186355DOPLICATE TO CITY CLERK s ROLL CALL e. arts -� .._"'� HOLLAND IN FAVOR i MORTINSON AGAINST MR. PRES. DILt.ON • BY THE COUN CHECK' NUMBER 4717 4717 4717 4717 4717 4718 4718 4728 E f 4719 4719 4719 471 472!' 4720 4726 47 ?6 47.26 4720 4726 1. 2 472 147 2 472 4,? 2 04 4722 6 472 Oz. 8 72, 4722,x? 47221 472 ?2 47223 47925 47226 47227 47228 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER :186355 AUDITED CLAIMS Feb 25 19 w RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY' IN THE AMOUNT OF S 20 ?35.33 COVERING QQ 271 472.2$ IB CHECKS NO. TO INCLUSIVE. R. r� PER CHECKS O F L IN THE OFFICEr "OF;:THE;CITY,;COMPT,ROLLER. 19 6�y. C ROL' i BY _ ^j �7 4.�rii� GSA 11' -- TO, AI _ `' DATE IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED N! CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD Robe,..' Addyman tit: ,Paul Boob and Stations Joseph. M., 14nirray Electrical Qontr. Inc.,- H..; B:. Allen Inc.. Am., Linen Supply_ Co, Assoc., Research Inca pahlIA Surgi,eal Supply, Drake Hydraulic Serv. Go., First Na.ti: °nal Bank - Rent, Glendenning Motorways Inca George C. , 41ner Midway Elec. Motors 14c Cain and Hed.man Inc... A. M, Me .Qlurg and Cow tie Cormiok- -Mathers Pub, Co McGraw Hill Book. Cow Inc. ,ndo Photo Co Model Cleaners and Launder Modern, Bin Equip. Ca,., . Moudry Apothecary Shop Musical Instr. Exchange National Council of Teache $ch., Pub... Relations A.. ' Science Teachers Assn. kl.., E. Neal Slate Co., Northern,Statea Sower Co. tt: tt tt N.• tWr.:. Bell. Telephone Co.: N. Y7 Fruit. Cc: Pan AM.. World Airways Inc. M: F.. Patterson Dental S. P82rfection Type Inc. Pbll Delta- Kappa Photostat Ry.I Express Agency H. A. Ro ere Co. a.: St.. Paul Book and .Statl.on.e n Suburban Newspaper Scl?;alat3tic School Playthings Inc. H. E. Sel een Co. Sep. -Mor Distrg J. ,A. Sexauer Mfg. Co. H4iV. Smith Co. Sperti Faraday Inc. Stark Radio Supply Co. Swanson +s Camera sales and W.:.,N. Sweney and Co. Univ. of Minn. Comptroller Voa.. Guidancse Manual Wilder Foundation f SHEET TOTAL - FORWARD f s E. S. t ##3 L5 1 4' 96 on, 5? 14 96, 06 1 644 36 37? 30 245 47 28 85 4 35 5 51 72 48 3 58 15 1J 7 5 327 32 55 8� 2 50, 2 52 42 12 16 21 5 A � 83 56 5 rah 6 on. 245 36 4 766 78 l 3Cn 49 2 069 95 81 9 2 of): 276 4' 35 333 2 23 27 201 270 17 �92 43, 2 627 3 6 24 ltd' 5E 46 63, 293 1V go 66 377 74 ?.1� -' 39 2o5 81, 3 278 8n 5c� nn 385 on3 63 1-1 0 NOTIICAY: ' "rsb"` ` a�i6Gnt fF $41f J83 91 ''covering chek'ks ny Ii ;47115 4d b4�Z6 inclusive; as TO Pec a �„onnyy"fi�Ie in ,the ,office of the 'RINT Coi pEro111 cy ` Gj t the -Mincil February 27, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 186354 1963t;5 COUNCIL FILE i�5s, „ Feb 26 8 E�pprved :February 27, 1958. _19 8 arch! 1, 1958) RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBER E TO— 47284 28� — INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS �� ON VE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.J~ FEB 27 1958 Josapk J. Mitchell chell ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 19_ FEB 27 105 -V ^• — PTR LE APPROV 500 1 -57 9g 19 -- BY— �+��n.•y r.erxnnq,LLanraac�r<—