09-391Council File tl Greeu Sheet # 3068894 �/G q/ Presented by RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MlNNESOTA 0 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Records Management Specialist be established at the rate set forth in Grade 030, of Bargaining Unit 01, the t1FSCME Clencal Salary Schedule, and be rt � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the change m the rate of pay will be retroactive to June 21, 2008 for incumbents of the Civil Service Commission appeal process. � 7 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resoluhon shall take effect and be in force on the first pay penod following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Office of � by tr1e' Of£ce of FirYpnc'�I Services B „ � � Approved�ity t���� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secietary By: - ' � Approv by M�� Date 7 x B Approved by Mayor for Submi sion to Council BY: !�Cl�'rn� ?�'�% Adopted by Council: Date y�js/�Gj � Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b9-� �! .>, )epartmenUOffice/Council: Date Initiated: HU — Human Resources 23-MAR-09 Green Shee# NO: 3068899 Contact Person & Phone: Aticia Gilbertson 266-6477 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSACTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Trisha Freiber9et �► Assign Num6er For Roufing Order Contact Phone: 266-6481 I t Totai # of Signature Pages _ tGiip Ali 4ocations for Signature) 0 IHumanRuoutces 4{ { _� I umaoResources De artmentDirectar 2 mancial5ervicec fficeFivancialServices 3 4 � Approval of the new classification of Recoxds Management 5pecialist in Grade 030 of AFSCME Clerical, Bargaining Unit Ol Salaxy Schedule. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civii Service Cammission Personat Service Contracts Must Arrswer the Following Questions: '1. Has this personnrcn everworked under e coMrecl forihis department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirzn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. �oes this persoNficm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any cuRent city empioyee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, �pportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why); In 7anuary 2008, Human Resources was asked by the Police Deparkuent to conduct a job study for five OfFice Assistant TV employees. A determination was made by HR that the creation of a Records Management Specialist classificarion was appzopriate at one grade higher than the Office Assistant TV classificarion. AFSCME Clerical, Bargaining Unit Ol, was notified that the class of Records Management Specialist was created and they had no objeotions. Advantages IfApproved: The Police organizarional shuciure will be properly structured. Five individuals will be able to perform the duries and responsibilities of the Rewrds Management Specialist and wili be appropriately compensated. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages Ifi NotApproved: Records Management Specialist duues and responsibilities would need to be absorbed by current empioyees, however staff would not be appropriately compensated. 7ota1 Amount of �g 484.00 Trensadion: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y �L°CE�vE� Funding Source: �Q� Activity Number; � � Financiai Information: ��� � � � Police will adjust the budLet to ensiue positians aze funded. (Expfain) ' � �' ��d'�1C9At� March 23, 2009 3:55 PM Page 1 Hiring RequestForm xROa-os9 Received 3/16/09 �� 3 y , Check box fo verify Department Dire+cfor approval: Yes� C� 1) Description of hiring request: Please list specific duties and{ar projects that would not be completed as a result of feaving this position vacant. This information is critical to provide a better understanding of the importance of the h+ring request. What is the position and the duties performed? The position is that of the Review Officer, which is currently filled by five Office Assistant 1V's at Grade 29. After a job profile was r.ompleTed, it was determined by Gity HR that the position shoufd be recfassrfied to a Grade 30 and a new titla be created, that of Records Management Speciafist. Why it is absolutely necessary to filf this vacant position? N(A—there is no vacancy. 2) 2009 budget authority: is this position, and its total cost and FTE, included in the 2009 Budgeted position title: Budgeted FTE: 5 digit budget activity #: Office Assistant iV 04301 If no, enter the added cost, FTE and financing plan: Annuaf saiary cost: $ 8,483.80 Annual firinge benefit cost: $ 311.48 Annuai FTE: 5 Can the position be funded '+n 2009 by making other offsetting adjustments in the 2009 budget? Describe them in as much detai4 as possible. We wilt adjust budget fo ensure positions ate funded. if the position is not filled in 2609 and held vacant, what pubtic service impacts woufd result? What strategies would the department use to minimize negative {�/� impacts? ��(/ ' `' � N/A; positions are not vacant. 3�31 ��� Note: This waiver inctudes a request for an Office Assistant IV (who was not included in the job study) currentfy performing the duties of tfie Review Officer to be pa' out-ofi-title a a Records Management Specialist until a test is given. Approved: c.-.,, Office of Financiai Services, revised 6/94/07 Mark ('X') which type of personnel transaction you're requesting: