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Original to City. Clerk' OR- "-INANCEH�2"0. COUNCIL FILE .NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINAN EN4 Council. File No. 186270— Ordinance No. 11211 =By, Bernard ; T. Holiand- An'ordinance amending; Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the Zoning Code, Use Districts,,- and Ae- oning' of ' certain., properties in the C�ty of Saint Paul. Cn 1 I= Ld O f IL CL Q d c O U An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the Zoning Code, Use Districts, and Re- zoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the Zoning Code, Use Districts, and Re- zoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to Light Industry District: Except the east 10 feet of the north 98 feet, Lot 4 and all of Lots 5 through 9, Block 5, Clarke's Addition. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Att t City •Clerk 12 -57 c 8 ` G, MAI 11195 Passed by the Council In Favor A gainst MAC Approved: Mayor PUB SHED cS' DmpHeste to Printer �s ORDINANCE 186270 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. r An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the Zoning Code, Use Districts, and Re- zoning of certain properties in the Cis* of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES MAIN: Section I* That Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul. Legislative Code, pertaining to the Zoning Coda, Use Districts, and Re- zoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paulp . as amended, be and the same is hereby further emended so as to rezone the foalovi.ng described property from "B" Feeidence District to Light Industry Districts Except the east 10 feet of the north 98 feet, Lot 4 and all of Lots 5 through 9, Block 5: Clarkets Addition. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the nublie peace, health, and safety. 1 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval., and publication. 0 MA? 11 i95� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson n Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel t. Mr. President (Dillon) Approved 441111958 ,E Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -67 8 1,. :li?. City of Saint Paul, ,Sinnesota PETITION TO AiJEND OR+j'I11ANCE N0, 53408, Tlit BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition, For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca, 4 -4612, Ext, 251 (Please type or print) Date: TO TiM.: NIONORABLE MYOR A11`J CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, ifinnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 58A.0, riot the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and vie, the owners of 507a or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your :Ionorable Body to re- zone the following described property: (legal description and street address EXCEPT tHE AST TEN / 0 FEET OF THE 0 TH NINETY -EIG T tt FEET OT POUR I Mom ALL ,OF LOTS �IVE`�S;THROUGH NINE �9 1 BLOCK FIVE �5�.;g LARKE+ DOITION VIEW STREET a B Re §IQFNTIAL District to a LIGHT .INDUSTRIAL "District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following (descri iefly the proposed facility) ' g� e OS'71�ER SIGNAT LOT BLOCI�. ADDIT ON E State of i,IYnnesota) County of Ramsey, as / Ever - 01tgff, �( being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who c rculated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lo p6 placed immediately following each name; that this petition was;"signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and.that:•the, signatures above CA are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the arties so described t Subscribed and swotp to before me " ~ this ''tf day of ,os- .y.�.�c y„ Nota y uU ic, lam �C u n , o expires pag @I.i Y,� . Commission WIT, F. ORME Pa- e s. K� '`- Notary VUD4C, ♦¢raise m wuny t, IV1i 11 proved as to form 712154 . r" I4iy commission spires August !Os 1� ��fice oZ the Corporation Counsel %57 2/19 � W -- s% 04 4�1 _ ' ,. ✓ � P jn ` I ( C- -79 E State of i,IYnnesota) County of Ramsey, as / Ever - 01tgff, �( being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who c rculated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lo p6 placed immediately following each name; that this petition was;"signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and.that:•the, signatures above CA are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the arties so described t Subscribed and swotp to before me " ~ this ''tf day of ,os- .y.