09-409Council File # v /' � Green Sheet # 3069017 OF Presented by RESOLUTlON PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo tt 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, the Department of Fire a�d Safery Services has received a�ant of $285,240.00 from the Federal Emergency Management A�ency's Assistance to Firefighters Grant Pro�am to purchase tumout gear, vehicle extrication trainine, and fire hose and adapters, arid WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required by federal 1aw to pay a 20% matching fund contribution of $71,310.00 which will be paid from the bndget in P5/001-05004-0386-50601, and WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safery Services was given approval in Council Resolution 09-302 to apply fox this grant and contribute matchina funds, and WHEREAS, the financing and spendfng plans have not 6een established foz the grant received, and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2009 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 510 Fire Responsive Services 35214 — 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant 3199 — Other Fed D'u Grants — State SPENDING PLAN: 510 Fire Responsive Services 35214 — 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant 0299 — Other Misc. Services 0346 — Accessories for V ehicles 0386 — Clothing — UnifOrms Current Budeet Chanee Budeet �f l 0.00 285,2A0.00 285.240.00 0.00 285240.00 28�24_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,600.00 203,400.00 21 840.00 85 46.00 60,000.00 204,400.00 21 840.00 2 58 .240.04 NOW, THEItEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant and approves the changes to the 2009 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom Carter Harris ,� Helgen Lantry Stark Thune ,� � f AdoptedbyCouncil: Date '��j,j��G/ Adoption Certified by Counei] Secretary B y . � Approve Ma o . ate By: Requested by Department of. By: %. Approved By- � ti � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � t1(� � },/)4r V / � (/ � ; DepartmentlOffice/GounciL �� Date IniGated: � FR -F�� 2�-MAft-og Green Sheet NO: 3069017 Conqct Person & Phone: Fire Chief Tim Butler �2�7� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/3 � �/ TRANSACTION (� E-�ocument Required: Y DocumentConWCt- ������5� Contact Phone: 228�257 Total # of Signature Pages _(qip AII Lncatfons for SignaW re) ' Department D'uectoT ? Otfice Fivancial ServIces Si � MavorlASSisrent City CounN Citv CSerk Approval of the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the Deparhnent of Fire and Safety Services to establish the spending and financing plans for the FY2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Plamm�g Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Follawing Questions: 1. Nas this persoMfirm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent� Yes No 2. Has this person/flrm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Facplain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � The Aepaztment of Fire and Safety Services has applied for and received FY2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant from the Federal I Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to purchase various equipment and provide training. A requirement of this gant includes a' 20% matching fund contribution by the City of Saint Pau1 � AtivanWges If Approvetl: The Department of Fire and Safety Services will be able to promote firefighter safery through the purchase of fire hose, turnout geaz, and lraining for vehicle extrication. Disativantages If Approvetl: None. DisadvanWgeslf NotApproved: Lost opportuniry to purchase equipment and provide training for the firefighters. Tota� Amount of $356,550.00 Transaction: Funding Source: GfBflt Financiai Information: Federal Share $285,240.00 (Explain) C3ry Share $ 71,310.00 Total $356,SSOAO March 26, 2009 1:02 PM � 0 i Assign 2 Number 3 For Routing ¢ Order , 5 6 CosVRevenue Budgetetl: Activity Number, 35214 Page 1 ✓ 2009 Spending Approval Request Form SP08-306 Received 3/19/09 b�t��0� Requesting Department: Fire Department 1) Description of spending request: Please list specific purchases that are being requested and what the impact wifl be if it is delayed. This information is critical to provide a better understanding of the importance of the request. The Fire Department received a 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant from FEMA to purchase tumout gear, vehicle extrication training, and fire hose and adapters. The Fire Department is seeking approval for a blanket waiver for the purchases for this grant. The total amount of the grant is $356,550.00. The federal share is $285,240.00. This grant requires a 2�% matching fund contribution of $71,310.00. 2) 2009 budget authoriTy: Is this expense included in the 2D09 budget? . 2009 cost: 001-05004-0386 $ 71,310.00 (matching fund contribution) 510-35214-0346 $203,400.00 610-35214-0386 $ 21,840.00 510-35214-0299 $ 60,000.00 • Object Code: • 5 digit budget activity #: if no, why not and what is the 4inancing plan? For additional information contact: Rick Larkin, rick.iarkin(c�ci.stpaui.mn.us 755-9205 Name, Email and Phone Approved by: `�� , Director ��; , �/ � f p n� a . ����� IiWawers1200810e9a�^t `�"��� �����reWre 2008 FreOphter Granl SPo8306 3q&090oc 6�+- �� City of Saint Paul Interdeparimental Memorandum To: Margazet Ke11y, Finance Director From: Chris Eitemiller, Sr. Budget Anal st Subject: Fire Budget Amendment for FEMA grant Date: Apri16, 2009 This green sheet establishes a financing and spending plan for a$285,240 grant, specifically it is a 2008 Assistance to FirefighCers Grant. On March 25th, the Council accepted this grant (council file #09-302). This request had also been approved through our spending request process. The grant will be used to purchase gear for firefighters, hoses, adapters and will pay for vehicie extrication training. There is a match requirement of 20%. 'I'his was planned for and is included in the 2009 budget. The spending request that was approved in March also included this cost ($71,310). This will requare a public hearing and will be on the agenda April 15th� This proposal seems reasonable, I recommend signing. AA-ADA-EEO Empioyer