187242Original to City Cleric - ft� TY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 187242 —By Miltoni COUNC SOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Whereas, The Council has been in- formed that the cities of Minneapolis PRESENTED BY and Duluth have authorized their re -4 COMMISSIONE DATE spective City Attorneys to appear as friends of the Court in the case of MinuP —1.11. ,Gas, Companx WHEREAS, the Council has been informed that the cities of Minneapolis and Duluth have authorized their res-' pective City Attorneys to appear as friends of the Court in the case of Minneapolis Gas Company vs._-Commissioner of Highw ways in the Supreme Court of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Council is further informed that the basis of such intervention as amieus curiae is the argument to be made for the affirmance by the Supreme Court of the constitutionality of Ch. 4 of the Laws of Minnesota, Special Session of 1957, insofar as it relates to reimbursement to cities for costs incurred by reason of relocation of municipal utilities made necessary by location of the federal interstate highway system; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Marshall F. Hurley, Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to join the City Attorne�s of Minneapolis and Duluth, on behalf of St. Paul, in filing a joint brief amicus curiae to present such argument as hereinbefore set out. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland M Mk@44 Mortinson t C er"R_ Rosen Winkel f•lcl�ntl;DilTo Mr. V �aident (PetersQn) SM G.s 9 Adopted by the Council MAY 11 1 MAY 11958 Approved 195— Tn Favor _ N %%Cinip� ayol. Against pUgLISI�D A' Duplicate to Printer - ' - ..8`242 w CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHFARUSp the Council has been informed that the oit -ion of Xinnogpolla and Duluth have authorized their res- peottvo Q t l AttofteYx to appear as friends of the Oourt in the oase of XXnneapolU Oat Oompany erg, Oommissioner of Higho- wale in the supreAe court off'I nneeota and WHEAEAB, the ,Q=011,10 further informed that the baelo of ouch intervention as pious QurUe Im the argment to be made ;op tho , affirmanoo. by the Supreme Court of the i ,onet ,tutiona 1 y of C-h. 4 or the Laws �of Xinnesota, Spedial seeeion of 1957,, tnsofar as it relates to.'rel bursoment to oittea for bosto incurred by reason of x9oloo0lon of m ada pat utilities made, nedeeeary by location of the. Federal Interstate highway'syst®m� now, tberetore, be,Iv RESOLVO, that ftisha l I'. Hurley,,, corporation .Qounsel is hereby dirooted to Coln the Olty Attorneyo of Xinneapolle sand I uluth, on behalf or st.. Poul, In .f ilsAg a �olnt brief amidus curial to present suoh argument as hereinbefore sort out., COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland if%rff*e1m Mortinson . �etersrnr —� Rosen �,_,, o ,._nW n} l,a f i_,Qdent;.DilloD Mi. Vice g+romdernt (Petereon) SM 6 -66 A J In Favor Against MAY 11958 Adopted by the Council 195— MAY 1 1958 Approved 195— Mayor