�.�c y„ Nota y uU ic, lam �C u n , o expires pag @I.i Y,� . Commission WIT, F. ORME Pa- e s. K� '`- Notary VUD4C, ♦¢raise m wuny t, IV1i 11 proved as to form 712154 . r" I4iy commission spires August !Os 1� ��fice oZ the Corporation Counsel %57 2/19 � W -- s% s• ' City of Saint Paul, 1,1innesota PETITION TO AMEND ORa'jINANCE NO. 58400 THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca, 4 -4612, Ext, 251 (Please type or print) Date: TO T:a ;IONORABLE HAYOR AND CI'T'Y COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, PIinnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5SAs0, vat the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and vie, the ovmers of 5070 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Ilonorable Body to re- zone the following described property: (legal description and street address EXCEPT THE EAST TEN O FEET OF THE yO TH NINETY -EIG T (98) FEET, LOT FOUR � ) AND ALL OF LOTS FIVE �S�THROUGH NINE 19�, BLOCK FIVE 75), CLARKE'S ADDITION J! 8 VIEW STREET) IU a B RESIDENTIAL District to a LIGHT INDUSTRIAL District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following (describe 'briefly the proposed facility) 014[tT1 R. SIGNATURE IOT BLOCI{ ADDITION r J� S S S State of i,iinnes County of Rams y being first duly sworn, deposes and states, that he is the person who circulated the witbin petition consisting of pages; .tbat the parties described above are the ovmers respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said ovmers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of - Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minno 1.Iy Commission expires Z -1 2/,19/57 MAI Page Z of pages. °. Approved s to form 7/Z F97. .� Office of the CorporationCounsel a ! 2 ; e � I R !_ � (. -�„•� ` f/ (� 'jam �°. �-- � %�/, ��S ) � � I S S S State of i,iinnes County of Rams y being first duly sworn, deposes and states, that he is the person who circulated the witbin petition consisting of pages; .tbat the parties described above are the ovmers respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said ovmers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of - Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minno 1.Iy Commission expires Z -1 2/,19/57 MAI Page Z of pages. °. Approved s to form 7/Z F97. .� Office of the CorporationCounsel a OWNER SIGNATURE ; ` _. � LOT BLOCK ADDITION ol G i e t �- OC. i'vET TC- Jao s,r- -- E W o vAsr c.Nep•ecc/ oe IYL LIZ. V, r. ' a J41- ,c U'400 OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION b6 p I 7/ a ,Le e—.— ;. Except t Ninety -E' e'Ea t en 1 Feet of h North ht' 98� Feet Lot Four 4 and all of ; Lo.ts. ive 5 throu h Nine (9lo k Five .. .i v� X I :: ♦ 4 _ - ; '.. .. may: - _ .. CITY "OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE N0. 5810, THE Bu, ILD.ING ZONE ORDINANCE DECEMBER 17, 1957 TO THE :HONORABLE. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL C/O,THE CITY CLERK` • CITY'OF -SAINT .PAULy MINNESOTA GENTLEMEN; PURSUANT TO SECTION 23, ORDINANCE 580 THE.UNDERSIGNEDI OWNER OF•SEVERAL DESCRIPTIONS OF,REAL ESTATE (AS SET FORTH BELOW) SITUATED WITHIN•100 FEET OF, .THE -REAL ESTATE AFFECTED, DOES HEREBY ACQUI'ESCE•IN THAT' CERTAIN PETITION TO REZONE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY; EXCEPT THE'EAST TEN (10) FEET OF THE NORTH NINETY -EIGHT (98) FEET 41 LOT FOUR (4) ',AND ALL OF LOTS FIVE (5) THROUGH NINE (9),'BLOCK FIVE (5),- CLARKE's ADDITION (558 VIEW STREET); FROM A B RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. TO A LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING, CONSTRUCTING AND OPERATING THE FOLLOWINGS GENERAL LAUNDRY' BUSINESS AND OPERATIONS INCIDENTAL THERETO. RECORD.OWNER- OWNER OF ¢J A'R LoTin � AND 12, BLOCK 5, CLARKE'S ADD.IT ION Cg & d�� r/kCJa;L� r Q e STATE,OF MINNESOTA IF sAf/5 7-hfl nt T� e O � , 4 bu - 1s 5 .. '� JeSC S 1 N e. � � i 62�.