D001867C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: City Cferk (Originaf) BUDGET REVISfON - Finance Dept: s Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. No: ���_L8�7 Date: `l, -/(o _(j ?j ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Housing Information Office to amend the 1999 Budget of the Housing Infortnation O�ce Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT 8� DIVISION: FUND , ACTNITY AND OBJECT: Housing Information Office Housing Information Services GL 065- 30131-0111 Full Time Permanent GL 065- 30131-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 065- 30137-0857 Data Processing Hardware GL 065- 30131-0557 Trensfer to General Fund • Mortgage Foreclosure Program GL 065- 30136-0111 Full Time Permanent GL 065- 30136-0439 Fringe Benefits CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 261,114 (9,534) 251,580 75,419 (2,844) 72,575 6,928 (1,429) 5,499 0 1,429 1,429 343,461 (12,378) 331,083 87,503 8,500 96,003 25,009 3,878 28,887 112, 512 12, 378 124, 890 c�,�,� ,.,�. � ov�b by: Financial Services�Director •quested by: Departmeni Director Date Information O�ce 03-13-00 SHEET �bo�8'�Z No. 101145 TPEPSONRPHONE U DEPARIMENfDIRECfOft L CfttCOUNCIL Thune 266-6020 �, � crrv�rroa�r L crzvcrcer EOYCOUNCII,AGINDABY(DA"fE) ppp �2 FlN.NCIALSVCDIRECi'OR C FWANCIALSVC$-ACfAUNiWG. . � MAYORIORASSLSIANn C OFSIGNATUREPAGES ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA e,�pu�o oval of Administrative Order Budget Revision to cover 1999 yeaz end variances. Appm�x(A)orRcjat(R) PERSONAL _PLAbNISGCOFI.NI5510,�' _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION I LHazthispetsodfirmever�vorkedunderacontractforthisdepattment? I _c�eco��urrree _ � YES NO _q_srpcs _ 2. Has this persodfilm ever been a ciry employee? o�siwcrcouzr YES NO i11PPORlS WHICH COUNCIL OBIECIIVE? ( 3. Dces this person/film possess a skill mt normally possessed by am current city employee? YES NO (Explain a4l Ves answe`s on seoarate sheet and attech to Qceen sFeetl OPPORi11Nl'IY (lVho. WLaz.IVM1rn.11MCrc. WhY) year end, variances occurred in some expenditure categories. This administrative order reconciles the actual 1999 ending to 1999 budget by transferring salary savings from Housing Information Services to cover salary and fringes the Mortgage Foreclosure Program and covers the Housing Information Office's share of the 1999 PC Replacement ogram by transferring funds budgeted for data processing hazdware. IFAPPROVED_ activities will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. IFAPPROVED OFNOTAPPROVED will show negative variances in 1999. TRA�SACTION_� 12,378.00 FUNUIRCSOGRCE Housing Information Services �'ANCLIL Mi'ORM1LITON (EXPIAM) CQST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO �cnvrrvHU!HaeR 30131.30136