186267Original to City Clerk LICENSE C0Ma= Council File No. 186267 —By Bernard T. Holland —Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson — Whereas, Avis Rent -A -Car System, !! CITY OF ST. Inc. has made Application E -6358 for J NO licenses to operate as- Auto' Rental OFFICE OF THE Cars upon the streets of the City of ' Sninfi P-1 fives !61 as._ 3 186267 COMMISSIONER WHIWAS: Avis Rent -A-Car system, Inc. has made Application E -6358 for licenses to operate as Auto Rental cars upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul five (5) automobiles described as follows: Auto Rental Make Serial Insurance 32 Ford 58 04353 Continental Casulaty Company; Policy N4 DCL 3461207R, expiring 33 Ford G8P7104352 12:01 A.M. ST November 19 3.958 34 Chevrolet P58J109572 n a n n n a 35 Chevrolet F58J108097 36 Plymouth LP212422 a n a a p a WHEREAS : Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has, been Approved as to'form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it �;• _ _ .. R,, .� , RES,OLDED: That licenses to operate said automobiles as Auto Rentals upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Avis Rent -A-Car System, Inc. RENENAL COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FEB 20 195s,95_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy FEB 2 o 1958 Holland A ed 195 — 111300011, ' In Favor Mortinson Peterson %J Mayor Against Rosen WIl�II�L Mr. President, Dillon PUBLIS 5M 2 -57 2