- `► �t r3 f I'll i S (Je'�'i-I�i o 1J us�,5' f, , � r -C7 e S� '7�xA i' r � ( � Rrr o � onrS � To St ;zP Ivs S Scv=a rz .F tEONARDI J: Notary Public, Ramsey County,Min�*, My Commission ea0irea Jan. 25, 119 h'. +; , City oz 34ASt lout, ..1il,resot s i UTITI(a TO . "AM Ott.4ttA=2 W* 040, M WilDIM MW C9W$3w3C:: Tlr: sl,,mer sbould apWoioe Mute]: of the moos pernitted :.I, or .be wo1w classii1ca.1oa i,e;ore si ;nin^ Lbis peti:iop. Fo. rtvrChor in orcm..ion a:,0ui tha re— moular, Oi proper.;, cn11 cim,: roasti m& Loainc Oi:ico Co. t. -1311, Att. 151 (:'leaae type or print) Date: i'0 T G.021L'Ls .AMOK .%;u Cr'1tf OMICIL t.5.t t;l.; clerl: City u. :Da1i1t Pooh, ;,i.swOMr&& Yurs-ssn. to :4ctioin 33, Or.laaace V, 0, re, the undvioti -naf; o-ners Oi L'n - cil>tr,.s ,. .lee several descrip. ions o: real obtnte s1.,,,a,4l vithin 100 _,ct �,• :i,, root estate a♦i acted, berruy acquieac_ i .eau '. r .?' ' c,ntora of W or ,11i : reclassl. i ru, rotl t a ca y'ni,. :1- horn -A lit , >. <.n. oll— in• deacriklk. proper,: ; (13;;51 . ,vicriptir), . .- , rc•t �+Kr dt C7A a i Twit tM I tT or rm �M M I ma • L t t L oW WTO ly; T No"$ Roca ilrt ,; mots �itlow c��c��itlil fTw[tT� J, L& r'.A& _ J13iricl .o n LUM u1 itrir. , .or it rws lastallin^:' ccus.r6ctr{li Jta. �j).T. 1n 1k1.^ III_ to 'scilo3 brij.1y the proposec. iacllity) Do --5 IV-07- /i%GL4Pdp ANY OK FOR THE 9E'1,& riNG sue• U��-.J 5rA -7 Fok Q�RS;tVQ oR IBS SEMff-Wj1 0 F ANy AI VO. • -VIN aLa ,1XcS - - -- '� - 6RvY1<_ HA ,,yE R - 7 ._ ..� V LA,9r1K 1�4fwcg 3 7 C 4,,a.R K 9s Ecr l;Cin„ ] t . t:uli st:vrn, clepomes 'tn, s t a, a e rem ateu tbo nitbia petition ooesiatinu --Fa ,a P� -. described above are the armors res"etIvuiy oI t P '• oaiaC mach ease; that this peti.iou ces si;nou uy _:,rh \ �G ed ttbte ailiartt, and tbot the al:,matures r )< va �sip4atures or emeh NW all of the porcies to descriLau„ . ileivre tN �Qh p Jp� 6 M ��3tIN �! 11iw �'l�Mi� Owwsel � City as Saiat .caul . Al maesota PC ITIOP TO .'.LM 41t.'I;tU Cii 39. $04O, TIM ROIL ANN MWI: 4: MXAl'7C.: ;l>K: at:;ser should appraise Aittaet. oc the t.scs pori :i t _�r he nev. classi:ica�ian oe:ore ui,;nfn pats p�ti i�a. ('o.- : +rrch-r inforna.ion a.out tho re— zonin" o. pr,ypsr.%Y. rail tba Loam o. ionise 0,,ice Ca, 4 -%311, Aut, ^ ",1 (:I*"* type or print) Oates TO T ♦. : X,1cM LT 1.4 . iA ?OR UL1 C I'& f COMIC I L 11 .h. Clert: Ci.y of Jaiot Yaul, 'Itasaeso..a "ursuan. to "oetion 23, Or.:isaaee S:. -O, I", the uac;ursi -nec: (Y-mern thi rt.s j, the Several descriptions o: real estntc ri . ua... %ri thin 100 G& ticc rcol estate n:iocted, herwI)y •acgufescj; oet: •.^c, .he m-mers ui 50 more u: tba .rontug* to Lie reelassi:ied, petition your .;onorn.l: Utc t zone th3 :o1lowiaa describek. propertyi (legal description ay.; E ■CFnt �r4( AST t(ti �ty� F(IT Of Ivi b9�T� ti "t yr .iE t t ANo AL of .STS t . t �weOU N[ ( yl �.� . f , ( ! l��A ■� S A� t r cv St0c1') itb�i r. JisLrict :o a r.� �� t TA A DisTCC�• , ror Lha purpose+ oa lasts lime, emstruot a;; anti /or op.:ry iaa air c.110 as: �dasct i.�a brtc:ly the pratosec >iae311ty) O''tSlill .i I71:ATU.:.; Lt r1 LOCX A C. C %�A LEIj !D S.-k -- -� GLA• � R ctENG Er 4�1� /l •� � �-i4 � K�S .- 4- a.eT It ro 1 � " Mte of inaesota AC N+ �CctTNGfe l7 .� Lg�°K 'S County of Ammm"M ry ) k �� ►titre first duly memo deposes ants st ntoq t a is peermm, WO Wrouns W tbo Vitus petition o"Wistiae o: pm-"; that the parties doewibed dbow wo the owere respectively of t 4 Col, �► pltesec; lawdistely follocvi.se *soli sans; that this pstitiet cad sinned uy inch of said owefre fit t be pe"oeso of Okb&s affiant, and tb*t the 450690"0 s )ovc are the trove acrd esgsag t dries of ewni me sll of the psetiew so deserLbso, Subearibed and swore to beferg so tiisdmr of Pau** s UM14 — R •� ► 1, y y Fjf$: • t •t 1A' i • ck a e w e-,,PnA, as ,o4 1*"Af tcs 4-77 12- d1o"eks s cL -A 7u 4, IRE, i -*fts 45- lo5f (? /Opozooe4g'-f =15 Wt? ce C/ AL it e. (Z 4 ml l i 1 _!w`9rc°0' 1K1 t £v G lti cam• 0 e� 7 nrz O ^v 0 0 O\ O AVE. '/, rc� h c� 11 IFO AYE-. l� d2 1 s CITY CLERN FILE YavL 3-7 6 I N� A F LICA- I- Z. F. d D y �y a iLE M: 3761 61 87� ght luduf;tr E4 ei:�►e:aa� 63 0 1958 (18 og pa TO : 72%) E;AM: V o IC*' , KDO sib Na: 1234 FROM= BY TM CMA FUIMFA RWM ®zl ck3 co t-0 ° Sz '/, rc� h c� 11 IFO AYE-. l� d2 1 s CITY CLERN FILE YavL 3-7 6 I N� A F LICA- I- Z. F. d D y �y a iLE M: 3761 61 87� ght luduf;tr E4 ei:�►e:aa� 63 0 1958 (18 og pa TO : 72%) E;AM: V o IC*' , KDO sib Na: 1234 FROM= BY TM CMA FUIMFA RWM ®zl Original to, City Clerk 18 273 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RES TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Victor Vik and Inez Vik from the decision,8f the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby-granted to said Victor Vik and Inez Vik, to remodel a nonconforming building in-Class "A" Residence District on an area of 10,605 sq.