187221Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE -�� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY Bernard T.,' Holland ORDINAl1« � Ld An ordinance amending Chapter 349 of the Saint4 6,1 -td6Ls islative Code, pertaining to House Movers/Licenses. This is an emergency ordinance r ndered necess ry or e pres- ervation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 349 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code,pertaining to House Movers Licenses is hereby amended so ./as to delete Section 349.18 Cash Deposit, in its entirety, and add in lieu thereof the following: AM Yeas 349.18. Cas te Before any permits are issued f o� e moving of any house or structure, the licensee or the, owner of the house or structure shall make a cash deposit:. This deposit to be,.ma,sle in the office of the City Architect to reimburse the City f or.any.expense.incurred by any depart- ment of the City of Saint Paul in connection with said mov- ing operation and to guarantee that all rubbish and materi -- als will be removed from the premises from which the house or structure has been moved, and that all walls and excavations be filled and leveled to existing grade and left in a safe and sanitary condition. If such conditions are not complied with within thirty days after the issuance of the permit, the City shall proceed to do the necessary work and charge the cost thereof against the cash deposit. The above provision will only apply when the cash deposit is $300.00. If the cash deposit is $500.00, the same conditions will apply ex- cept after deducting the cost of any expenses incurred by any department in the City, the money remaining in the cash depos- it shall be retained b the Cit but the said party will be Y Y notified of the deduction. The depositor will have the choice of depositing either $300.00 or $500.00. The $300,00 deposit shall be made if only one moving permit is desired., If the depositor elects to place with the City the $500.00 deposit, this deposit will cover any number of permits taken and it will not be necessary to make any further deposits. Any charges or ex- penses incurred by the City will be charged against this de- posit and, if and when the-net-deposit has been decreased to $300.00, it will be necessary for the depositor to again in- crease this to $500.00 before any further permits.will be is- sued. When the'cash deposit of $300.00 is made covering only one moving permit and after all work under said permit is com- pleted and after deducting any expense incurred by any de- partment of the City, the moneys remaining in cash deposit shall be returned to the party makiiig such deposit. This shall be done within thirty days after the moving operation has been completed. , Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Ma-pzitel4 Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) —I City Clerk Nays Passed by the Council Tn Favor A gainst Approved:. Mayor Original to City Clerk il- ORI��INANCE 1�s221 COUNCIL FILE NO. (� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / Section 2;- This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the'public peace, health and safety. 1 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its - passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland -I m.,zitelli— Mortinson Peterson Rosen - Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) �4 Attest " City Clerk 1 6 -6 8 i Passed by the CouncilM AY 2 0 1958, In Favor G A gainst Approved: MAY 2 0 1958 Ui Mayor PT ISFHEI9��G � —WTi.' "° Dapiieate to Printer 0RD'INANCE r 2 PRESENTED BY Bernard T. Holland COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Chapter 349 of the Saint. Paul Leg - islative Code, pertaining to House hovers Licenses. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pres- ervation of the public pesce, health, and safety. TH9 COM IL OF THE C 1TY OF SAINT PAUL HOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Chapter 349 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code,p6rtaining to House Movers Licenses is hereby amended so as to delete Section 349.18 Gash Deposit, in its entirety, and add in lieu thereof the following: 349,18. Cash Deposit. Before any pormite are issued for the moving of any house or structure, the licensee or the owner of the house or structure shall make a cash deposit. This deposit to' be made in the office of the City Architect to reimburse the City for any expense incurred by any depart- ment of the City of Saint Paul in connection with said [mov- ing operation and to guarantee that all rubbish and materi- als will be removed from the premises from which the house or structure has been moved, and that all wail* and excavations be filled and leveled to existing grade and left in a -safe and sanitary condition, If such conditions art not complied with within thirty days after the issuance of the permit, the City shall proceed to do the necessary work and charge the cost thereof against the cash deposit. The above provision will only apply when the cash deposit is $300.006 If the cash deposit is $5004009 the same conditions will apply ex- cept after deductin the coat of any expenses incurred by any department in the City, the money remaining in the cash depos- it shall be retained by the City but the said party will be notified of the deduction. The depositor will have the choice of depositing either $300.00 or $500.00. The $300 00 deposit shall be made if only one moving permit is desired. If the depositor elects to lace with the City the ►500.00 deposit, Chia deposit wilt cover any number of permits taken and it will not be necessary to make any further deposits.. Any charges or ex- penses incurred by the City-will be charged against this de- posit and, if and when the net deposit has been decreased to x300,00, it will be necessary for the depositor to again in- crease this to $500,00 before any further permits will be is- sued, When the cash deposit of $300.00 is sled* covering only one moving permit and after all work under said permit is com- pleted and after deducting any expense incurred by any de- pastment of the City, the moneys remaining in cash d * posit shall be, returned to the party making such deposit. This shall be done within thirty days after the moving operation has been completed. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland map "14i Mortinson Peterson Rosen Minkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk iM 6-ss OM08 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor A gainst DaPvute to Prater -:ORDINANCE 187221. COUNCIL FILE NO. % PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— Section 2. This Ordinance is hereby. declared "to be en emergency.ordi.nance .rendered necessary for the preservation of tho public peace, health and safety. section ' 3. This ,ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force 'upon its passage; °approVal and publication. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6-66 OM08 MAY 2 0 1958 Nays Passed by the I until In Favor Against Approved: MAY 2 0 1958 Mayor Is t. Laid over 3rd and app- /® Adopte 1 r Yeas Nays Yeas Nay I ICJ DeCourcy DeCourcy SI Holland ^ Holland it (� idm -Mere Mortinson Peterson Peterson lJ`� Rosen Rosen Winke Winkel Mr. President Dillon