187005Council File No..l..' ............ . RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF" HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING., ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL - ING..�4ISSESSMENT• AND' ' FIXIN FIXING` TIME -OF HEARING THEREON AND" FI7�nYG ,TIME OF HEARING ON TM AWASD OP DAMAGES Inthe matter of. ................................................................................................................................................................. open�- ,w3enizigj'and•;eut6ring ldot�nd 8ot.evard, coudeing and telcLrtgoilcSng described par*€tUe ai lands Except the northeasterly :pat of Lot 9,.. Fred Althea's, sub'` of Block 6�._ .Lyman DayyCon's Add tick , measuring 61 fti on tote .sout�asterly line and 72 ft. on 'the north- 'weaterl y line of �ai.d Lot 9$ that part of Lot 9, Fred ,Altman' -e . 'Sub - of Block 61, Lynam Dayton's Addition northeasterly of the t6llowing line; Comenc ng at a point on: P _ Cherry street; 97.!10 ft.. southgesterly, from the easterly Corner toot 9,_ thence northwesterlyy X30:07 ft, at an ansle. of 72020' frtp'. the soutbeasterly. line of` Lot 9; thence at aia anglo to- the right. Qi' 150101- 95.E .i to 'a. potat X2.40 ft. south., westerly from the;' northeasterly Corner of and on the. northwesterly line of said. Lou 9Al ,IV _ � =cdg.:yoti 6 . ` i ri)e�y o�fa .ABdi't on s' ba - d b theT o] ].owing de cr , ed lines: Comwncing . at. t'ha, rtheasterly, corner of IA r '��'ce= fit steely 'on the °northw�sterl� °�'lof- said '16V`8 w distance : of, 150,ft.t.,to � point; thence l ..a *southeasterly'CurecAon4da a s cieght ].ih to a,;point, li` Uhl'. -_ ._... .- . ..... ii•O V4., S' r_N 122.4x. southxeetexly .from tie''soiheasterly carner;.at mod. eri; the "':southeai3ter3y°,. 14e of aforesaid Lot $; thence on the southeasterly, liae- .a .;,A stance° of 112, 4o . - the es#torly fins _Pc ` &i be%,.nn.' nf, 'st arded f�r the tWng of the land or mgwnents t ht-rein appropriat(,.d for the ;lbove improvement and to whom payable; and also h. ;g submitted. hia msessmellt of be =xit f±ts to ?�rx *'�'. ty fr�l�tl the ilia� i'tg of said improveiueiiu�..,or6 ue it - — ` - Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of. benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the....... 14th - ------ - - - - -- ---day of ---------------- MAY ------------------------------------- 1 1958 at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said. hearing as prescribed by the Charter. APR 15 1 §58 Adopted by the Council--------- - - - - -- --------- - 19 APR 15 1958 A roved -------------------------- 11 LISA �Q File 13961 Councilman DaCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman mknuem Councilman MORi1NSON + Councilman -0-4; 4 r Councilman ROSEN Mayor plLL.�s kel Mr. Vice Pr=klaant (Peearooi� ply Clerk. ..................... - - - -- Mayor. Aati n f