--ft., to a four – family building, on Lots 1-5., 16 and the south 38 ft. of Lot 17, Block 9, Warrendale Addition, except the west 40 ft. of these lots taken for Lexington Parkway, situated on the east side of N. Lexington Parkway between Como and W. Jessamine Aves., in accordance with applicant's letter Rated-December 10, 1957, and plans attached thereto. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson nkel / Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6.58 ,2 in Favor Against Council File No. 186273 — By Bernard T. Holland — :Resolved, That upon appeal of Victor Vik and Inez Vik from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted to said Victor Vik and Inez Vik, to remodel a nonconforming build - ing in Class "A" Residence District on an area of 10,608 sq. ft., to a four - family building, on Lots 15, 16 and the south 38 ft. of Lot 17, Block 9, Warren- dale Addition, except -the west 40 ft. of these lots taken for Lexington Park- way, situated on the east side of N. Lexington Parkway between Como and W. Jessamine Aves., in accordance with applicant's letter ,dated December 10, 1957, and plans attached thereto. Adopted by the Co `ncil February 21, 1958. Approved February, 21, 1958. (March 1, 1958) FEB 2111958 Adopted by the Council 195— FEB 2 11 1958 95— Mayor OFFICE? OF CITYi CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St.. Paul 2, Minnesota February 13,1958 Mr. Yarshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 76 The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Victor and Inez Vik for permit to remodel a non - conforming building in Class "A" Residence District on an area of 10,608 sq. ft., to a four - family building, on Lots 15, 16 and the south 38 ft. of Lot 17, Block 9, Warrendale Addition, except the west 40 ft. of these lots taken for Lexington Parkway, situated on the east side of N. Lexington Parkway between Como and W. Jessamine Aves., in accordance with applicant's letter dated December 10, 1957 and plans attached thereto. VeRry truly your t Xty Clerk �- MINNESOTA .t .. RD OF ZONING, CITY .............. 1715 CITY HALL AND COURT HbUSt 6� 4XX."120111 aw ."120111 k' C" /se�Oe��SS ro OF SAINT PAUL. SAINT PAUL 2, SIINNISOU February 11, 1958' '�Sg.Q`Gb a44e ry��e�or�bo ro wo ok.� ��, Jti� awe SSrE,ra a�wro o��e�ya ��y .4� Sao .31; 06! �S'a 4Y�w�� �fi eta ti; eesSS�eyt'es ypwaw 9#e �ay �a O o" e o�ctro g 0 a� �Gqs tq 1 T 2�04tiea ` eo atter of the appeal of Victor Nik for relief from the strict app the dwelling unit density requirements of the Zoning Ordinance so a armit the remodeling of a non - conforming building in an "A" Res. distri Xto four families on an area of 10,608 square feet. This property is located on the east side of N. Lexington Parkway between Como and Jessamine and is described as Lots 15, 16 & the So. 381 of Lot 17, Block 9, Warrendale Addition except the west 40 ft. of these lots taken for Lexington Parkway. This property has been used since 1913 as an office and laboratory for butter %ulture and also for the cold storage of butter. The existing building is two stories in height and is of brick construction. Applicant proposes to remodel each floor into two one bedroom units. The proposed development is in accordance with the existing building code regulations. Applicant is providing satisfactory off-street parking space to.the south of the present building. This appeal is made pursuant to section 20, paragraph 11if1, of the Zoning Ordinance which provides that the City Council may vary any provisions of the Zoning Ordinance in harmony with its general purpose and intent, where