Adrian P. ' Winkel— Resolved, That upon the petition of i ,Housing and Redevelopment Authority l PRESENTED BY of the City<'lof St.,,Paul and the Union COMMISSIONE DATE :Gospel ldissionttA�s§,ociation of the- .City; of St. Paul�f the ,sections ' 'of public - RESOLVED, that upon'the petition of Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul and the Union Gospel Mission Association of the City of St.. Paul, the sections of public streets and alleys within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, hereinafter described, be and the same are vacated and discontinued as public streets and alleys, viz: All of Fuller Avenue from the west line of Rice Street to the east line of Marion Street extended wutherly. All of Central Avenue from the west line of Rice Street to the west line *of Lot 4, Block 12, "Elfelt, Bernheimer Eto 'Y & Arnolds "addition to St. Paul, extended northerly. All of St. Anthony Avenue from the west line of Rice Street to the east line of Louis Street and from the west line of. Farrington Street as platted in Block 1, Miningers Addition to'St. Paul, to the east line of Virginia Street. ' All of Virginia Street from a line 33 feet south of and parallel to the north line of St. Anthony Avenue to,_a line 6 feet south of and parallel to the extended south Iines of the alleys in Blocks 7 ands °'8, 11Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnolds" addition to St. Paul, and the east % of Virginia Street from a line 33 feet south of and parallel to the north line of St. Anthony Avenue to the north line of Rondo Avenue. Ali of Farrington Avenue ff ®m the north line of St. Anthony Avenue to a line 6 feet southerly from and parallel to the south line'of the alley extended in Blocks 8 and 9, "Elfelt, Bernheimer & ,Arnolds''' addition to St. Paul. All of Galtier Street from the north line of St. Anthony Avenue to the south line of Fuller Avenue. All of Louis Street from the north line of Rondo Avenue to the south line of Fuller Avenue., COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourey , Holland Approved 195 — In Favor Mortinson Mayor` Peterson Against Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57.2 l' jjj Original to City Clerk 187289 CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI t 1. The Authority, by its resolution'and the filing of a certified copy of the same in the office of the City Clerk, shall grant unto said City of Saint Paul the following temporary permits, to -wit: A permit for the maintenance and operation of existing public water mains and sewers in said Central Avenue from Cathedral Place to Western Avenue, operative from the effective dateof the vacation of said section of public street herein until and includ- ing September 30, 1958; and a permit for the use of said Central Avenue from Rice Street to Western Avenue from the effective date ofthe vacation of said section of public street hereunder until x� and including July 31, 1958; and for the use of said St. Anthony. Avenue from Rice Street to Western Avenue from the effective date of1the vacation of said section of public street hereunder until and including December 31, 1958, in each case fox the accommodation of public vehicular and pedestrian travel, said permittee to -be liable for the maintenance of the same upon the same basis as if said vacated sections of public streets had not been vacated, such liability to ',terminate with the termination of the permit in each case. 2. The said Authority shall, by its pertinent written covenant filed with the_ City_Clerk, in form approved by the Cora poration Counsel, bind itself unto said City of Saint Paulto the effect that said Authority will at its own cost and expense, and not later than December 31, 1958, validly dedicate public streets, avenues and alleys as shown on the Official Plat, by said Authority,, for; "Western Area Addition ", dated April 9Q 1958, covering its Western Redevelopment Area Project hereinafter referred to as the "Official Plat ") on file with the Ramsey County Plat Commission. 3. The bond to be filed herein by said petitioner, Housing and Redevelopment Authoxity, is hereby fixed at the sum of $5,000.00. 4. Said Housing and Redevelopment Authority shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of $1.00 as compensation for the vacation of said streets and alleys. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland i Mortinson Peterson Rosen wiAa, j Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 2 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— In Favor Mayor Against =_ w. Original to CIty Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI 4. COUNCIL NO. FILE 12 ,9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that it appears and is found that, except a's aforesaid in respect of said Central Avenue from Cathedral Place to Western Avenue, neither the City of Saint Paul nor any person nor any corporation has any public instrumentality of any type contemplated to be made the subject of any reserva- tion under City 'of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 3394, approved March 16,!1915, as amended, or of any other type in any aforesaid sec- tion of public street provided to be vacated hereunder; that all installations of public instrumentalities and all installations of public utility facilities in such sections of public streets, heretofore made, have been permanently discontinued and abandoned ' without,'replacementiherein, except installations