186305Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,J CQ*CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 1 .186305 COUNCIL NO. FI LE� f Council File No. 186305 —By Joseph E. }Dillon, maygr- Whe'reas, The City and County De- tention 2nd Workhouse . Facility Com- mission 'at, a'°sppecial meeting held November. 14; 1957,' %voted •unanimously to make certain ' glass . installation changes at the new Woodview Deten- tion, Home,, .these changes being con- sidered to provide additional safety features for the type of children to be detained,. and for MHEREAS, the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission at aspecial meeting held November 14, 1957, voted unanimously to make certain glass installation changes at the new Woodview Detention Home, these changes being considered to provide additional safety features for the type of children to be detained, and WHEREAS, proper advertisements for bids were made for such installation of glass, and WHEREAS,only one bid was received, that being from the Forman Ford and Company in the amount'of $3,880, and - WHEREAS, the bid and Company was accepted and Workhouse Facility Commissioi December 5, 1957, as well as thereto, and received from the Forman Ford approved by the Detention and z at its regular meeting of the contract pertaining WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners approved the specifications and contract for said in- stallation at their regular meeting held February 24, 1958, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the plans and specifications as well as the contract for certain glass installation'at Woodview Detention Home in the amount of'$3,880, and instructs its proper City officers to execute COUNCILMEN contract. Adopted by the Council 1CtD n c 4ACW_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland f n Favor Mortinson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 2 FES 251 %8 Approved 195— Mayor