187229r a Original to City Clerk '18"d"229 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN IL R LUTION— GENERAL FORM Council File No. 187229 —By Bernard, T. Holland— Whereas, The City Architect having) PRESENTED BY requested the City Council to hold a� COMMISSIONE DATE Public hearing to consider any com - plaints about the expense incurred byi the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at i21 Minnetonka Street, no ,,,p.articularly described a� WHEREAS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 121 Minnetonka Street, more particularly described as North 36 feet of South 72 feet of Lot 6, Block 9, Town of Brooklynd, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, the City Council held a public hearing on April 25, 1958 to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof:, and. WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to Council File No. 183976, approved August 1, 1957, published August,3, 1957, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the Council by Coun --eil File No. 184501, adopted September 11, 1957, published September 14, 1957, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof, and the Council,by Council!File No. 184818, approved October 9, 1957, published October 12, 1957, directed the Commissioner of Parks, Plyagrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises.and wreck and remove the building thereon, and to any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $243.24 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owners of the property are LeRoy Belden, 121 Minnetonka Street, St. Paul 1 Minnesota, Abraham E. Fremland, 331 Kentucky Street, St. Paul 1 Minnesota, and'A. H. Fremland, 428 S. Mississippi River Boulevard, St. Paul 5 Minnesota, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to Allen Gray, Attorney at Law, Pioneer Building, St. Paul 1, Minnesota, Joseph J. Dudley, Attorney at Law, E. 1st National Bank Building, St. Paul 1, Minnesota, and Sheridan J. Buckley, Attorney at Law, E. 1st National Bank Building, St. Paul 1 Minnesota, therefore be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 — Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Wl' ov, e/ Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 02 Original to City Clark ��al CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL NO. 2 .l 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVER, that the City Council of the City of Saint ?',Paul does hereby confirm the amount of $243.24 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure, and be it FURTHER -RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to fife in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement of expense incurred by the City, for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code. APR 3 0 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy APR 3 0 1958 Holland Approved 195 - M�,�siFi�i �. t,L� Mortinson --In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel PUBLISHEDQ�-,2 ,5-e. Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 QJ10.2 a,. ( FFICE OF',CI °T`l CLERK y BUREAU OF;'; RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota aw y, April 25, 1958 �k Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clark HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder ,F Dear Sir: The City'Council requested that you prepare a resolution confirming the cost to the city in the amount of $243.24 in connection with wrecking and removal of a dangerous structure at 121 Minnetonka St. and directing the City'I Clerk to file a lien against the property in the office of the Register :of Deeds. Ve 1 ,i CiVy Clerk -2, 2.9 MINNESOTA 8 ter^- ., J 1 � ,,�W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks City Architect Bureau of Public Buildings r 445 City Hall CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 545 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner March 24, 1958 ROBERT A. LOWELL Sup +. of Public Recreation Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk 286 City Hall Sti Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: Please file a statement of expense in the office of the Reg- ister of Deeds for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 121 Minnetonka Street, described as North 36 feet of South 72 feet of Lot 6, Block 9, Town of Brook - lyid. The property is listed 'in the names of LeRoy Belden, 121 Minnetonka Street, St. Paul 1 Abraham E. Fremland, 331 Kentucky St., St. Paul 1 A. H. Fremland, 428 S. Miss. River Blvd., St. Paul 5 Copies of the correspondence were mailed to Allen Gray. atty., Pioneer Building, St. Paul 1 Jos. J. Dudley, Atty., E. lst Natl. Bank Bldg. Sheridan J. Buckley, Atty., E. 