of public utility facilities located or to be located in the areas designated as "Utility Easements" shown on the said Official Plat; that said public instrumentalities in said section of Central Avenue to be the subject of said temporary permit by said Authority to said City, at the expiration of said permit, will be permanently discon -. tinued and abandoned and removed without replacement by said City; that the said Official Plat makes adequate provisions for the dedication '.r" of public streets therein in lieu of those provided for vacation hereunder; that adequate provisions have been made for the installa-` tion therein of public instrumentalities in lieu of those heretofore in said sections of public streets provided for vacation hereunder; that no provision of said Ordinance No. 3394, as amended, for the reservation by said City, of any right, in respect of the installs -. tion, maintenance or operation of public instrumentalities or public utilities, in vacated streets, is found applicable to any of the. aforesaid sections of public streets provided for vacation hereunder, and any such right otherwise claimable therein, by said City, shall: be deemed forever and entirely relinquished coincident with the . vacation of each subject aforesaid section of public street here = t under; that neither Northern States Power Company nor Northwestern Bell Tetepho�o� Mll be required to remove any of its underground public utility facilities which have been installed in the aforesaid , vacated sections of public streets hereunder; that prior to the official publication-of this resolution, said Authority shall cause COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays M 5M 2 -57 DeCourcy Holland idMarziteili 1 Mortinson Peterson I Rosen Winkel Mr Preside t, Dillon p2 `. a In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— Mayor 1 18 282 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO :{ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM i 4:` y PRESENTED BY ! COMMISSIONER DATE f { 1 to be filed withthe City Clerk, separate written instruments of waiver duly executed by Northern States Power Company and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, respectively, whereunder and whereby each such Company shall forever and entirely relinquish, coincident with the vacation of each aforesaid section of public street hereunder, any and all rights it may have or claim to have for its installation, maintenance or _operation of any public instrumentality or public utility facility ,thereafter in the subject vacated section of public street, except as to public instrumentalities or public utility facilities which are now or;.hereafter may be located in areas designated as "Utility Easements" on said Official Plat. i i Yea., 3 i :Y Adopted by the Coulm' Jays MAY 6195$ �edbi Mortinson Rosen Winkel �1VIrw� Presid "ent_Dillon,jj Mr. Vice Pre4i& (PetersOu) SM 2 -57 2 j •t, Approved 195 — ►r r:r &fr�i�.. Mayor PUBLISHED /o r kF' :Y Adopted by the Coulm' Jays MAY 6195$ �edbi Mortinson Rosen Winkel �1VIrw� Presid "ent_Dillon,jj Mr. Vice Pre4i& (PetersOu) SM 2 -57 2 j •t, Approved 195 — ►r r:r &fr�i�.. Mayor PUBLISHED /o 111 Y f i All of Cathedral Place from the north line of Rondo Avenue to the south line of Fuller Avenue.. All of Ravoux Street from the north line of Rondo Avenue to the south-line of St. Anthony Avenue, and from the north•line of Central Avenue to the�'south line of Fuller Avenue. All of the alley in Block 4, Florence Addition to St. Paul, Corrected Plat. All that part of the Old Military Road, also known as Territorial Road, as not heretofore vacated lying northerly of the north line of Central'Ayenue; also that part of said Old Military Road lying northerly of north line of St. Anthony Avenue being-between Blocks 2 and 3, A. Gi. Fullerrs_Addition ; to St. Paul,, and lying easterly of Lot 10, Gem Addition, t ay All of the alleys in Blocks 1, 2 and 3, Dewey, Dxake:>;:& Pencets Addition to St. Paul, and in W. A. Maxwellts"JI. Rearrangement of Lots 1, __2, 3, Block 2, Dewey; : Drake ,,, and Pencets Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn.;, All of the alley in Block 4, Drake and Deweyts addi- El'od, -, to the City of Saint Paul. _� All of the alley in Block 9, 'Elfelt, Bernheimer &..' ,•' 1' ! � •� , w ?, to •, � Arnolds" addition to St. Paul..,;'�, f } All of the alleys in Blocks 10 and 11, and that- p'ar`t ;'of the alley in Block 12 lying easterly of the' .vie ?t line {pf-" } Lot 7 extended northerly, "Elfelt, Bernheimer:4 Arnolds!' t addition to St. Paul, and in Healey's Subdivision . of t.he.;- -- t West half of Lot 13 and lots 14 and 15, Block 10 of ,,. .I' :+ Elfelt Bernheimex and Arnolds addition to St. Paul; • � . t_ �,a .34Z �Ywf subject expressly to the following conditions and rese',' -a ' � �•! st•' yr• 2 3t' R` r�.�. y � •aOuoui, �o 4uaw4Joda(3 eq; woi};uas eq 6DI40N si44 sajinba.i JOVO ) A4i:) ayj aoueut3 Io aa�uotsstututoO ��ptiT aTz3 B► •.IAI.V xooio,o 00 :01 p, `Inied •�S ;o sl10 aqj uta` gS 61 ` LT Tja&V uo 2utpling IlvH SI ?0 puu asnoH anon aq, ;o s.taqu xti0 IiounoO ag1 ut piaq aq II?m Butavati oiignd v p3gj put, aquetioxa pu-e tivT -N Jo a9u,zoo J-eaxq,.-nos Kli q.B WT Ouz141er3 le TT -egsu-E off. 4 w 9d ,ao j 'uosaaga - �•r •cl pu-e uosxLesl •p1 •g jo uoiq-eo-tTdde Io aG#'u't aql cl aapisuoo 111:a In'sd 'IS Io S110 aq4 ;o ItaunoO aqI �,eq� pai3tgou Sgaaaq aae no.& 8 61....i........ 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