there are practical difficulties or peculiar hardships in the way.of carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of the ordinance „ provided that certain findings are made with respect to the effect that the proposed development would have on the adjacent neighborhood. In consideration of the previous non- conforming commercial use of this site, the large size of the structure, the conformance of the proposed development with the standards set forth in the proposed housing code, and the provision of adequate off - street pazk ing, the Zoning Board feels that this change, if granted, would not have an adverse effect on the adjacent neighborhood and they therefore, recommend that the Council grant this appeal in accordance with the applicant's letter dated December 10, 1957 and plans attached thereto. eSincerely, ' Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director. J� Executive'Secretary HCW:RJK Board of Zoning i i r 11�E'i • 1153 1150 1149 114€i 1143 _Como lAVr-. r 1144 1137 1138 z 1138 1131 1132 L) 1132 1127 1178 24 U21 1122 1118 1117 1118 1112 V4 "r1 1111 1112 1106 1109 1108 ;kQ 1103 i i r 11�E'i • 1153 1150 1149 114€i 1143 _Como lAVr-. r 1144 1137 1138 z 1138 1131 1132 L) 1132 1127 1178 24 U21 1122 1118 1117 1118 1112 1111 1112 1106 1109 1108 1103 1104 1098 1097 1100 1083 1096 1087 2,088 1083 JC-5SAMINE- AVE. it /. . o F I• I C r. ►LEo 77 �. OF CITY CLERK 640 Como Avenue St.. Faul 3, mi;rNG 12 PM 12 20 December T0, 19 SAINT MIINNLSOTA Honorable Mayor and City Council r,ITY CLERK of Saint Paul. Court House. Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: Re: Property known as 1098 North Lexington Parkway described as follows: Lots 15 -16 and South 38 feet of Lot 17, Block 9, Warrendale, except the West 40 feet of all lots. We. Inez and Victor Vik,•owners of the above mentioned property, also known as the EDEN VALLEY CREAMERY COMPANY, request that we be permitted to remodel the building into a four -unit dwelling. The purpose of this appeal is to set forth the unusual conditions peculiar to ' this piece of property so that your Honorable Body can evaluate the need for allowing an exception in the building's use under City Ordinance No. 5840, Section 20, Paragraph i, of the - Zoning Law of 1922. The building on said property is located on the east side of Lexington Parkway between Como Avenue and Jessamine Street. Its construction is of concrete and tile brick. It consists of three levels, basement and first and second floors. The dimensions are 35, x.46'. As you will note, it is a very large building. It is solid and -well con- structed. In March of 1957, when we purchased the property, it was, and had been since 1913, used as an office and laboratory for butter culture and also for the cold storage of butter. Although located in an "A Residential" area, its utilization was "Commercial ". We have been offered a five -year lease for the same type of use. We, and the community in general, feel this is not desirable, We therefore make this appeal, proposing to convert the structure into a four -unit dwelling so that it can be put to a useful purpose. We have given a great deal of time and study to this matter, and can find no other purpose for this building because of its size and location. Enclosed are pictures of the building and plans cover- ing its size and location, lot dimensions, and space provided for off - street parking. We ask your earnest consideration of this situation, and will greatly appreciate your approval 'of a zoning regulation applicable to this property which will enable us to adapt the building to its best use for all concerned. ad VS Ae 1Wi4 C17 1 VAT /iv V ,_ "" Z.F•NJ. j�PPLlCA13T e� Respectfully yours, ictor Vik Ine z Vik ©F:FICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota f November 29, 1957 Mr. C. D. Loeks Director of City Planning Building . x JOSEPH R. OKONESKI Ci +y Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Dear Sir: " Attention: Mr. Earl M. Johnson Attached hereto is a letter of St. Paul Laundry, Inc. and a petition for rezoning certain property described therein. We would appreciate your advice as to the number of square feet involved in this petition so that we may determine the amount of the filing fee. If you will return the petition and letter to us with your advice, we will transmit the same to the Finance Dept. for check as to sufficiently. ZONING Very t ly you , City C, erk c2 � � N j�t.