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. The expense was incurred by virtue of wrecking the single family frame dwelling thereon. Following is an itemized statement of the expensesas per Registered Bill 4 -1634, dat- e&'February 17, 1958, copy attached. Expenses of Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings for: Investigations, notifications, and condemnation $25.00 Photos 7.39 Specifications 22.85 Wrecking by All State Improving Co., 742 Jack- son Street, as per C. F. 185518, Contract G -1067, Formal Bid No. 6790 188.00 $2434 We.are today requesting the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expenses in- curred and to confirm the amount. A QUADRUPLICATE ` OFFICE CQPY -IT OF Y OF SAINT PAUL DEPA P. P. & P. B. ` � ... REGISTERED BILL • • ; 9 e, r < ,, IM 9 -97 8 TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL • COMPTROLLER% 4 1635 DATE RENDERED rob. 3.7, 1958 REFERENCE TO BE CREDITED TO APPROPRIATION ITEM ftponaea of Dept* cif` Pu*a,, Mxnromidu the PubUo dinp In connwtiou with tAW Owdewatim of a single fanny &mUL-g at 1a XbrAtonka St** dwmdbtA as N 36 feet of S 72 Foot of Lot 6t, Block 9y Tdwn of Arookl7n., as foll0wes Tnvestlgat . Nouriciaime & comummum 2500 Photos 7 39 Bowiricaationsc Labor $ 7.00 lAtc .al 2.76 5xwpoat .an 6 Overhmed 1.3 22 05 All State XWroving cos , 742 Jackson St.p at. 8au1,j as per C.. Fq 1355181, Contract G 1067 Formal M No, 6790 188 00 Job #1104 ca: � 24,3 Abram B. f roaand, 331 lentwlW St4d St, Paa Anon OM .4 A.tty"I Piower But,►$ St. pate 1 Joe. J. DUasya AttV., B. lot Nattlo lank 1idg.$ St. Paul er"= d. ft6laeYS Att6V. !. B. 1A fiat #1. Bifto,i St. Paul CERTIFIED CORRECT �24 CODE 1&()-3 _::,;.IA NUD T- HIT T. ' f)W ISSIONER BY 'Duplicate to Printer r , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI Goat 86 FAGF26 J 18'229 229 v CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM MATE COUNCIL NO FILE WHEREAS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about 'the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 121 Minnetonka Street, more particularly described as North 36 feet of South 72 feet of Lot 6, Block 9, Town of Brooklynd, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, the City Council held a public hearing on April 25, 1958 to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to Council File No. 183976, approved August 1, 1957, published August 3, 1957, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the Council by Council File No. 184501, adopted September 11, 1957, published September 14, 1957, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof, and the Council by Council File No. 184818, approved October 9, 1957, published October 12, 1957, directed the Commissioner of Parks, Plyagrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building thereon, and to any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $243.24 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owners of the property are LeRoy Belden, 121 Minnetonka Street, St. Paul 1 Minnesota, Abraham E. Fremland, 331 Kentucky Street, St. Paul 1 Minnesota, and A. H. Fremland, 428 S. Mississippi River Boulevard, ' St. Paul 5 Minnesota, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to Allen Gray, Attorney at Law, Pioneer Building, St. Paul 1, Miinnesota, Joseph J. Dudley, Attorney at Law, E. lst National Bank Building, St. Paul 1, Minnesota, and Sheridan J. Buckley, Attorney at Law, 9. 1st National Bank Building, St. Paul 1 Minnesota, therefore be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen WiNkel _'-aesident, Dillon p2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— Mayor Dnp icate to ranter CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE J I 18 229 COUNCIL NO. FILE RFSOLVEB., that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby confirm the amount of $243.24 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Qity Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement of expense incurred by the City, for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code APR 3 0 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays APR 3 0 1958 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 - iVk=tbai Mortinson In Favor dos 2 P E4 1, I �, 0 /(l - Peterson (P Mayor A Rosen gainst � +I�knkel Mr. President, ion SM 2 -57 QW 2 Filed for record on the 1 day of May A.D.19589 at 2:30 o'clock P.M. y _ 1453231', Pow 86 PAGE265 STATEMENT. OF EXPENSE ON PART OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INCURRED IN THE WRECKING OF A BUILDING AT 121 Minnetonka Street North 36 feet of South 72 feet of i ;. Lot 6, Block 9, Town of Brooklynd ` That I, Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk, do hereby make and file a formal statement of expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in the removal and wreckage of a building at 121 Minnetonka Street; described as the North 36 feet of South 72 feet of Lot 6, Block 9, Town of Brooklynd. STATEMENT OF EXPENSE Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of'Saint Paul on February 17. 1958, for wrecking and removal of building at 121 Minnetonka Street: Expenses of Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for investigations, notifi- cations, and condemnation $25.00 Photos 7.39 Specifications 22.85, 4 To All State Improving Co., for wrecking, in accordance with specifications and Formal Bid No. 6790, as per Council File No. 185518, Contract G 1067 188.00 $243.24 Said expense, as,hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on February 17, 1958. The authorization for this statement j is given in Council File No. 187229, passed by the Council of the City 'of Saint Paul on April 30, 1958, a {copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. This statement is'herewth being filed in the office of,the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210 of the City of Saint Paul, as amended, Section 107, for the purpose of registering a lien in favor of the said City of Saint Paul on the 4 land described herein{ ' - Dated May 1, 1958. City Clerk -