18632361 COUNCIL FILE NO. 1-86323 By i - — Council File No. 186323- INTERMEDIARY ORDER FF In ,the matter of partially o ening, f widening and extending. Randolti nue, as an approach to the proposed Shepard Road, by condemning and tak- ing , ing the following described lots and parcels of land: ., �sY"11 . In the Matter of tr partially opening, widening and extending Randolph Avenue, as an approach to the r proposed',Shepard Road, by condemning and taking the following described lots and ! parcels of land: ! The south 38 ft. of that part-6f Block 30, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition !� j to St. Paul, lying between Oneida Street-,and-Webster Street. I Also the south 20 ft. of Lots 7 to ll. inclusive, and except a triangular area - { lying northwesterly of a line-parallel to and 25 ft. distant southeasterly from the - center line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's track; j the south A ddi 20, ft. of Lot 12, ,A.- ,Vance Brown's Subdivision of Block 30, Stinson, ,Brown s't ' and�iRamsey'`tioir. -to St Also those parts (of- Lots-,25, , 26 and 27 Thos: - Paly's Subdivision•of Block -31, AA!" qk. wUW -if LiM. �!I�y ut » l.tr tiiaa,..� i.. - 1N4'Fi %tl 4 c:tals4 :4 vv - .rl�+s•41i4c-, f!•. 1`; s ('e St nson,k,l rown andl�amsey's.Additi�ory {toJ Sat j,EPaul J 1y�ing southea.sterlyY of the following described lines: Covmlencingat the southwesterly corner of the said Lot 25, thence easterly inla'ystra ght line }`to`a po ntsony the east�l In "e'` ofiliot'X25` that' pis l+�•ft' r:ff rtl ofhthe --southeasterly'corner��ofVsaid Lot 25; thence northeasterly in a straight 'line i,rto, the northeasterly ,corner jit.,; f rLot,27, ,Thos.k -Daly ys...Subdwision , of Block 31, Stinson., -• . Brown and "Ramsey's Addition o St. Paul, `'r k ,• - .. .. rr a'. y0fitdCl3 .�3TilTisZKV�GiO'GRi—GG�, �i v Proposed Shepard Road, .by .condemning, anal taking, -the .folloyr3.ng described lots "and parcelit.,of land r . Tl a .south 38 %ft. �of that part Hof Block '30i`Ztihson) Brown and Ramsey 6. Addition `to .St. Paul, lying between,`;eida Street'and`Webster Street. Also the ''south 201t, ' of hots, 7 to, 11 inclusiv+e�; and except a triangular area lying northwesterly of a line` parallel to and 25 ft.. distant southeasterly .from the �f ' center line 'of the Chicago, Milwaukee., St. Paul and' Pacific Railroad Company,'s' track ;, . the, .south, 20, ft.rRof ,Lot,•12, A: ;Vance EBrown'a Sub.,"sions ;gfOBlock 30, Stinson,, Brown anti' Ramsey' "s Addition to St'. Paul:. Also those parts of Lots 25, 26 and 27. Thos. Daly's Subdivision of Block 31, Stinson :'Bri to and Rainsey'�:s 1Add3:t on to= St (Pwa4 rly- rng southeasterly.Po - the:_followifa eaater °in; <a:�atra3 tlllneto�aezntuon these s c erjtof, the sa�dnLot 2$.fiihence�,i, described lines. Commencing lYn . ,av ;gh �.:�, , :; ��: �,t�Po = ,,. . ne, of�,rot,25�tht�trris }±eft: north o � thn` soixtheast r],y corner of said Lot3 2$},,,thence IV, ortheasterL , - . - 4 a straigYit- line f to. the northeasterly corner of shot 27 � Thos. ,Daly s Sukat,I sion: of. Block "31; "Stinson c: _ wll ft.+• 1[ =�'I i•s +- - +eiAT «ti rr.•ilr r 1r:_� 1I.e1 .. - - -- - t - . - .it errti:e:.•.:_ I File l and:RamseY's Addition t0 St. Paul, _!" t.7 � Approved 19 PUBLISHED T_=L - rL:.� ' 13991 Jv Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman -• •- Councilman Councilman KEL Mr. President tAL04 s