�1Maota all Wpaa1, lroe 50t r MINNESOTA ` i S%A�INT 391 EAST SIXTH STREET PAUL LAUNDRY, INC. • SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA CApital 4 -5681 NOVEMBER 26, 1957 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL C/O THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL) MINNESOTA GENTLEMEN: WITH REGARD TO THE PETITION OF 'SAINT PAUL LAUNDRY, INC. AND OTHERS TO REZONE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: EXCEPT THE EAST TEN (10) FEET OF THE NORTH NINETY -EIGHT (98) FEET, LOT FOUR (4), AND ALL OF LOTS FIVE THROUGH NINE (5 -9)) BLOCK FIVE (5), CLARKE'S ADDITION. (558 VIEW STREET), FROM A B RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO A LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING AND OPERATING THE FOLLOWING: GENERAL LAUNDRY BUSINESS AND OPERATIONS INCIDENTAL THERETO, THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY PRESENTS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION THE FOLLOWING REASONS WHY THIS PETITION SHOULD BE GRANTED. THE PROPERTY IN QUESTION IS AT PRESENT UNUSED. THE BUILDING ON THE PREMISES WAS FOR MANY YEARS USED BY THE SCHMIDT BREWING COMPANY FOR THE MANUFACTURE) REPAIR AND UPKEEP OF BAR FIXTURES. THE BUILDING IS UNSUITED FOR NORMAL COMMERCIAL USES, BUT IS WELL SUITED TO THE OPERATION OF A LAUNDRY. THE BUILDING, AS IT PRESENTLY STANDS, IS A LARGE AND UNAPPEALING STRUCTURE. HOWEVER, THE PETITIONERSI,NVTEND TO REMODEL THE EXTERIOR SURFACE OF THE BUILDING SO AS TO MAKE ITT OF PLEASANT AND MODERN APPEARANCE. SAINT PAUL LAUNDRY INC.) WH I C4WIJ HOLD TITLE TO THE PROPERTY, IS A COMPANY ASSOCIATED WITH MODEL AUPDERERS AND CLEANERS, WHO WILL OPERATE THE LAUNDRY BUSINESS. MODEL IS A F,(WEL' KNOWN SAINT PAUL FIRM WHICH HAS BEEN LOCATED IN THIS CITY FOR A NU.1;dER OF YEARS. THERE ARE NO ODORS CONNECTED WITH THE OPERATION OF THE - LAUNDRY CITY CLERK F ILE . 3 APPLICANT } HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 26, 1957 - 2 - NOR IS THERE ANY DISTURBING NOISE WHICH WOULD BOTHER THE RESIDENTS OF THE AREA. THE OPERATION OF THE COMPANY'S BUSINESS ON THE PROPERTY WOULD NOT DETRACT FROM THE VALUE OF THE DWELLINGS IN THE AREA, SINCE THE BUILDING IS ALREADY LOCATED ON THE PREMISES) AND THE COMPANY PROPOSES TO BEAUTIFY THE BUILDING AND MAKE USE OF THE VACANT PROPERTY NEXT TO THE BUILDING. THERE WILL BE NO UNSIGHTLY OUTSIDE STORAGE FACILITIES CONNECTED WITH THE OPERATION. THE BUILDING CONTAINS ABOUT 22,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE, WHICH WILL BE DEVOTED TO MODEL'S BUSINESS. THERE WILL BE MORE THAN ADEQUATE OFF STREET PARKING FOR EMPLOYEES AND FOR THOSE TRANSACTING BUSINESS WITH MODEL. ABOUT 10,000 SQUARE FEET WILL BE USED FOR PARKING. THE REZONING OF THIS PROPERTY WILL MAKE CONSTRUCTIVE USE OF A TRACT WHICH IS PRESENTLY LYING UNUSED. IN ADDITION, THE CITY WILL RETAIN A TAX PAYING BUSINESS WHICH AT PRESENT EMPLOYS 165 PEOPLE WHO SPEND THE MAJORITY OF THEIR MONEY IN SAINT PAUL. MODEL IS FORCED TO MOVE FROM ITS PRESENT LOCATION BECAUSE ITS PROPERTY IS BEING CONDEMNED IN CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. IF THE COMPANY CANNOT FIND ADEQUATE AND ATTRACTIVE PROPERTY WITHIN SAINT PAUL) IT WILL BE FORCED TO SEARCH FOR A SUITABLE SITE IN AN OUTLYING AREA) WITH CONSEQUENT INCONVENIENCE TO I-TS EMPLOYEES AND THE LOSS TO SAINT PAUL OF A PRODUCTIVE BUSINESS) WHICH IS AT PRESENT ONE OF THE CITY'S ASSETS. . RESPE ULLY SUB TED, / G P. FOUSSARD F PETITION ND SAINT PAUL LAUNDRY C. (:ITY CLERK FIL t 3-7 _l : s -.� F N pp PLI CP.IJT i O F�F I C E OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BURtAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota December 1$, 1957 Hon. Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy Commissioner of Finance Building Dear Madam Attached hereto is a supplemental petition in the matter of rezoning the following described property to Light Industry District: Exc. E. 10 'ft. of N. 98 ft., Lot 4 and all of Lots 5 through 9, Block 5, Clarke's Addition (558 View St.) Very truly yours, Cit Clerk MINNESOTA t i 'sf 11 OF`F'ICE OF 'CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesotay PETITION TO REZONE A petition having been,Elxd.xequest- ing that Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, the same being the toorezone pa perty described as follows Except the east 10 ft. of the north 98. ft., Lot 4, and all of Lots 5 through 9, Block 5; Clarke's Addition, located on the east side of, View St. between Armstrong and Watson Aves., to Light Industry District, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has fixed the 13th February 13, 1958 day of February; 1958, at ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall of said City, and at said time and place, the Council will hear all persons and all objections and recommendations relative to said proposed amendment. Dated January 28, 1958. JOSEPH R. OKONESKI, City Clem (February 1, 1958) Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance providing for the rezoning of the following described property to Light Industry District: Except the east 10 feet of the north 98 feet, Lot 4 and all of Lots 5 through 9, Block 5, Clarke's Addition, situated at the southeast corner of Armstrong and View. Sts . as petitioned for in the attached file. Ve ruly yours, ; G CgPty Clerk MINNESOTA 8, R D OF :ii #kt'Aiisi'oe: 231.232 -233 ZONING,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1313 CITY HALL.AND COURT HOYSS SAINT PAUL 2, MINWSOTA February 13, 1958 J Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the petition of the St. Paul Laundry, Inc. to rezone from "B" Residence to Light Industry property - adjacent to the southeast corner of Armstrong and View Streets. This.property is described as - except the east 10 feet of the north:98 feet, Lot.4 and all of Lots 5 tbru 9, Block 5, Clarke's Addition. Eighteen out of 25 of 72% of,tbe owners of the several descriptions within 100•feet of the area to be rezoned have signed this petition.,, - This property is an irregular tract of ground with a frontage of 101 feet on Armstrong , 288 feet on View and 208 feet along an alley on the south which runs parallel to W. 7tb St. It has an area of 26,780.sq. feet. There is an irregular shaped two story brick building which fronts on View St. being 107 feet wide and an average of 113 feet in depth on this property. This building was originally.built as a bakery and stable prior to the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance in 1922. The records in the County Assessor and the County Abstract offices indicate that this building has also been used as follows: 1. manufacturing purposes by Mr. Walter Magee, 2. the repair and alteration-of tavern fixtures by the Schmidt Brewing Co., and more recently as the headquarters for the distribution for soft drinks by the McLean Disbribution Co. It appears that the building is presently vacant. The applicant proposes to renovate the existing building and use the property for the operation of their laundry business. The City Architect has examined the proposed plans and finds:tbat this building, can be repaired and remodeled for the proposed use. The proposed development of this site includes, 1. the establishment of a 14 car off-street parking lot and.10 stall off- street truck loading dock between the north- side of the building and Armstrong St. and 2. the installation and operation of a drive -in pick -up station between the south side.of the building and the adjoining alley on the soutb. The Board of Zoning has examined both of these operations and finds no objection to their installation provided the rezoning is granted. The Board further finds that the applicant is providing adequate off- street parking and loading areas for the proposed operation. Mr. Roberts of the Public Utilities Department reports that the proposed development will not be a nuisance from the standpoint of air pollution. Field investigation dis- closes that many of the windowslare broken 4W and boardee8nd that the building has been a neighborhood nuisance. City Clerk Page 2 February 13, 1958 The adjacent land uses are as follows: one and two family -homes are across View St. to the west; Olivet Methodist Church is diagonally across Armstrong St.; single family homes are across Armstrong to the north; a duplex and one single family home are to the east and front on Armstrong St,; to the south fronting on W. 7th St. are a mixture of commercial and residential land uses. The Zoning Board is averse to spot zoning, however, in view of the history of land uses . of this property, the suitableness and adequacy of the proposed development ,for this site and the large number of adjoining residential owners who have acquiesced to this petition, the Zoning Board recommends this rezoning petition be granted, thereby permitting the property to be developed in accordance with applicants letter dated January 15, 1958 and plans dated January 16, 1958. Sincerely, Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning HCW :RJK S A'. I.-N. T P A U L• L A U N D R, Y, I N C. 391 • EAST SIXTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA o CApital 4 -5681 JANUARY 15, 1958 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL C/O THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GENTLEMEN: WITH REGARD TO THE PETITION OF SAINT PAUL LAUNDRY, INC. AND OTHERS TO REZONE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: EXCEPT THE EAST TEN (10) FEET OF THE NORTH NINETY—EIGHT (98) FEET, LOT FOUR (4), AND ALL OF LOTS FIVE THROUGH NINE (5 -9), BLOCK FIVE (5), CLARKE'S ADDITION. (558 VIEW STREET), ~ FROM A B RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO A LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING AND OPERATING THE FOLLOWING: GENERAL LAUNDRY BUSINESS AND OPERATIONS INCIDENTAL THERETO, THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY PRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WITH REGARD TO OFF — STREET PARKING. MODEL LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS, WHO WILL OPERATE THE LAUNDRY BUSINESS ON THIS PROPERTY HAS A TOTAL OF 165 EMPLOYEES. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE EMPLOYEES WORK ON THE DAY SHIFT AT THE MAIN PLANT OF THE COMPANY. OF THESE EMPLOYEES 90 ARE WOMEN, ALMOST ALL OF WHOM TRAVEL TO AND FROM WORK ON THE BUS, THERE ARE TEN MEN EMPLOYED AT THE PLANT ON THE DAY SHIFT AND FIVE OF THESE MEN USE THE BUS TO TRAVEL TO AND FROM WORK, WHILE FIVE OF THEM DRIVE. THE COMPANY EMPLOYS 18 WORKERS ON THE NIGHT SHIFT, OF WHOM 16 ARE WOMEN WHO COME TO WORK BY BUS. TWO MEN ARE EMPLOYED ON THE NIGHT SHIFT, ONE OF WHOM TRAVELS TO AND FROM WORK ON THE BUS AND ONE OF WHOM DRIVES. clot M HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 15, 1958 - 2 - THE OTHER 47 EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY ARE: LOCATED AT THE DRIVE -IN OPERATIONS OF THE COMPANY LOCATED IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, IT IS CLEAR, THEREFORE, THAT NO PROBLEM OF OFF- STREET PARKING WILL BE PRESENTED BY THE RELOCATION OF THIS BUSINESS AT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. RESPEC FULLY SUBMIT ED) OG R FOUSSARD FOR ITIONERS AND SAINT P UL LAUNDRY., INC. Alt �,V r� i CITY O- S'::I T PAUL t, � MAN E: DEPARTIv1E TO NANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER G Valuation Engineer � � I � ^ f MRS. DONALD A CO' , C' Commissioner ELTOR A. DEHN I�K �(?'�`�c� Asst. Valuation Engineer JOHN W.', "'SKF FLD'_ ommissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 December 18, 1957 CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier HARRY A. JOHNSON Chief Clerk To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have examined-the-attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 5 thru 9, and Except East 10 ft.gf North 98 ft.,Lot 4, Block 5, Clarkets Addition to City of St. Paul (property located at_.southeast corner_of__ trong and View) from class "B" Residence district to a light industry district, and find that said petition is-suificient,..__ R spectfull submitted; Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy Commissioner of Finance CH: se c.c. to Mr. Schroeder o R, v' (AN \ 2 Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted — Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland Holland mauitaut Difl Mortinson Mortinson Id Peterson Rosen - Winkel inkel ?4r ° °-^° Ilon Mr. President Dillon s